Useful For Preparations

Can there be an overdose of Glycine?

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Medical preparation Glycine is an amino acid derived synthetically, which improves metabolic processes of the nervous system, and has a mild sedative effect. Glycine overdose may occur in case of violation of the instructions for accepting or non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

This drug has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system by soothing effect. Glycine reduces nervous stress and contributes to the effective recovery of high mental and physical stress.

Effect of the drug is also aimed at the activation of mental reactions, improve storage and general efficiency, and the drug often take students as the preparation of aid to exams.

Important! The maximum daily dose should not exceed Glycine doctor's advice, or therapeutic dose as defined in the summary, because the drug is available without prescription. Separate application of the drug can lead to overdosing, the consequences of which can be sufficiently negative.

Competent receiving Glycine never lead to poisoning or overdose, the drug can be administered to an adult or a child. As the dose increases, or decreases in blood pressure may appear symptoms of an overdose of glycine, in this case, the drug overturned before consulting with your doctor. The clinical efficacy of the medicinal preparation Glycine proved for many conditions and diseases.

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Indications for admission Glycine:

  • Cerebral blood flow as a combination therapy;
  • When treating the effects of stroke;
  • Indications for receiving at alcoholic intoxication;
  • In the treatment of alcoholism to improve sleep, irritability, withdrawal and reduce the craving for alcohol;
  • When neuroses;
  • In children, the symptoms of mental retardation;
  • When vascular dystonia;
  • When the deviant behavior in adolescents;
  • To recover from overwork and stress;
  • To treat a variety of neurological disorders characterized by sleep disorders, frequent changes of mood, overexcitement.

The possibility of poisoning Glycine

Due to the fact that the drug has a positive effect on the processes of sleep, elimination consequences of birth injury, hyperactivity, and improve muscle tone, he was appointed to infants age. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendation of a pediatrician or neurologists not to overdose Glycine developed in the child. Typically, pediatricians prescribed to children not more than half a tablet a day, therefore, the correct reception of medicines can lead to overdose, so dangerous to infants.

We must not forget that practically no contraindications and side effects of glycine, it is a drug, so the potential risk of overdose can not be discounted. Effects of Glycine overdose will not be fatal in nature, but, nevertheless, it is quite an unpleasant phenomenon, which can not be neglected.

Main contraindications:

  • In the drug is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In the case of the reception should carefully monitor the therapeutic dose to avoid overdose Glycine developed during pregnancy, which may adversely affect the development of the fetus;
  • Drivers and persons whose activities are connected with care and responsibility, as Glycine overdose can cause apathy, lethargy, and an uncontrollable desire to sleep;
  • People suffering from low blood pressure. For this category of people Glycine should be taken with extreme caution, as an overdose can be a decrease in pressure up to the critical exponents.

The main signs of overdose

Due to the fact that a certain category of people exhausting their knowledge in the field of medicine and reading various forums otzovikov, people start uncontrolled reception of various medicinal preparations, including glycine, positioning it innocent dietary supplement or vitamin for brains. This can lead to overdose, what is more, the consequences of such an attitude to their own health may be hazardous to humans.

It is understood that each drug has certain side effects of a more or less pronounced. Therefore, all the doctors insist do not trust the annoying TV commercials that promise immediate recovery and turn to experienced professionals.

If your doctor has prescribed a drug Glycine take in a specific pattern, you should not increase the dose on their own or to displace the reception. There are certain signs of overdose Glycine, when they appear, you must immediately stop taking the tablets.

The main symptoms of overdose:

  • severe lethargy, weakness, apathy;
  • lowering blood pressure, gipotoniki should be wary of the reception of the drug;
  • manifestations of allergic reactions: redness of skin, rash, itching;
  • bloating, pain in the intestine;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • disturbance in the balance of inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system;
  • drop in body temperature and blood pressure in children overdose can cause complications in the kidney.

Features of interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Laboratory confirmed that the Glycine is characterized by the ability to enhance the action of anticonvulsants, antidepressants and tranquilizers. If the patient is taking any of these drugs, you must notify your doctor to avoid overdose. An experienced doctor correctly adjust the dose and time of glycine.

On the question of many people: can there be an overdose of glycine at the same time use of alcohol as a drug often prescribed for hangover and alcohol treatment. The answer is negative, an overdose in this case can not be. Moreover, the effect of amino acids capable of partially neutralized liquor that enters the body. Consequently, the intoxication process slows down.

Drug experts do not recommend to cancel the glycine intake without fear of overdose, withdrawal syndrome when, as active amino acids contribute to the accelerated elimination of toxins from the body. In addition, glycine intake recommended for removal from the binge and subsequent treatment, as this medicament reduces craving for alcohol, normalizes and stabilizes sleep mood.

What if I overdose:

  • The first step is to determine whether the symptoms are associated with taking an overdose is glycine. Possibility of weakness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, bloating, etc. They were provoked by other circumstances;
  • As if taking the pill was made recently, and they are not sucked into the stomach, it is desirable to artificially induce vomiting, pressing on the root of the finger language;
  • If symptoms of gastric lavage does not give much effect, it is recommended to lay the patient, give him hot sweet tea and wait for the ambulance;
  • Risk of overdose in children is when they have taken a large number of pills. In such situations, you can not waste time on self-help measures, you should immediately call an ambulance, explaining in detail the dispatcher what happened. The maximum that can be done if the tablets were drunk kid is just that, it is to call an ambulance and wash the stomach.

To the question: Is it possible to die of glycine, most doctors are skeptical, arguing that from this amino acid not a single fatality. This is true, however, neglect the basic safety measures, particularly with regard to reception glycine children and the elderly, in any case not worth it.

Minimize the risk of poisoning quite simply, it is necessary to follow just two rules: no to self-medicate and do not start taking the drug alone, and especially not to appoint him to his to kid; adhere to the dose recommended by your doctor.


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