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Arbidol children 5 years: dosage, instructions on how to give

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Arbidol children 5 years prescribed for the treatment of viral infection or for the prevention of infection by different types of viruses. The appointment should consult a doctor and find out exactly how to take the drug.

Why appointed Arbidol children

Young children exposed to frequent infectious and viral diseases. Often, their immune system is not as well developed independently to cope with viral diseases. In addition, the child's body is in constant development and growth, so it is necessary to treat the child with the disease.

Arbidol fights such as influenza virus A and B, parainfluenza, coronavirus, adenovirus, enteric viruses. The drug can be administered in combination therapy for the treatment of protracted bronchitis and pneumonia. Arbidol is often prescribed for the treatment of complications after surgery.

Child 5 years Arbidol intake helps to restore the immune system and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

How the drug in the child's body

Children's body is different from an adult organism. The dimensions of the internal organs less and even some organs other structure. Therefore, children's dosage of other drugs.

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Penetrating into the body of the child, Arbidol absorbed instantly into the bloodstream and spreads to all organs and systems. Half an hour later the maximum drug concentration is observed in the body of the child. Arbidol breaks the cell structure of the virus, blocking its accession to a healthy human cell.

Arbidol has immunomodulatory effects, induces interferon activity, which also have antiviral activity. It improves the immune system by increasing the number of lymphocytes in the body of the child.

Dosage forms Arbidola

The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules, and suspensions. Dosage form which is most suitable child 5 years old this suspension. Dosage umifenovir suspension of 25 mg per 5 ml of suspension. Tablets are available in a dose of 50, 100, 200 mg. Capsule formulation may contain 100 or 200 mg.

How to take the drug a child 5 years

Babies five Arbidol must take either as suspensions or tablets of 50 mg.

For the treatment of viral infections assigned slurry of 50 mg (10 ml of suspension) to 4 times per day. In the event that had contact with the virus and to prevent further progression of the disease, taking 50 mg suspension once daily. The season for the prevention of viral infections received 10 ml of the suspension twice a day. The slurry is prepared immediately before the reception. A suspension kept for more than 10 days. In the case of repeated administration of the substance an old bottle with the suspension must be discarded and a new suspension was prepared.

Arbidol five children may also be administered in tablet form. The tablet should contain not more than 50 mg umifenovir. Single dose of the drug should not exceed 50 mg.

Arbidol for the prevention of flu, take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days. For post-exposure prophylaxis should take 1 tablet a day for 10 days. Treatment of the virus is carried out on 50 mg tablets four times a day.

The first age of the child is taken into account before prescribing Arbidol. But you must take into account the weight of the child, as in the same age can weigh different children in different ways, as well as an adult.

In the case of allergic reactions or intolerances Arbidola physician may prescribe an analogue of the drug. Drug treatment should be carried out strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Children under 5 years old to drink Arbidol required after medical examination.


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