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Complivit in trimester 2: Is it possible to take

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Composition Complivit Trimestrium

To understand why the second trimester drinking Complivit Trimestrum, you need to know the peculiarities of its composition. This mineral-vitamin complex is designed so that the patient received the maximum number of necessary substances. The greatest amount of vitamin C per tablet - 60 mg. Slightly less contains rutin (vitamin P) - 30 mg, tocopherol and nicotinamide - approximately 10 mg, 1.5 mg lutein.

In addition, as part of Complivit have such useful in the second trimester of vitamins:

  • Thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine (B6);
  • folic acid;
  • Vitamin B12;
  • Pantothenic acid (B5);
  • Cholecalciferol (D3);
  • tiooktovaya acid.

In Complivit Trimestrium contains other important components for the second trimester of pregnancy. Among the important trace elements, which are composed srestva is iron, iodine, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper.

Pharmacological characterization of the effect of vitamin Complivit components

Complivit Trimestrum during pregnancy, especially during the second trimester, it is necessary due to its composition. Components have profound effects, as in the mother and fetus.

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Vitamin A (retinol) contained in Complivit for women is useful due to the ability to normalize reproductive function. The benefits to the fetus due to the improvement in the formation of bone and organ of vision. This is important not only in the 2nd trimester, but in the third, as it was in the last months ending differentiation of retinal cells in the baby. Retinol is also involved in regulating the formation of the epithelium, which is no less important. Lutein also contributes to the normal development of the eye structures during the 2 trimester. Also beneficial effects seen in the mother.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) It is also important as part of Complivit, which is used in the second trimester. He is an active antioxidant. It contributes to the inhibition of the oxidation processes unsaturated fatty acids. This synthesis results in the prevention of harmful substances, which damage the cell membrane. This effect is useful for the future baby through the optimization of tissues and organs, as well as lowering blood pressure in pregnant women.

B vitamins in Complivit vary considerably in effect. Thiamine controls almost all metabolic reactions. It is also needed for nerve impulse. Due to the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and the production of RNA and DNA, reception Complivit thiamine in the second trimester reduces the likelihood of developing the innate abnormalities in the child.

Also during pregnancy in the second trimester drinking Complivit Trimestrum useful due to the content riboflavin. This component regulates normal substances for oxidation and reduction, it is actively involved in the metabolism and tissue respiration. Therefore, the need for this vitamin is so high - it prevents the development of severe fetal abnormalities (e.g., deformation of arms and legs, "cleft paschi" congenital heart anomalies, hydronephrosis).

pyridoxineIt is an essential component for the proper formation and functioning of the nervous system of the fetus. For the mother has good effects such as the elimination of signs of toxicity. Also because of this improved absorption of vitamin trace elements in the digestive tract, especially magnesium. Pyridoxine deficit provokes serious complications for pregnant women, namely oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, anemia.

cyanocobalaminconsidered one of the most important vitamins during pregnancy. It is necessary for DNA formation nerve myelin sheath. Complivit with cholecalciferol second trimester woman needs for normal absorption of calcium particles in the gastrointestinal tract. Average content of this component is important for optimal performance prischitovidnyh glands and the correct formation of fetal bones.

Calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B5), It is important for metabolism. Also, without it costing the synthesis of acetylcholine, and some steroid hormones. Vitamin P (rutin) has angioprotector capacity. Thanks to it decreases the capillary wall permeability and the filtration rate of water in them. Lipoic acid has antioxidant properties and the ability to regulate metabolism.

The role of trace elements in the vehicle

Trace elements in the composition Complivit also important for women during the second trimester of pregnancy. Iron is essential for the regulation of erythropoiesis, and is also found in hemoglobin. With this ingredient reduces the risk of anemia as her mother and the baby.

ManganeseIt is an important component enzymes. Lack of content in the body can cause a violation of the process of ossification in the fetus.

CopperIt contributes to the normal process of the formation of connective tissue and blood, preventing breathing problems in the newborn child.

Pregnant women in the 2nd trimester drinking Complivit useful due to the content zinc. It stabilizes the cell wall. It also improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system and is involved in biochemical reactions. Magnesium also promotes the synthesis of normal bone and muscle tissue, reduces the excessive excitability of neurons.

Seleniumto second trimester useful due to the antioxidant capacity and enhance tocopherol activity. it also contributes to the maturation of the respiratory system of the fetus. Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones, prevents the development of complications in pregnancy. Calcium is involved in the formation of bones and teeth.


In some cases, pregnant women drink Complivit undesirable. But this short list. First of all, it refers to an inadequate reaction to any component.

Also not recommended to take the drug to patients who have blood exceeded the level of vitamins that are a part of the medicine. The deficit of enzymes such as sucrase and isomaltase, fructose intolerance are also a cause for failure of reception of the medicament.

Complivit for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, ie during the period from 14 to 27 weeks, it is necessary to strengthen all the organs and systems of the fetus. But its use is only permitted after consultation with the doctor. Composition Complivit Trimestrum selected specifically for normal pregnancy. You can buy it at any pharmacy.


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