
Spontaneous ejaculation

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Nocturnal pollutions occur in men at different ages. In many cases, the process is not pathology. In a healthy mature male, the pollutant appears at an intermediate age. With the normalization of sexual life, spontaneous excitation disappears. The process often occurs because of hormonal changes that take place in the body. When hormonal background and regular sexual contacts are established, the emission of seminal fluid stops. If the pollutions reappear, it is necessary to look for the cause of their occurrence.

Sleeping man

Causes that affect the appearance of excitement

Often the pollutions appear in a man at night. This is due to the uncontrolled operation of the brain. The brain transmits a signal to the reproductive system. Nerve endings irritate the vascular system. The blood vessels of the penis begin to actively pump blood into the cavernous bodies of the penis. The man has an erection. Also, when the signal is transmitted, the testosterone is released into the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, the seminal fluid leaves the testes through the urethra. A person has ejaculation.

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Under the influence of various irritating factors this process can proceed without visible external pathogens. Often the cause of nocturnal pollutions are such factors as:

  • Lack of regular sexual activity;
  • Transitional age;
  • Erotic dreams;
  • Hormonal failure.

A young couple With a constant and regular sexual life, the man does not experience a nocturnal pollination. If sexual intercourse is rare or absent, spontaneous emission of seminal fluid occurs. The process helps to cleanse the testes from the old liquid. In this case, the pollution is natural. At night, the human brain rests. The process of nerve impulse transmission is due to the accumulation of testosterone. If, in the absence of sexual contact, sperm excretion does not occur, it is necessary to consult a physician. Possible pathological changes in the reproductive system of men.

The first nocturnal pollutions appear in boys in the transitional age. During this period, young people are installing a hormonal background. At 12-14 years, the production of testosterone increases. The hormone helps to form male sexual characteristics.

Under the influence of the hormone, active secretion of the seminal fluid and the formation of spermatozoa occur. Since the process is not regulated, the surges of secretion arise spontaneously. Often, sexual arousal appears at night. The sperm leaves the testes on their own and is removed. With age, the problem disappears. Many young people begin to lead a regular sex life, independent removal of seminal fluid is no longer necessary.

Many men note that pollutions appear in erotic dreams. At this time, the work of the brain is not controlled by man. There is a reflex excitement that leads to ejaculation. The need for treatment of such processes is absent. The night form of pollutions against the background of erotic dreams can appear both in young men and in adulthood.

There is also a pathological form of spontaneous excitation. A man who leads a regular sex life, can also pay attention to the emergence of nocturnal pollutions. The cause of this pathology is a hormonal failure. In the body, the production of testosterone and estradiol is disrupted. The level of testosterone is greatly increased. Such pathology requires medical intervention. Hormonal problems must be addressed after a thorough examination of the blood test for hormones.

Preventive measures

Spontaneous stimulation is not pathological in nature. In many cases, the patient does not need treatment. But with hormonal disorders it is necessary to undergo therapy. Before the appointment of medicamental effects, the patient must pass a detailed blood test. If the level of testosterone is greatly increased, a hormone is prescribed to a man, which regulates it. It is forbidden to treat such a problem independently.

Proper nutrition To spontaneous stimulation does not bother the man often, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. The following rules must be observed:

  • Hard bed;
  • Regular sexual contact;
  • Absence of nervous stress;
  • Refusal of alcohol-containing beverages;
  • Healthy Eating;
  • Hardening.

For sleeping it is recommended to choose a hard mattress. It will help to maintain and fix the correct position of the spinal column. At the same time, there will be no movement of spinal cord roots. The brain will receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. Sleep will be healthy.

The simplest way to get rid of nocturnal pollutions is regular sex life. Sexual contacts should occur at least three times a week. Seed fluid in this case will be constantly updated, pollutions will be lost.

Nervous overvoltage leads to disruption of the brain. At night, it keeps its activity. Since the work during this period is not controlled, signal transmission occurs spontaneously. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to take medications that help keep the brain functioning and avoid stress. It is also useful to take a decoction of motherwort or valerian before going to bed.

Alcohol-containing beverages disrupt the brain. The process of intoxication is accompanied by a loss of consciousness control. If abuse leads to the emergence of spontaneous arousal, it is necessary to abandon alcohol. It is also recommended to adjust the power supply. The meal should begin in the morning. It is necessary to refuse heavy and fatty food in the evening. This food is poorly digested by the stomach. A person can not sleep properly, the brain does not rest.2-3 hours before bedtime, you can take a light dinner, consisting of a vegetable or fruit menu.

The night-time form of the pollutant is quickly eliminated by quenching. In the morning, take a contrast shower for 10 minutes. It will help to cheer up the body and strengthen immunity. Proper tempering helps to normalize sleep. The brain will rest.

The appearance of spontaneous excitation is not a pathology for many patients. Often nocturnal pollutions disappear on their own during regular sexual contacts.

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