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Can I drink aspirin at a delay of menstruation

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Aspirin - a drug used for pain of different origin, to eliminate inflammation, a preventive measure to prevent heart attack and stroke, blood clots and thinners blood. Some people believe that the medicine is able to affect the menstrual cycle. Do Aspirin causes menses? We learn on.

Whether it is necessary to take aspirin for menstruation call

Before answering the question about whether you need to call the monthly drink Aspirin should first find out the cause of the delay. If a woman suspects that menstruation does not start on time because of the ensuing pregnancy, in this case, you need to see a doctor and to pass the necessary tests.

Should not immediately take aspirin without consulting a doctor, because the drug has a mass of contraindications and adverse effects, and in high doses can harm the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Acetylsalicylic acid is expedient if the delay is not greater than two days. In addition, doctors warn that the tablets need to drink only when monthly delay is unstable or sporadic.

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If erratic menstrual cycle and delay the woman is constantly, it is best to consult a doctor. Perhaps the girl's serious disruptions in hormonal levels. A systematic adoption of tablets, causing monthly, can harm the body and worsen the situation up to the disruptions of the reproductive system.

Like taking aspirin to call monthly

Many women believe that to accelerate the desired effect should be swallowed several pills. This decision was fundamentally wrong. Firstly, it will not bring the desired result, and secondly, will cause serious damage to the female body.

Aspirin at a delay of menstruation should not drink every day - just a single dose.

If a one-day or two-day delay is recommended:

  • 2 crushed tablets;
  • the resulting powder is poured into the beaker with lukewarm water (100 ml);
  • in the same mixture, add 1 hour. l. honey and half a spoon of sugar;
  • Mix the solution thoroughly and drink at night.

It should be noted that the above process is not suited to girls, whose age is less than 15 years. The uncontrolled use of aspirin may lead to bleeding and the development of Reye's syndrome, which manifests itself in the liver and brain.

Can you prevent pregnancy using Aspirin

Many argue that by introducing an aspirin into the vagina before intercourse can reduce the probability of conception to zero. Doctors warn that this senseless procedure. The fact that the sperm after ejaculation penetrate the cervix. So, up to this area never gets acid, even after the syringing. Such a procedure can only harm the body.

Take Aspirin to call monthly or not - it is every woman. However, remember that before you can use home remedies for the treatment, it is better first to see a doctor and to identify the reason for the delay.


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