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Flemoksin 4 years Colyutab child

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Child under school age is quite difficult to carry out treatment, especially antibiotics. But there is a drug that has a pleasant taste and aroma. Doctors often prescribe Flemoksin child in 4 years, due to its high efficiency and relative safety.

flemoksin Soljutab

Flemoksin - drug based antibiotic amoxicillin. The drug has a broad spectrum of activity. Flemoksin often used in pediatrics for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory, urinary tract, caused by an infectious nature.

The drug has a short list of contraindications, namely:

  • Sensitivity to the composition of the drug Flemoksin Soljutab;
  • Precautions should give Flemoksin child in 4 years, if it has ulcerative colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, renal failure, susceptibility to allergies, leukemia.

In rare cases, side effects can occur when taking an antibiotic:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin;
  • From the gastrointestinal tract can be nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, violation of a chair;
  • In rare cases, non-compliance with the dosage may be a violation of hematopoiesis.
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For children 4 years flemoksin dosage should be:

  • The dosage of 375 mg is assigned to 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • The dosage of 250 mg taken child 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening;
  • If a young patient kidney function is impaired, your doctor may reduce the dose by 15-50%.

In the case where the course of the disease severe, your doctor may increase the dosage. Flemoksin course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

Failure to comply with instructions, and exceeding this dose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Nausea sometimes vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Weakness, dizziness.

If you experience side effects, stop taking the drug and to show the kid the doctor. Before the visit of the expert should be rinsed with baby stomach and give chelators - for example, activated carbon, the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight.

How to use

Flemoksin soljutab only available in tablets. But due to the fact that the antibiotic is readily soluble in water, it can be prepared from the syrup and suspension.

Mode of application:

  • Drink Flemoksin 4 years Soljutab child should be after, or during a meal. Children are usually difficult to swallow the tablets whole, so it can chew;
  • If the child refuses to drink tablet should prepare a suspension, pre-chopped tablets and dissolving them in 100 ml of cool boiled water;
  • Children are also given Flemoksin syrup. For this purpose, the necessary dosage of the tablets was dissolved in 20 ml of water and taken during or after a meal.

Antibiotics do not lose its properties in an acid environment, so in case of failure of the child to take an antibiotic, it can be dissolved in the juice.

Due to the mild influence and pleasant fruity aroma, flemoksin treatment in children 4 years of age it is not difficult.

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