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Flemoksin and JUnidoks Soljutab

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Pharmaceuticals is developing with each passing day, releasing on the shelves of the pharmacy network, all new drugs. Especially often found medicaments with the prefix "Soljutab". Do the similarities of these drugs? What is the difference between JUnidoks Soljutab and flemoksin Soljutab, this article will tell.

What is "Soljutab"

Before the comparison, it is necessary to find out what is the prefix "Colyutab". This word means that the drug release of a special form.

All the antibiotics that were released in the form of Colyutab have the following features:

  • The main active ingredient is enclosed in special beads that make antibiotic resistant to acid environment of the stomach;
  • Antibiotics soljutab are highly effective and rapid absorption. Therefore, this type of issue is considered to be an analogue of injection;
  • The drug is highly soluble in water.

It turns out that JUnidoks Flemoksin and have a common form of release.

Compare products

To compare Flemoksin and JUnidoks, you must find out what kind of drugs.

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Flemoksin - antibacterial agent penicillin on the basis of amoxicillin trihydrate. The antibiotic has a broad spectrum of activity is detrimental acting on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The drug active is used in the treatment of diseases of the skin, respiratory, digestive, urinary system caused by the bacterial flora.

Flemoksin have a small list of contraindications and side effects, so it is often used in pediatrics, as well as for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

JUnidoks - antibiotic tetracycline group. The main active substance is doxycycline. JUnidoks has a broad spectrum of effects, providing bakteristaticheskoe effect on microorganisms. The therapeutic effect is to stop the reproduction of the pathogenic microflora.

Indications JUnidoks:

  • Infections of the respiratory system;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Actively fighting inflammation on the skin as acne, acne;
  • Infections of the urinary and reproductive system;

JUnidoks Colyutab differs from flemoksin Colyutab list of contraindications. Antibiotic JUnidoks not used in children under 8 years old. This is due to the fact that when taking small children there is a risk of the body of insoluble complexes with calcium in the bone marrow, as well as the teeth.

As a result, there is a child:

  • Hyperplasia of the enamel, which characterizes its underdevelopment;
  • Change the color of teeth. They become yellow;
  • Slows bone growth.

The drug also can not be used for pregnant women and nursing.

differences drugs

JUnidoks and Flemoksin have the following differences:

  • The drugs belong to different groups of antibiotics. Therefore, if the treatment of infectious disease is not one medicament suitable, it can be replaced by another antibiotic drug;
  • Security. Flemoksin safer the drug;
  • The mechanism of action on the microorganisms. Flemoksin is bactericidal and bacteriostatic JUnidoks;
  • In JUnidoks list of indications is much greater than that of Flemkosina. This means that it has a broad spectrum of activity.

Can I take along

In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe two antibiotics simultaneously, or complicated by co-infection. The instructions also indicated that the interaction with doxycycline bactericidal antibiotics such as penicillin, therapeutic effect decreases. So take JUnidoks Flemoksin together and undesirable.

From the above it can be concluded that these two products are completely different antibiotics, despite the same word that is present in the title.

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