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Pancreatin children 5 years: dosage, instructions on how to give

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Parents worry: you can receive Pancreatin children 5 years old. Doctors are responsible, it is not only possible, but necessary, because disruption of the digestive tract It leads to malabsorption of nutrients, and this has a negative impact on the subsequent development child. Consider what will help Pancreatin five children.

Release form and the effect of pancreatin on the body

Adult drug release tablets, enteric-coated, and for children Pancreatin produce capsules containing 25 IU of active substance.

The basis of the tablet is a mixture of the fermented active glands of pigs and cattle. These components make it possible to compensate for the lack of enzymes in the body of the child and restore a complete digestion.

Pancreatin child five years is given in capsules. Baby explained that the pill should not be chewed and should be swallowed with water. Properties of reception due to the fact that on contact with hydrochloric acid enzyme basis collapses, so the use of the medicament will have no therapeutic effect.

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Pancreatin for the release form - capsules and tablets, which dissolve under the influence of intestinal juices. This provides complete digestion of the food bolus in the small intestine and improves the absorption of the useful components from the food.

When a child needs Pancreatin

Chronic diseases of the pancreas at the age of five is rarely identified. But acute pancreatitis caused by failure of diet and excess in the diet of children's food from a fast-food items are often detected.

The disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • nausea and / or vomiting that occur after a meal;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry mouth;
  • appearance in the language of a yellowish-white coating;
  • low-grade fever;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • moodiness and irritability.

Downstream allocate 3 forms of the disease:

  • Reactive. It develops due to an infectious inflammation in body tissues. Treatment is carried out promptly and remove part of the pancreas. To make up for the enzyme deficiency shows five children taking Pancreatin constantly. Therapy is life, changing only age dosage.
  • Acute. The reason it becomes a food allergy or a large load on the pancreas because of the use of baby fat and heavy meals. Admission pancreatin and diet therapy can eliminate symptoms of the disease.
  • Chronic. It develops as a complication of the acute form. In the five-year children are rarely detected. In chronic disease remission periods alternate with exacerbations, causing digestive disorders.

Subject to therapeutic doses of pancreatin help the child in all forms of the disease.

dose selection

Prescribed the drug five children should be a doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathological process and the characteristics of the disease.

The total dosage of pancreatin children 5 years of age is 1 capsule of 25 units per meal.

You must observe the following rules:

  • use the pill during a meal or immediately after a meal;
  • capsule to swallow without chewing;
  • drink a glass of water.

This will provide good absorption of the drug. A capsule is damaged enzymes destroyed under the action of gastric juice and become inactive.

Are there any analogues

While Pancreatin is cheap, parents interested in: what can be replaced.

The drugstore chain may offer a number of drugs that have a similar structure:

  • Creon;
  • Mezim forte;
  • panzinorm;
  • Festal.

But almost all of the proposed analogues expensive pancreatin and give their child is recommended only when it is not able to buy a drug designated physician.

Children under 5 years is necessary to give pancreatin in violation of pancreatic function. Lack of enzymes will lead to digestive disorders and adversely affect the health of the child.


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