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Iodine aspirin pain in the joints

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Along with conservative treatment of gout, patients often resort to non-traditional (folk) medicine. About this kind of treatment and how to take Iodine with aspirin, we describe below.

gout treatment

The combined therapy in the treatment of gout include the use of drugs, and also should adhere to a specially selected power system. Those measures aim to reduce the uric acid in the blood and the indicator to eliminate painful sensations. In addition to these events, you can use the means of traditional medicine. Namely, the use of iodine solution, which is a pretty effective way of dealing with the disease at an early stage.

Expert opinion on the application of iodine

Judging by the positive reviews of people who used to imagine people's method of getting rid of the disease, can be assume that a sufficiently effective agent, which is not surprising, because iodine, falling on the inflamed joint, suppresses inflammation. And this, in turn, significantly relieves pain.

Tincture of iodine with aspirin, at the urging of doctors should be used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals. But many doctors refer to such a negative approach to the treatment, explaining a good result after the procedure, nothing more than a placebo effect, that is, only the patient's own belief in healing. Despite all the negative physicians to this treatment method, the result is.

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The main thing in getting rid of the disease is the timely initiation of therapy. Traditional medicine offers many options for the treatment of gout with iodine. The following methods of use of iodine is considered only an external application, however, prior to treatment to visit rheumatologist.

Traditional recipes

To produce a warming compress require mixture Yoda and Aspirin preparation:

  • Aspirin - 5 tablets;
  • Pharmacy iodo - 10 ml.

Preparation of such a compress should not take long. The glassware must be connected to iodine with aspirin and mix well. Pre aspirin need to crush and add to the resulting powder a few drops of water.

Aspirin thus almost entirely should dissolve and discolor iodine. If iodine aspirin became colorless, you can try to use not tableted aspirin, and injectable solution. Using this solution, the mixture acquires a pinkish hue. Prepared mixture must be treated arthritic bumps. Then be sure to warm the sore spot for the best results.

Iodine solution with lemon juice

Gouty deposits well warmed iodine solution with the addition of lemon juice.

, You need to take to make a compress:

  • The juice of one lemon;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets;
  • Iodine - 10 ml.

Prepare a solution of aspirin with iodine may be like the previous embodiment, followed pour lemon juice. The treated area must wrap up the night with something warm. Perform the procedure you need 3 days, then wait a week-long pause and repeat the 3-day procedure again.

Production of baths and ointments for feet at home

If it affects the lower extremities gout, experts advise, in addition to the basic medical treatment to add salt baths.

To prepare you need:

  • Hot water - 2L.
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons. l.
  • Iodine - 20 drops.

Salt and Iodine Add water and mix. Lower the legs in the tub for 30 minutes. Daily two weeks of the procedure will reduce the pain and reduce the size of cones.

Method relief of acute attacks of pain

Aspirin and iodine for the joints in the form of a tincture is quite effective for pain relief.

The ointment contains:

  • Ammonium hydroxide;
  • Cologne;
  • Iodine solution.

Connect all the ingredients preferably in a glass container. Stir all ingredients with each other and put into a dark place for 2 days. The finished tincture used until the complete cessation of pain. Can be applied up to 3 times a day.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the application of iodine solution with aspirin treatment should start only after the examination, setting accurate diagnosis and consultation with a competent specialist. After the emergence of this disease - the body's response to an increased rate of uric acid.

For the normalization of the acid in the blood of a patient, it is necessary to combine the use of medicines and the treatment of bone iodine and aspirin. It is a holistic approach to treatment would achieve positive results, in the shortest possible time. And to drink iodine and aspirin from the seed or not is up to you and your doctor. The best option for the treatment of bone - is rubbing a mixture of iodine and aspirin.


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