Dosage Syrup Nurofen For Adults
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Nurofen syrup for adults

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Most of the children's medicines is available in the form of suppositories, or suspensions. This form of formulations suitable for the application. If the hand is not a tablet, but you need to bring down the temperature of an adult, you can take the children's medicine. Nurofen syrup for adults, the dosage is calculated correctly, will work better than the capsular tools.

need to apply

Children Nurofen for adults is usually not prescribed by the doctor. Medicine in the form of syrup to be taken in an emergency, when there is no drug in the form of capsules or tablets. The main indications for using the slurry becomes pain and pyrexia. As an anti-inflammatory agent for the adult patient Nurofen syrup can be used in theory, but such use is quite impractical.

Instructions for use recommends the use of a liquid form of the drug for children from 3 months to 6 years. Upon reaching this age period the child can be given to children's tablet. They contain in their composition less active substance than for the adult capsules. Kids to 12 years have shown the use of the standard form of Nurofen, but the syrup they give is not contraindicated.

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It is forbidden to take Nurofen in liquid form in adults if they have increased sensitivity to ibuprofen or likelihood of an allergic reaction to fragrances which comprise syrup. The medicine can affect the blood parameters, so people with a propensity to bleed its use is also not recommended. Syrup should not be taken in patients with renal, hepatic or decompensated heart failure.

use method

Take the syrup Nurofen adult must be on an individual scheme. Pediatric dosage in this case is not suitable. It is necessary to determine the proportion of the drug whose volume will work similarly to tablets.

Syrup discharged at a dose of 100 mg in 5 ml of the preparation. Such an amount of the drug is suitable for a child of 1-3 years. For an adult, such portion will be negligible. Persons 12 years or older medicament shown consumed in volume from 200 to 400 mg of active substance. Start taking antipyretic better with minimum dose (200 mg), but if there is no effect for an hour, then it is necessary to drink missing number - even 200 mg.

Dosage adult Nurofen syrup determined by the following method:

  • 5 ml contains 100 mg of active substance;
  • 1 ml of syrup contains 20 mg;
  • to obtain 200 mg must take 10 times 20, i.e. to take 10 ml of the syrup;
  • if necessary, using the maximum dose Nurofena should take 20 ml.

Guide recommends drinking febrifuge at a dose of 400 mg not more than 3 times per day. This means that the maximum amount of syrup allowed for adult use, 60 ml. One vial contains 100 ml. This volume of medication is not enough even for 2 full days of use. Impracticality of applying Nurofen syrup for adults lies precisely in this. The price per bottle is about 200 rubles. For the same amount you can buy 20 tablets of 200 mg.


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