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Nurofen is possible with antibiotics at the same time?

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Any antibiotic administered Nurofen taken in conjunction with the presence of inflammation in the body. Such a package is needed when the disease provokes a rise in body temperature.

Sometimes an exacerbation of acute respiratory viral infections in addition to antibacterial agents is necessary to reduce body temperature. This is because such a state can be dangerous for people with hypertensive disorders, abnormalities of the lungs and nervous system. Particularly important time to conduct treatment if these symptoms bother the child or elderly person. In the case of untreated high body temperature should be urgently consume antibiotic and antipyretic drug.

Mechanism of action

The main indications that require a reception Nurofen:

  • Any diseases accompanied by high body temperature, including SARS. As well as medicines prescribed after vaccination, if there are complications;
  • Pain in the head of various kinds, including migraine;
  • Inflammation in the ear canal, tooth pain;
  • Soreness in the joints;
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  • Pain in the spine is damaged;
  • Discomfort during menstruation in women;
  • Muscle pain. Such a condition can trigger a variety of injuries during sporting events.

Nurofen and antibiotics are administered simultaneously to the reception, where such deviations are accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process. The use of such a complex can quickly get rid of the pain, lower body temperature. However, the drugs have some side effects, so the dosage should count only the doctor, especially for a child's body.

Antibiotics - are tools that allow the presence of complications fight the bacterial infection. They are available in tablet form, as well as a variety of syrups for children injections.

Nurofen drink antibiotics and can be complex. However, before you start eating, you should run diagnostics to determine the body's sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Otherwise, the treatment will not benefit. Most often, the course lasts up to 5 days, depending on the severity of symptoms. Taking drugs is usually 2 times per day.


Reviews of people who were prescribed an antibiotic after taking Nurofen:

  • Daughter 12 years, long sick colds. Than to treat this disease has been a sore point, she can not take pills. Doctor prescribed suspension Nurofen and antibiotic. The price of the anesthetic drug acceptable around 400 rubles;
  • In winter, constantly sick SARS. Doctor appointed Nurofen in combination with an antibiotic. Read the instructions carefully, studied composition, medicament approached me.

Nurofen can take antibiotic only in the absence of contraindications. So, pregnant women and during lactation is strictly prohibited to use this medication. Especially dangerous is this treatment in the last trimester of pregnancy. Do not receiving Nurofen if you are hypersensitive funds ibuprofnogo action.


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