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Flomax bronchitis: features of the application, will help or not

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What is bronchitis

Before examining the features of the application Berodual should be familiar with the disease character.

Bronchitis inflammation affects the part of the bronchial tree and mucous becomes:

  • congested;
  • edematous.

At an early stage of the disease sputum viscous and hardly moves, and this leads to the fact that there was a dry cough takes away the power of the patient and exacerbates the condition arose.

Bronchitis is on its course:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

For the chronic form of the disease characterized by the alternation of remission, when the patient experiences symptoms almost no deterioration of the disease with periods of exacerbation, when a cough with difficult expectoration bronchial mucus, fever, weakness and other signs of inflammation bronchi.

Application Berodual the treatment of bronchitis can reduce the severity of cough and prevent bronchospasm, and improve the flow of air into the lungs.

Moreover, the therapeutic use Berodual reduces the risk of progression to a more severe form and prevent the development of asthma or COPD.

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How useful Flomax

As part of the preparation are two active components:

  • Fenoterol hydrobromide. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree.
  • Ipratropium bromide. Blocks the nerve impulses that cause spasmodic contraction of the bronchi.

The combined influence of components Berodual helps facilitate breathing bronchitis and reduce the painful cough.

Medication has 2 release forms:

  • solution for inhalation;
  • aerosol can.

Despite the fact that the use of aerosol seems to be more convenient, quick inhalation of therapeutic doses of less useful in bronchitis than inhalation.

In addition, the child is not always correctly uses sprays and does not receive the required therapeutic dose, so bronchitis in children taking Flomax recommend only using a nebulizer inhalation. The child breathes through the mask air suspension of drug molecules. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, drug rapidly enters the center of the bronchial spasm and helps to relax the muscles of the spastic cough.

Adults are allowed to use aerosols for the relief of cough attack, if not a nebulizer, but this method less efficient than the inhaled: slow inhalation treatment allows vapor to fully relax bronchi.

Does Flomax cure bronchitis

Bronchitis use Flomax is necessary to ensure:

  • bronchial obstruction. Under the influence of substances acting Berodual reduced synthesis viscous bronchial mucus filling respiratory lumen;
  • The suppression of the cough reflex. Suppression of mucosal irritation and bronchial dilation causes the cough becomes mild and does not cause excruciating discomfort;
  • Elimination of spasm of the bronchi. Under the influence of fenoterol hydrobromide relaxes the muscles of the bronchial tree, so breathing becomes easier.

Prescribe Flomax necessary if bronchitis appeared dry cough or difficulty breathing due to bronchospasm. The use of the drug will allow the patient to breathe more easily, avoiding attacks of breathlessness and not to suffer because of a nasty cough. But to treat bronchitis Berodual without the use of other medicines - is unacceptable.

Use Flomax is necessary to eliminate these bronchitis symptoms such as shortness of breath or painful cough. Despite of that the medicament facilitates the patient for a few hours - the treatment of the disease does not occur.

What is prescribed for bronchitis

Bronchitis use Flomax is necessary only when a strong cough reflex or difficulty breathing. In other cases, taking Flomax should not be.

For the treatment of bronchitis appoint:

  • antibiotics or antiviral agents (depending on the pathogen);
  • expectorants (Mucosolvan for inhalation and mucolytics tablets or syrup);
  • fever (febrile).

Combined therapy eliminates symptoms of bronchitis and reduce the use of Berodual painful cough and will facilitate breathing. Flomax but has only a symptomatic effect, temporarily eliminating the severe manifestations of the disease. As a therapeutic agent medication is used only in case of violation of the respiratory function.

Is it always necessary Flomax bronchitis

As mentioned above, Berodual inhalation bronchitis allow ease breathing and prevent cough attack.

If the cough is mild and there are no signs of breathing difficulties, then by applying Berodual should be discarded. Taking the drug without prescription can cause side effects.

In addition to the symptoms of bronchitis, the patient will appear:

  • dizziness;
  • cephalalgia;
  • nausea and / or vomiting;
  • heart palpitations;
  • weakness;
  • increased cough due to dryness of mucous bronchus and trachea;
  • sweating.

Described is a sign of symptoms of adverse reactions that sometimes occur when using Berodual and negatively affects the overall condition of the patient.

Despite the fact that adverse effects when used correctly Berodual are rare, their development can not be completely excluded. To avoid undesirable deterioration of health before starting treatment should be clarified: Does Flomax bronchitis need. In most cases, doctors recommend the use of a drug, as a means of emergency aid to ease breathing and eliminating a strong cough attack.

Flomax bronchitis needs not always. When mild cough and respiratory function is not impaired, drug use is not needed - for the treatment of spelled out a lot of drugs and excess drug, the use of which is not necessary, desirable, and may harm.

Despite the fact that Flomax can get rid of these painful symptoms of bronchitis as coughing and bronchospasm should be remember that the drug does not cure, but only temporarily relieves the patient, therefore, should not be abused inhalation medicament. The use of combination therapy will allow to overcome the disease and reduce the severity of attacks Flomax dry cough and allow normal breathing.


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