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Flomax with barking cough: is it possible to apply

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Characteristic barking cough

Any cough is a protective reaction of the organism and develops against the background of respiratory irritation caused by external influences.

Barking cough - is, above all, dry unproductive cough. When coughing it does not bring relief to the patient, as occurs without the formation of phlegm.

Barking cough can be described as tearing, it is accompanied by a strong tension chest and abdominal muscles, tickling, burning sensation in the throat.

It is believed that hacking cough is often a symptom of laryngotracheitis, however, this is not true. Due to the fact that infectious diseases rarely occur in isolated form or very fast complicated nature of such cough shock can be purchased as tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

In addition to bacterial and viral diseases barking cough may appear in a number of other chronic pathologies of non-microbial origin.

Diseases that occur with barking cough

  • Acute respiratory disease, SARS, influenza. At the beginning of the disease germs are actively introduced in the mucous membranes, which are very quickly inflamed. The body tends to get rid of them by coughing. When infection primarily affects the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, pharynx, larynx), so the cough is usually a dry, hacking, harrowing. But as the virus has a limited life cycle, the dry cough kind of fast moves in the wet.
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  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. These diseases can be infectious or not. Therefore, the cough may be caused not only by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, but degenerative changes (degeneration, atrophy), as well as chemical and physical factors.
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia. The main symptom of these diseases is a cough, and its character is dependent on what the surrounding departments affected by inflammation.
  • Whooping cough. Serious damage airway viral agent. It causes swelling of the throat that triggers shortness of breath, persistent cough, wheezing.
  • Laryngotracheitis the type of false croup, when it affects the mucous larynx, because of inflammation it is highly compacted, so there are persistent cough and breathing problems.

Barking cough may be accompanied by tuberculosis, development of tumors in the respiratory tract or the thyroid gland, asthma or allergies.

How Flomax relieves cough

Flomax treat antispasmodics, that is, it helps to relax the bronchial tubes. Therefore, the use of this agent is necessary in case of airway obstruction, and only reversible (functional). With organic lesions of the bronchial tree Berodual treatment unnecessarily, since the desired effect will not bring.

Therefore, the testimony of which must be from the barking cough use Flomax are:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchiectasis.
  • a painful paroxysmal cough with pneumonia.

For adults and elderly patients standard doses up - 20-50 drops (1-2.5 ml.) And under strong bronchospasm to 80 drops.

Application Berodual in pediatrics

In medical practice, for children older than six years may be recommended inhalation drug.

Doctors usually prescribe the procedure to make such a child with a strong paroxysmal cough with whistles and rattles.

When barking cough in children Flomax should strictly metered - drops that are sure to be diluted with saline and placed in a special nebulizer inhaler. For children over 6 years of the preparation for inhalation using a solution of 10-40 drops (0,5-2 ml.) Berodual.

In exceptional cases, the drug can be used in children younger than six years old, at a dose of 2-10 drops of the medicine is not administered in large quantities.

How to conduct inhalation

  • Use only factory nebulizer compression type.
  • Strictly follow the instructions.
  • Comply with all recommendations of the physician.
  • Dispense medication, depending on the age and weight of the patients.
  • Dilute drug only saline under prescription (2-4 ml).
  • Comply with prescribed treatments duration of the procedure.
  • Do not store the used solution.

Summarizing the information, you can make several important conclusions:

  • Treat Berodual barking cough is necessary only on the testimony and the appointment of a physician.
  • The drug is effective in pathologies of the bronchi, barking cough, upper respiratory tract, he will not be removed.
  • Taking the drug inside is impossible, the local agent.


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