Useful For Preparations

How to make children Duphalac

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For the treatment of constipation in children, doctors often prescribe Duphalac. The drug has a mild effect on the body and does not cause addiction. To reduce the risk of side effects and achieve the desired results, you must know how to take Duphalac children.

Why Duphalac

Dufalac - preparation having osmotic action from the group of prebiotics. The therapeutic effect of the drug occurs because of lactulose. This substance is produced by processing of dairy whey.

At what age can take Duphalac? To answer this question it is necessary to find out the full composition of the drug and its mechanism of action.

Due lactulose that is prebiotic and is not split in the upper intestinal tract, and gets there unchanged, and there is a therapeutic effect of the drug. Lactulose disintegrates into low molecular weight organic acids which lower the level of PH, increasing the osmotic pressure of the intestinal lumen.

The drug has the following properties:

  • Liquefaction of feces due to the attraction and retention of water molecules. In this case, under the influence of a high osmotic pressure, stimulates intestinal motility and stool goes smoothly and gently from the body;
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  • Improved absorption of calcium and phosphates;
  • Excretion of harmful substances, which have accumulated as a result of delay of the chair;
  • Neutralization of a life-threatening toxin - Ammonia;
  • Removal of toxic symptoms and improvement in overall condition of the body;
  • Lactulose inhibits the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, inhibiting the proliferation of pathogenic organisms;
  • The drug is not addictive and does not accumulate in the body. Output due to cleavage under the influence of intestinal bacteria;
  • It does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.

In addition to lactulose in the Duphalac contains only purified water. Structure and mechanism of action of the drug is safe for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women as well as infants and premature babies. Therefore, children drink Duphalac possible from birth.

The drug is usually administered to children to treat:

  • constipation;
  • dysbiosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • shigellosis;
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.

Sometimes, with the aim of surgery or research, it may be designated taking the drug for the purpose of cleansing the lower intestine.

Despite these advantages, the drug still has contraindications:

  • Acute intestinal obstruction;
  • Intolerance to lactulose and galactose;
  • galactosemia;
  • When perforation walls gastrointestinal tract and the presence of a colostomy and ileostomy;
  • In case of insufficient development of lactase.

During treatment, children Duphalac side effects may occur:

  • In the first few days after taking the drug can cause flatulence;
  • convulsions;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Abdominal cramps;
  • Weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Diarrhea;
  • In the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, due to frequent loose stools can occur electrolyte imbalance.

Therefore, before giving the drug a child of any age are kindly requested to consult with a specialist. The pediatrician will assess the condition of the baby, and prescribe the required amount of drug

dosage Duphalac

Duphalac dosage for children is chosen strictly individually pediatrician and depends on many factors:

  • Duration and type of disease;
  • Age and weight of the child;
  • Concomitant diseases in history, such as diabetes.

The next dose of the drug can be administered depending on the disease:

  • In order to normalize the chair and to ensure discharge of feces, the children from the first days of life and up to 3 years prescribed to 5 ml of the drug per day. C 3 -6 years, the number increased to 5.10 ml / day. The child is older than 7 years old and up to 14 primary dosage is 15 ml of the preparation and maintenance -10 ml. Older than 14 years the drug is taken in an amount of 15-45 ml, and as a maintenance drug therapy 10-25 ml / day;
  • For the treatment of dysbiosis, children from birth to 12 months pediatrician appoint 1.5-3 ml of the drug. From 12 months to 3 ml of the drug is taken 3 years. Over 4 to 7 years -5 ml / day. If the child is more than 7 years, is assigned to 10 ml of the formulation;
  • For treatment of salmonellosis and shigellosis, the first 2 weeks is assigned to reception of a preparation of 5 ml / 3 times a day. Then there is a break of 7 days, during which there is fecal seeding, where evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Further, the dosage of the drug can leave the same, increasing the time of reception of up to 5 times.

Therapeutic effect occurs after 12-48 hours. The course of treatment depends on the children Duphalac disease. The preparation may be used singly and in rare cases constipation. But the average duration of treatment is 14-21 days. During this time period, the intestine is populated useful microflora and therefore normal stools. Sometimes it takes longer treatment Duphalac. If the course of taking the drug for more than 6 months, the blood needs to control a child's level of electrolytes.

General rules for admission of children Duphalac

Take Duphalac needed during the meal. If the child at the same time there is increased flatulence, it is permissible to take the drug on an empty stomach. Regardless of the multiplicity of reception, taking the drug at the same time. The optimal time for taking Duphalac - 5:00 am.

If a child is prescribed antibiotics and antacid reception, the Duphalac effect is reduced. Therefore it is necessary to observe a two-hour interval between the intake of laxatives and other medications.

When exceeding the recommended doses overdose symptoms may arise as a liquid frequent stools, vomiting and pains in the intestine. In this case, you must consult your doctor to adjust the amount of the drug, or to decide on its cancellation.

Features of the application, depending on age

Reception method depends on the age of the child. Infants should be given the drug, previously diluted in water, breast milk, or mixtures thereof. Duphalac children under one year is given from a spoon or a syringe. After taking the drug need to feed the baby breast milk or adapted formulas. The liquid goes over the body along with Dufalac, the tool will work efficiently. Taking the drug should be combined with massage and special exercises.

To enhance the effect in the treatment of children under one year, a breastfeeding mother's diet should be formed with the inclusion in it of laxatives products, such as apricots, prunes, etc. In addition, the diet of the mother should be excluded fermentation products such as cabbage, legumes.

In the case where the child is on artificial feeding is necessary to choose an adapted mixture for normalization of a chair.

Admission Duphalac older child can be carried out in a diluted and unchanged. The syrup has a sweet taste, so children do not refuse such treatment. After the adoption of the syrup should drink 1-2 glasses of water. Admission Duphalac combined with a diet which excludes products of fermentation. This should include foods containing crude fiber.

Duphalac is a good way to combat constipation and dysbacteriosis in children. But he will bring benefits only if you take it after a visit to the doctor and in a designated dosage.


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