
What is St. John's Wort for Men's Health?

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  • Composition and useful properties of St. John's Wort
  • St. John's wort and masculine strength
  • Contraindications

There are many medicinal herbs that are very useful for men's health, which are much cheaper than various food additives or vitamin complexes, and benefit along with them. One of such useful plants is the herb of St. John's wort known since ancient times for its medicinal properties.

St. John

Composition and useful properties of St. John's wort

This plant is characterized by spasmolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and expectorant effects on the body. Long since St. John's wort has been used as a rather effective antidepressant. It is often used to treat cystitis, prostatitis, gastritis or ulcers, so common in men. Also, the herb is often used for hypotension in order to increase pressure and to eliminate headaches. When allergic rash is recommended to take a bath with the addition of St. John's infusion.

The composition of St. John's wort contains a lot of active natural substances very useful for men's health:

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  • Flavonoids like amentoflavone or procyanide have a vasodilating, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the male body, normalize the neuro-impulse exchange in the brain. These substances have a beneficial effect on digestive functions, and also have an anthelmintic effect.
  • Quercetin, as well as quercetin, have anti-edematous, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, these substances normalize blood circulation.
  • Hypericin - a red pigment, which has powerful antidepressant properties, takes an active part in the biosynthesis of serotonin and melatonin, has antibacterial and antiviral effects, a formidable enemy of staphylococci.

Excitation Plant flowers can remove fatigue and stress, increase mood, eliminate apathy and depression, liberate and increase sexual arousal. In the grass there are tannins, E, PP and C vitamins, pigments, rutin and many essential oils. St. John's wort is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies such as gastritis or ulcers, gallbladder diseases and cardiovascular system, in the treatment of purulent wounds and cystitis. No less effective is grass and with nervous disorders, oncological pathologies.

St. John's wort is highly effective as an anti-inflammatory agent, it exhibits diuretic properties, removing excess fluid from the body's tissues. Also, the herb infusion accelerates the healing and healing processes in the tissues, reduces the risk of necrosis, promotes resorption of infiltrates and normalizes blood microcirculation. Extraordinarily effective is St. John's wort as a means of removing vascular spasms, normalizing blood circulation in internal organs and improving venous blood flow.

The herb of St. John's wort reduces the burden on the kidneys, facilitating their cleansing functions, improves eyesight, normalizing the blood circulation of the fundus.

Usually, the herb is used in the form of decoctions, extracts or tinctures, and also as a component of medicinal plant charges. The broth is prepared by boiling dry plant flowers in water for a quarter of an hour. To prepare the extract, pour 50 gr.dry flowers half a glass of vodka and soak for about 10 days. The product should be eaten three times a day before meals. To make a hunter's infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of herb with boiling water and stand for about half an hour.

For external use, oil or an alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort is usually used. For the preparation of butter, the crushed grass must be insisted on for a month with olive oil. Apply it for compresses with skin ulceration, wounds or burns. Alcohol tincture is used in compresses for muscle pain. For this, the grass is kept in alcohol( 1:10) for three days. St. John's wort and the male power of

Slabaja potencija St John's wort has been used for a long time as a strong aphrodisiac. Ancient legends claim that this plant causes a man just an animal, primeval passion in an intimate way. St. John's wort certainly exists in many ancient love drinks, which served as a weighty occasion for its study. Numerous studies have shown that this plant really has a strong influence on the male sexual sphere, causing sexual desire, emancipation and desire. This herb is particularly useful for men with potency disorders on the background of fatigue, psychological disorders and stressful conditions. St. John's wort is successfully used in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence. It strengthens the blood circulation, so there is a persistent erection.

St. John's wort has a stimulating effect on the endocrine glands, thereby increasing the androgenic production, which contributes to an increase in potency.

Experienced herbalists advise to pour boiling water a tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers and, after insisting on them for about an hour, drink the remedy shortly before the supposed intimate meeting. You can add honey to infusion of St. John's wort with cognac and treat them to your partner - the effect will be stunning. You can brew the St. John's wort together with mint leaves, making the effect even more intense.


Although the herb of St. John's wort is notable for such useful qualities, it can not be taken for a long time( more than 20 days), since it is possible to achieve exactly the opposite effect. The bottom line is that the potency disorder can be of two kinds: a weak erectile function and sexual arousal or an increased excitability with premature ejaculation. The herb safely eliminates the first disorder of erectile function, whereas with uncontrolled long-term abuse it can lead to the second.

It is not recommended to drink infusions with grass and people suffering from hypertension, as St. John's wort is able to increase blood pressure.

The herb of St. John's wort is one of the active adaptogens, thereby increasing the immune defense, resistance to pathologies, endurance and muscle strength. In addition, with the use of St. John's wort, there is a stimulation of androgen secretion, the excess of which causes sexual arousal, premature ejaculation, increased greasiness of the glands and active growth of the hair on the body and face. Excessive greasiness provides an environment favorable for reproduction of staphylococci, resulting in fatty seborrhea accompanied by alopecia, furunculosis, blepharitis, acne.

Especially cautious should take zemoroboynye infusions for men with a gastric ulcer, as this disease is accompanied by the redundancy of androgens, and the grass provokes more of their secretion. As a result, sexual overexcitation occurs with the development of premature ejaculation. To prevent this, it is necessary to take the St. John's wort together with other herbs that have estrogen in the composition, reducing sexual excitability. A large amount of estrogens is observed in herbs like licorice, hops, clover, sage, mint, corn stalks.

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