How To Clean The Intestines Duphalac?
Useful For Preparations

Duphalac for bowel cleansing

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Duphalac for bowel cleansing is assigned more often, as the drug is the most safe and harmless. Means performs the most effective medication laxative group. The advantage of this tool performs the fact that the bowel preparation to clean Duphalac possible in childhood.

What is Duphalac

Preparation Dufalac for cleansing provides a highly effective laxative effect, therefore, relates to a group of laxatives. This syrup without color with a thick consistency. The main active ingredient acts as lactulose. Minor ingredient - water.

This medicine doctors appointed under the following conditions:

  • constipation;
  • salmonellosis;
  • renal encephalopathy;
  • the need to mitigate the faeces;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Take Duphalac for cleaning should be after consultation with a specialist. Doctors are advised to take this medication for establishing a natural rhythm excrement large intestine. This preparation for cleaning is very often used by women after childbirth, surgery on the colon, with hemorrhoids. Duphalac can buy at any pharmacy without a special prescription from a doctor.

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How the medicament

The substance composed mainly acts Dufalac lactulose which has a laxative effect. When injected into the colon, it begins to interact with the existing microbes. It does not change in the small intestine because of of not having appropriate enzymes. Component decomposes and turns into inseparable acid. For this reason, it increased osmotic pressure, and reduced acidity. As a result, ammonia is formed.

After contact with the body main component laxative for cleansing the intestine increases Dufalac feces. Intestinal wall very fast shrinking and promote mass-to-door. Pain does not occur due to the fact that faeces become soft. It promotes free exit.

Duphalac distinctive ability to cleanse performs its ability to establish the intestinal flora. At the use of the drug eliminates harmful bacteria, toxins and wastes. Bowels Duphalac can be gently, without causing adverse effect on the mucous membrane of the smooth muscles.

Admission to cleanse the colon

The laxative is used in case of need of cleansing the colon.

The distinctive features of the procedures carried out are:

  • To clean glass ostuzhennoy pre stir 200 ml of liquid Duphalac. Drink resulting mixture at intervals of 15 minutes for 7 hours in small sips;
  • It is necessary to use means postprandial later 2 hr. It is recommended to start in 3-4 hours to finish the procedure by midnight. Before handling food to eat easily digestible;
  • Colon Cleansing for weight loss starts already after an hour after the first application means and is complete after 2 hours after final use;
  • When cleaning the intestine from stool Dufalac should be no sharp pain. There may be some inconvenience and discomfort in the abdomen.

Before taking should seek a doctor's recommendation.

Scheme Dosage and

Very often, people meet with such a condition, as constipation. Cope is not as easy with him. You can quickly and painlessly clean the intestines Duphalac. The drug is approved for use not only adults but also children. Young patients selected a different dosage for cleaning than adults.

For patients younger than 3 years maximum allowable dosage of 5 ml. Children from 3 to 6 years take from 5 to 10 ml. Infants up to 14 years laxative administered in an amount of from 10 to 15 ml. Adults shown drink 15-45 ml depending on the state. Also, the medicament may take as maintenance therapy of 10-25 ml. Since the third day, the dose is reduced. Taking medications once a day.

In case, if necessary, the dosage may be increased, but only to the harmonization of the doctor. Generally, the dosage is increased when after two days the patient's condition applying means is not improved. If a person is observed renal coma, is prescribed for 30-45 ml 3 times a day. If the disease has found a running form, showing a cleansing enema with a laxative. To 200 ml of their medicament pour into 700 ml of liquid.

Eating before colonoscopy

Dufalac used in preparation of the organism prior to colonoscopy. Over the three days prior to the manipulation of the patient is necessary to eliminate from your diet the following foods:

  • mushrooms;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes.

The food should be consumed white bakery products, soups, seafood, chicken. When prior to the survey day are necessary to begin the cure Duphalac. For a couple hours before use medications the patient must drink broth and employ the medicament prepared from 200 ml of the product and 2 L of liquid. Use such a tool is necessary for three hours. If necessary, you can then drink the juice. Result after reception should already be detected after a few hours. the patient's stool becomes watery consistency. Intestine completely free after 180 minutes after the final use of tools.

Reception children and pregnant

Duphalac appointed newborn to eliminate colic. Also, the drug helps fight constipation. They often occur in children in the first year of life. Infants means give with a pipette or syringe. It is best to give the drug in the morning at the time of eating.

It is not necessary at all to believe their hopes on Duphalac as it acts in addition to the complex therapy of constipation. In order to bring back to normal chair crumbs nursing mother it is important to monitor their diet.

From the complicated bowel movements are also affected, and women, the unborn child. The occurrence of such problems in pregnant women due to the change of location of internal organs. This is because the pressure on them of the uterus.


Despite the high efficiency Duphalac should not take patients who have such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • galactosemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the individual components in the composition;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • immunity of fructose and lactose.

For this reason, before drug use is important to get advice.

Third party reaction with bowel cleansing Dufalac

Usually the medicine to cleanse very well tolerated by patients. Extremely rare side-effects, which can be expressed as follows:

  • retching;
  • flatulence;
  • lightheadedness;
  • diarrhea.

If you experience these symptoms should visit the doctor and stop using the drug.

Precautionary measures

Duphalac it is forbidden to take with other laxative medicines. It is also forbidden to use means with abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. Laxative to give young patients only under a doctor's supervision in special cases. In any case it is recommended to get a doctor's advice before starting bowel cleansing.

Duphalac should not take more than two weeks. Prolonged use of the drug will lead to electrolyte disturbances and diarrhea. Particularly must be prudent with liver and kidney ailments. It is also not recommended to take the drug with diuretic drugs.

From all this it can be summed up that Duphalac cleansing - this is an extremely effective tool. Since the drug has a number of contraindications and side-effects, it is important to consult a doctor. Particularly prudent need to be parents to their children. In overdose may appear unpleasant sided reaction.


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