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Indications for use in injections Mydocalm

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In neurological practice widely used centrally acting muscle relaxants (Sirdalud, Midakalm, Baklosan). Indications for use of injections Mydocalm are very interested in the people, not by hearsay familiar with musculo-tonic syndrome.

Areas of use

Indications for use of injections Mydocalm:

  • pathological tonus increased spasticity and skeletal muscle, resulting in background serious diseases of the central nervous system (loss of pyramidal tract fibers in the brain stem, is affected nerve myelin sheath of the brain and spinal cord fibers, stroke);
  • increased muscle tone and spasticity caused by abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system (spinous sprawl bone at the edges of the vertebral bodies, lumbodynia, sciatica, cervical syndrome, deformity and limited mobility of large joints);
  • rehabilitation after surgery, associated with injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • complex treatment of pathologies of the vascular system (defeat of large and small blood vessels in diabetes mellitus, small lesions end of the arteries and arterioles hand, discoloration of the skin on the distal parts of the body, which are bluish, disbaziya walk).
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When these diseases doctors prescribe it Mydocalm injections, given that the application of their action point - the spinal cord (the source of the problem). It almost does not prescribe a drug as mono, and more often used in therapeutic regimens.

Indications for the use solution for injection Mydocalm sufficiently wide and neurologists readily prescribe them to their patients. However, the price of some Mydocalm may stop and they are looking for affordable counterparts. can be distinguished among them are:

  • Midostad Combi;
  • Miaksil;
  • Tolperil.

They are not only an analogy, but also synonymous Mydocalm because of their pharmacological action is based on - tolperisone hydrochloride. These preparations are produced as Mydocalm both injections and tablets (50 mg and 150 mg).

But also, if necessary, injections Mydocalm for the same indications can be replaced by drugs that differ from it in composition, but have a similar therapeutic effect - Liorezal, Baklosan.

Contraindications and side

However, there is not only a series of indications for injections Mydocalm, but also a list of contraindications and possible side.

Mydocalm in injections are not used for the treatment of pediatric practice in patients younger than 18 years old, and pregnant or lactating. In addition, caution should be exercised-allergic patients and patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency. And Mydocalm not suitable for those suffering from chronic progressive disease that is characterized by rapid fatigue of striated muscle until conditions like paralysis.

Possible side reactions of injections Mydocalm:

  • abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting;
  • headache, weakness, dizziness;
  • tremors, muscle weakness;
  • lowering blood pressure, palpitation;
  • allergic skin rash, itching, shortness of breath, angioedema.

Injections Mydocalm Richter effectively help in various diseases neurological. Mydocalm has many indications and appropriate in different therapeutic regimens. However, before you start treatment Mydocalm injections, it is important to take into account all contraindications and possible consequences of such therapy.

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