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St. John's wort for hair: use, how to use

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Skin, nails and hair - collagenous structures that require care, protection from environmental factors and proper healthy diet. St. John's wort for the hair in the composition of balms, conditioners and shampoos are widely used in practice, cosmetologists and trichologists. Some recipes are well suited for use in the home and are simple and low financial costs, and the therapeutic effect can surpass all your expectations.

St. John's Wort: theoretical information

tutsan - plant, in dried form preserving a large number of useful active components. Anthracene derivatives help in some psychiatric conditions, reduce anxiety and normalize sleep.

Some researchers liken the effect of the action of Hypericum modern medicines. Flavonoids create a protective shell by ingestion, prevent the penetration of alien microorganisms and provide relief of symptoms of inflammation, reduction in severity of pain and temperature.

Xanthones possess strong antioxidant effect, protect cells from oxidative stress, maintain the functional state of the immune system, improve the functioning of the joints. Essential oils can soften the collagen structure, hair, skin, improve the condition of the nail plate. Tannins help stop the small capillary bleeding and have astringent properties. The active pharmaceutical substance hyperforin bacteriostatic a number of microorganisms and slows the growth, development and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

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The main indications for the use of St. John's wort:

  • Some types of depression, anxiety, insomnia, fitful sleep;
  • endogenous depression (auxiliary treatment together with the basic drugs);
  • treatment of diseases of internal organs, accompanied by inflammation, blood circulation, changes in motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • myalgia, arthralgia (topical application);
  • treatment of wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  • improving the condition of the hair, the scalp;
  • Stop minor capillary bleeding.

The St. John's wort is useful for hair

Rich composition of St. John's wort provides efficacy in the treatment of damaged hair and maintain their healthy appearance. Pharmaceutical companies release agent in various dosage forms, from dry grass to alcoholic liquors. Hair St. John's wort is better to buy in the form of oil or prepare their own infusion. Such medicament is packed in vials of 10 ml, and placed in pharmacies within 60 rubles. Oil is used irritations, allergic reactions of the skin, inflammatory phenomena.

The disinfecting effect of the active components provides a cleansing of the scalp and hair against pathogenic microorganisms, excess sebum and dandruff fat. Masks made from Hypericum have antipruritic effect. St. John's wort moisturizes hair, giving them a healthy shine, smoothness and volume. The oil has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, strengthening the hair at the roots and protecting them.

How to use St. John's wort for hair

There are many recipes for the use of St. John's wort hair at home. One of them - the use of oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. St. John's Wort oil for hair can also cook yourself. 3 tablespoons Hypericum dry raw material must be mixed with cooking with vegetable oil (4-5 tablespoons). Capacity is closed and placed in a refrigerator for 3 days. Several times a day the bottle should be shaken to evenly distribute the active substances. After 3 days, the grass should be separated from the oil.

The finished oil is applied to the scalp and rubbed. For uniform distribution, you can use cotton pads or fingertips. The recipe is very good for alopecia (hair loss), strengthens the roots, and eliminates the greasiness.

Of St. John's Wort can also be prepared rinse. To do this, prepare a 2-3 tablespoons of dry grass plants, a couple of tablespoons of chamomile flowers and lemon juice. Raw materials are mixed and poured boiling water. The mixture was put in a water bath is removed and after 15 minutes covered. The infusion should be cool, separate the plant from the liquid component and add the juice of a lemon.

Rinsing hair Hypericum after the usual washing of the head ensures a uniform distribution of funds throughout the length of the hair, it strengthens hair follicles and helps fight dandruff and fat.

Hair with a fine structure can make a mask out of St. John's Wort. Thin hair typically often are cut, broken, look dry and unkempt. For the preparation of useful reducing mask Hypericum oil in the required quantity was mixed with a high fat yogurt and one egg yolk. The components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a convenient container.

The mask is applied on the scalp and on the hair along the entire length after shampooing. It is recommended to wear a plastic cap and leave the tool on the head for an hour. Within 60 minutes Hypericum nutrients are absorbed into the skin and the hair entrained structure, restoring and reinforcing them. An hour later, the mask is rinsed and dried hair in a familiar way.


Hair use St. John's wort is not recommended if there is an individual intolerance of drug formulation components. To ensure no allergies, prior to first use the oil, you should apply a small amount on the skin of the wrist. When redness, rashes or other allergic manifestations further application Hypericum prohibited.

Side effects after use

In most cases, the hair on the St. John's wort acts favorably. But the severity of the effect and the possibility of adverse reactions depend largely on the individual structure of the hair and the sensitivity of plant components.

In some situations, after the application of St. John's Wort may significantly weigh down the hair, to get a greasy appearance and lose strength. In addition, no one is safe from allergic reactions: rash, redness, slight swelling of the skin. At occurrence of side effects after using Hypericum refuse further recommended application means.


There are many recipes to restore the structure of hair, strengthen hair follicles, anti-dandruff, using St. John's wort. The most useful drug in the dosage form in the form of oil, which can be lubricated both ends of her hair, and the entire length, including the roots and scalp. The use of herbal ingredients for the collagen structures causes the least side effects and adverse events and maximum benefit.

St. John's wort in the form of decoctions, tinctures and oils are also actively used in cosmetology to improve the skin condition of the face, to combat acne and eliminate flaking. Herb extracts are added to nourishing creams, scrubs, masks and special anti-aging serum.


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