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Fish Oil with Vitamin E: instruction, whether or not the

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Fish oil - the oil product liquid consistency, produced from fish liver. It contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid, vitamin E, A and D. The benefits of fish oil for health due to its unique composition. Therefore fish oil with Vitamin E is produced in the form of dietary supplements - Biafishenol and Mirroll.

History of creation

The benefits of fish oil and vitamin E has been known to traditional healers many millennia ago. In the eighteenth century Norwegian healers used it in the treatment of rickets and rheumatic fever. However, specific taste and smell aroused antipathy patients.

Vitamin E capsules with fish oil without specific taste invented and patented in 1854 by the Norwegian pharmacist Peter Möller. Today dietary supplements (dietary supplements) Encapsulated Vitamin E and fish oil taken for recovery of the body. Such preparations are indicated in patients of all ages.

Why take fish oil

Fish Oil with Vitamin E:

  • activates tissue repair;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • decreases blood viscosity and minimizes the risk of clot formation;
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  • prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and ischemia;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • It eliminates the pain rheumatism.

This effect is due to the content of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A stimulates the growth and regeneration of hair and nails, improves the skin and prevents drying of the conjunctiva of the eye and the development of "night blindness";
  • Vitamin D is responsible for mineralization of dental enamel, prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, accelerating metabolism, normalizes insulin synthesis;
  • Vitamin E profilaktiruet heart disease and blood vessels, slows down skin aging.

Vitamin E together with fish oil are administered to subjects to asthmatics and allergy sufferers, but also for those suffering from a second (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus type. Medical scientists have shown that fish oil activates the brain functioning.


Vitamin E capsules with fish oil should not be taken:

  • in the hot season (summer), as well as the increased risk of pigmentation in the skin;
  • during antibiotic therapy, since vitamin E nourishes viruses or bacteria that trigger the disease. Allowed to take fish oil after treatment with antibiotics;
  • with such diagnoses as kidney stones and hypercalcemia.

Do not exceed the dosage of fish oil as specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Daily norm - 1 teaspoon or 25 drops amber liquid. Fish Oil with Vitamin E capsules Take 4 pieces three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 to 4 weeks.

Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E prevents the occurrence of pathologies such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • leg cramps;
  • varices.

Admission tocopherol and fish oil accelerates recovery from scars, dermatological diseases, mycotic lesions, It protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, reduces the amount of "harmful" cholesterol, increases libido and semen quality.

Vitamin E is called a natural antioxidant, a warning platelet destruction process and retarding aging of skin. Tocopherol strengthens the walls of veins and arteries. The daily intake of vitamin E is from 8 to 13 milligrams. With a shortage of tocopherol increased nervousness and anxiety, slowly tightened wounds, loss of memory, increases the risk of heart and vascular pathologies.

Cod liver oil and vitamin E used in cosmetics for the production of moisturizing and anti-aging creams. Therefore tocopherol called "vitamin of youth".


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