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From a cough give Erespal children?

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Even in the most affluent families can not avoid colds and various infections in children, especially the kindergarten age. Caring parents are always looking for effective means to help manage a child with the disease. Very often the question arises: at what Erespal take cough for children and how to treat them properly. The answer is presented later in this article.

Types of children's cough

Unlike adults, who for many years its not exactly a healthy life could make a serious pathology respiratory system and thereby trigger a chronic cough, cough in children culprit, more often, are colds disease.

Decide whether to accept the child Erespal or other cough medicine, the doctor must - self-medication is dangerous!

When SARS and acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis always affects the mucous nasopharynx baby. There is dryness, irritation of the throat, causing a feeling of constant sore throat. The result - a painful cough, and mainly dry cough without phlegm. At night, the same time, the child may suffer from a cough due to mucus dripping into the throat at the back of the nose and throat.

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If the infection down below and settle in the bronchi and lungs, cough is aggravated, causing chest pain.

When, during a cough in a child turns to allocate phlegm, we can speak of a cough productive phase. This cough is also called moist or wet.

Expectorate sputum, depending on the disease and the severity of the condition may be different:

  • colorless mucous;
  • greenish pus;
  • yellow serous;
  • orange-red with blood.

The cause of cough may also be allergic to and Inhalation of foreign objects or dust.

Treatment of cough in a child is the timely diagnosis, excluding factors causing coughing, selecting the correct drug (most often, cough syrups, tablets, usually are of great age limit). Take the syrup Erespal cough or give preference to other means, it should be decided pediatrician.

Description Erespal

Erespal - this drug comes in tablet form for adults and syrup for children from the age of two.

Erespal it based on active substance - fenspirid. One tablet contains 80 mg of it, and in 1 ml of syrup 2 mg fenspiride. The composition of the syrup Erespal also included an extract of licorice root. Taste and bright color provided by vanilla and honey flavors and dyes. At such an attractive composition have a downside - its components are rarely an allergic reaction, which limits the use Erespal.

According to the instructions to the drug Erespal, it is capable of benefiting from the wide range of problems:

  • sore throat (laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis);
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cough and sore throat during respiratory infections, whooping cough, influenza, measles,
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Erespal has a complex action: expanding the lumen in bronhaha, suppresses the inflammatory process that accelerates the recovery of mucous membranes, removes them from swelling. Erespal reduces the production of pathogenic expectoration. Already existing under the action of the mucus easier medicines derived from the bronchi and lungs.

Assign Erespal appropriate, both in wet and dry cough. For example, give Erespal with dry cough child well due to significant reductions in cough reflex in the first day of treatment. Erespal quickly translates into non-productive cough is moist and promotes rapid healing. On the other hand, when Erespal wet cough in a child helps to cough effectively and quickly deal with inflammation in the respiratory tract.

How to give your child Erespal

The particular dosage of a physician selected individually for each child, depending on age, body weight and severity of the disease.

The instructions given to Erespalu following dosing recommendations:

  • children of from two years, weighing less than 10 kg per day take 10... 20 ml syrup, dividing the dose to 3 divided doses. If a child refuses to drink syrup, it is permissible to add it to the liquid food or baby drinks;
  • children weighing over 10 kg should receive a day Erespal rate of 2 ml syrup for 1 kg of weight. Of the order of 30... 60 ml per day, divided into 3-4 times;
  • for children over 14 years spread adult dosage - 45... 90 ml of syrup per day or 2-3 Erespal tablets.

For convenience of syrup in each package includes a special measuring spoon (with Valium 5 mL). Erespal taken before meals.

drug Erespal earns more positive feedback every year. But we can not rely solely on the word of friends and comments on the Internet, choosing a drug for the treatment of the child. The last word should be for the doctor.


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