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Vitamin E: how to take, instructions, dosage

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Substance tocopherol, known as vitamin E, is indispensable for the good functioning of the body. It comes from the food and pharmacy vitamin complexes. How to drink vitamin E is determined by the instructions to the drug prescribed by the doctor.

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To systems and organs are functioning properly, it should reach the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Natural sources of vitamin E

The source of vitamin E of natural origin are such foods:

  • eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • beans;
  • cereals, etc.

Note! Vitamin E has a high resistance to heat treatment. But it loses its quality under the influence of the sun.

Synthetic sources of vitamin E

Further products may be administered analogue of tocopherol, manufactured as a separate preparation or in multivitamin complex. Drink vitamins usually after the morning meal. Since Vitamin E is fat-soluble, it is necessary to assimilate it in the presence of gastrointestinal fat. Tocopherol should drink water instead of juice or other beverages.

Note! Besides oral forms produced vitamin E for injection.

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Adult patients usually recommended to receive capsules. When receiving the capsule do not chew and swallow whole. The release of the vitamin content occurs in the gastrointestinal tract without loss of its positive properties.

The order of application

Drink vitamin E courses. receiving a course of vitamin E is typically month. Admission should be regular while maintaining prescribed dosage.

After passing through the full course of a break in reception, in order to avoid potential glut tocopherol. The exact dosage of vitamin E is determined individually, taking into account the patient's age, diagnosis and individual characteristics.

The correct dosage

Determination tocopherol deficiency or excess is determined at the time of laboratory analysis. Daily tocopherol standards are often cited in the media pharmacies in international units (IU).

Rates depend on age (for children - smaller). When gipovitaminoze dosage may be increased, sometimes the injection can be administered with vitamin E.

Adults usually given dosage of 100 to 400 mg per day for 14 days. In some cases, in order to treat, doctor increased dosage may be recommended from 400 to 600 mg. Vitamin E is best taken only after consulting a doctor.


Number tocopherol mg

Features of treatment

Recovery of spermatogenesis


The course should be 14 days

potency improvement

Normalization of the menstrual cycle



With the threat of an abortion technique can be up to a half moon

Cardiovascular diseases

In the complex course of action from 1 to 3 weeks

Stress and overload of physical or emotional

Up to 800

by appointment

How to properly take Vitamin E baby doctor recounts. This takes into account the age of the baby. Tocopherol can be assigned even to newborns if there is serious evidence to this (for example, the shortage of weight, premature birth).

Depending on the age of the child Daily Values ​​may be:

  • up to a year - 30 mg;
  • to two - 60 mg;
  • up to 10 years - 70;
  • 11 years - from 80 to 100 (for girls - less, and for boys - more).

To drink vitamin E - it is to comply with physician instructions and follow the instructions to the drug. Simultaneous use of tocopherol with antiviral and hormonal agents able to enhance the effect. Co-administration with vitamin K and iron may reduce their effectiveness and impact on blood clotting in the downside.


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