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Propolis tincture children for immunity: application features

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Propolis - a well-known product of beekeeping, which is used in a conservative, and in folk medicine, not only for treatment but also for prevention. The age and existing diseases depends on how to give children Propolis for immunity. When selecting drugs based on bee products, make sure that the child is not allergic.

Drugstore form of preparation

The pharmacy is sold in the form of ointments, suppositories, an alcohol tincture. Infusion of an alcohol dispensers 15, 25 and 50 mL vials with dispensers, the concentration of - 10%. In ointments concentration of 5% in a tube thirty grams. But the children to strengthen the immune alcohol tinctures are given only in a diluted form.


Propolis for children immunity is recommended due to the rich content and a number of useful features. Bees produce it from the wax and resinous organic compounds plants.

Ready propolis contains such useful components to help improve the immune system in children and adults:

  • flavonoids, fatty acids;
  • essential oils and aromatic;
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  • vitamins A, E, B, C, N, P;
  • nicotinic and pantothenic acid;
  • phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron and other micro and macro;
  • amino acids: alanine, arginine, tryptophan, serine, cysteine, phenylalanine, glycine, etc .;
  • proteins and free amino acids.

As part of the child are present all the necessary trace elements, minerals, essential amino acids to strengthen the immune system.

medicinal properties

Has a pronounced wound-healing effect, it stimulates granulation tissue damaged. Has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, it stimulates the immune system, is used as a natural antibacterial agent.

Over the past five years, several scientific reviews with respect to anti-cancer activity of the product was released. The use of drugs and prescriptions on the basis of propolis enhances immunity in children and adults, especially during the surge of infectious diseases.

Mode of application

Propolis for children to enhance immunity given in different forms - everything depends on the background of the disease is necessary to stimulate the immune system. If receiving prophylactic use propolis can be so - to add it to warm milk and give the child the night. Enough of the aqueous solution 5 drops on a glass or 1-3 grams of propolis, but it must dissolve in hot milk.

Colds and runny nose

For the treatment of the common cold is recommended to take an alcohol diluted infusion. Child give him this: in a glass of hot milk add ten drops of tincture of propolis, mixed and offer the child.

It is also effective for a cold at the baby. Solution and give it the more inwardly alcoholate contraindicated. For the treatment of rhinitis in the child's need to dampen oil propolis cotton swabs and clean the nasal passages in the morning and evening.

From the common cold also use this recipe: Melt the butter in a water bath, add two parts of crushed propolis ten parts oil. Mix well and allow to cool. With the help of ointments resulting treated nostrils at night.


When a child's sore throat Propolis will be doubly effective. It will help to fight infection, tonsils inhabiting the gaps, and improve immunity. Propolis tincture for children immunity is added to the heated water with angina - in a glass add ten drops.

This solution child should gargle three times a day until complete disappearance of symptoms. At night you can take milk with bee glue, to speed recovery and to support the immune system.

Bronchitis and cough

From a strong cough is necessary to prepare the child inhalation. For this purpose, 20 grams of natural propolis dissolved in an inhaler or heated water in a bowl enamel. Then add 5 more drops of alcohol tincture.

When the vapor temperature drops, the child should breathe them, and inhaling through the nose and through the mouth. Such inhalation help:

  • liquefy and remove mucus;
  • reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx;
  • eliminate rhinitis;
  • disinfect the nasal passages, larynx, oral cavity.

But inhalations contraindicated if the child has pneumonia or body temperature exceeds 37.5 aboutFROM. After the procedure, you can not breathe the cold air - for the time needed to stop airing to prevent complications of bronchitis.


can be used for the treatment of aqueous adenoids and enhance immunity. For this:

  • 25 grams of bee glue grind;
  • Add a glass of water;
  • stand in a water bath for one hour;
  • stir until dissolved;
  • strain through a gauze filter.

Drink such solution should be three times a day for 3 ml. If the adenoids also provoke nasal congestion, nasal passages are treated at night oil propolis.

Contraindications and side effects

Use Propolis for immunity can not be in the presence of hypersensitivity. If a child often suffers from allergies, it is better to conduct a pre-test, smearing a little melted propolis on the wrist. You can use solutions or infusion for verification. In the presence of allergies, skin in this region will begin to swell and turn red, itchy within a few hours.

Additional adverse reactions were noted only allergies: urticaria, itching, redness, peripheral edema. Seeing these symptoms, it is impossible to apply the product more. Giving your child propolis more than a month banned.


To give children immunity Propolis can be formulated into preparations for infectious pathologies and for immunostimulation:

  • Proalor;
  • Proposol;
  • Propolis bee - Altai bouquet;
  • Asterisk-Propolis tablets;
  • Smolka Vitateka chewing.

Choose products for immunity should only be a pediatrician or an infectious diseases specialist. Such drugs comprise propolis in different concentrations. Natural honey and propolis for immunity should be bought only on proven and apiaries enter into a child's diet gradually.


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