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Propolis during pregnancy: it is possible or not

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During pregnancy, there is a reorganization of the immune system as well as the genetic father of the child is perceived as a foreign material. Therefore, chronic diseases are aggravated, and infection risk of penetration into the body increases. On the question whether it is possible for pregnant Propolis, many gynecologists give a positive answer. Due to the presence of nutrients in its composition facilitates gestation process and improves the general condition of the woman.

Propolis impact on the body during pregnancy

Benefits and healing properties of bee product due to the presence in its composition of a plurality of critical micronutrients necessary to maintain the normal functioning of various body systems.

Propolis during pregnancy can replace medication, has the following effects:

  • immunomodulatory. Most of the vitamins and minerals, entering the body of a woman with food products are transferred to the fetus to ensure its normal development. The immune system is weakened, so taking Propolis helps to strengthen it and restore vitality;
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  • Anti-inflammatory. When pregnancy is contraindicated antibiotics, many antiviral and antifungal drugs. Propolis substances detrimental effect on a variety of pathogens, helping to fight infections;
  • analgesic. Bee product eliminating pain arising as a result of physiological changes, and because of pathological disorders;
  • antitoxic. Propolis in early pregnancy clears the body of toxins formed due to the metabolic processes of the child, which allows to improve the condition at a toxicosis. Also it cleans vessels from cholesterol plaques and degradation products arising from vital pathogens, restoring the intestinal flora;
  • blood thinners. In the last trimester of pregnancy in women thickens the blood and increases vascular tone, which leads to increased pressure. Folk remedies, as part of which the present propolis, help to cope with this problem;
  • antioxidant. Bee product increases the rate of regeneration of damaged tissues. This property allows to accelerate the process of healing in trauma, burns, frostbite, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, urinary tract and oral cavity;
  • Expectorant and antipyretic. Immunosuppression causes frequent colds in pregnancy, which features a cough and fever. Tools based on Propolis eliminate these symptoms.
As part of the bee products contain calcium, so its intake during pregnancy reduces the risk of development of osteoporotic changes, promotes proper bone formation and improves the system of the fetus dental health. It can be used for constipation, which are often plagued by pregnant women, to improve intestinal motility.

Propolis improves skin and hair, which weakened due to lack of vitamins during pregnancy.

Another useful feature is to improve psycho-emotional state. Due to the restructuring of hormonal women during pregnancy mood changes often spontaneously, it becomes nervous and irritable. As a sedative can be used aqueous infusion bee product.

The use of products based on Propolis effectively eliminate the problem of excessive sweating in pregnant and stretch marks on the skin.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Propolis during pregnancy can be used in various forms, following the rules of their preparation and use:

pure Propolis

It is a piece of bee glue, which in most cases are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, the teeth and gums. During pregnancy it is necessary to chew on for 10-15 minutes and repeat this step every 4 hours. Also bee product can be added to tea or warm milk and stir well until dissolved.

To prepare the cervix for childbirth at the last stage of pregnancy helps a folk remedy made from 100 g of crushed propolis, 1 liter of milk. In the boiling milk added to the product of beekeeping and cook over low heat until it is completely dissolved. Means consumed before bedtime 0.5 glass.


It is an effective tool that can be consumed orally or be used for rinsing, steam inhalation, compresses and preparation of nasal drops.

During pregnancy drinking Propolis is possible only in the form of water tincture, as products containing alcohol is contraindicated due to the possible negative effects on the mother and unborn child.

Terms of use:

  • inside the infusion take 1 tsp 2 r. a day, after spreading it into a glass of water or milk;
  • for the treatment of dermatological diseases of skin lesions and the presence of wounds agent is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The procedure is performed 3-4 p. per day;
  • 1 tsp tincture is added to 250 ml of warm water and is carried gargling or oral. The solution may be to add a decoction of herbs. Manipulation is carried out 4 p. in a day;
  • for inhalation in pregnancy means Pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3 and breathing over a container for 10-15 min .;
  • in the treatment of bronchitis or pneumonia in the affected area, put a compress. For this cheesecloth wetted in warm water, which had previously been in the same volume of propolis tincture was added. The compress is covered with polythene and wool cloth or towel. It removed after 30 minutes. If you experience such unpleasant sensations such as burning and itching, the procedure is stopped;
  • for instillation of the nose drops means 25 must be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. The nasal passages are administered 2 drops 2-3 p. per day.

Pregnant propolis tincture is contraindicated in bleeding, because it thins the blood, which will aggravate the condition of the woman.


Often during pregnancy there is a problem of hemorrhoids and genital infections. Propolis Candles in this case, replace the drugs that are contraindicated for the expectant mother. They can be prepared at home:

  • heated in a water bath 200 g goat or pork fat;
  • the resulting mass is mixed with 50 g of crushed propolis;
  • capacity again put on a low heat until a viscous consistency;
  • then it was filtered and form a torpedo-shaped suppositories.

A candle inserted in the anus after emptying bowel 1 p. per day (night) for 7 days.


Wound care during pregnancy can be prepared on the basis of Propolis ointment:

  • blended 20 g of bee product with 100 ml of olive oil;
  • reserve capacity on a water bath for 30 min .;
  • the resulting mass is filtered and used after cooling.

The number of procedures and duration of treatment depends on the extent of skin lesions.

Improve the condition of hair and skin during pregnancy will help the ointment prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 30 g of propolis;
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • One raw egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

Propolis melt and oil on a water bath and then the resulting mass is added the remaining ingredients. All thoroughly mixed. The ointment is applied to the skin and clean the tips of the hair for 15-20 minutes. Washed off with warm water.


During pregnancy taking Propolis is prohibited in the following cases:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bleeding;
  • severe liver disease and kidney;
  • acute phase of pancreatitis;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions.

In the presence of diabetes in pregnant drink folk remedies with the addition of infusions needed with extreme caution, constantly monitoring the level of glucose in the blood.

Before you can use propolis during pregnancy is necessary to provocation test, which will determine whether you are hypersensitive. To this end, a few drops of tincture is applied to the skin or mucous membrane of the sky the outer part of the elbow. If a pregnant woman in the field redness, she feels a burning sensation and itching, then the use of such funds should be discarded.

Pregnant taking propolis can be only after consultation with a gynecologist, and in the absence of contraindications. In this case, the woman should observe the dosage and monitor their condition, in order not to miss the signs of a possible allergic reaction. Propolis is also not recommended during pregnancy to consume more than 1 month. without interruption, since in terms of the protective functions of the organism opposite effect may occur and the immune system begins to weaken.


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