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Acyclovir or Arbidol: can together and what better

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Modern large range of antiviral agents: Ingavirin, Arbidol, rimantadine, acyclovir, Kagocel, TSikloferon et al. To understand such an abundance among the ignorant person is difficult.

We will try to help in such a difficult issue, and compare what is best Acyclovir or Arbidol - one of the most popular drugs for the treatment of viral infections.

characteristics of drugs

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release Form

Tablet, ointment, cream

The tablets, capsules and oral suspension

Active substance




Treatment and prophylaxis of herpes infections of the skin and mucous membranes:

simple and genital herpes,

chickenpox, herpes zoster (shingles)

Prevention and treatment of viral diseases:




Rotavirus and herpes infections.

Relapse prevention in frequently ill people

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a focused action -

inhibits the proliferation of cytomegalovirus and the herpes virus.

Accumulates and stimulates the immune system in infected cells:

It accelerates the healing of herpes foci and prevent the emergence of new bubbles

Agent with broad spectrum of action.

Kletkok interferes with the interaction of the organism with viruses,

having immunostimulating effect on the entire body (increases the production of interferon - specific proteins that form the immune response to viruses and bacteria).


Idiosyncrasy, age younger than 3 years

Hypersensitivity to the dosage form, the age of 2 years, pregnancy, breast-feeding

Side effects

Dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, abdominal pain, etc.), Headache, skin reactions (increased sensitivity to UV and sunlight, rash or itching)

Allergic reactions (rash, pruritus, and the like)

Mode of application

4-5 times a day for 5-10 days, the dosage depends on the diagnosis

4 times a day (dose and dosage form depends on the age and type of infection)


Different manufacturers price ranges from 22 rubles to 220 rubles.

Depending on the dosage and packaging costs from 170 rubles. to 900 rubles.

Drug interactions

It enhances the effect of immunostimulants, drug toxicity, effects on the kidneys

Compatible with all drugs

Proven effectiveness (FDA)


not proven

Comparison of drugs

Comparison of Acyclovir and Arbidol revealed the following patterns:

  • Acyclovir is limited to use - effective only if herpes and cytomegalovirus. Arbidol used for other viral infections (influenza, SARS, acute respiratory disease, rotavirus, herpes);
  • Arbidol is easier to use in pediatrics (due to the presence in the line of suspension for children);
  • Both drugs are safe and well tolerated;
  • Acyclovir is much better in terms of value - pack of 20 tablets much cheaper the cheapest pack of tablets Arbidol (10 tablets 170 rubles);
  • Arbidol - contradictory means. Its effectiveness has not been confirmed FDA authoritative international organization, it is used only in Russia;
  • Acyclovir is included in the FDA list of drugs with proven efficacy, is approved for use in the US and Europe.

Interchangeability and compatibility

Take Acyclovir and Arbidol together expediently at herpes and cytomegalovirus infections. In infections caused by other strains, Acyclovir powerless - therapy is Arbidol.

If you drink while Acyclovir and Arbidol - the immunostimulatory and antiviral mutual activity of drugs will increase.


Compare Acyclovir showed an advantage due to:

  • Affordable prices;
  • Proven effectiveness against herpes viruses;
  • Well tolerated;
  • Permission for use in children.

A significant drawback - specificity, which is why it is useless for other viral diseases.

Arbidol plays in the issue of evidence-based medicine and the price - for an adult treatment will cost 800 rubles.

In spite of the above information, it is important to keep in mind - to make a decision about the necessity of an antiviral agent should be a doctor.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and choose a treatment that will help defeat the disease.


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