Tachycardia From Erespal
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Erespal tachycardia: what to do, the reasons

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Tachycardia, pain in the heart, the occurrence of panic attacks, low blood pressure - a list of symptoms that occur in patients when receiving Erespal tablets. Side effects are manifested not in every patient. What if tachycardia from Erespal occurs during treatment, which leads to a serious symptom, tell article.

Why there is a tachycardia

Erespal - anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamine cough associated with inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. Erespal can apply when wet and dry coughing. A drug used in the treatment of a complex with other medicines expectorant, antibacterial, strengthening their impact.

Manufacturer indicates when using Erespal side effects may occur:

  • drowsiness,
  • nausea,
  • dryness and bitterness in the mouth,
  • vomiting,
  • stomach ache,
  • tachycardia,
  • dizziness,
  • hives,
  • eczema,
  • Angioedema.

Tachycardia after Erespal - not uncommon. emergency doctors say the frequency of calls associated with the occurrence of palpitations after using Erespal.

The cause of the tachycardia after receiving Erespal may be the following factors:

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  • Failure to comply with the rules prescribed in the instructions. If the patient is undergoing an independent therapy neglects the list of indications, contraindications, combines medication with alcohol, the drug may cause a malfunction of the heart;
  • If the patient is simultaneously receives sedatives. Can manifest unpleasant symptoms related to the heart. In some patients, there is a panic attack, severe weakness, wanton excitement;
  • Violation of the rules for admission. Erespal produced in two forms: tablets and syrup. The liquid is intended for children, the tablets for an adult. If you give a tablet form child of 18 years, there may be tachycardia;
  • From frequent heart patients suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system. If the patient already has heart disease, there is a high risk of adverse reactions.

What to do with the appearance of tachycardia

Doctors advise to replace Erespal tachycardia. To take the drug more if tachycardia is not necessary. This can lead to complications in the cardiovascular system.

To find the right analogue Erespal, should seek medical advice. This eliminates the likelihood of repeat unpleasant symptoms.

drug analogues are popular:

  • ambrobene,
  • Sinekod,
  • Intalplyus,
  • Ifiral,
  • Kromoglin,
  • Optikrom.

Symptoms tachycardia when used Erespal: dyspnea at rest, increased heart rate, dizziness, weakness. When the manifestation of their need to call an ambulance to take valerian extract, motherwort, valokordin (a means). After removing the symptoms when they reach the moderate pace of the heart, visit the district physician for other treatment appointments.

Erespal excels in treatment of cough. The drug has few contraindications, but a long list of side effects. Erespalom approach to treatment should be seriously only under medical supervision, which prevent the development of adverse symptoms.


Vidal: https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/eurespal__24397
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