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Acyclovir or TSikloferon: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time

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Today on sale in pharmacy chains you can find many drugs having antiviral activity. Looking at a wide range of products, each buyer asks: "What better Acyclovir or TSikloferon". The article will help to make a choice.

Description of preparations

To answer the main question, you first need to know what kind of drugs.


Acyclovir - an antiviral drug. The main active component, part of the drug - acyclovir, other elements are the excipients.

Effect of the drug specific and has a high efficiency due to accumulation of drug in diseased cells. Acyclovir is effective against viruses:

  • Herpes simplex type 1 and 2;
  • Varicella zoster (chickenpox and shingles);
  • Epstein-Barr virus.

Also acyclovir is appointed against cytomegalovirus. Using herpes medicine is prevented the appearance of new lesions, reduces the likelihood dissemination to the skin and the complications accelerated appearance of crusts and reduced pain in acute phase.

Form release drugs:

  • 200 mg tablets;
  • Ointment for external use 5% and 3% of the eye;
  • lyophilizate in a vial to prepare injections for solution.
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Without considering more other drug, it is already possible to answer the question: "When you take TSikloferon herpes or Acyclovir." Acyclovir has an effective therapeutic effect is strong on the Herpes viruses.


Cycloferon is an immunomodulator. The main ingredient of the drug, have a therapeutic effect - meglumine akridonatsetat, it is a small molecule inducer of interferon.

The spectrum of beneficial effects on the organism:

  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The drug inhibits the reproduction of the virus in the early stages, within 5 days, and infectious processes, reduces the infectious nature of the virus progeny, the active substance leads to viral particles.

Tsikloferon effectively acts against the following viruses:

  • tick-borne meningoencephalitis;
  • flu;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • HIV;
  • HPV.

In the acute form of hepatitis symptoms, the drug prevents the formation of a chronic form of the disease. For the initial manifestations of HIV TSikloferon normalizes immune parameters.

release form of the drug:

  • tablets 0.15 g;
  • injection of 125 mg / ml;
  • ointment 5%.

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Acyclovir is a commonly used analog Cyclopheron. However, acyclovir is still used, as a rule, for the treatment of herpes infections. The difference between acyclovir and tsikloferon there is it in a different operating principle. TSikloferon except antiviral action, immunomodulating and provides a wider range of applications. Tsikloferon activates the body to an independent struggle.

If the treatment requires a herpes virus or cytomegalovirus, which can not be treated with acyclovir from - for individual intolerances, it is important to know the contraindications to the use Cyclopheron.

Tsikloferon prohibited to use:

  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • children up to 4 years;
  • people with autoimmune diseases.

Contraindications to the reception Acyclovir:

  • lactation;
  • age up to 3 years.

However, acyclovir has a large list of side effects TSikloferon on responses of patients transferred more easily and adverse events of allergic reaction has only different manifestations.


Taken together TSikloferon and Acyclovir is not necessary. Clinically proven long use Acyclovir reduces the effectiveness of the fight against the virus, as eventually formed strains of this virus. Therefore, modern medicine recommends new methods of therapy with the same drugs interferon inducers. Such means is TSikloferon, it is one of the most studied drug in particular treatment against bacterial and viral infections nature arise.

Cyclopheron allowed reception, after undergoing a course of AcyclovirAs anchoring effect and immunomodulatory drugs. Duration and dosage prescribed by the physician.

Summing up we can say that TSikloferon is safer in terms of the side effects, and Acyclovir more effective against herpes viruses cytomegalovirus. Therefore, the choice of drug depends on the purpose and application of the age.


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