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Erespal and Ambroben: Is it possible at the same time and that it is better

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For treatment of respiratory diseases is not recommended to pick their own combination of drugs. These substances may not be compatible with each other and cause a dangerous reaction. When treating coughing good effect has Erespal Ambrobene and simultaneously they are used or not - it becomes clear upon examination of the properties of their active components.

Brief description of Ambrobene

Ambrobene manufactured in the form of sustained release capsules, tablets and syrup solution for inhalation, ingestion, in / infusion. His caution is prescribed for people with the syndrome of fixed cilia. The active ingredient is ambroxol (ATC R05CB06 class). Ambrobene has mucolytic and expectorant properties. The drug liquefied sputum, improves its transportation from the respiratory tract.

With care, you can drink preparations with Ambrobene:

  • antagonists H1histamine receptors (including Erespal active substance);
  • antibiotics: doxycycline, erythromycin, amoxicillin, cefuroxime;
  • antitussives with centrally acting substances.
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Any combination dosage should be prescribed only by the attending physician, as each medicament has particular application and contraindications. In Ambrobene instructions stated that it can not be taken simultaneously with the means oppressive transportation (output) of sputum to avoid stagnation of secretions. This rule applies to all analog Medicine: Lasolvan, Fervex cough Bronhorusa and other classes of drugs ATC № R05CB06 «Ambroxol».

Brief description of Erespal

Erespal produced in tablet form and syrup. The active component acts fenspiride hydrochloride. It refers to substances for systemic effects, is a group H1-antigistaminovyh means of anatomical and therapeutic properties, belongs to the class R03DX03 «Fenspiride».

Erespal has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bronchodilatory (antibronhokonstriktornym) property. Active substance formulation also has antiallergic, spasmolytic effect. Up to 18 years of age are advised to take only syrup.

Drug interaction and compatibility Erespal:

  • Fonspirid active substance does not inhibit the formation of, thinning and outputting secretions from the respiratory tract. Therefore it is possible to simultaneously receive and Erespal Ambrobene or other mukolititicheskoe, antitussive and expectorant;
  • Means can not be used in conjunction with alcohol! Erespal and other drugs with fenspiride also not recommended for use at the same time with drugs have sedative properties. This effect is greatly increased, which causes sleepiness, decreased attention, so lets treat drivers and people working with machinery.

The instructions Erespal given the absence of analogues. Drugs with an identical composition adjuvants not, but the drug on a doctor's recommendation replaces another class R03DX03 «Fenspiride» means. In the treatment of diseases accompanied by cough, together with Ambrobene (ambroxol) can take Inspiron Erispirus, Fosidal and other drugs with fonspiridom.

Efficacy of combined use of drugs

Erespal allowed to take with Ambrobene. Fenspiride effectively complements the action of ambroxol not prevent secretion normalization viscosity and gives a conclusion sputum outwardly. This is confirmed by observations of clinicians, patients, and review recorded medical statistics.

The child in the treatment of upper respiratory tract as a combination of inhaled efficiently and use of anti-inflammatory drugs inside. Having irrigation solution is not recommended immediately after taking the drug Ambrobene Erespal: ambroxol wash it with mucosa, and does not come therapeutic effect. Drink a medicine necessary before inhalation or in the interval between treatments.

Combined with Erespal Ambrobene possible only on doctor's advice. The doctor will make the scheme of therapy taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the disease clinics. Then the use of drugs will be effective.


Compatibility Erespal Ambrobene and proven research, so this combination will not bring harm. But their simultaneous use is justified only in the case where a productive cough with sputum difficult accompanied by inflammation. Does not matter sequence receiving drugs inside, the main thing - the medicine drink alternately and preferably with an interval of 15─20 minutes. If after 4─5 days Ambrobene combination with Erospalom has not brought the desired effect - it is necessary to re-consult with the doctor. He changed his tactics of treatment.


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