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Siresp or Erespal: which is better, and what is the difference, comparison

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In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system can be applied preparations of different composition but with the same effect on the organism, or analogs cheap, prescribed by the doctor. Because the choice of therapy, the doctor can choose what is best - or Siresp Erespal, based on the patient's complaints.


Erespal - a drug widely used in diseases of the respiratory system. It is available in tablet form and syrup active substance fenspiride hydrochloride. In one tablet of 80 mg in one milliliter of syrup - 2 mg.

Exhibits anti-inflammatory action, reduces the secretion of viscous mucus, thereby facilitating its release by coughing and from the maxillary sinuses.

The drug indicated for:

  • acute and chronic diseases of upper respiratory tract: otitis, nasopharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as part of a treatment;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • symptoms of flu, measles;
  • symptomatic treatment of pertussis.

Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under two years. Child two years old are allowed to take Erespal syrup. Among the adverse reactions: gastrointestinal disorders work, drowsiness, lethargy.

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Mode of application

Adults appoint two tablets Erespal a day, in acute pathologies - three tablets a day for a few days, then in the usual way. Duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Instructions to Erespalu does not give guidance on the application of syrup for children - receiving dosage should be calculated on the basis of pediatric age and weight of the child, but not more than 4 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.


A preparation in the form of a syrup with a similar concentration. Active ingredient - fenspiride hydrochloride. Based on the composition of the drug, it can be said that Erespal and Siresp - the same thing.

Indications for use Sirespa similar: bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, respiratory symptoms of influenza and measles, otitis media and sinusitis, including allergic origin.

As Erespal, Siresp contraindicated in children up to two years, and since the age of two - is approved for use in the form of a syrup.

Adverse reactions are also similar: disorders of the digestive tract, nausea, drowsiness and a feeling of possible rapid fatigue, lethargy.

joint application

As a result, the identity of the formulation, their action, and side effects are identical readings. because take Siresp with Erespalom not advisable.

The physician must choose one of these drugs, since their joint application by the standard procedure without reducing the dosage can result in overdose. Compatibility and preparations Erespal Siresp low due identical composition and pharmacological action in the body.

Differences drugs

Despite the complete similarity of drugs, the difference between Erespalom and Sirespom still there. Currently Siresp only it released in the form of a syrup, whereas Erespal also has a tableted dosage form.

And the cost of different drugs. Prices of syrup Siresp start at 159 rubles, and on Erespal - from 411 rubles. Siresp made the Polish pharmaceutical company with offices in Russia, and Erespal - French laboratory Servier Industrie.

During treatment, can be assigned to such analogs in composition, such as:

  • Fosidal;
  • Sinuspal;
  • Bronhomaks;
  • Amispiron;
  • Inspiron.

As functional analogues administered Lasolvan other mukolitki thinners and expectorants medications. Choose between Erespalom and Sirespom or choose other analogs for diseases should only doctor.


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