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Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Causes and treatment, folk remedies, pills

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Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults often ignored and overlooked, but sometimes causes it, can lead not only to serious consequences, but also constitute a threat to the patient's life.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of bruxism
  • 2 Causes of grinding teeth during sleep in adults
  • 3 dental problems
  • 4 Nervous disorders. action neurotoxins
  • 5 Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint
  • 6 The theory about the influence of helminths
  • 7 Lifestyle
  • 8 Symptoms and signs of bruxism
  • 9 Day and night bruxism
  • 10 Medical diagnosis of the disease
  • 11 How to stop teeth grinding during sleep
  • 12 Preparations for the treatment of teeth gnashing
  • 13 Homeopathy
  • 14 operative therapy
  • 15 herbal treatment
  • 16 Folk remedies for gritting his teeth in his sleep
  • 17 Dangerous consequences of bruxism
  • 18 Video of bruxism

classification of bruxism

Bruxism - a pathology that is characterized by spasm of the muscles responsible for chewing process. As a result, highly compressed jaw, teeth closely contact each other, which causes a rattle.

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In childhood, the gnashing of teeth is very common, as the nervous system during this period is not yet fully formed, but teething only accompanies this phenomenon. Number of adults suffering from bruxism, much less (approximately 5-10%). Often they do not even know if they have the disease, because the symptoms are in a state of deep sleep.

There are several classifications of bruxism, depending on its cause, the time of day, the leading symptoms.

1. Classification of bruxism for Kato:

  • idiopathic (primary) - without somatic diseases, diseases can be transmitted by heredity;
  • iatrogenic (secondary) - due to the influence of medications or disorders of the nervous system.

2. The classification of the time your symptoms:

  • night - appears only at night;
  • day - manifested in the daytime;
  • Mixed - can be seen both day and night.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid

3. Classification and Gavrilova Panteleyev:

  • type 1 - clenching of teeth, which is characterized by tonic contraction of muscles that raise the lower jaw, which leads to a violation of its condition.
  • type 2 - characterized by lateral movements of beating low amplitude which are carried lower jaw.
  • type 3 - the lateral movement of the mandible when compressed teeth gnashing accompanied typical.

Causes of grinding teeth during sleep in adults

Gnashing teeth during sleep in adults whose causes can depend on many factors related both to their work, and health, must be thoroughly investigated to determine the exact nature and purpose of further treatment.

Etiologic factors associated with this phenomenon, are divided into the following categories:

  • dental;
  • psychological;
  • neurological;
  • osteopathic;
  • other reasons (adenoids, deviated septum).

There are also data that indicate the type of autosomal dominant inheritance disease. Men get sick 3 times more often than women.

dental problems

Bruxism can be the consequence of development or pathology tooth structure, jaws or other structures of the oral cavity.

Among the most common causes are the following:

  • malocclusion;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • teeth anomaly;
  • incorrect selection of braces or prostheses;
  • poor-quality dental care;
  • pathology of the joints that connect the lower jaw to the temporal bone.

Nervous disorders. action neurotoxins

The phenomenon may signal an abnormality in the peripheral or central nervous system. This provokes motor and neurological disorders.

Often the first symptoms are manifested in children after a visit to a kindergarten or school. In adults, they may occur before important exams, interviews, after quarrels and emotional stress, loss of loved ones. Gnashing of teeth during sleep also indicates the physical stress and chronic fatigue.

Development of bruxism for nervous disorders can be explained by the theory of stress stimulus, which was described by TA Gaydarova: when exposed to stress pituitary produces ACTH large amount, whereby a large blood flows the amount of cortisol. Cortisol - one of the main glucocorticoids.

It reduces the absorption of calcium and increase its excretion. And also it has a catabolic effect on the skin, muscles and bones. Spasm of the muscles is enhanced due to the imbalance of Ca, Na, and K. High levels of cortisol lead to a constant stress and deterioration.

Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
80% of the cause of grinding teeth during sleep in adults is stress

There dopamine theory, which also causes bruxism. It lies in the fact that dopamine and serotonin, responsible for communication between neurons in diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia, depression, reduced. Because of their deficiency disturbed sleep and appetite regulation, transmission of emotions of joy and pleasure.

Increases dopamine reception amphetamines, disrupting the normal processes of nerve impulse transmission and stimulating development of bruxism. That accompany and antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, L-dopamine.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint

The reason gnashing teeth during sleep in adults may be inflammation of the joints connecting the lower jaw with the temporal bone. Inflammation causes pain and swelling around the joints, which limits the movement in them, complicates the meal. Sometimes the pain manifests itself even in conversation. Suffering and ligaments. Over time, can form a local muscle hypertrophy.

The theory about the influence of helminths

The theory about the impact of helminths on the development of bruxism increasingly rare finds supporters. It has a justification, but it is still connected with the violation of the nervous system from the effects of helminths, but not with the pathology.


Lifestyle is of great importance with respect to the teeth gnashing of the night.

It may provoke the following factors:

  • acceptance of energy drinks before bedtime, or in large doses throughout the day;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • dynamic exercises before going to bed (sports, dance);
  • drinking alcohol in large doses during the day or at night;
  • smoking;
  • drug use;
  • irregular working hours;
  • stress at work.

Symptoms and signs of bruxism

The disease manifests itself during deep sleep, so the patient himself can not detect it at home, though he observed violations of various organs and body systems that favor the bruxism. But these symptoms can occur in other diseases that often complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

The main symptoms of bruxism are:

  • Gnashing of teeth during sleep - usually this will tell people sleeping in the same room with a patient suffering from bruxism.
  • Problems with enamel on the teeth (caries, the enamel erasure) - process captures multiple teeth, which suffer the most are those that maximize contiguous. A characteristic feature is the symmetry of the pathology in the upper and lower jaw.
  • loosening of teeth - because of the constant pressure on them.
  • Malocclusion.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • Signs of biting the inside of the cheek.
  • Constant toothache.
  • Discomfort and spasms of the facial muscles.
  • Pain in the ears, jaw and temples - is especially pronounced in the morning. It occurs due to continuous muscle contraction that leads to overstrain them.
  • Hypertrophy of the muscle of the upper and lower jaw - a physiological process that occurs in response to a constant muscle strain.

Day and night bruxism

One classification divides bruxism on day and night, even though the phenomenon symptoms occur at different times of the day. Clean day and night form does not exist, and share them only through the predominance of the clinical picture in the daytime or at night.

Gnashing of teeth, it is more common at night. This is explained by the argument that in the daytime it is easier to control your body, and during deep sleep can not do this.

  1. daily bruxism - is characterized by bouts of strong teeth clenching or grinding during emotional stress. Typically, the episodes short and easy to control.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  2. nocturnal bruxism - it occurs during sleep and is characterized by frequent and systematic repetitions. It arises spontaneously and unconsciously, attacks are becoming more frequent, and the side effects are amplified, exceptions are isolated cases of the disease.

Medical diagnosis of the disease

Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults, the causes of which are not installed, you need to explore. Diagnosis based on the results of bruxism examination and clinical examination.

For the purpose of diagnosing diseases using such methods:

  • Electromyographic examination - it can be used to determine the DC voltage of the masticatory muscles at rest.
  • A blood test for levels of cortisol and thyroid hormones (TSH, tyrosine, triiodothyronine) - increased levels of cortisol in the blood may indicate a constant stress.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • Determination of blood electrolytes (Na, K, Ca) - ion imbalance characterized by a disturbance of water-electrolyte metabolism, muscle spasm, tachycardia.
  • Analysis of the family tree - the disease can be transmitted by heredity.
  • Dental check-abrasion of tooth enamel - the most important diagnostic criterion.

Recognize the following degrees of erasure:

  1. At 1 degree erasure limited enamel is affected not more than 3 pairs of teeth.
  2. Grade 2 - erasing enamel and dentin point is affected to 6 pairs of teeth.
  3. Degree 3 - complete erasure of enamel and dentin with lesions greater than 6 pairs of teeth.
  4. Grade 4 - loss extends beyond the boundaries of the crown.
  • Consultation of specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, dentist, endocrinologist) - for the purpose of diagnosing chronic diseases.
  • Differential diagnosis with other diseases.

How to stop teeth grinding during sleep

Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults, the causes of which are confirmed, should be treated.

Bruxism Treatment should be comprehensive and include the following steps:

  • behavioral psychotherapy;
  • pharmacological therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • dental treatment.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid

The treatment aims to eliminate causes of disease and decrease of impact grinding on the teeth. Therefore, the first item in the psychotherapy treatment costs. It should take into account the psycho-emotional status of each individual case. The patient must learn how to get rid of negative emotions and stress.

For this purpose, several methods of special exercises and trainings, which are conducted psychotherapist. Also recommended for yoga, breathing exercises. Affirmative action sessions of general massage or acupressure face. Recommended exercise and swimming, which will reduce tension and promote the production of endorphins.

Dental treatment can be operative and therapeutic. To avoid the consequences of the disease, it is recommended to wear special caps. Most often they are put on at night, but developed and daily caps. They protect the tooth enamel from destruction, and the teeth of their loosening. Also, when the reel teeth, carried splinting them.

It is also effective in the fight against grinding Botox injections, which leads to paralysis of the facial muscles and preventing spasm of the jaw.

Preparations for the treatment of teeth gnashing

Drug treatment of bruxism should be individualized, because some drugs can not be taken by patients who have an occupation requires increased care.

The main pharmacological groups in the fight against grinding are as follows:

  • sedatives - have a calming effect for nervous disorders, stress, emotional stress:
  1. Persen - taking 2 tablets. 2-3 times a day;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  2. Barboval - appoint 1-2 capsules. 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days. Should not be taken with tranquilizers and antipsychotic drugs;
  3. bIGF - accepted by 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day for a month;
  4. Sedasen - at nerve strain take 1-2 Table. 2-3 times a day or as a soporific, 2 table. for 0.5 hours before bedtime.
  • Muscle relaxants - prescribed to relieve muscle spasm and muscle pain:
  1. Mydocalm - is recommended to take at 150-450 mg per day, divided into 3 doses;
  2. sirdalud - effectively relieves spasms of the skeletal musculature in a dosage of 4.2 mg 3 times per day.
  • Formulations magnesium, potassium and calcium - the body is saturated with trace elements and electrolytes, resuming their normal ratio:
  1. Panangin - 2 table. 3 times daily for 2-3 weeks;
  2. Magne B6 - ingest 1 table. 2 times a day 2 weeks;
  3. Calcium D - It is recommended to drink 2.5 ml of 1 times a day for a month.
  • B vitamins - are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system:
  1. NeuroMax - are inside of Table 1, drinking plenty of fluids.. therapy - 4 weeks;
  2. Neyrorubin forte - apply Table 1-2. before meals with a glass of water up to 1 month.

In some cases, also use antipsychotics and tranquilizers, which have hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant effects, as well as act as muscle relaxants and anxiolytics. But these categories of drugs are so many side effects, including addictive, and therefore, they are released only by prescription.


Among homeopathic drugs during tooth grinding is used, those having a soothing effect:

  • tenotome - unique homeopathic drug with sedative and antidepressant activity, which should be taken by mouth, without chewing, and swallowing, wait until its complete dissolution in the mouth in Table 1. 2 times a day. Do not use with food. Duration of treatment - 1-3 months.Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • Knott - use of the park 10. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment - 1 month, if necessary, can be repeated after 2 weeks break.

operative therapy

Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults, the causes of which lie in the dental disease should be treated with radical methods.

The most common are the following types of surgical treatment of bruxism:

  • tooth extraction;
  • implantation;
  • bone augmentation;
  • surgery pathology frenum;
  • treatment of malposition of the jaws;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid

Correction normal bite, removal of damaged teeth may fully withdraw disease clinic.

Often, to get rid of the rattle are also using orthodontics and Periodontics. Sometimes a sharp edge or tooth fillings improper installation, prostheses and crowns can cause symptoms of this phenomenon. For their treatment to eliminate enough reason: to replace dentures, crowns, remove old fillings, to restore correct dentition.

herbal treatment

Nervous tension and stress effectively removes a soothing herbal tea with a combined formulation.

For its preparation is necessary:

  1. take 2 hours. l. dry raw chamomile, linden and Leonurus;
  2. add 1 hour. l. peppermint and a similar number melissa;
  3. Mix all the ingredients and fill in 1 liter of boiling water;
  4. mixture stand for 1 hour, then drain.

Take tea for 1 cup 2 times a day.

Folk remedies for gritting his teeth in his sleep

Bruxism - is a specific reaction to the stimulus. If it is impossible to eliminate it, you should learn how to relax and control their emotions. Traditional methods are effective in relieving stress for their application do not require much effort and cost, so they are a good alternative to drug therapy.

Most often recommend such traditional methods:

  • cold and warm compresses in the area of ​​joints and jaws - they are well relieves spasms of the facial muscles;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • facial muscles - accompanies muscle relaxation;
  • a diet rich in K, Ca and Mg - it must include foods replenishing the body with essential trace elements (bananas, avocados, dried apricots, nuts, eggs, cheese, dried fruits);
  • chewing throughout the day - constant muscular work relieves symptoms of disease (it is recommended to chew nuts, hard fruit or vegetables);
  • receiving a warm bath before bedtime - a procedure has a relaxing effect, which can be enhanced by adding pine extract, sea salt, or aromatic oils.

Special exercises are also designed, which is used in the treatment of this disease:

  1. Open your mouth and hold this position for 30 seconds.
  2. The lower jaw to shift to the right (the teeth at the same time should not come in contact) and hold 4-5 seconds.
  3. The lower jaw to shift to the left and hold 4-5 seconds.
  4. Take home position (teeth, still, should not come into contact), hold for 5 seconds.

This exercise should be repeated 4-5 times a day.

Dangerous consequences of bruxism

dental implications neurological effects
  • Loss of teeth - teeth become loose and break, leading to hair loss.
  • Erasing the tooth enamel and dentine - there is abnormally fast.
  • Caries - is developing rapidly and affects multiple teeth.
  • Periodontitis - due to tooth decay and periodontal inflamed tissue.
  • Development of malocclusion.
  • The increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Frequent headaches, sometimes migraines.
  • sleep apnea syndrome.
  • Neuroses.

To prevent the dangerous consequences of such rules must be followed:

  • screened regularly by a dentist;Gnashing of teeth during sleep in adults. Reasons for what to do, how to get rid
  • avoid conflict and stress;
  • respect the day and night;
  • engage in physical exercise (light exercise, morning exercise, gymnastics);
  • observe proper nutrition;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • take a relaxing bath before bedtime, herbal teas or meditate.

gnashing of teeth - frequent enough phenomenon that occurs once in your life every second adult. His treatment is long, requires patience and material costs.

But the consequences of bruxism are serious, and their treatment is far more expensive than treatment of most diseases. Therefore, to establish the cause of the disease, should immediately proceed to its treatment and prevent the development of possible consequences.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of bruxism

Elena Malysheva tells what to do if you grind their teeth at night:

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