Diseases Of The Nervous System

Ternary nerve. Where is than to treat inflammation of the face, dropped eyelid pain. Picture, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment. Drugs, medicines, tablets, folk remedies at home

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Trigeminal nerve, where it is, it causes inflammation - this is the theme of many medical research and development. It is relevant because the disease that causes unbearable pain a person changing his quality of life. How to treat and how to prevent the consequences - it is a difficult issue on which you need to understand.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Where is the trigeminal nerve
  • 2 The causes of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
  • 3 The first signs and symptoms of inflammation
  • 4 To which the doctor ask?
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
  • 7 medication
  • 8 Homeopathy to eliminate neuralgia
  • 9 How to reduce inflammation folk remedies
  • 10 Massage
  • 11 Physiotherapy
  • 12 Operation
  • 13 Is it possible to heat the trigeminal nerve
  • 14 Possible consequences of the disease
  • 15 Video of the ternary nerve

Where is the trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal nerve - this is the 5th representative of the 12 cranial nerves, which provides transmission of nerve impulses through 3 directions, extending therefrom (for it got its name):

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  • ocular (Manages the forehead, eyes and upper eyelid);
  • maxillary (Manages lower eyelid, cheeks, nostrils, upper lip, upper gingiva);
  • mandibular (Headed by chewing muscles, lower lip, lower gum).Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Trigeminal nerve encircles the entire face because of the off small branches. Therefore, where there is a focus of inflammation, possible to determine only the competent expert. He says, than to treat it as the nerve complex in composition and has sensory and motor fibers.

The causes of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

When inflammation of the trigeminal nerve of human torment extreme pain. Neuralgia can occur alone or be the consequence of another uncured disease. It can be formed by compression of the nerve artery and vein, and is formed from this pain.

The primary causes of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • viral infection - the ability of the virus to cause any rapid, especially the development of the bacteria secrete the herpes family;
  • a weakened immune system - the same herpes begins to develop in the weakened, not protected by immunity of the body;
  • subcooling the whole body or locally - inflamed trigeminal nerve and drafts when exposed to low temperatures, for example at any part of the face (neck, cheek);
  • increased physical and mental stress (e.g., emotional shocks) - deplete the protective functions of the organism;
  • Unbalanced food intake and as a consequence - a vitamin deficiency;
  • long flowing severe infection;
  • bruises and broken bones of the head and body;
  • inflammatory or tumor vessel formation that prevent normal operation of the nerve by pushing it;
  • inflammatory processes in the mouth.

The first signs and symptoms of inflammation

The main sign of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - a strong pain attacks in the face, most commonly in the jaw. They are enhanced by the movement of the head (tilt, swivel and meal).Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

I share the pain on a typical and atypical:

  1. typical - pain is amplified, then it subsides. It happens with some frequency. The person feels extreme pain as if hit by a current action.
  2. atypical - it is constant, is less common typical. The pain is more area affected persons and more generally does not stop.

Trigeminal neuralgia is easy to see and identify.

The first signs:

  1. A sudden spasm of the muscles. The fibers of the facial muscles are reduced, asymmetry suffers change.
  2. Strong pain. Intolerable pain continues for several minutes, unpleasant aching pain occurs more. inflammation is often one-sided, respectively, and the pain bothers one face. Pain location is determined by a process of the inflamed nerve.

In early disease the pain is short-term and "tolerant", but with a rise time of inflammation, pain attacks become unbearable, and its duration is increased, thereby racking patient.

Symptoms of inflammation:

  • constant aching and raking facial pain;
  • facial asymmetry;Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies
  • lost the sensitivity of the skin, of the face onemevayut;
  • increased pain during eating, talking;
  • heightened state of weakness;
  • muscle pain, the whole body;
  • intermittent twitching of facial muscles;
  • headache;
  • irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • rashes on the skin.

To which the doctor ask?

The trigeminal nerve (which is than treated say neurologist) at inflammation causes disturbance of proper operation of the nervous system. patients taking symptoms often trigeminal neuralgia for other possible disease (inflammation of the gums, blood pressure) and recorded on the receipt to the adjacent doctors.

After inspection and elimination of pain the reasons for its specification, doctors send the patient to a neurologist or general practitioner.

When a patient goes to the physician, who examines the patient, he asks to pass the necessary tests and after that directs to a neurologist.

To the exclusion of other diseases physician must examine: the head, neck and mouth. After determining the trigeminal nerve doctor must determine the cause of its formation (typical neuralgia - without adjacent diseases, symptomatic - caused by other diseases).

The doctor must rule out other diseases whose symptoms are similar to symptoms of neuritis of the trigeminal nerve:

  • migraine;Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies
  • dental tissue infections;
  • pain in the lower jaw;
  • arteritis temporal region (dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of arteries and veins in the temple, can cause stroke and blindness);
  • Moved face the consequences of injury.

Thus, in cases of suspected optic neuritis can turn to a therapist, but treatment will deal with the neurologist. The therapist will be an additional link to establish a correct diagnosis and rule out other diseases.


Diagnosis - an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is easy, there are certain signs by which a neurologist can determine inflammation. After inspecting and feeling, of some manipulation and talk with the patient, the doctor confirms the diagnosis.

Sometimes it takes the results of additional studies to diagnose the disease:

  • general analysis of blood and urine:
  • roentgen oral cavity;
    Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies
    X-ray of the oral cavity is to prevent dental problems as the main cause of inflammation Trocin nerve!
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal nerve (where and how to treat inflammation, determined during the integrated diagnostic) was tested for its entire length for the selection of effective treatment. Inflammatory zone primary physician determines the patient with the words, holding feelings in pain.

After determining the patient's disease, of the required examination and obtain analysis results, the doctor prescribes medication. It depends on the age, cause, severity and consequences.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia takes a long time and does not always work completely successful. But modern medicine is able to relieve the suffering of the patient's integrated approach to disease treatment.

Methods for treating inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

  1. Medication - the use of drugs.
  2. Physiotherapy - administered in combination with other therapies, the most effective - the laser and ultrasound.
  3. Surgery - used as a supplement to other treatments and often it is the only treatment option.
  4. rhizotomy - cut the trigeminal nerve (selected place behind the ear).
  5. microvascular decompression - removed or shifted to the blood vessels in contact with the branches of nerves.
  6. radiofrequency ablation - effects on nerve endings high temperature, is performed under anesthesia, full recovery occurs after months of use procedures.


Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia characterized by complexity. The variety of treatment methods confirms that the approach to the patient should be individualized. Treatment should address the causes of the inflammation and relieve the pain.

In the early 90's disease treated with analgesic drugs later I found out that they can not cope with the pain and improve the patient's condition.Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Therefore, the medical practice has become a more powerful drugs - anti-epileptic. These drugs are designed to reduce seizures in epilepsy - anticonvulsants (Trimetin, Karbomazepin and others). Formulations reduce pain by inhibiting the transmission of nerve impulses.

Like a number of other diseases, doctors often prescribe a complex of drugs:

Category medication The main task name praparata
anticonvulsant Reducing action in the nerve fibers, increase the time between attacks Carbamazepine, Klanazepan
anti-inflammatory reduce inflammation Ibuprofen, Ketanov
Painkillers, antispasmodic relieve pain Baralgin, baclofen
Sedatives, antideprisanty soothe amitriptyline
vitamin complexes Increase the body's resistance to viruses and strengthen the immune system vitamins, various vitamins complex
ancillary Prevention of relapses, reducing the time to recover Drugs with rose hips, echinacea

the patient is often prescribed etiotropic drugs that eliminate the primary cause of the pain:

  1. Antiviral if diagnosed herpes (Laferon gerpevir).
  2. In multiple sclerosis - means normalizing the myelin sheath of nerves.
  3. Atherosclerosis - compositions that dissolve cholesterol plaques (Atoris).Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Individually selected patient a complex preparations certain dosage taking into account the severity of the disease and the first cause of inflammation degree. By facilitating or absence of improvement, an assessment of treatment and condition of the patient, and further there is a correction or replacement doses of the drug.

Homeopathy to eliminate neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is where and how to treat know homeopaths. Natural drugs efficacious in combating this type of neuralgia. Homeopathy The preferred by many because it allows their impact on the patient combined with other methods of treatment, increasing their effect. A well-chosen homeopathic remedies can relieve pain and even heal the sick.

The most effective homeopathic remedies in the chamber:

  • Agaricus (agarikus) - help with the strong strain of muscles, while "needle" pain.
  • Cedron (tsedron) - help with pain around the eyes and in the eyeball, increased lacrimation relieve, reduce nervousness.
  • Spigelia (Spiegel) - the basic agent in trigeminal neuralgia. Remove sharp, tearing pain, soothe. It is indicated for use in agonizing pain in the eyes, heart, angina and shortness of breath, causes of which was the nerve inflammation.Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Range of homeopathic remedies to combat trigeminal neuralgia wide. Selection of the drug should pass to the homeopath. There are cases when the doctor prescribes two or more homeopathic remedies on 1 course, to enhance the effect and speedy recovery.

Homeopathic remedies are not always able to cure neuralgia, but they increase the chances of recovery, where even modern methods are not able to help. Homeopathy is not "extinguish" the pain, but neatly regulates processes in the nerve fibers. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and contribute to the strengthening immunity.

How to reduce inflammation folk remedies

The trigeminal nerve (where and how to treat it, the doctor determines the patient after internal survey) gives in herbal medicine.

The most effective recipes:

  • Tincture of mint, valerian, and St. John's wort: 300 g of fresh mint, 150 g of valerian and hypericum, pour 1.5 L water, boiled for 10 min. On low heat, let stand 3 hours and drain, take 2 times a day for 1.5 tbsp
  • Chamomile and burdock: 200 g of each herb connect, pour 700 ml. water, boiled for 15 minutes, infuse for 24 hours, filter. Drink a few sips of 2 hours after a meal.Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies
  • Aloe - one of the main healers. Juice of young plants by 1,5 Art. l. 2 times a day is necessary to drink for 1 hour before meals.


Massage techniques in combination with other treatments for trigeminal neuralgia note positive and reduce the time of treatment.

2 methods performed in trigeminal neuralgia massage movements:

  • circular grinding;
  • vibration.

On the first day of massage is stroking cautious. This continues for 3-4 days. Next, conduct smoothing and kneading the muscles of the face, pain in places - an easy vibration. Vibration carried fingertips point to severe pain. Begin to massage the neck, gradually moving on the temporal area.

5 days after the beginning of the procedures do massage nerve fibers of the trigeminal nerve. Duration of massage is 10-15 minutes, course - 17-22 procedures. Massage movements should not exacerbate the pain, held daily, can be repeated after 2 months.


Physiotherapy help to improve the patient's condition by reducing pain, increasing the supply of blood supply to the affected area and the cells, which leads to the restoration of the nerves.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following measures:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation face - reduces pain.
  • The electric field of UHF - improves microcirculation in tissues, reduces pain.Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies
  • Electrophoresis with novocaine - removes muscle tension, reduces pain. Electrophoresis with vitamin B - improves nutrition of nerve cells.
  • Laser - prevents transmission of nerve impulses.


Surgical procedures prescribed in the case of treatment failure medications within 3-4 months. Operations eliminate the cause or reduce the transmission of nerve impulses along nerve.

Operational intervention to eliminate the causes of:

  • removing formations in the brain;
  • microvascular decompression - cutting or changing the position of vessels that interfere with the proper operation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • increase cranial nerve exit site - surgery infraorbital channel.

Operational intervention to reduce the efficiency of the transmission of information of the trigeminal nerve:

  • radio-frequency destruction - the destruction of nerve root processes that have changed due to this pathology;
  • compression - nerve compression air, leading to his death;
  • rhizotomy - the destruction of the nerve area, bringing the pain.Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Surgical interventions are evaluated quite expensive, so they are rarely prescribed. But the appointment is taken into account age, body condition and the cause of the inflammation.

Is it possible to heat the trigeminal nerve

Often in the fight against various diseases apply warming procedures, because they positively impact on the sore spot, facilitate the removal of muscle spasm, eliminate the spasm of blood vessels and improve microcirculation. In this case, the pain decreases significantly and the person feels improvement.

But there is no definite opinion with trigeminal neuralgia - it can be warmed or not, since the heat effect on the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve in some patients brings only benefits, and some contributes to complications from the disease, increasing the pain.

Let us examine two cases:

  1. Neuralgia, which was the cause of the irritation of intracranial part of the nerve by squeezing the container. In this case, the focus of inflammation is far and warming will not help, it will act as a distraction. There will be a slight pain relief. A patient in combination with other treatments will have a positive effect of the heat, the use of heat treatment - is allowed.
  2. If neuralgia caused by protracted inflammation, e.g. periodontal disease part, tumor formation, inflammation of the maxillary sinus and the pubic, bone fractures, herpes infection, other. Here a definite answer to the question of whether to heat the site of inflammation - no!Ternary nerve. Where it is than to treat inflammation. Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment: drugs, folk remedies

Warming up the site of inflammation is invalid because:

  • Warming causes aggravation in areas of inflammation, bringing severe pain, redness, swelling.
  • Herpes nerve fibers, and so in the acute stage of inflammation, and the heat effect will only exacerbate the pain, but also will contribute to the spread of infection.

Appoint a warming procedure can only competent specialist after analyzing the causes of trigeminal neuralgia.

Possible consequences of the disease

Consequences of trigeminal neuralgia ruthlessly spoil a person's life.

These include:

  • the formation of the depression on the background of constant excruciating pain;
  • avoiding the society;
  • decreased performance;
  • weight loss;
  • mental disorders;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • changing power of skin cells and as a consequence - loss of eyelashes and eyebrows.

If neuralgia is started, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • hearing loss;
  • paralysis of parts of the face;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • violation of the psyche.

More susceptible to the effects of older people, often ill with cardiovascular diseases and women.

The treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve has to deal with a qualified specialist, to let the disease take its course is not necessary. With timely consultation neurologist, finding the source of inflammation, and the selection of an effective method of treatment the patient will soon have improved and full recovery.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the ternary nerve

On the localization and characteristics of the nerve troinichnogo:

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