Venereal Diseases

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal, life-threatening. List Table: Symptoms and Treatment

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Diseases STDs have a negative impact on the reproductive system and other organs. Particularly dangerous pathogens transmitted from the carrier disease sexually healthy person, through blood or casual contact.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of STIs
  • 2 bacterial STIs
  • 3 trichomoniasis
  • 4 Candidiasis
  • 5 Viral sexual infections
  • 6 STI diagnosis
  • 7 Treatment of genital infections in gynecology
  • 8 Treatment of genital infections in urology
  • 9 Videos about STIs

The causes of STIs

Sexual diseases are provoked by the penetration of the body infections, viruses, fungi and unicellular organisms.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment
The causes of sexually transmitted diseases

The trigger is:

  • means the absence of high quality contraception;
  • promiscuous sex;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • delayed treatment of infectious diseases before conception.

Disease, sexually transmitted infections, characterized by predisposing factor in development.

Play an important role:

  • the immune system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • physical overload.

All the above factors lead to the fact that the body is unable to cope with the disease.

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bacterial STIs

Bacterial genital infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. The bacteria can enter the body of any age. A special risk group consists of adults who are promiscuous. Infected people may be a source of transmission of the disease to children.

This happens through everyday or a carrier of the disease become infected pregnant women.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

Among bacterial diseases are distinguished:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chancroid;
  • inguinal granuloma;
  • venereal granuloma;
  • syphilis.

Chlamydia is different blurred over. External manifestations of disease are practically nonexistent. Bright symptoms later. Leading sign are the pain, itching of the genitals in women. Patients observed yellowish discharge, rise in body temperature, fatigue. Men marked itching and pain when urinating.

Chlamydia is certainly one of the most common diseases in the world. Statistics show that about a third of the world population is a carrier of chlamydia. Disease can provoke serious pathologies such as arthritis, conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, pneumonia.

Duration of treatment of chlamydia may be different in different people. Treatment efficacy is dependent on multiple factors. When the time to diagnose the disease mean duration of treatment is two weeks.

The infection is transmitted through sexual contact, as well as household by. Leading symptom in men - an inflammation of the urethra, pain during urination, discharge of pus. Disease in women is expressed in intense pus, pain and burning sensation when urinating.

Asymptomatic observed at the initial stages, which provokes the development of the pathology and subsequent high rate of complications.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment
uterine infection

Infection contributes to the development of the following complications in women:

  • uterine infection;
  • violation of the menstruation;
  • the formation of adhesions in the tubes;
  • infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage.

Men are the following complications:

  • epididymitis;
  • decrease in sperm quality;
  • loss of bladder;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • joint disease;
  • damage to internal organs.

To avoid all these complications require the timely initiation of therapy of the disease. If there is a bright symptoms are prescribed antibiotics. The average duration of treatment is 10-12 days, followed by a check analysis.

The disease is most often diagnosed in women. Cause of infection - unprotected sexual intercourse. Pathology provokes renal function, inflammation of the urethra. With the defeat of mycoplasmosis woman may experience itching and cramps in the area of ​​the urethra.

The inflammatory process in the vagina provokes mucus and pus, which are characterized by an unpleasant odor. Sexual intercourse accompanied by painful sensations. Infection can affect the uterus and the cervix. As a result, women feel discomfort in the lower abdomen. Often, patients are marked in blood separation between periods.

The main complications in women include:

  • infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • autoimmune nature of the disease.

In men, inflamed mucosa of the urogenital system. Inflammation is characterized by a burning sensation, itching, pain during urination and ejaculation. The main complications in men should include infertility and impotence.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

Treatment of the disease is carried out by antibiotics. The duration of treatment is 12-14 days. The success of treatment depends on the patient's immune system. Characterized by suppurative processes affecting the lymph nodes. External signs include ulcers, containing serous fluid.

ulcers circle differs puffiness. The inflammatory process involves the penis in males and the labia in women. Chancre different tenderness, but usually pain occur mostly in men. Chancroid different infectious. It can cause complications.

The inflammatory process involved lymph nodes. Likely to develop lymphadenitis genitals. Swollen portion is covered with dense nodes which ulcerate. Such ulcers healing different duration. In 50% of cases after infection lymph nodes bubo formed.

The appearance of the scar is triggered by physical exertion. There is swelling of the skin over the affected lymph node. Patient hurts fever and weakness. Among the complications in males should be noted pathologies like phimosis and paraphimosis. They require copious serous fluid and forming a plurality of ulcers on the prepuce.

Chancroid therapy should be performed at the initial stages. Early treatment prevents operation. Therapy is conducted in a hospital. Duration of treatment is 7-14 days. Inguinal granuloma men affected head of the penis, and in women the labia and vagina. In the field of infection are formed vesicles and ulcers.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment
swollen lymph nodes

When the progress of pathology increased lymph nodes in the jaw, neck and groin. Complications in granuloma formation of scars provoke, promote a narrowing of the urethra and vagina. The seal is removed by a surgical method.

When the time spent diagnosing possible to get rid of ulcers for 3 weeks. The course of therapy, and dosage formulations set venereologist. Venereal granuloma - a disease characterized by a slow progression. At the site of the introduction of infection formed papule, resembling a pea.

In men, the tumor is localized in the foreskin, the glans penis, scrotum. Women pathology develops in the genital lips. Papule begins to ulcerate. They are characterized by slow growth. They are allocated serous fluid.

After a certain period of time the skin heals, and in this place formed small scars. A period of remission. The person feels good, but after 6-8 months, and 2-4 years sometimes recurs disease.

Often, the infection spreads to other areas of the skin. Despite widespread ulcers do not differ morbidity.

Not a cure in time the disease causes the following complications:

  • elephantiasis of the genitals;
  • narrowing of the urethra in men;
  • narrowing of the vagina in women;
  • narrowing the anus.

The disease can cause destruction of the genital organs and the development of squamous cell carcinoma. Thus there is tissue necrosis, liver and spleen. The main method of treatment is antibiotics. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most serious diseases is syphilis. Diseases which mostly sexually transmitted, characterized by abundant rash, growth ulcers, myalgia, migraine, increased leukocyte and reduced hemoglobin. The disease has serious problems.

Among the major complications should be highlighted:

  • lesion of blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • infertility;
  • baldness;
  • loss of voice;
  • hearing loss;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • blindness;
  • violation of the morphology of cartilage and joints;
  • meningitis;
  • gangrene of the genitals;
  • the defeat of the endocrine system;
  • progressive paralysis.

Changes in the nervous system provoked at any stage of syphilis. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease. When the primary form of treatment duration is 8-15 days. Secondary forms of therapy lasts 26 days. Tertiary form treatable with difficulty. The duration is 2-3 years.


Infection provoked intercourse or transmitted through everyday. In women, the pathology is accompanied by itching of the external genitalia, greenish frothy discharge with an admixture. Men pathology provokes painful urination.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

At untimely treatment of women may develop the following complications:

  • cystitis;
  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • fetal malformations.

In men, it says:

  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • impotence;
  • infection of the penis.

The duration of treatment ranged from 12 days to 1 month. The doctor relies on the intensity of the clinical manifestations, as well as indicators of control swabs from the urethra.


When candidiasis inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. The patient complains of intense itching and discharge cheesy consistency. With timely treatment of candidiasis makes no complications, but long flowing disease can infect the urethra, bladder and kidneys.

Commonly used antifungal agents. Treatment of candles and creams can be extended to 7 days.

Viral sexual infections

The basis of viral infections constitute sexual infectious-inflammatory processes which are caused by viruses. In Venereology allocated a number of diseases. Genital herpes refers to an incurable disease. The pathogen enters the spinal nerve fibers. The virus becomes active with the weakening of immunity.

Rashes appear on the lips, cheeks, eyes, genitals of men and women. They disappear after a month. Genital herpes is fraught with serious complications.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

Among them should be highlighted:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • urethritis;
  • proctitis;
  • blood poisoning;
  • decreased vision;
  • inflammation of the esophagus.

The most dangerous complication is herpes encephalitis and meningoencephalitis. Sometimes in the pathological process involved the respiratory system. The reason lies in the lymphatic spread of infection. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

The therapy involves the use of antiviral creams and gels. When episodic course of the disease course of treatment is 10 days. If preventive therapy is conducted during the month. The main symptom is the appearance of the pathology of genital warts in the Kandil and mucous tissues, and the anus.

Complications in women should include the development of breast and cervical cancer. For men, the consequences of infection are not so dangerous. Male carriers are passive disease. The risk of infection transfer in oncology are lower. HPV Treatment involves the use of laser therapy, elektroagulyatsii, radio wave coagulation, chemical or surgical removal of warts.

Disease is expressed in the reduction of appetite, fatigue, pain in the liver area, dark urine, and nausea. The most dangerous complications of viral diseases include hepatic coma. In some cases it leads to death. It is also possible the development of hepatic encephalopathy.

The duration of treatment of hepatitis B is 36 weeks, after which in most cases the disease is not recur. In the acute phase of HIV the temperature increases, the feeling of chills, pain in joints and muscles, swollen lymph nodes, skin rash, upset gastrointestinal tract. The disease destroys the work of immunity.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

The major complications of the disease include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • meningitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • lymphoma;
  • exhaustion;
  • neurological complications;
  • kidney disease.

Treatment involves lifelong intake of drugs.

STI diagnosis

Diseases, sexually transmitted infections, suggest only laboratory diagnostics. The purpose of research - to establish the causative agent of venereal disease variations. Only symptomatic diagnosis is difficult to establish. Laboratory diagnosis of the disease to determine accurately and makes it possible to choose the appropriate therapy.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment
STI diagnosis

The main methods of STI research include:

  • smear in the bacterium of the genitourinary system;
  • Bacteriological sowings;
  • study by PCR method;
  • serological method.

Average comprehensive research suggests stroke change, which is investigated under the microscope. The next step involves a PCR screening method.

Treatment of genital infections in gynecology

In the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases different medications are used. Treatment depends on the type of causative agent. Therefore it is always performed diagnosis.

exciter drugs group
bacteria Penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, nitromidazoly.
mushrooms Fungicides.
viruses Acyclic nucleosides.

Most sexually transmitted diseases are of bacterial origin.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

They can be triggered by the following bacteria:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • pale treponema;
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasma.

In this case, the main drugs for treatment are antibiotics. They are appointed in various forms. Commonly used tablets, but sometimes resorted to the use of parenteral agents. Intramuscularly injected drugs most penicillanic group. Penicillins used to treat syphilis.

When the primary and secondary stages 600,000 assigned for ED. benzylpenicillin 1 p per day. The course of treatment is 10 days. When the latent phase is also assigned 600,000 units. But the course of treatment is 15 days. With the defeat of the cardiovascular and nervous system assigned 600,000 units. for 20 days.

There is also a short regimen that is effective for only two days after infection. Under this scheme, you must enter a single injection of penicillin intramuscularly. The dose is 2 Mill. 4000 thousand. ED. If in a year the patient antibodies are found, then a second course injections.

Gonorrhea is often used Ceftriaxone preparation which is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Standard treatment involves the administration of a single intramuscular dose of 250 mg. When a person gets complicated form of the drug at a dose of 1 g once a day.

In the propagation of infection to the internal genitalia course of treatment is 3-4 days. The maximum duration of treatment is 5 days. Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases are not always triggered by bacteria. Sometimes they are caused by fungi, protozoa and viruses. In the treatment of vaginitis fungal origin used drugs from the group of fungicides.

These agents have both local and systemic effects. As a rule, they resort to the use of Clindamycin and fluconazole. In 90% of cases they have an effective impact. If the therapeutic effect is not reached, there shall be a bacteriological crop antifungal susceptibility.

When infected female genital assigned clindamycin 450 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks. In a simple form candidiasis Fluconazole received a dose of 150 mg. In recurrent disease the drug is taken on the 1st 3rd and 7th day of treatment, as well as once during menstruation.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

During the chronic disease Fluconazole received 150 mg over six months. Also, there are sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses, protozoal and viral nature. Trichomoniasis is caused by protozoa. Infection is removed by agents from the group nitromidazola. Commonly used drugs such as Ornidazole, Metronidazole and Tinidazole.

Metronidazole is taken at a dose of 250 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Tinidazole is taken in a dosage of 2.0 g (4 tablets of 500 mg) in one step once a knocking. The course of treatment is 3 days. When a viral infection used acyclic nucleosides. Among them is the Acyclovir, Valacyclovir and Famitsiklovir.

Acyclovir recommended dose is 200 mg every 6 hours or 400 mg twice a day. In some cases, shows low dose - 200 mg 3 times a day (every 8 hours, or two times a day every 12 hours). When infection of the reproductive system, traditional medicine recommends taking the infusion based on creeping thyme, burnet root, levzei carthamoides, rosemary shoots.

Three teaspoons mixture poured 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture was infused for 10 hours, then filtered. Infusion take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. In the treatment of chlamydia in equal proportions taken cherry fruit, celandine, St. John's wort, and the dried leaves of a walnut. Collection is boiled in a water bath for half an hour.

Take 30 ml fasting 3 times a day for a month. For the treatment of herpes taken 2 tbsp licorice root smooth and 200 ml of water. Roots are filled with boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Broth take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Treatment of genital infections in urology

Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases spread to the urinary system, causing the development of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.

exciter drugs group
bacteria Penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, nitrofurans.
mushrooms Fungicides.
viruses Acyclic nucleosides.

Complications in genital infections infected urethra. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in urine diagnosed quite often. When detecting a large number of microorganisms require treatment by antibiotics.

In this disease acquire acute or chronic. To prevent a recurrence are also appointed by repeated courses, involving the use of antibiotics. Often sexual infections provoke the development of pyelonephritis. Mild to moderate forms can be treated by oral fluoroquinol.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

Widely used in medical practice has received Ofloxacin. Drug taking 200-400 mg twice a day for 10-14 days. The drug is considered redundant cephalosporin antibiotics. When infections of the genitourinary system is used Zinnat.

Usually the drug is prescribed at 250 mg twice a day for 7 days.

In urology fungal infections affect the bladder and kidneys. The most common infection is candidiasis. When treating justified the use of tools such as fluconazole and amphotericin. antifungal treatment is 7-14 days.

Fluconazole is administered in a dose of 200 mg per day. Typically, the oral form is used. If no effect on the fluconazole therapy used amphotericin. Use of the drug is justified in the presence of fungi resistant to fluconazole. Amphotericin 1 taken once a day in a dose of from 0.3 to 1.0 mg / kg over 1-7 days as an intravenous infusion.

Often the viral reproductive system diseases provoke prostatitis. Once installed the virus type, are appointed by antiviral drugs. Herpes recommended intake of Acyclovir and its derivatives - Zovirax, valacyclovir. Zovirax taken 200 mg 5 times a day.

Often genital infections cause such complications as balanoposthitis. In this case, the skin of the head and the foreskin becomes red and swollen. In a simple form illustrated sage extract treatment. They held rinsing. Cup of boiling water poured 2 tablespoons. l. herbs and simmer for 10 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, it is filtered through cheesecloth. Rinse 3 times a day.

When Candida defeat of the urethra is used based on bath of chamomile. They are designed for 10 liters of water. In a small sealed container 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers. Infused mixture of half an hour. The tank should be closed. Then tincture is poured into a bowl of warm water. Bath taken for 15 minutes.

When urethritis viral recommended the use of bilberry leaf. Broth is used for the treatment of the chronic nature of disease. Cranberry leaf is brewed as a tea and drunk for 3 months. Treatment continues even at symptomatic relief.

The most dangerous disease include:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Chlamydia is characterized by unpleasant discharge of pus from the genitals. Sometimes they marked admixture of blood. Most patients Field of the disease remain fruitless. Chlamydia can cause atherosclerosis, contribute to the destruction of bones, cause pain in the spine, vascular disease, diabetes and blindness.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men develop on day 4 after infection. Urination wherein the disease accompanied by pain. Gonorrhea can cause inflammation of the uterus and cause infertility. Herpes affects the entire body. The inflammatory process is developing on the lips, then grabs the mucous genitals, eyes, intestines, infects the liver.

The virus spreads rapidly, it is impossible to eliminate. Ureaplasma symptoms develop slowly. The disease does not manifest itself for a long time. By reducing the immunity the virus begins to spread rapidly. It violates the activity of sperm. In the propagation of the virus in the patient's urethra bother burning sensation in the urethra. Sexual organs become inflamed.

Disease, sexually transmitted diseases. Infectious, sexually transmitted fatal. Symptoms and Treatment

AIDS - the last stage of HIV. The viruses in the body is rapidly developing. The body is affected tumors, infections of viral or bacterial origin. The human immune system is so weakened that it is not able to fight infection.

At the final stage of an extensive area of ​​skin affected. The virus triggers the death of retinal cells, which leads to loss of vision.

AIDS is a disease in which even the common cold is fatal. The disease is not amenable to treatment, that as the damaged cells do not regenerate. For this reason, the body covered with tiny scratches, bruises, abrasions and bleeding erosions that do not heal. The patient has sore muscles, joints, hair falls out.

AIDS affects the brain and reduces mental capacity. At any time, brain abscess may occur. Death is inevitable in this case. Man sick with syphilis, the initial stages of any symptoms of the disease do not feel. The incubation period is 35 days.

The disease manifests itself in the form of purulent wounds, eczema and spots on the skin. Next, the infection spreads to the internal organs, mucosa and skeletal system.

Although scientists have come to pass many discoveries in the field of therapy of Treponema, the infection does not exclude the death. Fatal possible with late onset of treatment when the disease is complicated. Sinister pathology lies in the fact that in some cases the symptoms is erased character.

The disease is transmitted from an infected mother to the fetus, which is left untreated. Such carelessness can cause severe abnormalities or neonatal death from congenital syphilis immediately after birth. Hepatitis is the most resistant to the external environment.

In the first stage symptoms are similar to acute respiratory infections, but develops fatigue, weakness, headache a few days. Urine turns a dark color, vomiting appears. The disease is chronic, sexually transmitted, characterized by pain in the right upper quadrant, enlarged liver, skin itching, skin coloration in yellow.

Depending on the form in which the disease occurs, there may be different effects - from full recovery 6 months without any drugs to death due appeared complications.

Videos about STIs

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