Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Crackle joints throughout the body. The causes of the child, adolescent, adult. What to do, to what doctor to address? Treatment of folk remedies, pills

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On the correct operation of the locomotor apparatus of man depends on his health in general. The crunch of joints - a specific sound that occurs when active movements may appear around the body for various reasons: the hip, elbow, knee, wrist, spine and be a signal disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Crunch in the joints throughout the body: the norm or rejection?
  • 2 Which joints often occurs crunch and what it means
  • 3 The causes of a crunch of joints in children, adolescents and adults
  • 4 Probable diseases and their symptoms
  • 5 To which the doctor ask when a crunch in joints?
  • 6 Methods for diagnosis of articular diseases
  • 7 Tablets for the treatment of joint crunch
  • 8 Local anti-articular crunch
  • 9 physiotherapy techniques
  • 10 Therapeutic exercise at a crunch in joints
  • 11 Traditional treatments
  • 12 When surgery is necessary?
  • 13 Prevention of diseases of joints: medical advice
  • 14 Video of a crunch of joints throughout the body

Crunch in the joints throughout the body: the norm or rejection?

Healthy joints have properties such as flexibility and elasticity, their movement smooth and silent. In most cases, the characteristic articular sound may appear when a defect of connective tissue due to improper location of the ligament. it does not affect the well-being, but only constitutes a violation of biomechanical processes.

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The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication

The anatomical structure of the elbow and shoulder joints, fingers explains the possible presence of cod in perfectly healthy joints. In this case, no reason to worry. The presence of pain - a signal of a possible beginning of the destructive processes in the joints.

Harbingers of destruction of joints can be:

  • pain and numbness;
  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • weakness in the legs.

These symptoms can occur in people of any age, and they should not be ignored.

Which joints often occurs crunch and what it means

The physiological structure of the human body is arranged so that some joints are subjected to high loads than others. More loaded joint mechanisms most often exposed to crunch.

These include:

  • hip;
  • knuckles;
  • shoulder;
  • knee.

Each fold feet - is a certain stress on the joints of knees. Legs are exposed daily to strong load during walking, running, and even when sitting. Intensive work all connected parts (cartilage, ligaments, mezhpolosnoy tissue) causes some faults that result in characteristic appears and crunch.

At risk are:

  • workers physically demanding professions - porters, construction workers;
  • athletes, cyclists;
  • people who are overweight;
  • pregnant women.

Do not lower load exposed joints and pelvic joints. They are involved in walking, sitting, running. The emergence of a crunch in this area may be a sign of infection of inflammation, especially in the presence of pain and the appearance of puffiness. If the cracking detected in a child, it is not a sign of disease, and due to the growth of bone and cartilage.

Joints of the shoulder department nadmernyh not experience stress, therefore causes of the crunch can be inflammatory processes (arthritis, arthrosis). Soreness can occur throughout the body during the thinning of cartilage plate that is often observed in athletes.

The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication

Crisp sound in the finger joints most often associated with age-related changes or monotonous monotonous load, but in the presence of pain may indicate the beginning of the process of tissue destruction joint.

The causes of a crunch of joints in children, adolescents and adults

Joints can crunch all over the body, not only the elderly, but also young.

The reasons for the presence of cracking in children and adolescents include:

  1. Immature ligaments and formation of joint and ligament apparatus. By the age of eighteen months ligaments get stronger and crunch will pass.
  2. Intake of vitamins, calcium and minerals in insufficient quantities.
  3. Congenital deficiency of the connective tissue.
  4. Muscle tone, hypermobility.
  5. Dysplasia.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  6. Infections with complications in the form of arthritis and polyarthritis.
  7. Increased growth and hormonal surge in adolescence. Over time, the joints are strengthened by yourself and stop worrying teenager krepitiruyuschie sounds during movement.

Crackle joints all over the body - the causes of this phenomenon in a child should alert parents and serve as a pretext for going to the doctor.

In adults, causes the appearance of the crunch are:

  1. The formation of gas bubbles in the liquid interarticular.
  2. Trauma.
  3. Hereditary predisposition in the form of excessive elongation.
  4. Lack of exercise in the management of a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Excessive exercise, leading to increased viscosity of the synovial fluid.
  6. Insufficient intake of nutrients from food and insufficient drinking regime.

Crunching is not always a cause for concern and can pass on their own after a certain period of time. The need to treat each individual case must be determined by the physician.

Probable diseases and their symptoms

Sounds that emit joints, the body may be a signal of their destruction. The risk of various diseases with significantly increased.

The crunch may be a harbinger:

  1. arthrosis - joint destruction process limbs due to age-related changes. Additional symptoms may include strain, pain, limitation in mobility.
  2. osteoporosis - a phenomenon characteristic of adolescence and menopause, is to reduce the density of the bones and joints. Permanent crunch, body aches, aching pain, stooped posture may be the first signs of the disease.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
    Crackle joints, causes can be due to osteoporosis - decreased bone density and joints.
  3. Arthritis and polyarthritis. Crunch arises already in the midst of the disease and is accompanied by swelling, redness, pain and decreased mobility.
  4. gout - a disease characterized by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. Crunch is accompanied by bouts of pain, swelling and redness at the site of the lesion.
  5. osteochondrosis - the destructive process of the spine. Pohrustyvanie banal in the spinal column can be supplemented painful attacks of the patient up to the limit of working capacity.

Joint damage can occur in a specific part of the body and the whole body.

To which the doctor ask when a crunch in joints?

Timely access to a doctor when a crunch increases the likelihood of successful treatment of the disease. In order to reduce the risk of disease should contact a medical facility to a specialist: a rheumatologist or orthopedist.

The issue of joint diseases is at the crossroads of several specialties:

  • orthopedics;
  • therapy;
  • traumatology;
  • rheumatology.

Initially, you should contact your physician generalists or child's pediatrician, who can direct the patient to a specialist for diagnosis.

Methods for diagnosis of articular diseases

To identify the causes of a crunch doctor should conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

The patient will be asked to pass the following tests:

  1. X-ray analysis - it is necessary to detect the presence of possible injuries and the state of the bones and joint parts.
  2. Ultrasound examination - it is necessary to find the exact location of the pathology or inflammation.
  3. Blood analysis for detecting rheumatoid factor.
  4. Computer or magnetic resonance imaging for determining the condition of joints.
The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication

All diagnostic studies are needed to determine the cause of bone crunch and subsequent treatment will be aimed at its elimination.

Tablets for the treatment of joint crunch

Restore the destroyed joint is impossible, but to contribute to stop the process of destruction is quite out. For this patient the physician to recommend treatment with drugs for relief of the inflammatory process.

Preference is given to the most effective drugs:

  1. chondroprotectors - means based on glucosamine and chondroitin, which are taking courses for 10 days. They contribute to the development of protein to restore damaged tissue and joints saturation liquid which acts as a lubricant.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  2. Biologically active additives, Which contain glucosamine, chondroitin, plant extracts. The most famous of them is "Artrivit", "Glucosamine Forte", "Inzhoy enti".
  3. vitamin complexes with a content of tocopherol, carotene, vitamins of group B.

Formulations will arrest the pain and slow down the destructive processes in the joints. Duration of treatment is chosen individually depending on the degree of disease and symptoms.

Local anti-articular crunch

Crackle joints all over the body - the reasons for this phenomenon may be diverse, but clearly require an integrated treatment. Ointments, which helps speed up the healing process, a wide range.

According to the degree of their actions can be classified as:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. They choke the inflammatory process in the acute stage, and helps to alleviate the patient's condition.
  2. Warming action. They improve the metabolism in the affected area and improve circulation.
  3. chondroprotectors - "Chondroxide", "Artrin". In this case, they can not be used orally and topically, and are used to restore cartilage.

All ointments applied a thin layer around the area, which is alarming. Use drugs should be 1-2 times a day, and the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks. Preparations have similar anti-inflammatory action and analgiziruyuschee different basic components.

They are:

The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  • based ointment diclofenac "Ortofen" "Diclofenac";
  • based on nimesulide "Nise";
  • on the basis of ketoprofen "Artrozilen";
  • an ibuprofen "duty".

When they are used to the affected joint will increase the blood flow, so regenerative processes are accelerated.

physiotherapy techniques

To stimulate muscle tone and improve blood flow is recommended to conduct physical therapy.

Among the most effective are:

  • Therapy magnets.
  • The use of paraffin and ozokerite.
  • Mud treatments.
  • Phonophoresis.
  • Salt baths.

All of these procedures are performed in special physiotherapy and can not be regarded as a separate form of treatment. Their action is aimed at keeping the complex therapy along with the general treatment.

Therapeutic exercise at a crunch in joints

Crackle joints throughout the body - causes that can lead to such a phenomenon, quite different, but moderate literate load in combination with the overall treatment will help to keep the muscles toned.

A useful exercise is the following:

  1. Circular rotation of the hands in a standing position.
  2. Circular movements of the head, head left and right turns.
  3. The rotational motion of the body with the greatest possible amplitude.
  4. Summing up the legs bent at the knee to the abdomen in a standing position. In this position, you need to wait a few seconds.
  5. Foot moves back and forth. To perform this exercise for additional fixation can be used chair.
  6. Squat from a standing position.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  7. Institution hands behind his back. It is necessary to try to get the left hand to the right shoulder, right hand to the left shoulder blade.
  8. In the supine position carry raising the legs. If the physical body is useful, it is necessary to try to touch your feet to the forehead, throwing back them back.

All movement should pursue a measured, without sharp attacks and swings. Stimulation periarticular tissues and muscle tone will contribute to the development of synovial fluid which acts as a lubricant. Even in the absence of any problems with the joints it is recommended to conduct such exercises as a preventive measure.

Traditional treatments

As a further method, in addition to the primary treatment may be used folk remedies for the treatment of crunch in the joints.

Using the following recipes you can prepare special ointment at home:

  1. For the preparation of ointments is necessary to prepare turnips: Peel and chop it. Bringing it to a state of pulp, add 100 g of honey and 20 grams of vodka. This tool is applied on the affected area several times a day.
  2. Pure hen egg placed in a glass vessel which is filled with vinegar essence. Vinegar should fully cover the egg, after which the vessel can be put on 5 days in a dark place. When the shell is completely dissolved, the mixture was added 200 mL of sunflower oil. Such a solution is infused in the sun for 5 days, after which it can be used. The resulting composition is rubbed light massage, after which the space wraps warm scarf or a scarf. It is used 1-2 times a day.
  3. following own Ointment preparations suitable for facilitating flexion and extension joint: mixed in equal proportions iodine, alcohol, honey and glycerin. A few hours later, when the composition of infusions and fully mixed, it can be rubbed around the affected joint.
  4. Infusion cinquefoil well helps with joint pain, gout, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis. For this purpose 50 g of roots Comarum poured 0.5 liters of vodka. Composition hides with a dark place for 21 days, after which it can be used in various forms: 1 tsp during eating (previously dissolved in pure water 1/3 cup) or a compress to the affected areas. Such a method can not be applied to pregnant and lactating women, children and people who are prone to allergic reactions.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  5. For the treatment of joints is very effective ointment on the basis of horse chestnut. The crushed fruit chestnut must be filled with sunflower oil and then boiled in a water bath for 30 min. Once cooled ointment and present 24 hours, it can be rubbed into the problematic zones 2-3 times per day.

All traditional treatments may have contraindications. Therefore, prior to use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

When surgery is necessary?

The event of failure to the doctor there is a risk of complications. In this case, the patient surgical intervention may be offered.

Depending on the indication are following most common types of operations:

  1. arthroplasty - the operation to restore mobility in the joint. Indications are ankylosis, severely restricting the mobility of the joint parts deformation.
  2. Endoprosthesis - operation is the destruction of the artificial joint replacement part. Such operations are indicated in patients with severe pain, which require the constant use of potent analgesic drugs. Due to the strong limitation of joint mobility may also be asked to conduct this operation.
    The causes of a crunch in joints throughout the body of the child, adolescent, adult. folk remedies Treatment, medication
  3. osteotomy - an operation to correct the deformation and improvement of the function of the musculoskeletal apparatus by artificial bone fracture.

At advanced stages of diseases of the joints, which causes not only the crunch, but also lead to deformation irreversible processes or complete destruction of bone and joint surgery - this is the only way to bring relief to the patient and the ability to return move.

Prevention of diseases of joints: medical advice

In order to avoid problems associated with the state of the musculoskeletal system to take care of health is worth the time. According to the advice of doctors as preventive measures need to follow the recommendations.

They are:

  1. Use of a sufficient amount of water.
  2. Complete meals, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  3. The absence of excess weight.
  4. Moderate daily exercise. A sedentary lifestyle, as well as excessive sports, contribute to the emergence of joint problems.

Issue a crunch of joints throughout the body, the causes of which may be different, should not be ignored. Pathological changes in the articular tissue is easiest to prevent driving the movable healthy lifestyle. each person's health is in their hands.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of a crunch of joints throughout the body

What to do in a crunch in joints:

How to treat a crunch in joints:

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Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

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