Female Diseases

Mastitis in women. Symptoms and treatment quickly at home: medicines, folk remedies, antibiotics

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The disease is called mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands. The causative state often becomes Staphylococcus aureus, which enters the body through a crack in the breast.

And also there is another way to enter - open wounds or abrasions, through the blood with concomitant diseases. It is important to recognize the first symptoms of mastitis in women to start treatment. If you do not spend time therapy may cause serious complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of disease
  • 2 Risk factors
  • 3 classification of diseases
  • 4 disease symptoms
  • 5 Diagnostics
    • 5.1 Laboratory research
    • 5.2 hardware diagnostics
  • 6 treatment of the disease
    • 6.1 medicines
    • 6.2 Folk remedies
    • 6.3 Surgical intervention
    • 6.4 diet therapy
  • 7 Prognosis and complications
  • 8 Video of mastitis in women

The causes of disease

Mastitis in women (symptoms and treatment are linked) - is an inflammatory process in the breast. In addition to staph disease may occur due to exposure to streptococci, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most often the disease appears in women during lactation.

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The main cause of - lactostasis. Able to develop due to the stagnation of milk in the breast. For example, if a woman is expressing it fully. As a result, in the mammary glands created a favorable area for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Sometimes mastitis may develop as a result of physiological characteristics in non-lactating women.


  • the changed shape of the nipple - lobed, flat;
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • scarring on the skin due Conducted operation;
  • tumor benign or malignant nature.

Risk factors

Conditions which increase the likelihood of mastitis:

  • heavy during pregnancy;
  • labors flowing with complications;
  • failure of hormonal background;
  • increased probability of loss of a child;
  • severe blood loss during labor and delivery;
  • improper care for breast-feeding period;
  • improper attachment of the child to her breast;
  • large breast size, which form many milk;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • piercings breasts;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • frequent stress;
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • oral infectious lesion;
  • penetration of infection in the urinary tract organs.

classification of diseases

Mastitis in women (symptoms and treatment are interrelated) has its own classification. Types of diseases listed in the table.

Classification Name of mastitis Description
With the flow Acute For the state is characterized by all the symptoms of mastitis
Chronic To form characteristic symptom relief. The temperature is at 37 degrees. But sometimes the rate is normal. If you examine the breast palpation, can be felt a slight seal
On the mechanism of development lactational Develops in women during lactation. That is, there is no adequate pumping, the milk stays in the breast
Nelaktatsionny Penetration of infection through the damaged skin

Mastitis is classified in stages:

  • serous. This is the initial stage of the disease development. Characterized by the appearance of serous fluids in the mammary gland.
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • infiltrative. The species indicates a penetration of serous fluid into the outer fabric. Further there is the formation of foci of infiltration, breast increases.
  • purulent - infiltration transformation into pus deposits.
  • abscessed. Suppurative focus is localized in one place.
  • phlegmonous - pus spread across the surface of the breast.
  • gangrenous. This type is characterized by the formation of necrosis. It appears when untreated suppurative inflammation.

disease symptoms

The symptoms of mastitis is directly dependent on the stage of the disease. But first, you must pay attention to the common symptoms of the condition. The primary signs of mastitis include increased sensitivity and breast tenderness, swelling of the mammary glands.

Common symptoms are:

  • arching pain in the chest;
  • problems with feeding (pain during the procedure);
  • redness of the skin over the inflamed site;
  • fever;
  • "Hot" to the touch chest.
Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics

Symptoms mastitis depending on the stage indicated in the table.

Name mastitis stage Description
latent This species is a passing stage by lactostasis to mastitis in women during lactation. The condition is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • increase in body temperature to 37.5 degrees;
  • discomfort in the breast when pressed;
  • seal in the chest small size
serous Mastitis is characterized by a strong manifestation of symptoms. The signs state:
  • increase in body temperature to 39 degrees;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • nagging pain in the chest;
  • an increase in breast size;
  • redness on the skin.

If a woman tries to express milk during lactation, the situation will not ease. Pain will intensify

infiltrative This stage is characterized by a complication of symptoms. Body temperature is greater than 39 degrees. This will save the previous stage symptoms (serous). But it hurts not only the mammary glands. Discomfort gives the underarm, as inflammatory process reaches the lymph nodes. At this stage, chest felt seal which has low mobility
purulent At this stage, the body temperature rises to 39.5 degrees. The woman feels bad state of health has deteriorated sharply. Purulent mastitis is characterized by symptoms of intoxication, but they are more pronounced:
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased separation of sweat;
  • increases breast;
  • red skin;
  • swollen tissue;
  • the breast is deformed.

Lactation woman can not express milk, it brings her discomfort. If you manage to get a small portion of the fluid, which is present in pus

abscessed If you do not engage in treatment, develops this form of mastitis. The condition is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • increase in body temperature to 40 degrees;
  • dry skin;
  • worsening signs of intoxication;
  • severe sleep disturbances;
  • bluish color of the skin over the site of inflammation;
  • the veins under the skin become dilated and easily visible;
  • nipple retraction;
  • increase in pain.
gangrenous It is the final stage of mastitis. All symptoms are aggravated, there is a partial necrosis of the breast tissue. Doctors refer to the stage of an extremely serious condition. symptoms:
  • a body temperature above 40 degrees;
  • pulse over 120 beats / min .;
  • a strong increase in the breast;
  • constant pain;
  • a strong increase in the lymph nodes in the adjacent area.
Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
Purulent mastitis in women. Symptoms and Treatment.

These steps are typical for the period of lactation. If a woman is not breastfeeding, symptoms are the same, but completely eliminated the latent period. That is, once mastitis begins with serous form.


Mastitis in women (symptoms and treatment are analyzed by the doctor) is the responsibility of mammalogy. Additionally, it may need to consult a surgeon if need surgery. The budget organization allowed an appeal to the therapist. He will conduct inspection and will issue a referral to the desired specialization.

It is important to remember that if you suspect mastitis, it is recommended to be diagnosed. Survey appointed expert. But first, inspect and survey. Specialist palpates the affected area, concludes that the nature of the disease. During the interview, it is important to talk about all the symptoms that are bothering the woman.

Next, assign diagnostic measures, which include:

  • laboratory research;
  • hardware procedure.

Laboratory research

As laboratory studies for determining mastitis designate the following analyzes:

  • Delivery of urine and blood for general analysis. As a result, you can identify important indicators for the body.
  • Bacteriological research - qualitative and quantitative analysis of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Cytological examination - is assigned to determine the level of red blood cells to the site of inflammation or milk.
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • Determination of pH milk.

hardware diagnostics

Mastitis in women provides for the appointment of hardware diagnostics. A list of studies depends on the symptoms. After receiving the results of the survey, we can prescribe treatment.

As hardware diagnostics using the following methods:

  • Ultrasonography (US) breast. The procedure helps to detect inflammation. The reliability of the method reaches 90%.
  • Biopsy. The method is carried out in case of doubt after the ultrasound. For analysis of breast tissue sample taken. The procedure is controlled by ultrasound machines. A biopsy can be used if there is suspicion of chronic mastitis.
  • Mammography - X-ray examination. It held for suspected chronic form of the disease.

treatment of the disease

Mastitis in women (symptoms and treatment are interrelated) needs therapy. After studying the results of diagnostics, treatment is prescribed.

As the therapy used:

  • medications;
  • folk therapy;
  • surgery;
  • proper nutrition.

Depending on the development mechanism of the disease, there are some general recommendations for treatment.

Therapy lactation form of the disease consists of the following items:

  • Breast-feeding. It is not recommended to complete lactation. Applying the kid need at least 9 - 12 times per day. Due to regular feeding can reduce the delay of the milk in the chest, relieve the symptoms of the disease and speed recovery. But this point the doctor may be excluded from therapy.
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • massage events. If your doctor has recommended a woman to stop feeding, you need to express milk by hand or instrument. In addition, it is necessary to do massage. Due to the procedure improves blood circulation, easier pumping. Massage activities should be done only after consulting a specialist, since in some cases may increase inflammation.
  • decrease in symptoms. The doctor prescribes medication to help cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Nelaktatsionny mastitis therapy provides another scheme, it depends on the form of the disease. For example, if a state has arisen as a result of hormonal changes, the symptoms are weak, then you need to follow a proper diet. But more often in mastitis prescribed medicines.

Conservative therapy (without an operation) is conducted in the following cases:

  • woman feels well;
  • disease duration does not exceed 3 days;
  • temperature does not rise above 38 degrees;
  • no purulent inflammation;
  • palpation of breast discomfort is not strong;
  • after the date of the general analysis of blood parameters are within normal limits.

If after 2 days after the application of conservative therapy there are no results, it indicates a purulent inflammation, surgery should be carried out.


Medicines are the basis for the treatment of mastitis. Frequently designated group of drugs are listed in the table.

Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
The band's name drugs Act medicines
antibacterial Reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Amoxiclav, Cephalexin
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Formulations can reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketorol
antispasmodics Improve milk churn and normalize lactation. No-spa, Spazmalgon
antiallergic Reduce the manifestation of allergy. Drugs used in conjunction with antibiotics for the increased sensitivity to drugs. Claritin, Zodak, Suprastin
probiotics Prescribed in combination with antibiotics. Drugs help normalize intestinal microflora and improve digestion. Linex, Bifiform
sorbents Display the toxic substances from the body. Appointed by the presence of bright symptoms of intoxication. Smecta, Filtrum - STI, Enterosgel
immunomodulators Stimulate the immune system. Immunal
vitamin complexes Restore the level of nutrients in the body. Vitrum, Complivit
Anti-inflammatory topical Reduce swelling, heal the skin. The funds are intended for outdoor use. That is, they need to be applied to the skin. Traumeel, Dexpanthenol

Folk remedies

When mastitis is permitted using traditional therapy. But it should be done only after consulting a specialist. Compared with drugs, folk therapy has reduced probability of side effects.

Popular herbal recipes:

  • Decoction of St. John's wort. To prepare to take 1 tbsp component pour 0.3 liters of hot water. Leave on for 60 min., Filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • flowers chestnut. To prepare the means necessary to take 6 tablespoons component and 1 liter of hot water. Cook over heat until boiling. The mixture was poured into a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Filtered, take 1 sip every hour.
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • Compress with camomile. For the preparation necessary to take 1 tbsp component and 1 cup of hot water. Infuse 45 min., Filter. Moistened with a cheesecloth and apply to the inflamed chest for 20 minutes.
  • Compress. For the preparation you need to take 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and 1 tsp honey. A need also rye flour (1 part). All you need to mix, to form a dough is not thick texture. The mixture was put on the inflammatory portion and wrap gauze. The number of applications per day - to 3. But every time the dough should be cooked again.
  • collection. To prepare the means necessary to take St. John's wort, chamomile and slops in an amount of 2 parts of each component. A need also 2 parts 1 part calendula and walnut. All mix, take 2 tbsp collecting and 0.4 liters of hot water. The mixture was put in 3 min. in a water bath. Pour into a glass and leave for 45 minutes. Filtered, taking 15 minutes. before a meal to 200 ml of a 3 - 4 times per day.

Surgical intervention

The surgical operation is carried out in the presence of purulent formations. And also in case of lack of efficacy of the use of conservative therapy. Most often in the course of the intervention using anesthesia. The method of operation is determined by the doctor.

In the formation of pus surgeon does the following:

  1. The incision from the nipple to the mammary gland base (longitudinally). A less - horizontal, which runs over the breast.
  2. Removes pus and damaged tissue.
  3. Washes the wound with the help of an antiseptic.
  4. It introduces drainage, which pays the remaining pus. It is left for 3 - 4 days. If the inflammation becomes less, the drainage is removed and the hole that is left after it is sewn.
  5. Sutured incision.
Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics

After operation assigned different drugs - antibiotics, NSAIDs, immunomodulators.

In some cases, as a result of surgery there is a need of the affected breast plastics. This happens when the maximum amount of the operation. For example, in the case of gangrenous mastitis. If we stick to all the doctor's recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of consequences after the operation.

Sometimes intervention is characterized by the following conditions:

  • phlegmon, gangrene breast - states lead to blood poisoning;
  • repeating purulent mastitis;
  • cosmetic defects due to significant excision of the affected area.

diet therapy

When mastitis is recommended to follow a proper diet.

Diet principles:

  • Eat 5 - 6 times a day every 3 - 4 hr. Portions should be 200 - 300 g
  • Eliminate fried, salty, smoked.
  • Cook for a couple, bake or boil.
  • Exclude sweet.
  • Replace foods high in fat calorie.
  • Add in the diet of more fruits and vegetables, they have a lot of vitamins.
  • Spend time drinking regime. The recommended amount of pure non-carbonated water per day - not smaller than 1.5 l. But should exclude alcohol, soda.

Prognosis and complications

Forecast at a mastitis favorable. But everything depends on the timely treatment. For example, if the therapy is started late, then there is a high probability that there will be complications.

As the effects of mastitis, you may experience the following states:

  • abscess - an inflammation with suppuration;
  • breast deformity;
  • necrosis - death of tissue;
  • breast - benign tumor;
  • lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy in the armpits;
  • sepsis - blood poisoning;
  • a cancerous tumor in the chest;
    Mastitis in women. The symptoms and treatment drugs, folk remedies, antibiotics
  • fatal - final result in the absence of therapy.

The disease is called mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands. Condition often occurs in women. Among the symptoms can be identified pain and breast enlargement. As treatment using medications folk therapy, proper nutrition. But perhaps the use of surgery. The most important thing - is to consult a doctor if you suspect a disease.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of mastitis in women

What to do when a mastitis treatment:

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