Female Diseases

Genital warts in women. Photo on the neck, mouth, inside. Reasons stage, testing and treatment

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Women who are trying to monitor the status of their health, the sudden appearance of growths on the skin in the crotch area or the mouth can cause a serious concern.

And not just this: the probability is high that the formation of genital warts are the most common symptom of infection with HPV - human papilloma virus. Features of their appearance can be seen in the image.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What are genital warts?
  • 2 Types and step condylomatosis
  • 3 Where they can be placed genital warts?
  • 4 The causes of women
  • 5 symptoms
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 viral warts treatment women
    • 7.1 Treatment of genital condylomatosis pharmacy drugs
    • 7.2 Antiviral Combination Therapy
    • 7.3 Removing warts with a laser beam
    • 7.4 Radiosurgery removing warts
    • 7.5 thermocoagulation warts
    • 7.6 himiodestruktsii method
    • 7.7 Cryodestruction in the treatment of genital warts in women
    • 7.8 Traditional recipes against warts
      • 7.8.1 lubrication of iodine
      • 7.8.2 Celandine juice processing
      • 7.8.3 Lotions from egg white
  • 8 Forecast and consequences
  • 9 Useful video of genital warts, symptoms, their appearance and methods of treatment
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What are genital warts?

Genital warts - a pathological proliferation of sites of the skin and mucosa bodies, which manifests papillomatous (warty) formations or pinkish gray colors. They are caused by the human papillomavirus. The disease is chronic, characterized by frequent relapses.

The disease is highly contagious and prevalence.

Their appearance resembles a regular wart-shaped scallop. Unlike warts from other formations that it is soft to the touch and has in the base fine leg, through which is secured to the skin and mucous membrane of the internal organs.

Types and step condylomatosis

Warts - a chronic disease caused by HPV (human papilloma virus), the major manifestation of which is the sprouting of specific entities - warts.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Distinguish 3 types condylomatosis:

  • exophytic (Germinating outside) - growths on the skin and mucous membranes, in which include genital warts.
  • endophytic (Growing inside the organ or tissue) - elements that are not visible to the naked eye. Distinguish flat atypical, inverted type.
  • Tumor (Giant condyloma) Buschke-Lowenstein.

Genital warts in women, photos of which will help to distinguish them from other skin growths, there are various kinds. Selection of therapy is carried out gynecologists, depending on the type of sprawl.

Types of exophytic warts:

  • typical;
  • papular;
  • giperkeratoticheskaya.

Genital warts usually located separately from each other or in a plurality of dot sizes nodules of up to 1 mm. At their merging form growths, the volume of which can be up to 10-15 mm or more. Combining multiple growths may be associated with a form of buds of cauliflower or rooster comb.

Where they can be placed genital warts?

The main route of transmission of HPV - genital contact and, therefore, genital warts are located in their respective fields.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

In women, it can be:

  • labia (large and small);
  • clitoris;
  • vagina;
  • the inner surface of the lower third of the vagina;
  • perianal region;
  • mucous end sections of the large intestine and anus;
  • the outer portion of the urethra;
  • the skin of the perineum and inguinal crease;
  • the inner part of the thighs;
  • mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus.

In men, symptoms are usually located in the groin area, on the penis, the skin of the scrotum, in the meatus.

The causes of women

Causative agents of disease are papillomaviruses, united in a group of HPV - human papilloma virus. They number more than 190 serotypes, but the most common are strains of the 6 th, 11 th, 16 th, 18 th. Genital warts are most often caused by 6 and 11 variants, which have the lowest risk of degeneration into malignancy.

transmission path:

  • Sexual contact. It is the main pathway. The probability of infection during unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier or sick person - up to 70%.
  • With the passage of the fetus through the birth canal infected women.
  • Very rarely - by kissing, household items, in public baths.
Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

In order to manifest the disease clinically, we should create certain conditions for the propagation of the infectious agent.

Risk factors include:

  • reduction of local and general immunity (immunodeficiency);
  • early onset of sexual activity reference;
  • frequent sexual relationships with various partners;
  • close contact with infected people with HPV;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse, narcotic substances;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system (endometriosis, colpitis etc.);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • long reception of corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs;
  • disorders of the endocrine system function: diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins.


The incubation period depends on the illness of the immune system and may last from 3-6 months. up to several years.

The first symptoms develop rapidly and are manifested:

  • slight redness;
  • slightly noticeable itching;
  • unexpressed burning.
Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

These symptoms subside after the occurrence of bubble tuberosity in place pathogen propagation. Genital warts in women, photos of which will help to establish their size can be up to 1-5 mm in diameter and placed singly. Such growths are not felt almost. Possible discomfort in the conduct of a sexual life. By increasing the size of the symptoms become more pronounced.

The clinical picture includes:

  • pronounced redness of the affected area;
  • burning sensation;
  • itching sensation;
  • in the case of touch - pain.

It joins the unpleasant smell of the places warts location. May be the phenomenon of bleeding, the occurrence of secondary infection. Condylomata, reaching a diameter of 8-10 mm and more limited input into the rectum, vagina, urethra or partially enter into the cavity of these organs, causing a burning sensation, discomfort and pain during urination and defecation.

When the localization of warts in the oral cavity may swallowing disorder, foreign body sensation.


She may suspect at the appearance of genital warts, comparing their appearance with the images below. If there are any growths in the genital area should contact a gynecologist. Diagnosis of genital warts begins with the collection of complaints and a brief conversation.

Gynecologist finds out a patient history of life, the number of sex - especially unprotected, identifies risk factors. Then the specialist examines the affected area, the genitals and the anus. After visual inspection of the turn pelvic exam.

Inspection in the mirror allows you to see the formation of the vagina, on the outer part of the cervix, to establish their character. Gynecologist takes smears on flora and onkotsitologiyu. It performed a colposcopy, which helps to identify flat warts, impaired surface of the cervix.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

A special study on HPV search and refinement of its serotype - PCR (polymerase chain reaction). On analysis is taken from blood or lesions biomaterial place, after which the assembled material with special equipment is detected viral DNA.

PCR is the major and the most informative method for diagnosis of genital warts. Also conducted a study to identify the amount of antibodies to the virus in the patient's blood tested for HIV and latent genital infections.

viral warts treatment women

To date, it is impossible to get rid of the HPV completely. By reducing immunity, hormonal changes, pregnancy symptoms of disease caused by the agent data can be returned. Despite the fact that finally bring the infection from the body can not, her clinical symptoms and can be treated.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Modern methods of medical intervention aimed at suppressing viral activity, the removal of warts, and increase the interval between exacerbations clinical symptoms. At the first sign of genital growths should immediately consult a gynecologist-obstetrician and pass the necessary tests.

After confirming the diagnosis the doctor will prescribe the most effective individualized treatment.

There are two sections of therapy:

  1. Drug (conservative) treatment drugs.
  2. Surgical methods - the removal of tumors with the help of special devices and instruments.

Treatment of genital condylomatosis pharmacy drugs

Conservative therapy is prescribed in the case where the size of the warts are small (up to 1-3 mm in diameter), there is no risk in the transformation of the outgrowths of cancerous growths. Medicinal products are prescribed obstetrician-gynecologist, the dosage and frequency of admission are determined individually for each patient.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

The following drugs can be used:

  1. imiquimod - 0.5% ointment for topical application directly to the affected areas of the body. Produced bags containing a single dose of the drug. Ointment is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age and persons with hypersensitivity to imiquimod. The cream is applied directly to the warts and should stay at least 7-10 hours. Then, it should be washed off with warm water. The drug is given a course of 4 months, applied 3 times per week. Do not apply Imiquimod and its analogues on the wound, bleeding Education, draining the field of surgery. Possible side effects: edema, redness, burning at the application site; erosion; rash; discoloration of local mucous membranes and skin; microbial inflammation of the urogenital tract. Price: cream "Aldar" - on average, from 4000 to 5000 rubles. Is sold strictly on prescription.
  2. Kondilayn Nycomed (Active ingredient - Podophyllotoxin). The solution is discharged in vials of 3.5 ml with a special applicator. Pregnancy, breast breast milk, the age of 12 is forbidden to use it. Before applying the solution you need to thoroughly clean the affected area and dry it. Then the drug substance is applied to the cotton swab or applicator neoplasm. It can not be washed off. Prescribers 2 times a day with intervals of at least 12 hours. It is used for 3 consecutive days, followed by a 4-day break. The course of treatment is up to 5 weeks. Side effects - local reactions in the form of ulcers, burning, discoloration. Price: from 500 to 800 rubles. per pack. Prescription medication.

Antiviral Combination Therapy

This type of treatment aimed at suppression of HPV activity. Its effectiveness is not proven as yet not developed drugs that can destroy HPV radically. Integrated antiviral therapy includes the following group of means.

Immunomodulators - are aimed at promoting and restoring the patient's immune system. Prescribed by a doctor-immunologist. Available in various forms, usually tablets, capsules, granules.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Useful in warts:

  • Likopid. Contraindicated in pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Viferon. Approved for use in any age and during pregnancy.
  • Amiksin. Has a strong effect, is prohibited for children under 7 years of age, pregnant and nursing.
  • Anaferon.

Antiviral drugs aimed directly at the pathogen. These drugs are used in combination with surgery and can help to minimize the appearance of new warts.

Name PM release form, dosage Contraindications The order of application
Epigenes for sex A solution of 0.1% as a spray for topical use Increased sensitivity to the drug Apply to affected area Spray
panavir 0.002% gel for topical application in the tubes 3, 5, 10, 30 g of Age 18, lactation, severe kidney and spleen, allergic reactions to plant components Course - 2 weeks. At week 1 - 3 times at intervals of 48 hours. At the 2nd - 2 times at intervals of 72 hours.
izoprinozin Tablets of 0.5 g of Age 3 years, chronic renal failure, gout, kidney stones disease, arrhythmia, increased sensitivity to substances in a preparation 2 tab. 3 times a day. The course - 2-4 weeks.

Any medications should be prescribed by a doctor in the required dosage. Independent selection of drugs can lead to side effects, complications or lack of effect of the treatment.

Removing warts with a laser beam

One of the safest and most effective surgical treatments aimed at the destruction of the genital appendages. Laser treatment is expensive (from 4000 rub.) And requires high-quality equipment.

The essence of the procedure consists in the destruction of warts direction of the laser beam. At the site of tumors remains a crust, which is removed on their own after a few days after surgery. As a result of medical intervention new layer is formed instead of the healthy skin of the affected area.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment
Removal of genital warts in women laser.

Genital warts in women whose photos after conducted treatment do not differ from the normal surfaces of the body are removed easily and without complications.

Radiosurgery removing warts

It is also very effective and safe method of healing which takes place after 24 hours. Expensive procedure: The average price varies from 2 500 to 5 000 rubles. and above, depending on the amount of operation.

This type of disposal of metal transfer is exposed to a beam of high neoplasm directed waves. Thereafter, the incision is carried warts and its removal together with a portion of attachment to local tissues. Method sparing, after the operation does not leave visible traces.

thermocoagulation warts

This method of surgical treatment is burning out tumors. Under the influence of high temperatures warts are destroyed and perish. In their place, a crust is formed, beneath which is formed a healthy skin. After completion of wound eschar eliminated.

Thermocoagulation - quite a painful procedure for the patient, so it is sure to be performed under local anesthesia. Before operation skin cut away around the buildup anesthetic (e.g., lidocaine). This method requires special equipment.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Price starts from 1700 rub. and varies within wide limits, depending on the stage of the process and prevalence. After thermocoagulation on the site of the surgery may be left deep scars and blemishes. It is also a very high risk of the appearance of new growths on the same site.

himiodestruktsii method

Effectiveness of chemical destruction warts procedure depends on the preparation used. All substances used in this type of intervention, contain in their molecule the basis of nitric acid, which is a very strong oxidant. Therefore, the safety of the procedure, especially during her at home, is questionable.

For himiodestruktsii can use "Solkovagina", "Solkoderm". Their average cost is 1300 rubles. Possible residual effects in the form of spots or chemical burns. Furthermore, there is a possibility of inefficient removal of neoplasms, that can lead to the development of cancer lesions of the skin portion or mucous membrane.

Cryodestruction in the treatment of genital warts in women

Cryodestruction - a method for removing growths, comprising the topical application of liquid nitrogen. This operation is one of the most common and affordable: it starts from the value of 1000 rubles. and higher. When frozen cryotherapy warts chemical without affecting tissues around the affected site.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Build-up, which was destroyed in this way, dies alone and does not require any additional manipulation. The method is very effective and safe, do not leave cosmetic defects after.

Traditional recipes against warts

In addition to the methods of traditional medicine can be used means treatment of the national. But before you resort to it, you should consult your obstetrician, gynecologist-oncologist, allergist. This is necessary because traditional medicine has no evidence and is not for everyone.

lubrication of iodine

Iodine is a strong oxidizing agent and is widely used in the processing of the area around the wound, skin lesions, including genital warts. It is proposed to apply the solution exactly to warts, being careful not to hurt healthy skin. They are processed in two layers: the waiting time when dries first, iodine is applied in the same position for the second time.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

The procedure is performed as long as the symptoms disappear.

Its danger lies in the possibility of damage to the warts that leads to bleeding, inflammation, increasing the likelihood of malignancy of warts.

Celandine juice processing

Celandine poisonous juice has a high content of alkaloids, substances having the properties of a weak alkali. It has bactericidal, anesthetic, wound-healing effect, therefore, is used as a means of getting rid of warts.

plant sap is applied to warts gauze and sear them without touching intact skin. The procedure is repeated several times a day and runs until the final disappearance of cilia.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

Celandine is a poisonous plant, so you can not abuse it. It prohibited its use of children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, the possible development of an allergic reaction.

Lotions from egg white

Use egg protein. In it a cotton pad soaked gauze or cut, and then the material is applied to the altered portions and sealed plaster. Lotions hold about 10 min, then removed.

Repeat the procedure must be 3 times a day, and the duration of treatment depends on the speed with which the warts disappear. The effectiveness of this method is very doubtful, because egg white has no proven healing properties.

Forecast and consequences

Even in the case of successful removal of genital warts, it is impossible to cure the disease. Therefore, HPV-infected persons should undergo preventive checkups at the gynecologist 1 time in 6 months is necessary to take blood samples and swabs to onkotsitologiyu.

Genital warts in women, photos of which can help with self-diagnosis, there may be reused. You need to see an obstetrician-gynecologist, even on the assumption that in the hands of the patient has the old regimen. In the absence of adequate and timely therapy may develop complications condylomatosis.

Genital warts in women. Photo, causes, stages, tests, treatment

The consequences of advanced disease include:

  • The spread of tumors to healthy areas.
  • Reduction of local immunity, STD connection.
  • Transformation into malignancy.
  • Sores.
  • When positioned on the mothers birth canal - infection of the newborn.
  • Trauma growths of inflamed and bleeding.

In order to avoid dangerous consequences of genital warts, the girls who found the first signs of the disease, it is necessary as soon as possible to address to the gynecologist. View of the build-up can be determined by comparing them with pictures, but professional inspection is required.

Useful video of genital warts, symptoms, their appearance and methods of treatment

What is genital warts:

Methods for treatment of genital warts:

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