Female Diseases

Increased estrogen in women. Symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

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The female body is so gentle and sensitive to the slightest changes that require constant attention and care. The changes in state of health, minor irregularities in the functioning of the female system, hormonal fluctuations considered to be one of the first symptoms of increased estrogen, which is detrimental impact on the internal and external condition women.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is estrogen, their rate and for the body
  • 2 Reasons for the increase in estrogen levels
  • 3 The symptoms of elevated estrogen
  • 4 Diagnostics estrogen levels
  • 5 To which the doctor ask
  • 6 Prevention increasing estrogen levels
  • 7 Methods for increasing the level of estrogen treatment
    • 7.1 drug therapy
    • 7.2 Traditional methods
    • 7.3 Other methods
  • 8 complications
  • 9 Video of estrogens

What is estrogen, their rate and for the body

A group of female sex hormones, which are synthesized by the ovaries in women and regulate special sexual function, called estrogen. The main form of female hormones provides, in adolescence, development and formation of secondary sexual characteristics in girls.

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In later years, estrogens are actively involved in the formation of the female reproductive system, preparation for pregnancy, provide timely release of an egg in the genital tract and fertilization after ovulation, promote natural moisture of the mucous tissues of the vagina and the preservation of its favorable microflora.

Estrogen in the body work in tandem with progesterone and work together to provide long-awaited pregnancy offensive, its safety and favorable labor.

The normal level of estrogen has a beneficial effect on skin and hair. From its optimum amount depends on the level of cholesterol in the blood, bone strength, good memory, complete assimilation of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and coordinated operation of the whole body.

In other words, estrogen - a youth hormone responsible for the emotional state of the woman, her sexual attraction, attractiveness and sexuality.

The body makes three types of estrogen:

  • theelol - secondary sexual hormone that is present in low concentrations, is produced mainly during pregnancy;
  • estradiol - the most active steroid hormone, common among women of childbearing age;
  • estrone - the only hormone that the body produces after menopause.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

Hormones are not standing still, their level may be constantly changing depending on a woman's cycle. In the first phase of development of the follicle, the estrogen level is quite low, but at the output of the dominant follicle, there is a gradual increase in the level of estrogen.

When fully ripe and rupture the follicle during release of the ovum at ovulation, the estrogen level rises to the maximum value. After ovulation during the luteal phase, the estrogen amount gradually decreases and falls to a minimum value.

Optimal fluctuations in estrogen levels in healthy women, are as follows:

cycle phase The period of the phase duration of phase hormone level, pg / mL
follicular The first day of menstruation 7 to 22 days from 57 to 227 pg / ml
Periovulyatornaya period before and after ovulation 2-3 days from 127 to 476 pg / ml
The phase of the corpus luteum (luteal) after ovulation 12-14 days from 77 to 227 pg / ml
Menopause from 19.7 to 82 pg / ml
Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring
Increased estrogen in women may be a normal symptom during ovulation

With age, hormone level is reduced significantly. After the onset of climacteric changes and menopausal, its amount is reduced by 40 - 60%. Estrogens are natural hormones that are important to puberty and other body functions. Before menopause, they are produced mainly by the ovaries after menopause are produced in adipose tissue.

When stable operation, estrogen is in balance with other hormones, but sometimes under the influence of some of its factors levels may rise and begin to prevail over progesterone, which can lead to serious disruptions of individual functions body.

Reasons for the increase in estrogen levels

Modern man is in a constant rhythm of the fast life, especially when there is no time to think about its quality and safety. One of the important factors of influence on human health is the environment. Unfortunately, most of the disease develops on the background of adverse environmental conditions.

These include air pollution, especially in industrial areas that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. Poor quality drinking water can be the source of health deterioration due to contamination of water pools pathogenic viruses and infections.

Eating modified foods, containing in its composition an excess of harmful and carcinogenic substances, hormones, instant food, fast - food outlets.

Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

All these external factors have a direct impact on the deterioration of the internal state of health, lead to hormonal disorders, failure in the process of metabolism, contribute to the development of many species diseases.

In particular, provoke an increase in estrogen levels in addition to external factors, are:

  • constant stress and prolonged depression;
  • Overweight, the estrogen is in close relationship with the fatty tissue and the more excess body fat, the greater the amount of hormone;
  • excessive alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • immoderate exercise, or vice versa complete lack thereof, has a negative effect on the body's metabolism;
  • lack of nutrient substances groups such as folic acid, selenium, provitamin A, lycopene;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraception preparations;
  • frequent contact with the chemical means for cleaning, washing and cleaning of household appliances, which contain the entire spectrum of hazardous substances that can accumulate in the tissues the body;
  • chronic administration of sugar-reducing drugs, antidepressants, anti-TB drugs and drugs that lower the acidity of the stomach;
  • disorders associated with the thyroid gland;
  • some gynecological diseases.

The symptoms of elevated estrogen

Increased estrogen in women, the symptoms of which can be determined simply by listening to your body, characterized by:

  • weight gain, mainly in the waist and hips;
  • menstrual problems, failures cycle;Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring
  • frequent headaches;
  • hair loss and brittle nails;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • irritability and chronic fatigue;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • heightened sensitivity and swelling of the breast;

Diagnostics estrogen levels

Their level can vary depending on the psycho-emotional condition of the woman, medication, a specific day of the cycle, pregnancy, or menopause. This is the overall balance of the normal physiology of the female body, and it can change if the estrogen begins to dominate.

For a definite confirmation of an increase of hormones necessary to conduct gynecological tests for blood sampling at the rate of hormones.

Prior to the analysis, it is necessary to carefully prepare and adhere to a set of rules:

  1. The biomaterial is dealt with only in the morning on an empty stomach (after the last meal should take at least 12 hours).
  2. During the days before the delivery of the analysis, it is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, sex and physical activity.
  3. It is desirable to stop taking drugs is not less than 24 hours prior to sampling biomaterial.
  4. A blood test for estrogen shall be 6-7 days after the onset of menstruation.

Another method of monitoring hormone replacement panel recognized saliva analysis. This modern technique enables to measure only the active part of hormones and shows the result of the presence of short-term concentrations in the body. Saliva testing helps to determine how the body eliminates toxins and copes with detoxification.

Urinalysis enables track 3 types of estrogen and how full body outputs it. Measurement of hormone levels in urine, which is collected over several hours, provides a stable average hormone fluctuations, unlike its concentration in saliva.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

Before any such analysis is not recommended to eat foods that can change the color of urine (carrots, beets, natural juices).

Quality training - a guarantee of success in obtaining reliable test hormone levels. This is the first important step for diagnosis and necessary treatment prescribed by the doctor.

According to the test results are not evaluated individual indicator values, and they are not diagnose certain conditions, but give the doctor information about the potential causes of identified symptoms. In assessing the level of estrogen, you should check the levels of testosterone and progesterone, as their ratio is very important.

To which the doctor ask

Increased estrogen in women, symptoms may be caused by other hormonal imbalances, such as low thyroid dysfunction or poor performance of the adrenal glands.

Therefore, when it comes to hormones, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of hormones and other related functions in the body, to identify the root cause, which will help to draw up a specific treatment plan.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

These types of hormonal disruptions involved gynecologist - endocrinologist. Based on these analyzes, it determines the methods of eliminating diseases, gives advice on diet, advice on lifestyle changes. In addition, the doctor has the discretion to appoint additional research on ultrasound or tests for infections.

Prevention increasing estrogen levels

What can we do to avoid estrogen dominance? First and foremost, it is important not to get upset and do not worry and try to take steps to support the body's innate ability to balance hormones.

To do this:

  • maintain optimal body weight;
  • remove all synthetic chemicals, fragrances, cleaners that contain substances, endocrine-disrupting estrogen and increasing the load side;
  • avoid stress and chronic fatigue, because at the time of constant stress, the body goes into emergency restart and replaces the hormones necessary to life and health, on the dates of hormones for survival;
  • it is important to pay attention to the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since estrogen is metabolized by the liver and excreted through the intestines;
  • nutritional avoid simple carbohydrates, sugars, and also products containing herbicides, pesticides and other harmful compounds;
  • feasible exercise will help to raise the level of human growth hormone, thereby bringing the body of excess estrogen;Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring
  • to include in the diet of vitamin complexes, which in its composition will contain magnesium, zinc, vitamin E;
  • take care of a healthy intestinal microflora with probiotic foods and supplements;
  • Avoid using plastic utensils for storing and heating food, since the plastic contains refined oil products, which provoke an increase by estrogen.

Methods for increasing the level of estrogen treatment

Unique biological characteristics of the organism are able to cope with the initial stage of a hormone imbalance. But in many situations, it is advisable to use drug therapy, which aims to change the level of hormones in the body in an optimal rate.

drug therapy

This type of drug therapy comprises administering an anti - estrogen drugs that have blocking hormone receptors, and translating into an inactive phase. Such drugs include anti - estrogens such as Clomiphene and Tamoxifen.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

Clomiphene citrate, Clomid and derivatives serofen, contribute to improving the processes of ovulation and prescribed to treat infertility in women. This differs preoral medicament safety and high efficiency.

Used to treat irregular menstrual cycles, eliminating the luteal phase deficiency, by increasing the secretion of progesterone during the second half of the cycle. In this case, preparation can adversely affect estrogen production.

The treatment is necessary to monitor liver function. The use of funds, provides symptomatic treatment. The usual recommendation receive up to 6 cycles, a single dose - 50 mg, only under medical supervision.

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, soltamoks) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. It is used in hormonal disorders associated with the risk of mastitis and breast tumors. The drug selectively blocks the effects of estrogen on certain cells of the mammary glands, thus activating it in the bone and liver cells.

Here tamoxifen helps restore the skeletal system and reduce the level of cholesterol in the liver. Experts advise to use the drug on a daily basis, strictly at a certain time. The course of the drug and compatibility with other medications, defined individually by a doctor.

As a concomitant medication, drugs may be administered group igibitorov enzyme action which is aimed at blocking, inhibition of aromatase activity and a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. Aromatase - an enzyme that is contained in estrogen - producing cells located in the adrenal glands, ovary, and adipose tissue.

It affects testosterone and processes it into estrogen. Increased aromatase activity in some parts of the breast provokes local, chronic increase of estrogen in these areas, which can lead to tumors.

Such drugs as Anastrozole, Letrozole, Exemestane are steroidal aromatase inhibitors and estrogen synthesis with antitumor activity.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

Acceptance of such drugs, according to the recommendations of experts, to be accompanied by additional use of dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Drug therapy is often accompanied by side effects of the individual, so the duration of reception and dosage of medicines only appointed doctor for an integrated approach.

Traditional methods

At the initial stages of increasing hormone, folk medicine of experience and practice offers a balance estrogen levels naturally. Most often, they rely on a diet adjustment, with the inclusion in the diet products that contain in their composition of matter capable of reducing the amount of estrogen in the female body.

Increased estrogen in women - symptoms and diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to start a healthy lifestyle, revise the food, try to follow a diet and to introduce into the diet:

  1. Foods containing fiber. The liver suffers when estrogen is involved in cleavage to bile acids, which are then displayed through the intestines. Adequate fiber intake helps eliminate estrogen residues in the bile. Contained in it of whole - grain cereals, fruits and vegetables.
  2. powerful antioxidants - polyphenols, which are found only in the plant world. These surfactants have beneficial and protective properties of the body, lower hormone content. The daily rate is 1 gram per day of polyphenols. High their content in flax seeds, sesame seeds, whole grains, rice, corn, wheat. They are also found in vegetables and fruits. A distinctive feature of polyphenols is their insensitivity to the effects of light and oxygen, so they do not lose their properties even after heat treatment. Note: in the persimmon, per 100 grams of fruit, contains a daily rate of polyphenols.
  3. Products containing sulfur, help cleanse the liver and to deduce therefrom the harmful substances, thereby maintaining its task in the cleavage of estrogen. Sulfur is part of green vegetables, lettuce, garlic, onions and citrus fruit.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring
  4. Green tea onbladaet antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties, it contains substances of plant origin. Daily use of it for at least two cups, reduces excess estrogen production.
  5. Any cruciferous vegetables which include all types of cabbage, horseradish, radishes, turnips. Their unique chemical composition of the plant, increases the nutritional value of the diet.
  6. Minimize the use of animal productsEspecially those that are grown on industrial production.

It is important to remember that all the hormones in the body are interconnected, their joint work carried out in the complex, and if the work of one is broken, the whole system suffers. Therefore, very often, minor adjustments to diet or lifestyle changes, may be the solution to these problems.

Other methods

In an integrated approach, together with the adjustment of supply, you can draw attention to phytotherapy using herbs, extracts, and extracts that have biologically - active additives.

Well established:

  1. Chaste Tree or Vitex extract one of the few herbs that helps to keep the level of estrogen at an optimal level, and normalizes the menstrual cycle, restores the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone, especially after a long course of contraceptives or hormonal drugs. Extracts from the fruit and leaves of the plant are part of a variety of homeopathic medicines for women's health.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring
  2. maca root powder Peruvian promotes saturation of cells with antioxidants, reduces estrogen levels, improves the performance of the adrenal glands.
  3. Upland uterus, hops, licorice, clover, Icelandic moss - all of these herbs are considered phytoestrogens, which neutralize the synthetic estrogen in the body. Decoctions of such plants are particularly recommended if the risk of developing mastitis fibrocystic character.

All these herbs are part of homeopathic preparations of plant-based, such as: Agnukaston, Mastodinon, Cyclodynon Supplements: Mirazenova, Mastofit, vitamin complex Pregnoton.

Such agents act as symptomatic therapy for menstrual irregularities, development of the risk of mastitis, premenstrual syndrome, in benign expansions of the muscular tissue of the uterus, endometriosis, structural changes in the dairy glands.

In such diseases the female system, the development of which provokes an excess of progesterone and decreased host defenses.

Well reinforce common medical therapy, small physical activities, swimming, walking, dancing or cycling. Movement of low intensity every day, to help speed up metabolism and eliminate toxins.

You can make and power loads several times a week. It is important to listen to your body and start small, even a simple morning exercises, increases the vitality of the whole body, strengthens the immune system a beneficial effect on the hormonal background.

Regular exercise is recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle. They not only help to reduce the production of excess estrogen, but also contribute to weight loss naturally.


Increased estrogen in women, the symptoms of which put them at risk for a number of dangerous diseases. Enhanced production of estrogen and excess affects the appearance of the woman, which is characterized by hair loss, acne, increased blood pressure.

Furthermore, increased estrogen content prevents lipolysis than stimulates proliferation of adipose tissue.Increased estrogen in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. The consequences of ignoring

The activity of aromatase and estrogen dominance are among the most common factors associated with menstrual disorders, cysts, benign tumors in the breast.

In some cases, high levels of the hormone may enhance inflammatory processes in the immune system and cause an imbalance in the thyroid gland. Of course, the greatest risk due to estrogen dominance is associated with infertility, breast cancer, uterus and ovaries.

If elevated estrogen in women symptoms sound familiar, then you should consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and determination of the sources of increasing hormone, can help avoid serious complications and reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of estrogens

Elena Malysheva tell about estrogen:

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