
White spots on the skin. What is this disease, photos, how to treat the causes of, impaired pigmentation after sunburn, dry, small, large, round, scaly

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If a person discovers the white spots on the skin, which means the body has arisen pathological process, indicate the possibility of disease. Loss of pigmentation expressed discolored patches that can appear anywhere, have different dimensions, different with its form.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of white spots on the skin.
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 Fungal infections
  • 5 Gibert zoster or zoster pink
  • 6 Pityriasis versicolor or white
  • 7 Vitiligo disease
  • 8 leucoderma
  • 9 Gipomelanoz
  • 10 chromophytosis
  • 11 Nevus
  • 12 poor nutrition
  • 13 White spots on the child's skin
  • 14 White spots after sunburn
  • 15 Melagenin Plus
  • 16 Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy)
  • 17 laser treatment
  • 18 skin whitening
  • 19 skingrafting
  • 20 medical ointment
  • 21 Proper diet
  • 22 Folk remedies
  • 23 Video of white spots on the skin

The causes of white spots on the skin.

When the body is the lack of melanin, the skin begins to discolor, white spots appear.

Doctors divide the causes of such spots into several groups:

  • Internal.
  • External.

Each is characterized by certain symptoms.

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The first group includes:

  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Hereditary characteristics.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Disrupt the hormonal levels.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Viruses.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Stress.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

are external factors:

  • Injury.
  • High sensitivity to various stimuli.
  • Harmful work when you have constant contact with poisonous substances.
  • Long stay in direct sunlight.
  • Hobby tan.


Doctors believe that depigmentation of the skin is associated with two major diseases. They differ its symptoms and manifestations.

White spots on the skin - it may be a manifestation of the "solar fungus". Doctors diagnose pityriasis versicolor. This disease is of particular fungus which has received widespread in countries with hot climates. Transfer fungus occurs only upon direct contact with the patient.

At risk are people who have discovered:

  • Diabetes.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Pregnant.
  • Oncology.
  • Tuberculosis.

A characteristic symptom of tinea versicolor is considered to be the emergence of body patterns in different colors, from white to light brown.

Basically, the white spots are found in certain parts of the body:

  • Neck.
  • Chest.
  • Hands.
  • Head.

First, there are tiny white spots. They begin to gradually increase in size. It is due to enter the main pathogen cells. Harmful fungi inhibits the activity of melanocytes, melanin is reduced.


In the case of white spots, is an urgent need to consult a dermatologist. The survey doctor determines the cause.

Usually cause the appearance of spots:

  • Previous illness.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Products.

Then the doctor examines the patient. To refine the research conducted dermoscopy. In other words, the visual examination, but with the help of special equipment - dermatoscope, enlarges the image several times.

For diagnosis of spots taken scrape, allowing a large increase considered damaged skin.

With scraping determine what type of disease:

  • Fungal.
  • Caused by parasites.

To determine the microbial nature makes bacteriological seeding. Smear can diagnose pyoderma, just call her type.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

The patient should donate blood. WBC will help determine the nature of the allergic disease. Analysis shows a high content of eosinophils. When an inflammatory nature, dramatically increases the number of leukocytes.

In case of difficulty installing the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional consultations with other specialists:

  • Inspection at venereologist.
  • Gastroenterologist.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Oncologist.

Such consultations are required rarely. They apply to the case of a negative result with normal treatment.

Fungal infections

Typically, fungal diseases of the skin form a pronounced pigment zones having a precise geometry. Moreover, the affected area is slightly raised above the skin surface. Sometimes the skin starts to peel off, there are bumps. From a small injury, the affected areas of skin fungus can start to grow, there are oozing sores.

If the fungus affects the foot, the skin becomes thinner, there is a strong erosion and peeling. This disease is very difficult to cure.

If the fungus has affected scalp, the hair becomes dull, unhealthy look. On the skin appear mounds of gray. It tells about the origin of the local alopecia. Fungal diseases very much, it all depends on the pathogen that triggered the disease.

The most common are:

  1. Rubromikoz. The disease can take several forms. The skin appears reddish, scaly much larger spot size. On the surface of the vesicle and papulamy visible. These symptoms can cause the appearance of follicles, numerous nodules.
  2. Microsporia. Expressed focal lesion is given by a small circle. Inflamed area is in the heart. He is littered with flakes, and small blisters. Affected areas heavily shelled. Practically it does not meet a lot of homes, if they occur, they observed a rapid merger.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  3. Trihofitia. Usually affects exposed areas. The disease is highly contagious, can be transmitted through clothing. Infection is characterized by crimson circle large. If visual inspection clearly visible small nodules. On most parts of the skin can be seen peeling badly. Along the edges of Education there is a strong inflammation.
  4. Chromophytosis. Basically ill young people. Fungus infestation:
  • Back.
  • Shoulders.
  • Stomach.
  • Chest.

This lichen is different pink spots, which are covered with a gentle peeling. These spots can grow, to acquire a more vivid color.

5. Seborrheic dermatitis. It can be transmitted only by people. The source of the disease - a lipophilic fungus. Basically infected scalp.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

The epicenter is the border of hair:

  • Eyebrows.
  • Lashes.
  • Usov.

Appear on the scalp scaly inflammation. Sometimes you can see the hemorrhagic crusts. The disease causes severe itching. From scratching the blisters are formed.

6. Candidiasis. Characterized by a red tint skin having a large number of small bubbles. As the disease progresses, education look more saturated, erosion appears. Mainly affected bodily folds. Very rarely affects the soles of the feet, palms of the hands.

Depending on the type of mycotic pathogens are known and other manifestations of fungus:

  • Scaly appearance of bubbles.
  • Soaking wounds, severe pain.
  • The failure of the epidermis.
  • The formation of white spots.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Fever.
  • The deterioration of the immune system.
  • Runny nose.
  • Weakness.

Nail plates are covered yellow coating begin to crumble, become loose.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

White spots on the skin - is a symptom of fungal disease. To completely get rid of the disease, you can use folk remedies and medical drugs. Treatment is carried out by a dermatologist using therapeutic interventions, as well as special treatment hygiene in order to avoid secondary infection.

Cause preparations
Swelling, oozing symptoms, secondary infections. Triderm, Mikozolon, Lotriderm, Lamisil.
Attenuation of the inflammatory process Fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, econazole, bifonazole, Izokanazol, clotrimazole, metronidazole, naftifine, Terbinafine, undecynyl, Tsinkundan, Oktitsil, Dekamin.
systemic treatment Itraconazole, fluconazole, Ketokornazol, Terbinafine, naftifine.
To increase the reaction antiallergic Sulfur, vitamin A.

Gibert zoster or zoster pink

White spots on the skin - it is a dermatological disease caused by a virus. Pink lichen mostly infected women. It affects children under 14 years of age as well as adults who have not reached 40 years of age.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

The main causes of depriving Gibert considered:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Overheat.
  • Infection.
  • Allergy.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • The weakening of the immune system.
  • Insect bites.
  • Stress.

The characteristic symptoms of the appearance of pink lichen are considered stains:

  • On the chest.
  • Back.
  • Neck.

White spots are transformed into a shape like a Christmas tree. They begin to peel off, spots have a clear line.

For the treatment of areas of skin covered with pink lichen, used a variety of drugs:

  • Intense itching - used prednisolone ointment.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Antipruritic - gistan.
  • Dermotropic drugs - tsindol.

To solve the problem, you need to eat right. When herpes Gibert assigned diet, strongly reminiscent of the allergic.

Should be excluded:

  • Citrus.
  • Tea.
  • Eggs.
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol.
  • Nuts.
  • Chocolate.
  • Spicy food.

Pityriasis versicolor or white

Mainly white lichen is formed on the face. In rare cases, it is localized on the back. The disease manifests itself in the form of oval light spots. Their diameter can be up to 5 cm.

Eruptions have clear boundaries. Sometimes you can see multiple spots. Gradually increase the size of the spots, they coalesce. All eruptions are small transparent scales.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Adults almost sick rosea. The characteristic rash appeared on the skin, is considered to be a symptom of tinea versicolor. White spots on the skin, doctors do not consider it a dangerous disease. However, this phenomenon requires consulting a dermatologist.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Usually, the appearance of white spots are a little anxiously. It is caused by a poor appearance. If the affected areas begin to dry, you can lubricate the place baby cream. Winter skin, infected ringworm, may begin to peel. Sometimes it occurs inflammation.

For the treatment use hydrocortisone ointment (1%). If a strong progression of the disease in the summer, preferably less sun exposure, as well as undergo a special treatment. White shingles can not be cured in folk medicine. Sometimes it helps to washing powder, slightly diluted with water. Such a solution smeared spots, but recover completely fails.

Vitiligo disease

White spots on the skin - is a chronic disease, one of which is Vitiligo. The main symptom is the appearance of white spots on the skin, which then begin to grow and merge into one. Marvel not only the skin.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Vitiligo traces found in other places:

  • Hair.
  • Retina.
  • Mater.

Patients feel no pain, no itching. Defects in appearance affect the mental condition.

The main cause of the disease is considered to be:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • thyroid disease.
  • Diseases of the ovaries.
  • Liver trouble.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Burns.
  • Scarring.
  • Microtrauma.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Bad cosmetics.
  • Lowered immunity.
  • Infection.

Treatment of the disease has been dermatologist. The main task is to restore the correct amount of melanin in the body.

Studies have shown that the disease requires a comprehensive treatment.

One drug does not give a positive effect, which is why the treatment is applied several different directions:

  • Ointment.
  • Lotions.
  • Cream.
  • Systemic medications.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Vitamins.

If such treatments do not give good results in the next six months, prescribed drugs, supporting the amount of melanin in the body:

  • Prednisolone.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Betamethasone.
  • Diprospan.
  • Levamisole.
  • Cyclosporine A.
  • Cyclophosphamide.
  • Izoprinozin.

The dosage of drugs, as well as the duration of the course is determined for each person individually. Take such drugs should be strictly under medical supervision. They have few side effects.

Treatments for vitiligo are many, but effective method which guarantees complete freedom does not exist. Sometimes the disease goes away. Medications do not always help. According to statistics, 20% of the people they help.


White spots on the skin - it is a dermatological condition characterized by the appearance of discolored skin.

Leucoderma is divided into several types:

  • Infectious.
  • The immune.
  • Toxic.
  • Congenital.
  • Poslevospalitelnaya.
  • Idiopathic.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Depending on the causes of leucoderma, a dermatologist conducts certain therapeutic measures. If the cause of the white spots became infection, immunosuppressive agents are assigned. If a worm infestation is detected, the patient require admission anthelmintic drugs.

For the treatment of toxic leykodermii, you can do without special treatment. Suffice it to cease contacting the patient with a toxic substance. The most difficult is the treatment of diseases associated with hereditary factors. Sometimes you have to be transplanted normal skin pigmented areas.

By means of supportive care physicians seek improvement of the skin, accelerate the recovery of the pigment. The patient receives the vitamins with a high content of copper. Products in which a large number of tyrosine, help fight leucoderma.

These include:

  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Liver.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Buckwheat.


The disease is considered to be a kind of leucoderma, when there is a slowdown in the formation of melanin. Such a condition is very varied. The main role played by the development of the disease characteristics of the organism at a genetic level.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Scientists have proved that gipomelanoz mainly occurs due to strong ultraviolet radiation. Sometimes it may be associated with the use of drugs.

The only symptom of the disease are considered cutaneous manifestations.

In rare cases, symptoms of the disease may become dizembriogeneza:

  • Malformation of the bone apparatus.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Genital diseases.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.

Gipomelanoz has several varieties, differing clinical manifestations. Moreover, classification into account various pathological conditions, as well as genetic predisposition.

The main forms of the disease are:

  • Teardrop gipomelanoz.
  • Ito.
  • Idiopathic gipomelanoz.

There is no single treatment gipomelanoza. Therapeutic effects are aimed at the removal of pigmentary stains topical preparations. The dermatologist assigns corticosteroid injections enhancing activity melanogenesis.

Retinoids are also used, special drugs, which are based on placenta extract. It contains a large number of biogenic stimulators, by which accelerated the process of the emergence of melanocytes.


This fungal disease associated with the appearance of age spots on the skin of different colors, having defurfuration. Any signs of the emergence of inflammation does not exist.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Diagnosis of the disease is performed by several procedures:

  • Sample Balzer.
  • Fluorescent study.
  • Microscopic scales.

For the treatment use antifungal ointments and special solutions.


The disease is considered benign. It can be congenital or appeared on the skin, at any age. These tumors are called moles. Nevi does not require special treatment. They do not have a negative impact on human life.

However, there moles, which may cause a malignant tumor. This state is a danger of nevi.

On the occurrence of a number of factors affect moles:

  • Local development defects.
  • Heredity.
  • Direct sunlight.
  • trauma;
  • Hormones.
  • Viruses.
  • Infection.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Nevi are divided into several groups:

  • Congenital.
  • Purchased.

The main objective is the definition of nevus diagnosis of benign or malignant neoplasm. In the case of melanoma, it needs urgent treatment, since it concerns the life of man.

The patient is assigned to a special examination, which consists of several steps:

  • Poll.
  • Visual inspection.
  • dermoscopy;
  • Display with phosphorus isotopes.
  • Sonography;
  • X-ray.
  • Thermometry.
  • Biopsy.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

After the biopsy treatment begins nevi. Usually doctors do not use medication because it does not have much effect. The drugs are used only if the appearance of moles associated with other pathologies. Typically a mole removed surgically.

To avoid malignant moles, a series of preventive measures must be observed:

  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Prevent dry skin.
  • To treat skin diseases.
  • Do not injure the skin.
  • To avoid interaction with corrosive substances.
  • To be screened by a dermatologist.

poor nutrition

Very often, the occurrence of white spots due to malnutrition. With a lack of vitamins, unnatural foods and unbalanced diet, may cause skin pigmentation.

Any appearance of white spots, is a common symptom that requires proper nutrition. If you ignore such a manifestation may complete discoloration of the skin.

In order to eliminate the occurrence of white spots, it is necessary to remove the spicy foods from your diet:

  • Pepper.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
    White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
    If white spots on the skin should be excluded from the diet of onions, garlic and pepper

In addition, you need to forget about fast food and other similar foods.

White spots on the child's skin

The appearance of such spots in a child, to a violation of the normal functioning of the child's body. The emergence of depigmented areas indicates a pathological process in the body of the child.

In children, it can be a symptom of skin disease:

  • Gipomelanoz.
  • Vitiligo.
  • Chromophytosis.
  • White shingles.

The main reason for the appearance of white spots in a child can be:

  • Heredity.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Pathological changes in the nervous system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Endocrine disease.
  • A weak immune system.

Diagnosis and treatment is determined by a dermatologist. For each disease developed a certain technique.

The following actions are carried out mainly:

  • The affected area is lubricated with hormone ointment.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Appointed by aminohinolinovogo drugs. They are strong anti-inflammatory drug. Have immunostimulatory effects.
  • The baby is assigned reception enzymatic preparations improving digestion, as well as vitamins, minerals, sedatives.

White spots after sunburn

The appearance of white spots on tanned skin is associated with prolonged sun exposure. The main reason is the disruption of the melanocytes, which cease to produce melanin.

Appearance spots due to several factors:

  • Broken pigmentary exchange.
  • Chemical attack.
  • Related disease.
  • Receiving drugs.
  • Gipomelanoz.

Treatment of such stains after tanning is carried out in several ways. It all depends on the underlying cause:

1. Vitiligo. Carried out UV radiation.

The doctor prescribes:

  • Melagenin.
  • Beroksan.
  • Ammifurin.

2.Lichen. The patient is assigned to a common therapy, the use of creams and ointments, as well as receiving Lamisil.

3. Gipomelanoz. Characterized by symptomatic therapy. Appointed Melagenin, Elidel.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Other cases do not require medical intervention. Just stop tanning. It is also important to observe the correct diet.

In the menu you want to include:

  • Nuts.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Pork liver.
  • Cocoa.
  • Rosehip.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Seeds.
  • Eggs.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Spinach.
  • Prunes.
  • Peas.

Melagenin Plus

This preparation is carried out the treatment of vitiligo. With it recovers melanin.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

The main function of Melagenin considered:

  • Improved circulation.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Saturation moisture of skin cells.

The medicine is rubbed into the skin, directly on the spot. If the affected areas subjected to UV light, the positive effect will come in 2 - 3 months.

Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy)

The unique method by which drugs are alternately used together with the ultraviolet rays.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

Using several techniques:

  • Systems approach. The most effective method to combat skin diseases.
  • Local method.
  • SAW tub. The patient takes a bath with a solution of psoralen. He then exposed to UV - radiation. This technique has shown good results in treating psoriasis.

laser treatment

With the method of burning spots familiar to almost everyone. This is the fastest way to remove skin blemishes. Such a procedure is important, unlike other techniques. During burning spots affected areas only sick, healthy cells remain intact.

The duration of treatment depends on the strength of the skin lesion.

If pigmentation has a weak color, enough one procedure. In severe cases, appointed a few sessions.

skin whitening

To look younger and more beautiful, many women are involved in skin whitening. To do this, use a variety of scrubs and peels.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children

The most effective is hydroquinone. It stops the production of pigmentation. This drug is found in many cosmetic products. But it can damage the skin, so it should be used with extreme caution. Heavily neglected cases are best treated by laser, acting on the problem areas.


Performed only by surgery. Transplant on his face, held autodermoplasty. To do this, take the split skin graft. For splitting using a special device - dermatitis. It makes it possible to adjust the slice thickness.

For operations on the face using a cell dermoplastika. For the treatment of severe burns, usually do not have their own skin. Doctors begin to allodermoplastike. If you want to transplant skin on the leg when the wound reaches large, use a special net, anchoring the graft.

medical ointment

For the treatment of age spots use a lot of ointments, depending on the individual:

  • Salicylic. Softens the epidermis, the skin peels off. Considered a strong antiseptic, relieves irritation and inflammation.
  • Sintomitsinovaja. The composition includes an ointment of chloramphenicol, possessing antibacterial activity. Rubbed directly into the white spot. Whitening cream is applied only on dark areas. Maintained one hour.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Zinc. Excellent removes white spots zinc oxide. It reduces the production of melanin. Gradually the spot turns white, then there is its merging with natural color. Typically zinc paste used for the treatment of acne and blackheads.

Proper diet

If white spots, are considered medicinal products:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Seafood.
  • Fish.
  • Lean meat.
  • Kashi.
  • Dairy products;
  • berries;
  • Green tea.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Iodized salt.
  • Honey.
  • Natural juices.

We'll have to remove from your diet:

  • Strong coffee.
  • Cocoa.
  • Tea.
  • Smoked.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Alcohol.
  • Sweets.
  • Butter.
  • Semolina.
  • Canned.
  • Blueberries.
  • Quince.
  • Beef.
  • Chocolate.
  • Kissel.
  • Pepper.

Folk remedies

  • Take a fresh egg shells from hatched chicks. It is then filled with water and boiled three minutes. The solution can be cooled down to wash and lotions do.
  • Hot pepper pods, about 5 units of vodka poured enough 0.5 liters. Insist 25 days. The resulting infusion is necessary to grease stains. The procedure is repeated in one day.White spots on the skin - that is, the variety, the reasons for the appearance. How to treat adults and children
  • Taken apple vinegar is mixed with honey (small enough 2 teaspoons). The mixture was dissolved in water (one cup). Drinking on an empty stomach every day three times.
  • Juice, melon vyzhity need to rub into the stain.
  • Insist lemon juice, together with seeds of parsley (3: 1). Constantly rubbed areas of discoloration.

The appearance of white spots on the skin - it is a dermatological condition that requires treatment. If properly comply with all recommendations of the doctor, the white spots disappear quickly.

Author: Zlatkin SA

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of white spots on the skin

Elena Malysheva tell from which white spots appear on the skin:

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