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How to bring down the temperature in the home quickly in the child and the adult, without pills folk remedies and drugs

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The immune system is the guardian of human health and protects against viruses and bacteria entering from outside. An increase in temperature is almost always indicates that the infection happened.

And if the heat is already significant, then it will have to fight all the forces. At the same time, every adult is helpful to know how in the home can bring down the temperature in the case of its significant increase for different reasons.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the temperature and when it needs to bring down
    • 1.1 low-grade
    • 1.2 febrile hyperthermia
    • 1.3 Pireticheskaya
    • 1.4 Giperpiriticheskaya
  • 2 Compresses and wiping at
  • 3 Traditional recipes decoctions and infusions of temperature
    • 3.1 barley broth
    • 3.2 Decoction of dried fruit
    • 3.3 The infusion of dried raspberry leaves and berries
    • 3.4 The infusion of dried chamomile inflorescences
    • 3.5 herbal infusion
  • 4 Beverages for lowering the temperature
  • 5 Rest and sleep (bed rest)
  • 6 Fresh cool air in the room
  • 7 Put feet in a basin of cold water
  • 8 Applying ice to the ground projection of large vessels
  • insta story viewer
  • 9 Wear light clothing made of cotton fabrics
  • 10 Enema with lukewarm water
  • 11 proper nutrition
  • 12 Antipyretics for adults
  • 13 How to bring down the temperature of the child
  • 14 Medicines temperature for children
  • 15 When traditional methods do not?
  • 16 Video on how to bring the temperature down

What is the temperature and when it needs to bring down

There are several types of body temperature.


From 37 to 38 degrees. If it is observed a few days, then churn it should not be, as it can occur due to stress, lack of air, fatigue, hormonal changes in women. Low grade fever is not usually knock.

The longer this temperature already called low-grade fever, and there it is because of the following pathologies:

  1. Infections and inflammations caused by pathogens, such as viral and bacterial diseases of the throat, stomach, urinary system, abscesses after injection, HIV, dental caries, diabetes, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, herpes and dysbiosis.
  2. Somatic and non-communicable diseases also lead to low-grade fever, and include cancer disease, anemia, dystonia, thyroid disease, postoperative periods exodontia consequences, strokes and heart attacks.
  3. Malignant tumors, CNS disorders, autoimmune diseases - these are the cases fever, which should always fight and pay attention to them. Antipyretic response after receiving a subsequent help doctors to identify the true factors certain diseases.

But in general, all the doctors do not recommend to bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees. This, however, do not, if the general condition when low-grade fever are not impaired, no seizures, problems with the heart and nervous system.

febrile hyperthermia

It can be up to 39 degrees. The temperature rises to this level as a result of thermal and sunstroke, hypothermia, frostbite or burns, as well as the acute infection flowing within, e.g. meningitis, or pneumonia. Knock such an elevated temperature is required to.


The temperature of from 39 degrees to 41 gets off immediately and urgently with subsequent hospitalization. This fever comes from a sore throat, flu or pneumonia.


The temperature rises above 41 degrees, is very dangerous for the human life.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
Types of fever in children and adults

It is close to the critical and can cause irreversible changes. This ultra-high temperature occurs due to serious diseases: pneumonia, severe influenza, tetanus, smallpox, heart attack, cancer and other diseases. Bring down a high fever immediately.

Compresses and wiping at

It often happens that the temperature did not manage to bring down with the help of fever-reducing medicine. To rectify the situation at home can rubdown. Such a method improves mood, removes heat and lowers temperature.

When subfebrile temperature of the body can be wiped with a towel or cloth soaked ordinary warm water. This method is used for children who can not tolerate vinegar.

To a solution of acetic rubdowns prepared: a plate with water of 38 degrees large spoonful of vinegar was added and stirred. In the resulting vehicle is wetted cloth and begin to wipe the body from the neck and on, moving lower and lower, not missing a single crease.

After this procedure, the body cover light blanket or sheet. Before wiping the skin should be checked for damage to the vinegar and then did not burn the skin. In the presence of wounds apply sponging with water.

To prepare the alcoholic solution of the wiper taking 1 liter of warm water, and stirred therein tablespoon alcohol or vodka. Obtain funds wiped a child or adult from neck to feet. But for children under six years of churning temperature of vinegar, not vodka.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
How to bring down the temperature in the home? You can use folk remedies that will reduce the temperature

Herbal wiping are also anti-inflammatory. They are used instead of water, alcohol and acetic unless contraindicated. Herbal infusions made from yarrow, chamomile or St. John's wort.

In a liter of warm water diluted with a spoonful of herbs and bring it all to a boil. The solution is cooled down moistened sheet, squeeze it and wrap this baby, not only touching the face and hands.

Atop wrapped netolstym dry diaper and then harbor a warm blanket. Then the child in this state kept 40 minutes while letting him drink plenty of liquids. It can be covered by another blanket if your child suddenly gets cold.

Compress on temperature was prepared as follows: cotton cloth soaked in warm herbal teas, squeeze it and applied to the forehead, temples and groin area every 10 minutes.

Traditional recipes decoctions and infusions of temperature

Traditional recipes decoctions and infusions, used by people since ancient times, helping to bring down the temperature in the home. But the use of these resources should be reasonable. Here are some of them.

barley broth

100 g of pearl barley were placed in a pot of 1 liter of water and brought to a boil all, after which a small fire rump is cooked for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool and strain. Honey of lime or buckwheat, by the way, perfectly enhances the flavor of the broth. Means taken before bedtime in an amount of 200 ml. Then put to bed and wrap up well.

Decoction of dried fruit

Zhmenya dried fruits pour boiling water in an amount of half a liter and insist 0.5 hours. Drink a warm infusion of 2-3 tbsp. a day in small sips. Trace elements and vitamins, dried fruits reduce fever and strengthen the immune system.

The infusion of dried raspberry leaves and berries

A handful of means placed in half a liter of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Then a warm solution of slightly drink. This drink helps to cope in such a case, as in the home bring the temperature down.

The infusion of dried chamomile inflorescences

The tool also eliminates the excellent high temperature. For its preparation 1 h. l. raw materials are mixed with 1 tbsp. boiled water for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered. Infusion slowly drink every half hour from 100 ml.

herbal infusion

The beverage prepared from the collection, which includes 10 g herb mother coltsfoot, 10 g rosehip berries, 25 g of lime flowers, 10 g of camomile inflorescence of grass and 20 g psyllium. This mixture was taken in an amount of 4 hours. l., pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water and insist 10 minutes, then cooled and decanted. Drink means 3 on p. a day for a glass.

Beverages for lowering the temperature

Well knock the temperature range of drinks with a diuretic effect. Teas, fruit drinks, fruit juices and mineral water without gas hourly drink to normalize the real exchange, remove toxins and strengthen the immune system.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
Why do you need to drink a lot of water?

Drinking plenty of fluids, consisting of harmless cranberry and black currant juice, raspberry, lime and chamomile teas can replace medication antipyretics.

Rest and sleep (bed rest)

When hyperthermia doctors usually prescribe bed rest as it really helps to bring the temperature down, especially at home. This is especially true of influenza, when all the resources of the body's weakened and there is a pronounced malaise.

Rest and sleep at the same time very relevant and useful to quickly restore health. And together with the body rest and overburdened heart.

Fresh cool air in the room

The patient with the temperature needed fresh air to a greater extent than healthy. Therefore the room where it is located, you need to constantly ventilate. It is advisable to avoid drafts and to adhere to the room temperature at 18-20 degrees.

Aired in both summer and winter, avoiding excessive overcooling the room or the patient.

Put feet in a basin of cold water

Before that strip and then pour about three minutes, except for the head. Following the procedure selected, dress pajamas of cotton cloth and placed in the bed. Put your feet in a basin of cold water and pour over it can be and children who have turned 3 years old.

Applying ice to the ground projection of large vessels

Impaled ice were placed in a cellophane bag and applying under the knees to the inguinal folds, armpits and forehead. The package is desirable to wrap waffle towel or cotton cloth to protect your skin. This five-minute procedure is usually repeated after 15 minutes.

Wear light clothing made of cotton fabrics

The things of this fabric body to breathe and cool quickly due to the rapid evaporation of sweat.

Enema with lukewarm water

Boiled water for this purpose should have a temperature of 18 or 20 degrees. Warm enema wash from the gut undigested food and will facilitate the activity of internal organs. Water cools inside the body and helps to reduce the temperature by several degrees.

proper nutrition

True composed for the patient menu - another way, as soon as in the home bring the temperature down effectively. Faster help recover pineapples and lemons, peaches, oranges, apples and grapes. Food must be digestible, steamed and consisting of vegetable soups, yoghurts, boiled egg and cereal porridges.

The body will also be easier without spices, sweet and fat, from frequent, scant food and chicken broth. Violently sick you should not be fed. Solid food, it is desirable to replace the liquid and warm drink.

Antipyretics for adults

By hyperthermia adult help ibuprofen. He will remove the heat, reduce pain and ease inflammation. The same effect has rapid and paracetamol. But taking these drugs is often accompanied by the development of bronchospasm, a violation of the internal organs and functions of a stomach ulcer.

Combined means of temperature contain the same ibuprofen and paracetamol together with other substances which act faster.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
The most effective pills when dealing with high temperatures

These drugs include Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan, ibuklin, koldreks and Theraflu. They are extremely powerful, they take three times a day. But there are contraindications to them: they can not drink alcoholics and those with a sick stomach.

How to bring down the temperature of the child

Deliver the children of temperature will help to:

  • herbal water and rubbing and compresses;
  • berry teas and fruit drinks;
  • ventilation of rooms without drafts;
  • bed rest;
  • wiping ice;
  • pouring basin of cool water;
  • enema.

Medicines temperature for children

The most effective remedy for children's temperature is considered to be a substance paracetamol. It is, as the main component is part of many antipyretic drugs, sometimes in the form of a syrup or suspension. The suspension can be given to the first month of life, and syrup - from 3 years.

The drug should be used according to the instructions, and in any case not to increase the recommended dose. The syrup can be diluted in tea.

Analgesic and antipyretic Panadol in the suspension can be given to children from 3 months. Kalpol in the same form also apply not earlier than 3 months. Efferalgan syrup can be given to children with a weight of 4 kg or babies from the first months of life. Means used as an independent drug and diluted in a liquid.

Efferalgan suppositories, 80 mg for children from 3 months, suppositories 150 mg - with half a child's life, and 300 mg suppositories are used from 4 to 10 years. At the one-month well-child churning temperature suppositories Tsefekona D 50 mg, 100 mg is suitable from 3 months and 250 mg -. 3 years.

Capsules and tablets Panadol, Piarona and Nurofen can accept children 6-7 years of age. Up to 6 years can offer a chewable or effervescent tablets Efferalgan.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
List of antipyretic for children

But the most effective of the temperature considered injections, usually consisting of two or three different drugs. Injection under the name Triad contains analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine or no-silos.

Lytic same mixture antipyretic injection consists of such medicaments, but several other their dosages. These funds are used for adults and children older than one year.

The apparent diversity of antipyretics should not scare. It is only necessary to know how the actions of each of the funds. Thus, chewable tablets, syrups and medicines work after 20-30 min after administration. Suppositories are administered prior night's sleep and with an empty gut, begin to act after 40 min. But they are more acceptable.

All children means the temperature should not cause allergies and other adverse reactions. Therefore, drugs are used according to the age, instructions and a prescription. It is important that children are well tolerated medication, and drugs were not harmful additives, flavorings, dyes and other harmful chemicals. For the first time giving a child medication, you should be careful enough.

When traditional methods do not?

If the child has fever, pink, and his state of health at the same time the normal, the temperature up to 39 drugs can not knock down. Instead, they resorted to the popular methods of getting rid of it.

But pale fever in children temperature knock medicines urgently, as inaction can lead to very dire consequences. Together with antipyretic in this case, the child is given an antihistamine and vasodilator agents, after which he put on socks and wrapped.

Antipyretic drugs should definitely be given to children up to three months at a temperature of above 38 and above 39 over this age. If your child has lung disease, and heart, and he hyperthermia above 38.5, or as a healthy arise febrile convulsions at a constant temperature of 37.5-38 degrees, these cases also require urgent to get rid of fever.

Infants, all drugs are given only by a pediatrician appointment. Paracetamol is used only by 38-39 degrees. It is impossible to exceed the dose of 60 mg / kg per day. This drug acts faster in the form of a syrup or suspension. It can be repeatedly used only when the temperature is again raised to 38 or 39.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
Recommended taking antipyretic at temperature indicators at 38.39 degrees

Paracetamol is not used for more than 3 days without a doctor's prescription. Children receiving antibiotics, it is forbidden to give antipyretics. If the temperature is not the cause of the common cold, and it is accompanied by sweating and severe pain in the abdominal area, it does not bring down to the doctor soon, which immediately cause with similar symptoms.

At high temperature and fever reduce vascular spasm drugs, rubbing the baby's skin and call for a doctor.

Doctor Help is urgently needed if there were:

  • convulsions;
  • vomiting;
  • rash;
  • dehydration;
  • hemorrhage;
  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • disrupted respiration;
  • child does not want to drink and it is getting worse.

It should also be aware that fever symptomatically take to improve the child's well-being. The emphasis of treatment is necessary to make the treatment of diseases caused by temperature.

It is believed that the temperature to 38 do not touch, so as not to damage the immune system. But if hyperthermia rises higher and higher, and medicines and folk remedies at home did not manage to bring the temperature down, then resort to intramuscular injections of antipyretic.

How to bring down the temperature of the child and the adult, without pills, folk remedies and drugs
How to make a shot with antipyretic injections

An injection can be done by yourself, if you have the skill, but you can call an ambulance for the more competent the injection experienced medical professional.

Video on how to bring the temperature down

The causes of elevated temperature:

How to bring down the heat in the home:

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