Mental Disorders

Drowsiness and fatigue: constant, day, chronic fatigue, apathy. Reasons for women, men and fatigue during pregnancy. How to get rid of treatment: in tablets, vitamins

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To carry out normal activities and work can be efficiently provided wellness. For various reasons, women work the body can be broken - somnolence and fatigue, there is fatigue. In such cases it is necessary to identify the cause of poor health and try to organize the work of the body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The main causes of chronic fatigue
  • 2 External and lifestyle factors that cause fatigue, lethargy, weakness
  • 3 Disease and the condition of the body in women and men
  • 4 hormonal disorders
  • 5 brain-fag
  • 6 Depression
  • 7 Diabetes
  • 8 Deficiency of vitamins
  • 9 vasoneurosis
  • 10 Iron-deficiency anemia
  • 11 Apnea
  • 12 Low pressure
  • 13 endocrine disruptions
  • 14 sleeping disease
  • 15 Brain Injury
  • 16 mental illness
  • 17 bowel disease
  • 18 heart disease
  • 19 chronic fatigue syndrome, Symptoms and Treatment
  • 20 Fatigue in pregnancy
  • 21 methods of diagnosis
  • 22 How to get rid of sleepiness using tablets: effective drugs
  • 23 List of vitamins by sleepiness and fatigue
  • 24 doctors' recommendations
  • 25 Video of sleepiness and fatigue

The main causes of chronic fatigue

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Mark the exact causes of chronic fatigue modern medicine can not still.

However, we can identify the main factors due to which there is a breakdown:

  1. Failure to comply with the balance of life. Excessive exercise without adequate rest do not allow the body to rebuild their forces.
    Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins
  2. Environmental conditions. Constant noise, the lack of fresh air, the use of environmentally unclean foods affect the whole body.
  3. Chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  4. Disorders of psychological nature.

These triggers will inevitably lead to the emergence of apathy, excessive sleepiness and a constant feeling of lack of rest.

External and lifestyle factors that cause fatigue, lethargy, weakness

External factors, the influence of which can hardly be avoided, can have a profound effect on the disabled person.

These include:

  • Changes in the weather. With deteriorating weather observed a decrease in atmospheric pressure, with the result that the person feels a lack of oxygen. Oxygenation is not at the proper level to provoke a breakdown.
  • Magnetic storms. Modern research has shown that outbreaks have a powerful impact on all living organisms.
Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins
Drowsiness and fatigue has different causes. In women and men it may be the effect of magnetic storms.

In addition to the external manifestations of fatigue can occur in the management of poor lifestyle choices:

  • Insufficient intake of vitamins in the human body does not allow to make up for lost energy.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and drugs has a powerful effect on the human nervous system and cause oxygen starvation.
  • The use of drugs that affect sleep. Most sedatives and antihistamines has the side effect of increased sleepiness.

On the manifestations of nature do not work out, but to establish a way of life quite a force to each individual.

Disease and the condition of the body in women and men

Drowsiness and fatigue (cause of women and men often have the same nature of origin) are the result of disorders of the body.

They are as follows:

  • Hormone imbalance.
  • Signs of burnout.
  • Depressive states.
  • Dystonia.
  • Lack of iron deficiency anemia.
    Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins
  • Diabetes.
  • Irregularities in the thyroid gland.

Timely detection of these diseases will allow to establish the state of health in carrying out the doctor's recommendations. Once the body's work will be established, chronic fatigue and will cease to disturb.

hormonal disorders

Gomonov role is often underestimated, but they are involved in all the body's vital processes.

The causes of hormonal balance are:

  1. Pregnancy, postrodovoy period.
  2. Puberty.
  3. Hormonal drugs.
  4. Weight problems - excessive thinness or obesity.
  5. Frequent stress and nervous strain.
  6. Abortion.
  7. Extinction of the reproductive function.

For the treatment of hormonal disorders most commonly prescribed hormonal drugs. They should not cause drowsiness in compliance with the designated dose and their correct selection.


Psycho-emotional voltage, which has been observed for a long time, inevitably leads to nervous exhaustion.

In this case, there are the following symptoms:

  • The feeling of constant fatigue.
  • Aggression and emotional instability.
  • Headache.
  • Insomnia with simultaneous drowsiness.
  • Inability to concentrate.
Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

This state should not be underestimated. If a person is not able to deal with nervous tension by normalizing the power and compliance with work and leisure modes, you should contact the hospital for a medical appointment treatment.


In clinical practice, quite often there is a combination of chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Not to be confused with seasonal depression, melancholy, which can go on their own.

In depressive states observed symptoms:

  • A heightened sense of guilt, self-blame.
  • sleep disturbance, fatigue.
  • Complete loss of interest in life.
  • Reduction reaction rate retardation.
  • Visit to contemplate death.
  • Complete loss of vital energy.

Drowsiness and fatigue while constantly accompanies man: he can not sleep without drugs. The causes of women and men can be the same, and often depression is manifested on the background of a succession of troubles. Such a condition requires a visit to a focused professional.


Violation of assimilation glucose inevitably leads to an imbalance in blood sugar. Such a disease like diabetes, in addition to general symptoms characterized by the appearance of accompanying symptoms - chronic fatigue and sleepiness. Treatment for diabetes is assigned a doctor after a complete examination and determine its type.

Deficiency of vitamins

Vitamins and minerals in their balanced content in the body promotes good health and high efficiency. The most significant among these are vitamins B, C and D. Their substantial shortage causes a decrease in the protective properties of the organism, there is constant fatigue.

In the winter season it is particularly difficult to ensure receipt of the useful components in the right amount. Therefore, in addition to a balanced diet is sometimes required the use of vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

A disadvantage of mineral components also influence the interaction between all systems in the body and, if not fill their deficiency via supply or use special vitamin complexes, the constant feeling of tiredness and lassitude are not to avoid.


Drowsiness and fatigue (cause of women and men in the same vascular dystonia) may often accompanied by dizziness and pressure fluctuations, unfounded feelings of anxiety and fear.

Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

If such symptoms are observed for a long time and only amplified, it is necessary to see a specialist. He will appoint the use of special preparations for the normalization of the state, performing breathing exercises and physical exercise.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The hemoglobin level may rapidly fall in bleeding, reduced levels of red blood cells or due to the destruction of erythrocytes. The root cause of such problems is considered to be insufficient intake of nutrients in an amount which is enough for the unborn child and the mother.

To restore the iron level in the body should eat foods rich in its content. If a strong iron deficiency recommended intake of special drugs.


Sleep apnea is characterized by brief stops breathing. Due to permanent brain arousals sleep is interrupted and becomes defective. Episodes of sleep disorders can disturb throughout the night. After the so-called night's sleep, fatigue is felt almost immediately upon waking.

When these symptoms every night starts to develop chronic sleep deficit. This phenomenon lends itself to diagnosis and successful treatment, but requires considerable time to restore the possibility of a healthy uninterrupted sleep.

Low pressure

General weakness in the body, lethargy, fatigue, sleepiness after a long sleep - all of it is inherent in people with low pressure. As a consequence of hypotension is frequently observed lack of air and darkening of the eyes with a sharp change in body position.

Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

To improve vascular tone and normalize the pressure, first of all, you need to balance compliance time for work and rest, good nutrition, fresh air, moderate exercises sports.

endocrine disruptions

endocrine system work is focused on the regulation of internal processes in the body. In the event of failure the work between all the systems of the body are also broken, so that there may be fatigue and general fatigue.

To identify the correct operation of the endocrine system is assigned a full examination and specimen collection to the level of hormones. Hormone therapy in case of violations is able to adjust work of the body, after which the state of fatigue and drowsiness will take place gradually.

sleeping disease

Disorders of neurological origin, which include narcolepsy, can cause hallucinations and sleep abnormalities. In this case, the person feels a constant need for rest, especially in the daytime. Single cause of this disorder reveal failed as a result of many clinical studies.

Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

Diagnose the disease is hard enough, but its presence indicates the presence of several major symptoms:

  • hallucinations;
  • sudden bouts of daytime sleepiness;
  • loss of muscle tone, sudden drop;
  • sleep paralysis - a complete inability to move or speak without loss of consciousness.

These symptoms should not be left unattended, because narcolepsy neglect can lead to irreparable consequences.

Brain Injury

Drowsiness and fatigue (cause in men and women, and measures to address them will depend on the various factors) may appear due to the trauma of varying severity, with which suffered the head area.

Serious violations can lead to irreversible consequences, and in addition to violations of life caused by nervous and mental disorders. In this case, diagnose the causes is the only solution.

mental illness

Cyclic alternating states of sleep and wakefulness in normal mode required for full activity. When sleep is disrupted, the person begins to pursue a sense of fatigue even after little work and a reduction in the overall mental and physical tone.

To detect violations should apply to the narrowly focused specialist who will help to normalize the condition.

bowel disease

Inflammatory processes in the intestine often occur due to the development of a bacterial infection, a prolonged course of antibiotics and eating disorders. Improper bowel work can cause sleep disorders, So that the body will not be enough time to rest during the night.

Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

After the treatment and elimination of unpleasant symptoms of sleep is normalized, the feeling of fatigue will not bother.

heart disease

About 40% of people with heart failure have sleep problems. Heart disease is often accompanied by disturbances of breathing, which also leads to insomnia.

Against the background of insomnia and the inability to complete relaxation there is a feeling of fatigue, inability to concentrate on one thing and pathological lack of vitality. While eliminating the problems associated with the work of the cardiovascular system, insomnia problem is gradually cease to disturb.

chronic fatigue syndrome, Symptoms and Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome, a person in the morning after waking up feeling apathy, inability to gather strength. The organism is thus completely exhausted and ready for full operation.

The symptomatology of this syndrome is characterized by:

  • the presence of headaches, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness;
  • fatigue regardless of the time of rest for six months or more;
  • depressive states, depression;
  • aching pain in the muscles, increasing temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  • loss of appetite;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.
Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

When the detection of chronic fatigue syndrome, you can try to help the body cope with the problem with using strict observance of sleep, balanced nutrition, combating addictions. If this does not help, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of vitamins and antioxidant complex.

Fatigue in pregnancy

This led to a conception of the hormone progesterone begins to actively synthesized. The amount reflected in the work of the nervous system. That is why women are increasingly likely to experience the feeling of a long protracted rest, very similar to the apathy.

The natural state of the expectant mother is the desire to rest and sleep. However, pathological sleepiness may be caused by iron deficiency anemia, severe toxemia, sharp irregular blood pressure. In the presence of these disorders should consult a physician.

methods of diagnosis

Fairly common phenomenon when a person unequally calculates the forces and evenly distribute the time for work and leisure. Therefore, the diagnosis of chronic fatigue and drowsiness pretty hard.

Drowsiness and fatigue (cause in men and women listed earlier) can not take place for a long time. They are the direct basis for the appeal to the therapist.

The doctor will do an exam and prescribe the delivery of the analysis, and then, depending on the test results the patient will be directed to the narrow specialists - endocrinologist, neurologist, psychotherapist.

How to get rid of sleepiness using tablets: effective drugs

When choosing any drug to combat sleepiness should be mindful of possible adverse consequences that may occur if the cause of fatigue is a serious disease.

Drowsiness and fatigue. Causes in women, men, pregnancy. How to get rid of, treatment: pills, vitamins

If the disease is not detected, it is possible to resort to using drugs:

  • modafinil - increases physical endurance and activates the brain activity.
  • Logdeyzin - struggles with pathological sleepiness.
  • Pantocrinum - improves performance, fights fatigue and sleepiness.

Before the use of drugs to consult a doctor is mandatory data.

List of vitamins by sleepiness and fatigue

Complex vitamins, allowing them to make up for the lack of the body, a wide range of:

  • Duovit;
  • Vitrum;
  • Selmevit with antioxidants;
  • Complex "Berokka plus";
  • Complex "Bion 3".

Components have high digestibility and cause rejects reaction.

doctors' recommendations

At constant feelings of sleepiness and fatigue in women, doctors recommend that a correct mode of the day, set aside enough time to rest, as well as to adhere to a balanced diet. The reasons for this phenomenon may be a variety of diseases, early detection which is to see a doctor will not go to them in the chronic

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of sleepiness and fatigue

Three causes of fatigue and sleepiness:

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