
Redness of the eyelid skin, peeling. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

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There are many causes that trigger redness of the eyelid skin, scaling, itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

This may be temperature variations, low quality cosmetic preparations or changes in the diet.

But often in this way the organism signals of serious violations of the internal organsAs well as the penetration into the body of pathogenic microorganisms or parasites.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Scaly skin of the eyelids: the main reasons
    • 1.1 Allergic reaction
    • 1.2 Unsuitable cosmetics
    • 1.3 Wrong skin care under the eyes
    • 1.4 fungal
    • 1.5 Adverse external factors
    • 1.6 Avitaminosis
    • 1.7 ciliary mite
  • 2 Treatment of skin redness and peeling eyelids depending on the cause
    • 2.1 What if the peeling caused by allergies
    • 2.2 How to treat fungal infections of the skin age
    • 2.3 Vitamin with vitamin deficiency
    • 2.4 What if peeling occurred due to unfavorable external factors
    • 2.5 How to treat ciliary mite
  • 3 Traditional recipes treat flaking and redness of the eyelid skin
  • 4 Prevention: the skin age has always been healthy
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Scaly skin of the eyelids: the main reasons

Skin redness of the eyelids and peeling It can not be regarded as a cosmetic flaw that can be eliminated by external means.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

It must deal with a qualified specialist, who first find out the cause of this disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Allergic reaction

A characteristic feature of allergies is the simultaneous both eyelids redness accompanied by desquamation, itching, lacrimation and swelling.

Most often this phenomenon is seasonal and occurs in the period of flowering of different species of plants.

allergy causes may also be:

  • Food;
  • creams, lotions, masks, decorative cosmetics;
  • dust;
  • wool and animal dander;
  • insect bites;
  • household products;
  • medications.

In some cases, can not alone identify the factor that causes the allergic reaction. For this in clinical settings performed skin tests allow to establish a probability of 100% allergen.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Unsuitable cosmetics

During the skin around the eyes should follow the following rules:

  • never use cosmetics that have expired;
  • not use scrubs, peels;
  • do not wipe this area tonics containing alcohol;
  • select cosmetics in accordance with the age and skin type;
  • observe the rules of storage of cosmetic preparations;
  • Apply the product to the skin with clean hands;
  • to monitor the cleanliness of brushes, sponges, brushes and other tools that come into contact with the eyelids.

Important to remember! on skincare age should be used strictly individual.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Wrong skin care under the eyes

Even well-chosen care products for sensitive skin around the eyes, can cause the opposite effect of their improper application.

It is forbidden to do the following in the care of the skin around the eyes:

  • leave Facial cosmetics at night;
  • rub a cream or gel to the skin of eyelids;
  • use masks or compresses more often than specified in the instructions;
  • used to remove makeup soap or shower gel.

If the cream is not the dispenser, then type it in the jar should be using a stick, spatula or trowel, which should be thoroughly cleaned and washed after each use.

This will help minimize the risk of development in the cream of bacteria and pathogenic fungi.

Apply the cream or gel on the eyelids must be lightly touching them ring fingersIn the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Remove eye makeup with gentle movements should be designed with the help of this drug applied to a cotton pad or tampon.

Attention! If after applying care products or makeup there is a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching or redness occurs around eye, it must quickly erase cotton pad, rinsed with pure water and drink antihistamine tablet ( "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Tavegil").


Redness and peeling eyelids can be due to fungal diseases such as:

  • seborrhea;
  • trihofitia;
  • favus.

According to statistics, the most common cause of peeling skin age is seborrheaCaused by opportunistic fungus Malassezia.

Being present permanently on human skin, it does not manifest itself as long as the result of diseases, severe stress, or other factors, without a dramatic decrease in immunity.

Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes
If you have redness of the eyelid skin, peeling them, do not put off a visit to the ophthalmologist and further treatment.

During this period, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, affecting the sebaceous glands, disrupting their production and secretion leading to inflammation of the skin around the eyes.

The main symptoms are:

  • redness of the eyelid skin with a pronounced peeling;
  • appearance of rounded shiny patches;
  • feeling hurt one's eyes;
  • the presence of small bubbles;
  • loss of eyelashes.

Periodically bubbles burst, they imply serous exudate that zasyhaya forms yellowish brown.

With the defeat of large areas of a person observed tearing and lifting overall body temperature.

Trihofitia caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Parasitizing on the eyelid skin, they cause folliculitis, reflected:

  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • severe itching;
  • the presence of small pustules, crusts coated;
  • clearly visible bloom of spores on the eyelashes;
  • loss of eyelashes or be broken off.

On the skin are clearly distinguishable small round lesions in the form of craters, in the center of which there are many scales. The lack of treatment leads to the development of conjunctivitis.

The causative agent is crusted ringworm fungus Achorion Schschnleini. Pathological process characterized by the appearance around hair follicles on the skin of the upper eyelid reddish papules and scales.

As the disease progresses, papules turn into yellowish brown and fall off. Doctors have recorded numerous cases of self-healing.

Adverse external factors

The increased sensitivity of the skin around the eyes caused by lack of subcutaneous fat layer, recognized to perform a protective function.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Therefore, redness and peeling of the eyelid may be triggered by environmental factors, which include:

  • direct exposure to ultraviolet (sun) rays;
  • low temperature;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • Heavily contaminated air;
  • wind;
  • overdried air.

On the skin age also adversely affected:

  • long stay in front of a computer monitor;
  • wrong selection of contact lenses and care products;
  • long stay in the room where the air conditioning works;
  • habit of rubbing his eyes with his hands.

It's important to know! Redness of the eyelids may be observed in severe stress, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.


Dry and flaking skin age is often caused by lack of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

The reasons for these hypovitaminosis are:

  • Insufficient dietary intake of vitamins;
  • presence of diseases that provoke malabsorption of nutrients from the gut;
  • lack of exposure of the skin to sunlight;
  • reception of some drugs containing substances antagonists vitamins.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

In addition to vitamin deficiency, peeling of the skin age can be caused by a failure in the thyroid gland and the lack of synthesis of sex hormones. In this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

ciliary mite

Microscopic subcutaneous mite Demodex Folliculorum is a permanent parasite in human hair follicles.

It begins to rapidly proliferate and manifests itself only when the level of immunity generating cells, causing the clinical manifestations of demodectic mange.

The greatest harm to bring the toxic waste products of the parasite causing:

  • peeling of the epidermis of the eyelids;
  • flushing;
  • swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • loss of eyelashes;
  • congestion on the edges of the eyelids whitish exudate, causing caking eyelashes during sleep.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Treatment of skin redness and peeling eyelids depending on the cause

Treatment for redness and peeling of the skin on the eyelids should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating etiologic factor withdrawal symptoms, preventing relapse, and re- occurrence.

What if the peeling caused by allergies

After detection and repair the cause of the allergy doctor prescribes antihistamines depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Provided receiving a first momentary generation means are most often used ( "Suprastin" "Diphenhydramine", "Fenkarol", "Tavegil", "Diazolin"). They have fast and strong effect, but at the same time have a sedative effect.

Antihistamines of the second generation drugs ( "Klaridol", "Klarotadin", "Kestin", "Lomilan" "Claritin", "Zirtek") does not inhibit the mental and physical activity, are not addictive.

The duration of action is 24 hoursAnd the therapeutic effect occurs within 5-7 days after discontinuation.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Attention! These funds are contraindicated in patients who have disturbances in the cardiovascular system.

Antiallergic drugs third generation ( "Telfast", "Gismanal" "Trex") have a minimum number of contraindications, but are characterized by high cost.

In addition antihistamine tablets, the doctor prescribes an ointment, relieves itching and removes the inflammation ( "Dexamethasone", "Hydrocortisone").

In rare cases it is not possible to eliminate the aetiological factor, being treated in a hospital.

The patient was administered by subcutaneous injection of allergen microdoses that promote gradual decrease susceptibility level thereto patient.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

How to treat fungal infections of the skin age

Antifungal agents should pick a doctor, taking into account the morphological and functional characteristics of the pathogen.

The most effective fungicides are currently recognized:

  • "Miconazole";
  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Fluconazole";
  • "Amphotericin B»;
  • "Nystatin".

The applied "kolbiotsin" ointment as a topical agent.

If the disease is complicated by bacterial microflora, the appointed oral antibiotics or antimicrobial ointment ( "Ofloxacin").

Alkaline medium promotes the fungus causing seborrhea. Therefore, washing soap accelerates the development of the pathological process and hinders treatment.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Vitamin with vitamin deficiency

Eliminate the symptoms of hypovitaminosis A, D and E can include in the diet:

  • yellow, red and orange vegetables and fruits;
  • fat varieties of marine fish or fish oil;
  • beef liver;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • legumes.

Synthetic vitamins should be taken only on prescriptionSince their excess is detrimental to the health of the entire body, and can lead to serious metabolic disorders.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

What if peeling occurred due to unfavorable external factors

If redness or peeling eyelids caused severe frost, wind, hot air or overdried, the problem in most cases eliminated the use of cosmetic creams and ointments ( "Bepanten, Panthenol ").

Note! In severe cases it is necessary to turn to the beautician, who uses professional cosmetics to soften the epidermis or eliminate rosacea (injections with hyaluronic acid).

How to treat ciliary mite

demodekoza Treatment should be integrated and include the use of:

  • outer acaricides (sulfuric ointment "Glikoderm" "Benzyl", "Metrogil jelly"), damaging effects on ticks;
  • acaricidal eye drops ( "Tosmilen" "Carbachol", "phosphacol");
  • disinfectants droplets ( "Piklosidin", "Vitabakt") lowering the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms that cause development of purulent inflammation in the affected area;
  • antihistamines include drugs ( "Okumetil", "Akyular");
  • oral tablets with metronidazole;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments ( "Uniderm" cream);
  • creams, normalizes the epidermis and eliminates peeling ( "Emolium").Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

In parallel with the use of these drugs, the body's defenses must be enhanced through:

  • minimize the amount of stress factors;
  • treatment of chronic infections, weaken the body;
  • proper organization of work and rest;
  • regular exposure to fresh air;
  • nutrition.

It's important to know! You should carefully observe good personal hygiene, to renounce the use of alcohol, nicotine, as well as to refrain from visiting saunas and solarium.

Traditional recipes treat flaking and redness of the eyelid skin

Traditional methods should be used to eliminate the redness and peeling eyelidsWhich is caused by climatic factors, fatigue, poor-quality cosmetics or age-related processes in the skin.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

In the presence of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, folk remedies can only be used as adjunct therapy in combination with pharmacologic therapy.

Eliminate peeling helps mask of equal parts butter and banana.

Butter is better to prepare yourself, that it contains only natural ingredients and no preservatives, colorings, plant-based ingredients and salt.

If there is no allergy, the mask can be added for 0.5 hours. l. acacia honey. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, apply on the eyelid skin and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this rinse agent must be carefully lukewarm water.

To eliminate the redness of the eyelid skin should apply compresses of decoctions of marigold, sage, chamomile, oak bark or black tea.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

For this purpose it is necessary to put 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs in a ceramic or glass container, pour 250 ml of boiling water, close and let stand for 40-60 minutes.

Then you need to filter the solution to moisten it cotton pads and put on lids, leave for 15-20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day for a week.

Prevention: the skin age has always been healthy

Avoid skin redness and peeling eyelids can, observing the following guidelines:

  • stick to a balanced diet, avoiding long mono-diet and the severe restrictions in the use of fats;
  • minimize the amount of consumed alcohol, spicy, fried, salted and canned food;
  • limit time spent in front of computer screen;
  • in sunny weather to wear sunglasses and apply cosmetics containing SPF-filters;
  • Avoid sharp supercooling of the skin;
  • eat a sufficient amount of pure water;
  • select cosmetics according to the age and skin type;
  • before bed thoroughly clean the face of makeup by means of special funds.Redness and peeling of the skin age. Causes and treatment of the skin around the eyes

Important to remember! Delayed elimination causes peeling and redness of the skin, can lead to development of serious eye diseases that result in inflammation and a reduction in visual acuity.

From this video you will learn about the redness of the eyelid skin, peeling them as symptoms of dermatitis:

This video introduces you to cause peeling and dryness of the skin:

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