
Stye. Than to treat the lower, upper eyelid at the child, adult, quickly at home

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One of the human diseases in front of a barley. This unpleasant disease, which not only spoils the appearance, but also creates the sensation of pain and discomfort. When the first symptoms should consult a doctor to find out how to treat it.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of diseases
  • 2 Causes of barley in the lower and upper eyelid
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 What not to do in this disease
  • 5 drug therapy
  • 6 ointments
  • 7 Drops
  • 8 Surgical treatment of purulent stye
  • 9 Nontraditional methods of treatment at home
  • 10 Especially barley treatment in children
  • 11 Features of treatment in pregnancy
  • 12 Video of the stye, its causes and treatments

classification of diseases

According to the medical classification of diseases has 2 main types, due to the place of localization of purulent education:

  1. Outdoor barley formed with the outer edge of the eyelid by means of an abscess. This area is considered the most common site of occurrence of an abscess. Infection City Center is located in the ciliary follicle or gland of Zeiss, which is in the same ciliary valve.
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  3. Interior (Meybomit) formed within the thickness of the century as an abscess. Here, the infection enters the meibomian glands are located in the inner part of the century. The reason could also be inflammation in the cartilage plate. The chronic form meybomita can cause the development of chalazion.

The disease is still divided by the number of purulent formations in multiple and single, which can be located on one or on both eyes at the same time. More often solitary ulcers. Multiple abscesses occur in the transmission of infection from one follicle to another, have a recurrent form and occur mainly in debilitated patients.

Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

Barley systematized by type:

  • Hot - classical process of manifestation and course of the disease. Place localization here is, as a rule, in the ciliary follicle and the sebaceous gland. It passes within a week;
  • cold species (Chalazion) - inflammation of the meibomian glands in focus, this is accompanied by their defeat. Characterized protracted development (1-2 months.), Cartilage inflammation in chronic form, subcutaneous formation has a major configuration and stiffer to the touch. Chalazion may disappear by itself, and if its size is large, there is pressure on the eyeball, and often get rid of it surgically.

Causes of barley in the lower and upper eyelid

The following factors provoke the development of purulent inflammation of the hair follicle at the upper and lower eyelids:

  • The presence of bacterial infections (Staphylococcus aureus), which appears as a result of non-compliance with such rules of hygiene, as a contact person with dirty hands.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Hypothermia, Spent drafts.
  • Dysfunction in the digestive system.
  • During pregnancy, when the woman's body is weakened and gives all the useful elements in the development of the child.
  • Contaminated environment.
  • Action Demodex mites or fungus.
  • Great psycho-emotional and physical stress.
  • Improper use and maintenance of contact lenses.
  • Dieting and starvation.
  • Wrong way of life.
  • Abuse addictions.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

The appearance of barley have such disease:

  • diabetes;
  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • acne and oily skin high;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • long eye overstrain;
  • blepharitis, conjunctivitis;
  • anemia;
  • HIV infection.


Stye can be expressed by different symptoms, after development which is easier to figure out than to treat disease.

Symptoms may include:

  • Ulcer develops within 1 to 2 days. First, the eyelid becomes red, and then the itch and itch. A few hours later there is puffiness and swelling. Sensation of pain occurs when pressed and in a quiet way.
  • One of the first visible signs of becoming a point and only then redness and swelling.
  • On the external or internal century appears purulent seal, like a large pimple.
  • Increased lacrimation.
  • A feeling that is in the eye of the foreign body.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

If the barley is strongly expressed or has multiple localization, it can be observed:

  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck area;
  • formation of purulent ball which breaks;
  • nausea, appetite disorders;
  • weakness, lack of strength.

What not to do in this disease

When the pus formation on the external or internal age is not recommended:

  • Squeeze the abscess yourself. In many cases, attempts to push in place accumulation of pus end that its contents will leave behind the eye socket, this is due to the anatomical device century.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home
  • Heat the suppurative focus in the home. A failed attempt can lead to major complications. Such therapy can be done only by qualified physiotherapist with the help of special equipment.
  • Smear boil an alcohol (Brilliant green, iodine). Although this is a good antiseptic, but used so close to the eye cornea is prohibited. This rule applies to the hydrogen peroxide, which also can disrupt the cornea.
  • Lubricate the inflamed area saliva or urine. In these secretions may be bacteria, aggravating the course of the disease. Wash the area of ​​the patient is desirable medicinal decoction hygienically.
  • Make up the affected area cosmetics. This can lead to the spread of infection. Until then, until the barley would not be cured by any makeup products should be discarded.
  • Any attempt to get rid of the boil yourself may provoke a diversity of infection into the deep layers of the skin, which becomes the cause of meningitis, cellulitis eye or cerebral thrombosis.

drug therapy

Stye (than to treat with different degrees of severity, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body will help to understand ophthalmologist) is treated by the following methods:

  • The very first service starts with the treatment of purulent education. Manipulation operate topically with 70% alcohol (ethanol), tincture of calendula, iodine or green fodder. Practice it should be 5 p. per day.
  • Drug treatment involves different drugs differ in their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Funds in the form of ointments should lay over the edge of the eyelid, and drops to drip 3-5 p. in a day.
  • Current therapies include use of antibiotics (tobramycin, dilaterol, tobrosopt), which is not recommended for women during pregnancy, lactation, as well as newborns.
  • To reduce the risk of recurrence of barley appointed physiotherapy, namely UHF. At the same time the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes to boost the immune system.
  • At some points during the formation of an abscess, surgical intervention. But when referring to the doctor during the illness is treated quickly and without consequences.


Ointments, which will help to get rid of barley:

  • tetracycline ointment is applied not less than 5 p. a day on the inflamed area. It is undesirable to apply to children under 12 years. This antibacterial agent does not cause side effects, but it should not be used for fungal diseases and kidney diseases. It has high efficiency in the fight against disease pathogens - staphylococci. It is considered an allergen, so it is necessary to eliminate possible risks. If this drug is contraindicated in patients, it is replaced by a drug with a basic active substance - erythromycin.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home
Tetracycline ointment - one way than you treat stye.
  • hydrocortisone cover the edge of the century in the area of ​​inflammation of the tubes 3-5 p. per day. Ointment different anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Not recommended for viral infections or fungal origin, but also damage the mucous membrane of the cornea.
  • erythromycin applied at different degrees of inflammation. Treatment is successful even in inflammation, which are located in the inner shells. Preparation 3 p is applied. in a day. The duration of the therapeutic course determined by the physician. Taking into account the characteristics of the patient's condition and the extent of the disease.
  • Vishnevsky ointment It fights inflammation and infection. It should be applied several times a day to avoid unpleasant symptoms barley. To draw pus, dressing, greased composition to be imposed on the affected eye, fix the sticker and hold for a few hours. Such balm particularly effective in meybomit purulent or multiple seals on both eyes.


Stye (than to treat an infectious disease doctor advises) passes after a course of antimicrobial agents.

The most suitable products:

  1. Sulfacetamide. It comprises sodium sulfite, hydrochloric acid and distilled water. Stow inflammation, abscess himself, and struck him bacteria. During the application of drops of a person may feel a tingling and burning. Adults prescribed 30%, and 20% solution for children. Doctors prescribe abundant instillation solution until 6 p. per day.Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home
  2. Levometsitin. Different antimicrobial properties of a wide exposure field. Tool helps to speed up the ripening process and formation of purulent infection prevents contamination of healthy skin areas and mucous membranes. Most of the drug is applied simultaneously to both eyes. Drops are effective, but they become the cause of a burning sensation in the visual organs. Buried for 1- 2 cap. 4 p. to 12 p. (With a large abscess and painful sensations) per day for no more than 2 weeks.
  3. Gentamicin. Local medication use is made on the basis of the antibiotic. Undesirable applied in ocular lesions fungal type and chickenpox. Buried eyelid during the day, with a mean lesion - 1kap. in 4 h, at heavy -. the same dose of 1 p. in hour.
  4. Torbeks. The safest drug for the treatment of barley. Acceptable its use by children and pregnant women. Effectively fights against staphylococci, suspends protein synthesis and prevents spread of purulent infection. With a small abscess drip cap 2. every 4 hours and with vigorous infection - the same dose 30 minutes.
  5. Floksal. Very powerful modern antibiotics, which are beginning to use after the first manifestation of disease symptoms. Apply 1 cap. 3-4 p. in a day. If it is used concurrently with another medicament, the interval between the manipulation must be at least 5 min.

Surgical treatment of purulent stye

Surgical intervention is indicated in cases where medical therapy and physiotherapy manipulation for 2 weeks did not produce the desired effect, and pathology of the acquired running shape. Surgery is indicated if the capsule is acquired density, and does not feel the pain when pressed.

Surgical exposure can not be avoided:

  • if struck by several glands;
  • seal transformed into adenocarcinoma;
  • relapses occur regularly.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

Step by step of the procedure:

  1. The doctor treats the inflamed area antiseptic.
  2. Injected under the skin with a fine needle anesthesia (lidocaine or procaine).
  3. Excrescence fix a special clamp to avoid the risk of bleeding.
  4. Inflamed tissue is cut from the barley education.
  5. By means of a curette stretched purulent congestion, then removed with a scalpel capsule.
  6. Form a wound treated with an iodine solution and put tetracycline ointment.
  7. If necessary, impose thread seams, which may disappear on their own.
  8. At the end of the eyes closed tight sterile bandage.
  9. At the end of the day the bandage is removed, and the eye is treated with antiseptic.
  10. A few days on the face may be visible bruising and swelling that disappear by themselves.

Nontraditional methods of treatment at home

Stye (than be treated at home, may suggest alternative medicine) passes, if we use these recipes:

  • Must be cooked 1 egg, Wrap it still warm in a piece of cloth and put in the formation of abscess. This manipulation produced after revealed barley head.
  • For the preparation of tinctures should take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and calendula make it 1 tbsp. the boiled water. Cover and let stand for 1 to 2 hours, then filtered. Moisten a cotton pad in a liquid and applied to the patient's eyes.
  • Of the few leaves of aloe We need to squeeze the juice and to add it to water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Use as a lotion. It is advisable to make a new composition of 1p. in 3 days.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home
  • Compresses from curdled - affordable and effective method of dealing with the disease. To do this, a small piece of cloth to soak fermented milk means and put on inflamed area for 2 minutes.
  • Lotions of soda help remove the symptoms of itching and discomfort that occurs due to the formation of barley. 1 tbsp. l. baking soda should be diluted with 100 ml. boiling water. Moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the affected eyelid.
  • The use of brewer's yeast. Before using the product should be warmed. Means raises immunity, saturates the body with vitamin B and help with recurrent type of disease.
  • Tipping washing. When applied in step 1 abscess. Piece of cotton wool should soak in strong tea leaves, squeeze and apply on barley for a couple of minutes. Do 3-4 p. per day.
  • Salt warm compresses can help in the early stages of the disease, the abscess matures quickly, and appears on the skin surface. Bag filled with salt and warmed up to attach to the seal, preferably 3 p. per day. The method is not recommended in the presence of inflammation.

Especially barley treatment in children

Not all drugs are suitable for the treatment of purulent education of children.

If there is no opportunity to consult with a doctor, you should take the following measures:

  • wet cotton pad in an alcohol solution (70%) and slightly cauterize the damaged area;
  • attach to the eye dry heat objects in the form of eggs or pouch with salt;
  • impose on inflamed zone impregnated anti-inflammatory drug (Deksametozon) gauze;
  • eyelid kept clean;
  • 2 r. a day to wash the affected area with warm tea brewed;
  • drip relieving the eye from Staphylococcus drops (Torbreks);
  • taking natural immunomodulators (or extracts of Eleutherococcus ginseng);
  • it is desirable to drink plenty of fluids;
  • in the children's diet to include foods that contain vitamins C, E and A.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

From unripened barley can be removed prior to its opening. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with vodka, squeeze well and apply on the inflamed area by the ciliary root. It is recommended to ensure that alcohol is not hit in the eye. On top of lotion to put a bandage on the 10 min. In order to avoid skin irritation.

Then, remove the wrap, put in a little cottage cheese cheesecloth in a warm state with a drop of lemon juice and apply on closed eyes for 20 minutes. To obtain the effect of such a procedure should perform 3R. per day.

If the disease is accompanied by pain and fever, it is recommended to drink at night and Paracetamol laying under the eyelid antiinflammatory ophthalmic ointment (Floksal, tetracycline) or drip drops (Gentamycin).

When the head warm abscess prohibited. Squeeze it too not worth it. You should wait a few days until the barley is not will reveal itself. If this does not happen, you need to go to an ophthalmologist.

Features of treatment in pregnancy

Stye (than cure during pregnancy to avoid negative effects on the fetus, we can only know after the medical consultation) treated after the first signs of the disease. Here you need to gently pull or lift the eyelid and apply with a cotton swab to iodine reddened area, while trying to keep the drug is not affected mucosa.

If purulent abscess broke, then this area is necessary to anoint iodine and put it tetracycline ointment. Good bactericidal agent is strongly brewed tea clean. This composition should be washed eyelid.

It is not recommended to apply the medication in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is advisable to take precautions:

  • do not use cosmetics;
  • It is forbidden to pierce tubercle;
  • dry heat may be applied.
Than to treat stye, the lower, upper eyelid, quickly at home

In the case of increasing temperature, a strong increase in painful inflammation and lymph nodes, the specialist may prescribe the expectant mother antibacterials. Antibiotics as a last resort, and then only if their local effects no adverse effect.

When backfilling is necessary just to hold the inner corner of the eye, so that the product is not absorbed systemically. For pregnant shown traditional methods of disease treatment, in particular, various packs and lotions.

Stye is considered dangerous problem that should be addressed without delay. What and how to treat, can be found on the consultation with a doctor and not self-medicate. In the opposite case, the formation of pus can penetrate deep into the skin and lead to complications.

Video of the stye, its causes and treatments

What is barley:

How to treat barley:

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