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Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses, moisturizing to improve vision

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The eyes are sensitive organ. They suffer from the daily stress that the person feels in the form of dryness and fatigue. Are exposed to infectious diseases. To eliminate the discomfort and the treatment of pathologies can find the right eye drops. To avoid side effects it is recommended to use the funds for an ophthalmologist appointment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How to choose eye drops
  • 2 Species and groups eyedrops
  • 3 The best eye drops from fatigue and redness
    • 3.1 Vizin
    • 3.2 Sisteyn Ultra
    • 3.3 lekrolin
  • 4 Top rewetting drops of dry eye
    • 4.1 sante FX
    • 4.2 allergodil
  • 5 Top drops to improve vision
    • 5.1 Vizomitin
    • 5.2 reticulin
  • 6 The best eye drops conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis
    • 6.1 tsiprolet
    • 6.2 chloramphenicol
    • 6.3 Ksalatamaks
  • 7 The best eye drops for cataract
    • 7.1 taufon
    • 7.2 Oftan Katahrom
  • 8 The best vitamin drops
    • 8.1 Riboflavin mononucleotide
    • 8.2 kvinaks
  • 9 Price drops in pharmacies
  • 10 Video of eye drops from dryness and fatigue

How to choose eye drops

Eye drops can be bought only after consultation with a specialist. Doctor will prescribe the right kind of medication, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism will be chosen and the dosage rate.

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you must determine before visiting ophthalmologist, bought a means for what purpose:

  • To eliminate the infection. Drops are selected depending on the type of pathogen and are often dispensed in pharmacies by prescription.
  • For removal of inflammation. In this case, you must determine the cause of the inflammation, and choose the right tool.
  • To remove the swelling. Drops of this area can not be used for a long time. Their use will give temporary results, while not resolved the cause of the swelling of eyes.
  • To eliminate allergic reactions (Burning sensation in the eyes, redness and tearing). The droplets must be used in conjunction with antihistamines.
  • To restore the eye after microtrauma. Drops are chosen strictly ophthalmologist. Self-selection may result in irreparable damage.
  • To relieve fatigue and restore the quality of. In this case, the recommended therapeutic fortified or drops. Their effectiveness will be complete with the additional use of a complex of vitamins and medicines. Comprehensive treatment determined by a specialist.
  • To eliminate dry eyes. This phenomenon may be due to the climate or the specifics of operation.
Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision

When choosing a self-drop (if you can not visit an ophthalmologist) should take into account the following factors:

  • composition of droplets. To exclude the presence of components causing an allergic reaction;
  • availability of contact lenses;
  • and the specifics of the climate;
  • while drops of action;
  • existing ocular pathology;
  • age restrictions;
  • expiration date (often in drugstores means shelf life which ends after 2-3 months) and storage conditions. This is important when the need to wear a droplet.

Be sure to read the instructions for the presence of contra-indications, and what side effects can cause means.

Species and groups eyedrops

Depending on the purpose and composition of the drug drops are divided by types and groups:

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision
That's what requirements must comply with the drops for the eyes from dryness and fatigue.
types of drops groups a brief description of
anti-inflammatory steroid Assigned by bacterial inflammation. Do not destroy the pathogen, relieve symptoms in the eyes
nonsteroidal Used for inflammations caused by viruses and allergic reaction
combined Assigned when various inflammations infectious nature. Have a therapeutic effect
Allergy Relieve allergy symptoms (itching, swelling, watery eyes). Not correct the underlying allergy. You must use the course
antimicrobials antibacterial Used in the treatment of ocular pathologies caused by the bacteria
antiviral Drops destroy viruses that cause eye disease
antifungal Appointed to destroy the fungus
combined Drops kill bacteria and viruses
antiseptic Used to destroy the infection of any kind (viruses, bacteria, fungi)
For the treatment of glaucoma To improve the outflow of fluid Normalize the balance of fluids in the front and back of the eye chamber, thereby decreasing intraocular pressure
To reduce the production of intraocular fluid
For the treatment of cataracts Slows the progression of the disease. Do not treat the disease itself
vasoconstrictor Apply one-time fee for removal of puffiness, redness and reduce tearing. Long-term use is prohibited
diagnostic Used by ophthalmologists to improve pupil, when viewed from the fundus
moisturizers To moisten the mucous eye at elevated its dryness
Reducing or healing Restore tissue and function of the eye. normalize metabolism
vitamin Assigned to recover vision in myopia, cataract, glaucoma
Drops from dryness and fatigue Contribute to the restoration of sight and hydration Due to included vitamins. They have a curative effect, and therefore can be used as prevention and treatment of
When wearing lenses Remove redness, fatigue, and moisturize the eye

Each type has analogues drops. If the drug has caused discomfort or develop side effects, its replacement by specialists. Self-replacement can lead to vision loss.

The best eye drops from fatigue and redness

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue make it possible to remove stress, moisturize the mucous membrane, and are part of the vitamins protect the cornea, thereby retain the clarity of vision.

Funds can be used for nearsightedness and farsightedness. When redness and fatigue caused by working conditions, the droplets are allowed to purchase their own. When using drops as a treatment course and choice of drug determined by an ophthalmologist.


The droplets produced in volume to 15 mL in plastic containers with dispenser. Vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous action. Action droplets observed 1 min after instillation and lasts up to 8 hours. The duration of not more than 4 days.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  • eliminate allergic symptoms (redness, swelling);
  • to relieve irritation caused by bright light, dust, lenses.

When the droplets are prohibited:

  • Component intolerance;
  • form-closure glaucoma;
  • pathological changes in the cornea;
  • high pressure;
  • the presence of tumor formation;
  • pregnancy.

In the presence of heart disease, diabetes drops can be used with the permission of the expert.

Other Features:

  1. Age restrictions. Drops are approved for use with the 2 years.
  2. Possible side effects: Temporary fog due to the expanded state of the eye; burning, pain and tingling sensation in the eyes.
  3. use Features. Adults enough 1-2 drops 3 times a day. Children the dosage is adjusted individually. When wearing the lenses, they are allowed to wear after 15 min after instillation. If there is no change in the direction of improvement after 2 days, the drug is replaced by an ophthalmologist to analog.
  4. Failure to comply with instructions on the use of possible development of the following reactions: fever and pale skin; disruption of the heart, lungs and nervous system. When striking symptoms of overdose should call the emergency care.
  5. Drops can be bought freely. Once opened, their shelf life is 30 days.

For convenience, the drop can be purchased in single vials. The course of treatment can not renew their own, as it increases the risk of side effects.

Sisteyn Ultra

Drops sold in vials of 3 ml, 5 ml and 15 ml. They are used to protect and corneal hydration. Have a rapid and long-lasting effect.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: Removal of eye irritation caused by overvoltage or the action of the environment; use of contact lenses; insufficient hydration of the cornea.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: components intolerance.
  3. Age restrictions. Can not be used in children.
  4. Possible side effects. In rare cases, develop increased lacrimation and slight eye irritation.
  5. use Features. During the day, a drop of buried when a dryness in the eyes, but no more than 2 drops in both eyes. Before burying the lens can not be removed. Bottle with drops definitely shaken before use.
  6. adverse reactions in cases of overdose were reported.
  7. Drops are sold without a prescription. After opening the shelf life of 6 months.

The droplets are allowed to use during pregnancy. When using other ophthalmic drugs to be maintained up to 20 min interval.


Drops are sold in disposable packaging volume by 20 and 40 ml. And in vials of 40 ml. The main purpose of the drug elimination of symptoms caused by allergies. Including conjunctivitis allergic nature. For the effectiveness of the drops should be used course.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: Various changes in eye condition caused by exposure to allergens.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: In the presence of intolerance to the preparation components.
  3. Age restrictions. Drops can be used with 6 years.
  4. Possible side effects: Burning and tingling sensation in the eyes; turbidity vision after instillation.
  5. use Features. The standard daily dosage of 2 drops 2 times a day. If after 3 days no change, the drug is replaced by an ophthalmologist to analog.
  6. Of adverse reactions overdose droplets or prolonged use was observed.
  7. Drops can be bought without a prescription. When using disposable packaging, they must be destroyed, even if the drug is left in them.

When using other eye drops to be maintained at 5 min interval.

Top rewetting drops of dry eye

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue may have a natural composition. The main purpose of these funds is the hydration of the cornea. They are not the therapeutic effect and can be used in children.

sante FX

Drops sold in vials of 12 ml. Means normalizes metabolism in tissues of the eye, fights inflammation and eliminates the symptoms caused by allergies.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: Eye protection when working causing congestion of the optic nerve; to eliminate the symptoms of eye fatigue; removes redness and itching of the eyes; when wearing the lenses eliminates discomfort; relieves irritation caused by external factors (dust, bright light, chlorinated water); in treatment with eye inflammation.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance components; any form of glaucoma; not combined with other eye drops.
  3. Age restrictions. No. But in children it is recommended to use them under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.
  4. Possible side effects are rare: rash, itching and redness of the eyes; puffiness.
  5. use Features. 2 drops 3 times a day. The dosage may be increased if there is no effect on the drops.
  6. Phenomenon in overdose drops are not described.
  7. Can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Shelf life up to 2 years.

These drops have appeared in Russia recently, so you can buy them only in the Internet pharmacy.


The droplets produced in the bottle with the dispenser 6 ml and 10 ml. Assigned to relieve allergy symptoms. The highest activity achieved by means of 3 hours and the effect is maintained until 12 hours.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: Elimination of allergic symptoms; reduce inflammation of different nature, including after the injury.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance components; period of childbearing and breastfeeding; kidney disease; It can not be used in conjunction with alcohol-containing medications and drugs which affect the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Age restrictions. It can be used with 4 years.
  4. Possible side effects: Increased secretion of tears; temporary swelling and redness following instillation; sensation of irritation, itching, and pain; appearance feeling a foreign object present in the eye; rarely develop bleeding in the eyes and difficulty breathing; decline in the quality of vision and dryness.
  5. use Features. Dig into the inner corner of the eye 1 drop to 4 times per day. In children, a dose adjustment is required by an ophthalmologist.
  6. Overdose drops possible.
  7. Drops are commercially available. Shelf life is 3 years.

When using other eye drops to be observed in the time interval of 15 minutes. Using means wearing contact lenses is prohibited.

Top drops to improve vision

Drops to restore vision, you can not acquire on their own. Depending on the condition of the eye ophthalmologist selects the appropriate drugs prescribed course and daily dose. Many drops at the same time help to remove dryness and fatigue symptoms.


Drops are sold in a bottle with a volume metering device 5 ml. The main action of drops is to restore the cornea and its protection. The maximum effect droplet noted one hour after the instillation and lasts up to 24 hours.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: To eliminate the pathologies caused by dry eye.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance of components.
  3. Age restrictions. It allowed the use of 18 years.
  4. Possible side effects: In very rare cases may develop an allergic reaction.
  5. use Features. Drops need to dig behind the eyelid 2 drops 3 times a day. Duration of application is installed by an ophthalmologist.
  6. side effects in the case of drops registered overdose.
  7. Drops can be bought only on prescription indicating the dosage and rate. After opening means are fit for 30 days.

When using together other eye drops necessary to keep the time interval of 5 minutes. Action drops to a child in utero and has not been studied during breastfeeding. Also not confirmed the therapeutic effect in the treatment of cataracts.


Drops are sold in bottles with dosing volume of 5 ml. Means normalizes metabolism in tissues of the eye, and enhance the regeneration that allows you to fight against aging and deterioration of vision.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: To relieve fatigue, strain, and irritation of the eyes; prevent the development of cataracts: to combat the dryness of the eyes; in treatment for better results.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance of components.
  3. Age restrictions. of the limitations of data not provided.
  4. Possible side effects. In rare cases, a short-term allergic reaction.
  5. use Features. Dig under the eyelid 1 drop per eye three times a day. The course is from 1 to 3 months.
  6. Data on overdose the drug has not been identified.
  7. Drops without a prescription. Due to the herbal-based shelf life after opening the bottle 30 days.

Drops are more than an aid in the treatment. Independently of the therapeutic effect are not. When wearing their lenses can be worn for 15 minutes after instillation means.

The best eye drops conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis

Drops for eyes from dryness and tiredness can be used in treatment of infectious eye diseases. The ophthalmologist assigns medicinal drops only after detection of agent and determining the severity of the pathology. Independent choice of drugs and the selection of therapy may result in visual impairment.


The droplets produced in plastic vial with the dispenser volume of 5 ml. Assigned to eliminate a bacterial infection. It belongs to the group of antibiotics.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Purpose: for removal of chronic inflammation of the eyelids; to eliminate conjunctivitis and barley; bacterial disease of the cornea.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: components of intolerance; strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to outage probability of formation and development of bone tissue; in violation of circulation, including in the brain; in the presence of epilepsy; in the presence of psychological abnormalities; kidney and liver.
  3. Age restrictions. It can be used after 18 years.
  4. Possible side effects: dizziness and headache; itching and burning sensation in the eyes; swelling and fear of glare; lowering of quality and a feeling of a foreign body in the eyes; violation of peripheral vision; lowering the intracranial pressure; violation of the heart, kidney and liver; allergic rashes on the skin.
  5. Features of use. Drops are used 6 times 1 drop in the eye. The course is assigned to an ophthalmologist. By the end of the day may reduce the dosage.
  6. Accidental overdosing side effects are manifested in enhanced form. To prevent the development of complications is necessary to go to the hospital to cleanse the body from the drug.
  7. You can buy prescription only Latin with an indication of the course and dosage. After opening the drop fit 30 days.

When using other drugs (not only drops) their compatibility should be determined by the expert and as required for a substitution. Drops can not be combined with alcohol intake of medicines. They will strengthen the side effects.


Drops are sold in the vial volume of 5 ml and 10 ml, with the dispenser. The product has antibacterial action and relates to a group of antibiotics. Action droplet starts after 15 minutes and lasts up to 5 hours. Completely excreted after 24 hours.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: Bacterial pathology sclera (outer, protective sheath eye); conjunctivitis and barley bacterial origin; inflammation of the eyelids and cornea, caused by bacteria.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance elements; kidney disease and liver; women who bears a child and through breast-feeding; After chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  3. Age restrictions. Can not be used for children up to 1 month.
  4. Possible side effectsNausea and violation of a chair; violation of the clarity and definition of vision; Temporary burning, redness and swelling; possible disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  5. use Features. Drops need to bury 1 drop into the inner corners of the eyes 4 times a day. The duration is determined by an ophthalmologist, lasts from 5 to 15 days.
  6. With prolonged use, drops or failure to comply with the dosage indicated: Blue skin; bleeding of the organs; sharp decline of forces; disruptions in heart rhythm; failure of breath; blurred vision (the effect may not be temporary). In case of contact inside the droplets, in a large dose, is not excluded fatal.
  7. Drops can be bought strictly on prescription. After opening drop considered fit for 15 days.

Drops can not be combined with other medicines. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment is set specialist.


Drops are sold in bottles with the dispenser of 2.5 ml. The tool has antiglaucoma effect. The action observed after 15 minutes and lasts up to 24 hours.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Purpose: normalization of intraocular pressure; treatment of open-angle glaucoma.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: intolerance elements droplets; congenital glaucoma; inflammation of the eyes; when the child bearing and breastfeeding drop banned for use; Serious ocular pathology. It can be used after a full examination and appointment of an ophthalmologist.
  3. Age restrictions. It can not be used up to 18 years.
  4. Possible side effects: burning and foreign body sensation in the eyes; tingling, redness and pain in the eyes; swelling and temporary visual impairment; headache, worsening of breathing and heart function.
  5. Features of use. Drops instilled into the inner corners of the eyes 1 drop every 12 hours. Duration of protection is established by an ophthalmologist.
  6. When exceeding dosage enhancement of side effects.
  7. Drops are sold by prescription. Once opened, the shelf life of 30 days.

When using other medications expert specifies their interaction. If necessary, a replacement of the analogue. In the treatment of the wearing of contact lenses is prohibited.

The best eye drops for cataract

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue are often used in treatment of cataract. The combination of drops, the daily dose and the rate appointed by an ophthalmologist.


Drops are sold in bottles with the dispenser 5 ml and 10 ml. The main purpose funds, the normalization of metabolism in tissues of the eye.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Purpose: change in the cornea; cataract any nature (senile, traumatic, radiation); forms of open angle glaucoma.
  2. When using drop-smoking: Intolerance elements.
  3. Age restrictions. You can not use a drop of up to 18 years.
  4. Possible side effects: short-term allergic reaction. With prolonged use drops its manifestation ceases.
  5. Features of use. Drops need to dig 4 times a day for 90 days. If necessary, repeat the course there is a break of 30 days. In glaucoma dosage and course of treatment is reduced to 2 times.
  6. With prolonged use, drops Overdose means not observed.
  7. Drops may be sold by prescription and without it. After opening the bottle shelf life of 30 days.

During the period of childbearing and breastfeeding drop allowed to be used, but under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Oftan Katahrom

Drops are sold in bottles with dispenser 10 ml. Possess anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant nutrient action.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: For the treatment of prevention of cataracts.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: intolerant elements.
  3. Age restrictions. It can not be used up to 18 years.
  4. Possible side effects: an allergic reaction to a variety of symptoms (itching, edema, conjunctivitis); blurred vision; confusion; pressure reduction and weakness.
  5. Features of use. Drops used 3 times per day, 1 drop in each eye. The course is up to 6 months (recommended to specify an ophthalmologist).
  6. In case of overdose increasing side effects.
  7. You can buy prescription. The shelf life of 30 days after the vial has been opened.

Drops are combined in a complex treatment. It is necessary to maintain the time interval of 15 minutes. By wearing contact lenses can be worn through for 20 minutes.

The best vitamin drops

These drops are often prescribed in treatment and prevention of preserving visual acuity. Recommended for increased load on the eye.

Riboflavin mononucleotide

The droplets produced in glass vials of 10 ml. Improve metabolism in tissues of the eye and nourish the cells in minerals and vitamins.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: To preserve the clarity of vision; in treatment of eye pathologies.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance elements.
  3. Age restrictions. No.
  4. Possible side effects: In rare cases, an allergic reaction; infringement of the liver; temporary reduction of vision.
  5. use Features. For prevention assigned 1 drop 2 times per day. In the treatment dose and the rate determined by the ophthalmologist.
  6. With prolonged use, increasing side effects.
  7. Drops without a prescription. After opening the bottle shelf life of 45 days.

Drops should not be used in conjunction with alcohol and antidepressants. Decreases their effectiveness.


The droplets produced in vials with dosing volume of 15 ml. Anti-cataract agent has improved activity and metabolism in tissues of the eye.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue, when working with a computer, wearing lenses for vision


  1. Intended use: An integrated and self-treatment of cataracts; normalization of metabolism in the cells of the eye.
  2. When the droplets are prohibited: Intolerance elements.
  3. Age restrictions. Drops can be used in 12 years.
  4. Possible side effects: The development of an allergic reaction in many forms; dryness and redness of the eyes; increased lacrimation.
  5. Features of the application. Drops need to dig into the inner corners of the eyes 3-5 times a day. The course must be checked with a specialist.
  6. With prolonged use, in large doses may increase side effects.
  7. Drops can be bought without a prescription. Shelf life is 2 years.

The effectiveness of drops observed after completing a full course of therapy. Removal of the drug to the end of the course, upon the occurrence of improvement, is prohibited. Action drops on the fetus and child, breastfeeding is not known. Drops may therefore be assigned under the strict supervision of specialists (ophthalmologist, gynecologist and a pediatrician).

Price drops in pharmacies

The table shows the average price drops by Russia, depending on the volume:

Name drops The volume of droplets (ml) Average price (rbl.)
Vizin 15 250
Sisteyn Ultra 15 580
lekrolin 20 160
40 210
sante FX 12 700
allergodil 6 325
Vizomitin 5 590
reticulin 5 1000
tsiprolet 5 60
chloramphenicol 5 35
10 45
Ksalatamaks 2,5 1000
taufon 10 120
Oftan Katahrom 10 340
Riboflavin mononucleotide 10 180
kvinaks 15 400

Drops for the prevention and treatment of ocular pathologies recommended to buy and use the ophthalmologist appointment. Experts consider the individual characteristics, and are replaced in the event of side effects. The exception is funds from dryness and fatigue.

They can be purchased on their own, with the need to adhere strictly to the instructions for use.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of eye drops from dryness and fatigue

How to eye drops:

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