Infectious Diseases

An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat in the home of the child, adult, indoor, purulent, thumb, folk remedies, ihtiolovaya ointment Vishnevsky

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An abscess on his finger near the nail occurs for a variety of reasons. It can occur in people of any age, as in the hands and on his feet, so it is important to take precautionary measures in time, care for the skin, on time and within required to perform hygiene procedures, in case of an abscess well treat.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Factors affecting the appearance
  • 2 Kinds
  • 3 Symptoms and step
  • 4 First aid at the nail abscess
  • 5 In some cases, consult your doctor surgeon?
  • 6 Ointment and gel preparations
  • 7 Non-steroidal drugs
  • 8 antibiotics
  • 9 antifungals
  • 10 therapeutic baths
  • 11 compresses
  • 12 lotions
  • 13 Traditional methods and means
  • 14 Physical therapy procedures
  • 15 Surgical intervention
  • 16 An abscess on the finger of a child
  • 17 Complications after the boil
  • 18 Video of an abscess on his finger

Factors affecting the appearance

The main causes of a number of factors, which are the basis for the appearance of boils:

  • fungal infections of the feet and nails (the condition is called onychomycosis);
  • poor circulation processes (veins);
  • insta story viewer
  • the presence of ingrown nail;
  • consequences of incorrectly made design or improvement of the nail (as manicure and pedicure);
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home
  • damage, fixed on the skin in close proximity to the nail (it may be cuts, bruises, blisters);
  • damage to the soft portion;
  • diagnosed diabetes.

Particular attention to the condition of the skin in the area around the nail should be given to the people who do the work manually.

Protect the hands and feet from:

  • damage to the epidermis;
  • penetration of splinters;
  • Dust entering the wound or dirt as well as chemical components.

An abscess on his finger regardless of the limbs may occur after the blow, injury (home and professional). If the resulting damage to the skin gets dirty, the abscess is formed with a probability of 90%.

Abscesses after manicure or pedicure arise only when the infection gets into the wound. To bad for the human consequences resulting wearing tight, not suitable in size or uncomfortable shoes.

Also, the appearance of inflammation can cause:

  • a weakened immune system (a lot of factors: prolonged or protracted illness, transferred or viral infections, blood poisoning);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • presence of disorders associated with blood composition in the heavy phase.
An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

Arise from time to time on the fingers skin peeling (burrs) must be removed immediately, as they damage the skin and can cause the formation of abscesses.


An abscess on his finger near the nail (how to treat it and what to take to follow-up care depends on the type of problem) may be different.

Several distinct forms of the disease, for which treatment will be different:

  • mild form - mild damage, visually visible redness, pain are present, but do not cause obvious discomfort. Feature: without proper treatment rapidly becomes purulent form;
  • sharp views - occurs suddenly, the pain is more pronounced, there has been festering. It appears liquid, which may contain bacteria and germs. Its accumulation leads to the formation of the bubble, which will be formed pus. The main pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus abscess penetrating into the wound after the skin damage;
  • chronic views - does not appear immediately, the skin at the site of injury becomes red, then there is swelling of the fingers, pain is present;
  • superficial abscess - deep injury affecting zone near the nail shaft. Pus accumulates near the edge of the nail under the skin.

There is also a division that defines the area of ​​the nail damage.

Blain is:

  • occurred just under the skin;
  • fixed in the upper layers (without indentations);
  • around the nail plate;
  • under the nail (the outside);
  • from affecting the tendons of the finger or the entire limb in case of complications.

treatment program should be selected based on the present form of the disease, to get a positive effect on the ongoing recovery.

Symptoms and step

In medicine, there are following stages of this problem:

  • redness (initial stage) - begins on a background of infection in the upper layers of the epidermis and dermis;
  • the appearance of tumors in the injured site;
  • the occurrence of the uncomfortable sensations;
  • zagnoeniya appearance.
An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

In 95% of the damage with the formation of pus cells observed on large fingers or toes, but it is important to remember that with a high probability may suffer and all other fingers, so it is important to show accuracy in the process of implementation of an activity, including household case.

A feature of the disease is the fact that the number of damaged fingers pathology judge the strength of the body and the presence of associated problems. So, if an abscess occurs 2 or more fingers, it indicates a weakened immune system, lack of vitamins and trace elements.

Also intense inflammatory process, affecting 2-3 thumb suggests that the feet or nails fungus is present.

Symptomatic manifestations are as follows:

  • reddening of the upper layer of the skin in the affected area;
  • formation fluid without inclusions and purulent accumulations;
  • burning sensation;
  • painful manifestations of different intensities;
  • increase phalanx (a consequence of the increased edema);
  • the appearance of a special type of pain in the place where the abscess is fixed (or twitching pulsation of blood flow as a result).

You also need to pay attention to what affected finger becomes hot, in some cases, lost its mobility (On his hand, he ceases to be bent). Sometimes affected joints (they also get hot and hard).

If pus formation process starts, the main symptoms to be added the increase in temperature indicators increased weakness point to the negative processes in the background of negative processes and headache, occurring in body.

An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

An abscess on his finger near the nail (how to treat and restore skin, tell the doctor) requires greater attention. First aid should be provided to the person immediately in order to prevent the penetration of infection and pus formation.

First aid at the nail abscess

First aid is necessary as soon as the abscess has become noticeable. It is important to remember to pierce the bubble formed with or purulent fluid bag can not, as appeared the wound is likely to get an infection. Also, do not get rid of the pus, it will be formed again. If there is contamination, it threatens to intensify the unpleasant feeling.

An abscess on his finger near the nail will be hurt badly, it begins to cause severe discomfort and even become the cause of serious health problems. Only the surgeon can determine the cause and tell you how to treat the affected area, which medications to use.


  • use warm salt bath with additions, herbs (chamomile, marigold) with dissolved or baby soap. The procedure is done 3-4 times a day and it takes only 5-10 minutes;
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home
  • apply compresses onion (minced small head of onions, to shift in a gauze or a bandage applied to the damaged area of ​​1 hour or overnight);
  • use lotion with aloe juice - squeeze the juice on a cotton disc, attach to the boil and bandage. Leave for 2-3 hours (or overnight).

First aid is allowed in 1-3 days after the abscess was formed. Then you need to carefully examine the state if it is started festering or intensified, continue to self-impossible, because the disease has affected the deep layers of the skin.

In some cases, consult your doctor surgeon?

An abscess on his finger near the nail (how to treat and restore skin, tell a doctor) does not go a long time, first aid does not give positive results, it is necessary to visit a surgeon.

Also delay seeking for quality specialized medical care is impossible, if:

  • health has significantly deteriorated (appeared weakness, lethargy, fever);
  • in place of the injured appeared to twitch pain or aching;
  • damaged finger greatly increased in size (or swollen thereon had a tumor);
  • the skin around the ulcer significantly blushed.

Also, the surgeon need professional help when under the nail began to actively accumulate pus (as in the subcutaneous tissue, and under the nail ridges).

Designate a number of specialist analyzes and inspections, which will help to identify species, stage and extent of disease.

Diagnosis includes:

  • visual inspection (compilation of the clinical picture);
  • patient survey (determined by the presenting symptoms);
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. Before you treat it yourself, you should consult a doctor.
  • produced material intake stroke (required for determining medication in treatment);
  • X-rays (the injured limb examined to prevent the destruction of bone tissue);
  • the blood is taken for analysis (overall). Defines the number of leukocytes, ESR parameters are fixed - is required in order to identify the degree of intensity of the inflammatory response;

It is also recommended to undergo diagnostic tests to rule out diabetes mellitus.

Ointment and gel preparations

This group of medicines used in step recommended first aid, as well as in combination therapy with other drugs and methods of treatment. Ointments and gels effectively fight against germs and bacteria, reduce and eliminate tumor inflammation.

Well cope with the challenge means:

  • Lamisil;
  • Termikon;
  • The classic option for many people - Vishnevsky ointment.

Use drugs better way: Apply a small amount of them on the gauze, and then wrap it (without a strong tightening) a damaged finger. It is recommended to use at night ointments and gels (bandage to do in the evening and leave until the morning).

Non-steroidal drugs

To eliminate the infection, reduce inflammation and facilitate the general state used non-steroidal agents:

  • diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen (Form means - tablets, ointments);
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home
  • Nimesil (for suspension).

They should be used strictly according to instructions, not to exceed the dosage.


This group included in medication therapy, when the condition worsens, pus is present or previously conducted therapy did not bring the expected positive change. Also, antibiotics can effectively remove viruses and bacteria.

Important to remember: drugs of this type prescribed by the doctor based on the results of diagnostics. The indications may serve as diabetes or internal abscesses, as well as HIV.

The most effective in the treatment of abscesses drugs such as:

  • augmentin;
  • metronidazole;
  • Fuziderm.

Medications These work quickly to help get rid of the microflora, have a negative effect on the tissues and cells, to quickly relieve pain and improve the condition.


If during the diagnosis, it was found that the basis of the state of the negative effect is a fungal infection, the treatment includes drugs that can fix it. Used in the course of therapy and thereafter to secure the achieved result.

Basic medicines from this group:

  • Pivazin;
  • Mikozolon;
  • Triderm.
An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

Effect - elimination of the inflammatory response, improvement of the nail plate.

therapeutic baths

Trays are used at different stages of therapeutic intervention. Effect - the removal of pain, skin care, reduction of inflammatory manifestations.

The following therapeutic agents as additives:

  • aseptic (Disinfecting) agents (daisy succession, calendula). Herbal tincture must be prepared in advance, and then preheat the water to 37 degrees, pour tincture and immerse the limb 20 min;
  • with soda and iodine (With soda and potassium permanganate). To 1 liter of warm water required 10 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp sodium / potassium permanganate. Hold and 20 min;
  • brine (1 liter of water and 5 tbsp (45-50 g) of the salt) - stand for 20 minutes.

As a result of the timely use can prevent problems with the formation of pus.


Applied after the warm baths. Use onion or impregnated with aloe juice options. You can also use shredded raw potatoes.

An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

Compresses help to cleanse the skin, removal of pus and swelling elimination, as well as the removal of present pain.


Included in the program to facilitate the state to soften the skin, eliminating inflammation. The applied decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs as a main component. Used as additional therapy.

Traditional methods and means

Medical generations of knowledge is in addition to the basic course of treatment. To remove the swelling, pain and redness of the skin is necessary to rub fresh vegetables from "borsch set." Add the juice of aloe. The resulting composition is placed in a cheesecloth and apply to the affected site.

Well with a relief state of the mixture based on milk and fresh onion. It reduces the pain and accelerate the healing process of the skin. You can also use boiled onion, crushed to a pulp. Composition impregnated gauze or a cotton pad, and then applied to the damaged area.

Visceral fat is mixed with finely threaded baked onions. The resulting formulation must be applied to the inflamed finger. Withstand at least 6 hours.

Resin softwood (pine is often used because it is easy to buy) - a means of having an active wound healing property of any complexity. The resin is necessary to put on the gauze, and then attach to a boil, wrap. As a result, it reduces pain, swelling.

An abscess on his finger near the nail (as determined by a physician to treat) can go fast enough. For this purpose, you need to use a decoction prepared from St. John's wort. Then it will need to insist 30 minutes, then put on a cotton ball or gauze. Attach for 2-3 hours, to replace, after this time. This reduces inflammation, the pain goes away, does not form pus.

Physical therapy procedures

Warming and other effects are not applied in a manner as the damaged areas may contain pus. The physical therapy is based on the use of the cold. As a result, it is possible not to allow the abscess, remove sharp or throbbing pain.

Surgical intervention

Operations are used as the primary focus of treatment only when conservative therapy, supplemented by popular recipes, did not bring positive changes.An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home Feature: applied local anesthesia. The incision is placed above the formation of pus.

An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home

After removing the negative substance used antibiotics. dressings (every day) are also carried out after surgery. Processing is carried out ointments and antiseptic. The average post-operative period is 7 days.

An abscess on the finger of a child

An abscess in children is the result of injury or penetration of splinters. It may also be a problem against the background of failure to comply with hygiene care - the dirt gets into the wound.

The peculiarity of treatment is that certain antibiotics and other medications allowed for use by age restrictions.

That is why the treatment consists of bath with herbal components, the affected areas are treated with iodine or brilliant green, put compresses and lotions.

Complications after the boil

The complications of conditions may occur against the backdrop of the delay to the beginning of the treatment, properly chosen therapy.

The main manifestations:

  • sepsis;
  • bone fligmona (inflammation of bone tissue);
    An abscess on his finger near the nail. How to treat a child, adult, folk remedies, ointments at home
  • osteomyelitis (purulent inflammation that affects the bone).

Also, it may be tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendon sheath). Thus, if there is a problem, the medical examination mandatory event. How to treat an abscess on his finger near the nail, should determine the surgeon, all diagnostic activities are carried out without delay in order to avoid a negative reaction on the part of the body.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of an abscess on his finger

What to do with an abscess on his finger:

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