Endocrine Diseases

The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

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In the human endocrine system aims to ensure an appropriate level of the body's hormones, which are necessary for the regulation of all metabolic processes. Thus, in the reproduction functions meet the endocrine glands that produce prolactin for these purposes. Is responsible for what this particular hormone - in the material below.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The role of prolactin in humans
  • 2 Indications for blood tests to prolactin
  • 3 Preparation for analysis prolactin
  • 4 Prolactin: Performance standards for women
    • 4.1 Settings rules prolactin during pregnancy
    • 4.2 Settings rules prolactin during lactation
    • 4.3 Parameters prolactin standards in menopause
  • 5 Reasons for the increase of prolactin in women
  • 6 Reasons for the decline of the hormone in women
  • 7 What to do in terms of increased prolactin
  • 8 What to do at reduced rates of prolactin
  • 9 Prolactin: performance standards in men over the age of
  • 10 Causes and consequences of high prolactin levels in men
  • 11 How to reduce the concentration of prolactin in men
  • insta story viewer
  • 12 Causes of low prolactin levels in men
  • 13 How to improve the concentration of prolactin in the male body
  • 14 Prolactin: Performance standards in children
  • 15 Signs and symptoms of high prolactin levels in children
  • 16 Treatment options for hyperprolactinemia in a child
  • 17 The effect of prolactin on the weight of the person
  • 18 Video of the hormone prolactin

The role of prolactin in humans

Prolactin - a product of the activity of acidophilic cells belonging to the anterior parts of the pituitary gland. According to the chemical structure it is the peptide hormone class of prolaktinopodobnyh proteins. In medical terminology it is commonly abbreviated - LTG, as the substance is in a special classification known as lactogenic, luteotrophic hormone or mammotropin.

Explains such designations difference thatProlactin is synthesized by several authorities:

  • epithelial tissue of the uterus;
  • breast cancer;
  • placenta;
  • structures of the nervous system;
  • immune structures.

Molecules hormone prolactin different shape and weight. Are more active units with lower molecular weight.

Regardless of gender, there are more than 200 vital functions in the human body, which depend on the content of an element such as the hormone prolactin.

The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered
Among the functions responsible for what the hormone prolactin, highlighted the strengthening of the resources of the immune system and the regulation of metabolism in the body.

He is responsible for what LTG:

  • for strengthening the immune resources;
  • for the development of signs of sex among adolescents;
  • for lowering the pain threshold;
  • saturation of calcium in bone tissue;
  • for the regulation of metabolism;
  • for stimulation of the formation and development of a network of blood vessels;
  • the normalization of water-electrolyte performance.

Good to know! Scientists have shown that due to the development of the hormone prolactin in women formed the instinct of motherhood.

Indications for blood tests to prolactin

Standard types of surveys do not include an analysis on the lactogenic hormone. For such a study should be a good reason, which often depend on the patient's sexual identity.

Women have demonstrated laboratory analysis LTG index when:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • is suspected infertility;
  • there is a corresponding male pattern hair growth;
  • insufficient lactation during breast feeding a baby.

And the men on the prolactin test is carried out if there is:

  • symptom characteristic of prolactinomas (reduced vision, headaches intolerable swollen nipples selection of these secretions);
  • Low testosterone levels;
  • decreased libido;
  • a drop of sperm activity, a decrease in their numbers;
  • infertility.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Attention! In identifying the male hormone dependent tumors of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma), you need to regularly measure the concentration of LTG to determine the effectiveness of the therapy.

Preparation for analysis prolactin

In order to obtain reliable data on the level of prolactin hormone in the blood, careful preparation for the examination.

Standard medical recommendations are as follows:

  • abstain from intercourse 24 hours before analysis;
  • receiving medication only authorized doctor;
  • do not take a hot bath, do not go to the beach or the sauna for 24 hours before testing;
  • avoid excessive physical and emotional stress;
  • not supercool;
  • excluding alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • limit the intake of protein, seasoning, smoked.

The hormone prolactin in women is primarily responsible for the reproductive function that adds one specific requirement: to take the serum for 3-5 day cycle. Before the study, all patients are advised to sleep and appear in the laboratory for half an hour before the appointed time. This will allow the body to acclimatise and ensure the accuracy of the results.

An important point: Prolactin is sensitive to external influence, so in case of doubt, it is advisable to repeat the test in a month.

Prolactin: Performance standards for women

The degree of concentration of prolactin in the body of women affected by the following factors:

  • age;
  • estrogen content;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Measured levels of prolactin international units as a ratio to the volume of fluid action (IU / L or mU / mL). But this method is used and the gradation performance as substance nanograms (ng / ml).

Normal values ​​LTG concentrations in women:

Age (years) Average Content (IU / l)
to a year 1705 – 2005
1 year 630
From 1 to 10 years 45-400
11 -16 45-600
16 — 45 45-600
45 and older (menopause) 30-400 (gradually decreases)

According to the table clearly show a relationship to age prolactin levels, but its concentration is also influenced by:

  • temperature differences;
  • emotional background;
  • diet;
  • sexual activity and other factors.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

The synthesis of the hormone in the different periods of the menstrual cycle is not the same, it should be taken into account when preparing for the test and evaluation of its results.

Settings rules prolactin during pregnancy

Female body tend to be reconstructed during the childbearing. Development of lactogenic hormone increases. Dynamics of changes in its content in accordance with the term of pregnancy is reflected below.

Acceptable performance LTG during carrying a child:

Pregnancy (term in weeks) Settings rules (mU / L)
8-12 505-2005
13-27 2005 – 6005
From 28 until delivery 4005 – 10000

Pregnant women are rarely carried out a study on the level of prolactin. But if there is such a need, gynecologists are guided by the figure of 10,000 IU / L, which limits the value of the normal course of pregnancy and safe development of the child.

Settings rules prolactin during lactation

The main task of the woman's body in the postpartum period - is the production of milk, which stimulates the hormone prolactinThe responsibilities of the mammary glands. If the baby after birth transferred to artificial feeding, the amount of LTG is set to 400-600 IU / L. With natural feeding its level depends on the intensity of the suckling child.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Border prolactin standards when breastfeeding:

Period (Months) Norm (mU / L)
0-6 (inclusive) 2500
7-12 1000-1200
After 12 600-1000

It may be noted that the reduction in the number of attachment of the child to the breast reduces the concentration of prolactin hormone.

Parameters prolactin standards in menopause

Stopping the menstrual cycle in women is accompanied by a radical restructuring of the functions of all the systems. There are significant changes in hormonal activity. Every year the production of prolactin is reduced. Its norm in the body is reduced to 25-400 mU / l.

Reasons for the increase of prolactin in women

Changes in the level of prolactin are more typical for the female population, which is due to a number of internal and external factors.

To improve hormone lead reasons which are conditionally subdivided into four groups:

  • organic - a tumor of different parts of the brain, the hypothalamus and the vices of his exposure;
  • functional - a chronic renal insufficiency and adrenal cortex, polycystic ovary syndrome, liver cirrhosis, shingles, lupus (systemic), hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), other pathological condition;
  • pharmacological - a consequence of receiving antihistamines, antipsychotics, estrogen-containing preparations, antiemetics, and other medications that reduce the concentration of LTG;
  • physiological - a bearing and breast-feeding, as well as increased physical activity, intense sexual life, emotional stress, depression and diet with a predominance of protein.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Important! A slight imbalance in the hormone prolactin does not threaten the health of the woman. After the elimination of the causes of deviations, LTG concentration returns to normal.

Reasons for the decline of the hormone in women

Decrease of prolactin in women there is a very rare.

Provoke this condition may be:

  • prolonged pregnancy;
  • myocardial tuberculosis or pituitary gland;
  • infectious processes;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • radiation therapy;
  • receiving anticonvulsants, estrogen antagonists, dopaminergic agents, calcitonin, and other medications.

At low levels of LTG:

  • observed unstable blood pressure;
  • decreased libido;
  • worsening psycho-emotional state of women.

But more often the lack of prolactin found accidentally, as asymptomatic.

What to do in terms of increased prolactin

If laboratory findings indicate giperprolaktemiyu, but the woman has no complaints, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional diagnostic procedures.

As these procedures are carried out:

  • Thyroid ultrasound, pelvic organ with the abdominal cavity;
  • complex biochemical blood tests;
  • analyzes the level of sex hormones, thyroid hormones;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain;
  • gynecological examination.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Selection of the optimal method of treatment depends on the nature of the identified deviations. But the main task is to eliminate the root causes of disease.

What to do at reduced rates of prolactin

treatment tactics under reduced level LTG depends on the nature of the underlying pathology:

  • at term pregnancy carried caesarean section;
  • hypophysis tumor is removed by surgery;
  • if the reduction of prolactin caused by reception of medicines, produced a dosage adjustment or their complete abolition;
  • in identifying hormone deficiency in women planning to become pregnant, hormone replacement therapy is conducted.

Minor deviations from the norm in the absence of the disease can not recover with the help of preventive measures:

  • nutrition;
  • Mode of the day;
  • elimination of bad habits.

Prolactin: performance standards in men over the age of

For the production of the hormone prolactin in the male responds secretory system, which affects the symptom that arises when a deviation from the norm of its concentration.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Valid values ​​LTG men:

Age (years) The concentration level (ng / ml)
to a year 7,85 -17,05
1-5 3,85 – 5,05
6 -10 2.55 – 16,05
11-13 2,25 -22,25
14-17 4,75 – 16,65
older than 17 4,05 – 15,15

Good to know! Throughout the day in men as in women, the levels of prolactin varies. On average, the acceptable range of 50-350 mU / l.

Causes and consequences of high prolactin levels in men

Hyperprolactinemia in males is rare. The doctor advised to undergo appropriate testing only when clinically indicated.

Critically high levels of LTG is fraught with the appearance of:

  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • gynecomastia (female breast type);
  • galactorrhea (nipples allocation of colostrum);
  • Migraine attacks and other diseases.

The main reasons for increase in prolactin concentrations in men include:

  • Thyroid hormone deficiency;
  • renal and hepatic dysfunction;
  • anorexia;
  • brain tumors;
  • hypothalamic dysfunction, as well as other parts of the brain;
  • chest injuries;
  • oncology lungs.

Tangible increase in prolactin also leads the use of medical cannabis (marijuana), opiates, and some antidepressants.

How to reduce the concentration of prolactin in men

Restores normal prolactin levels after the elimination of the underlying disease. Oncology therapies, including surgery, determined by experts collectively. Sometimes it is possible to localize the process of drugs to lower the concentration of LTG.

If conservative treatment does not bring the expected results, surgery is performed or radiotherapy. Such a reason as gipoterioz eliminated special medicine, and renal insufficiency - hemodialysis (in extreme cases - transplantation).The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

To neutralize the negative effects of hyperprolactinemia can such measures:

  • Testosterone purpose to bring back to normal sexual function;
  • adequate physical load;
  • a balanced diet.

In any of these cases apply individual approach.

Causes of low prolactin levels in men

In males rarely observed lack of development of LTG. Factors that reduce prolactin may be pituitary disorders and taking certain medications: dopamine, ergot derivatives, and the like.

How to improve the concentration of prolactin in the male body

For the normalization of the prolactin hormone (in the absence of disease) to eliminate bad habits man enough to normalize the daily routine and adhere to preventive measures.

For prevention of such requirements include:

  • include in the diet of foods rich in vitamin B6;
  • limit the stay in direct sunlight because ultraviolet light stimulates the pituitary gland activity;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • anabolic steroids only with doctor's permission.The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or lowered

Giperprolatinemiya especially dangerous in puberty, as it can adversely affect the process of puberty.

Prolactin: Performance standards in children

In children, normal values ​​are practically independent from the floor.

Valid values ​​LTG children:

Age periods (years) Norm (mU / L)
newborn babies 1700-2000
The first year of life 630
From 2 to 10 years 45-400
From 11 to 16 years 45-600

Signs and symptoms of high prolactin levels in children

The increased concentration of prolactin in the newborn - is permissible. By the second month of life parameters are normalized.

A significant level of LTG in infants is accompanied by:

  • swelling of the breast;
  • white discharge from the nipple.

This picture is called gynecomastia in boys and girls - thelarche. Cause hyperprolactinemia in children may also endocrine disorders or tumors of the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. In adolescence, a high concentration of prolactin in girls manifested late menstruation, or lack thereof, as well as a delay in sexual development.

At older ages, the girls observed:

  • painful menstruation;
  • underdevelopment sexual characteristics (external and internal);
  • decreased libido;
  • Excessive pilosity of the skin.

The hormone prolactin - responsible for what women, men, children, the rate of age-table. What if he is raised or loweredLTG High boys manifested by the following features:

  • a delay in physical development;
  • syndrome (lean physique high tone of voice, body fat of female type);
  • underdeveloped testicles;
  • dry skin.

At older ages, the young men falls libido, infertility is often diagnosed.

Treatment options for hyperprolactinemia in a child

Children, regardless of their gender, the treatment is to remove the causes of disease. It uses both medical and surgical therapy, correct tactics which provides a favorable prognosis.

The effect of prolactin on the weight of the person

body weight in humans is directly related to the endocrine system functions and lactogenic hormone plays a special role. Prolactin lactation depends, therefore, breastfeeding is often a woman's weight gain, which is also characteristic of pregnancy, starting from the first months.

LTG promotes weight gain also by reason of suppression of another hormone - estradiol responsible for metabolism.

Thus, the prolactin hormone is responsible for the sexual sphere, which plays an important (if not the main) role in the birth of man and his full development. He is involved in metabolism, protects the body against infections and also performs many functions. Therefore, we must follow the normal content of LTG in the blood.

Video of the hormone prolactin

He is responsible for what in the body of the hormone prolactin:

Causes and effects of elevated prolactin in women:

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