Endocrine Diseases

Thyroid goiter. What is it, symptoms, treatment. Multinodal, colloidal, endemic, diffuse toxic. Folk remedies, medications, diet

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Goiter - a disease which is a swelling of the thyroid gland, is observed in a large number of people living in geographical areas with iodine deficiency in processed foods. Sometimes the symptoms are due to the high content of iodine on the background of the use of drugs with iodine in the composition. According to statistics from the disease in women often appears 5 times than that of men.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Thyroid goiter. Features
  • 2 pathology types
  • 3 The causes of nodular goiter
  • 4 The symptoms of nodular goiter
  • 5 Diagnosis of nodular goiter
  • 6 Treatment of nodular goiter
  • 7 Unconventional treatment of nodular goiter
  • 8 Prevention of nodular goiter
  • 9 Causes of colloidal goiter
  • 10 Symptoms of colloid goitre
  • 11 Diagnosis colloid goitre
  • 12 Treatment colloid goitre
  • 13 Unconventional treatment colloid goitre
  • 14 Prevention of colloid goitre
  • 15 Causes of diffuse goiter
  • 16 Symptoms of diffuse goiter
  • 17 Diagnosis of diffuse goiter
  • 18 Treatment of diffuse goiter
  • 19 Unconventional treatment of diffuse goiter
  • insta story viewer
  • 20 Prevention of diffuse goiter
  • 21 Reasons toxic goiter
  • 22 Symptoms of toxic goiter
  • 23 Diagnosis of toxic goiter
  • 24 Treatment for toxic goiter
  • 25 Unconventional treatment of toxic goiter
  • 26 Prevention toxic goiter
  • 27 When the removal operation is shown goiter
  • 28 Video of thyroid goiter

Thyroid goiter. Features

Thyroid metabolism called the control center. When there are problems with the thyroid gland, the person feel worse, appears irritability, fatigue, often tends to sleep, mood is constantly changing. Thyroid gland produces hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are actively involved in the life of all human organs.

pathology types

Thyroid goiter is classified according to different criteria. Impact on the amount of hormones in the blood promotes the release of these types of goiter:

  1. Euthyroid or normotireoidny - hormones remains unchanged, even with a significant increase in thyroid size.
  2. hyperthyroid - means the excess hormone levels norms that are characteristic of a mature age.
  3. hypothyroid - reduced hormone levels.
Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Depending on the uniformity of cancer development and growth of the intensity of the following types:

  • diffuse - represents a uniform increase in the organ.
  • nodal - the body increases only in certain parts of the uneven way.
  • Mixed - diffuse and nodal education.

Classification with mild increase:

Power Description
0 A specialist is not possible to identify the gland by palpation during swallowing it is also invisible.
1 Magnification imperceptible. Diagnosis is made when swallowing and palpation.
2 Although retained normal physiological shape of the neck, the pathology evident during the inspection and swallowing.
3 Thyroid apparent during visual inspection, neck thickened.
4 Thyroid goiter clearly expressed, neck contours noticeably changed.
5 Overall crop contributes to squeezing of the esophagus and trachea.

Goiter of the thyroid gland at the place of location is classified:

  • classical arrangement - on the front side of the neck.
  • dystopic - develops through the embryonic folds of the body.
  • partially retrosternal - abnormal increase in body position and jugular notch occurs below the sternum.
  • Annular - implies a uniform seal, with the feeling reminiscent of a ring shape.

The causes of nodular goiter

Nodular goiter - a group of diseases of the thyroid gland, the development of which form large assemblies with different origins. Scientists have not managed to finally find out the reasons for the formation of the disease.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Direct communication toxic adenoma, mutations TTG and a-subunits of G-proteins confirmed specialists. In the process of medullary thyroid cancer seen changes for the worse physical and inheritable character.

Attention! The etiology of the disease is often seen as an age of transformation thyroid.

Experts have identified risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • violation of a genetic character (Down's syndrome and Klinefelter's);
  • negative environmental impact (toxins and radiation);
  • micronutrient deficiencies;
  • bad habits, including smoking;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • application of drugs;
  • viruses, infections, bacteria.

The symptoms of nodular goiter

During his illness the doctor is not noticeable pronounced symptoms. Usually patients do not complain at the initial stage. Nodes are gradually increasing, squeezing the organs that surround the thyroid. Namely, the trachea and the esophagus.

Then the patient manifested clinical symptoms of the character:

  • disturbed breathing, shortness of breath often appears;
  • difficult swallowing;
  • changes tone of voice, sometimes a person and did lose his voice.

Attention! If the patient raises his arms above his head, there is a probability of the blue in the face and swelling, accompanied by dizziness and fainting. Since the symptom Pemberton.

Diagnosis of nodular goiter

When detected the first signs of the disease, experts recommend to carry out the analysis of history and explore the human appeal:

  • whether the area belongs to the living areas with iodine deficiency;
  • calculation of the duration of the disease from the time of its formation and development dynamics;
  • the presence of ionizing radiation;
  • detection of such diseases in human relations;
  • complaints to changes voice data;
  • tickle while eating and drinking.

Experts conduct a general inspection:

  1. The consistency of the thyroid gland is determined to the touch, explores pain of the disease, the body parameters, calculate, how much thyroid is movable at the time of swallowing.
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  2. Examined lymph nodes in the neck to determine the size and density.

Conducted lab tests:

  1. Determined levels of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone, which regulates the functionality of the thyroid gland) in the blood;
  2. Calculate the level of thyroid hormones: T4 condition is checked and T3.
  3. Determine histochemical markers (NVME-1, galectin-3), inaccurate results biopsy.
  4. Determine the size shchitovidki structure changes foci formation will ultrasound volume.
  5. In order to diagnose tumors, to identify the location of the crop, the presence of metastases in the thyroid, thyroid scintigraphy is performed.
  6. The needle biopsy performed as differential diagnosis.
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  7. When the pathology reaches a large size and compressing the airway, performed chest X-ray with the obligatory introduction of a special contrast material into the esophagus.

Treatment of nodular goiter

The main goal of treatment - to reduce the load on the thyroid. The best option - a conservative type of medical treatment. Children and adults up to 50 years prescribe drugs containing iodine, slowing the production of TSH and stops the growth nodes. Recommended and more common drug Potassium iodide prescribed rate up to 20 days.

If there is no positive trend over 6 months, used a combination therapy with levothyroxine or suppressive monotherapy.

In the presence of small nodes treatment is not carried out. The patient gets registered, subject to continuous dynamic observation. With vigorous growth goiter suspected malignant changes character cyst formation, the only treatment method is surgery.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

After surgery specialists assigned to receive tireodnyh hormones for normalization of metabolism and medicines containing calcium.

Unconventional treatment of nodular goiter

Folk remedies are often used for the treatment of nodular goiter. Good influence on the dynamics of the disease different decoctions, tinctures, charges. Great demand means on the basis of nuts.

Preparation of tinctures of walnut:

  1. Grind 50 immature nuts.
  2. Add 100 g of alcohol.
  3. Pour honey.
  4. Leave to infuse for 30 days in a place protected from light.
  5. Use the infusion of 1 tsp 4 times a day, wash down with milk (1 tbsp.).

Attention! Nuts also used as a compress on the site of the crop.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Nuts are popular in the treatment of diseases due to high content of iodine in the composition. Milk promotes rapid absorption of the component.

Prevention of nodular goiter

Experts do not recommend patients to carry out self-diagnosis without confirmation by means of cytology.

For the body the required amount of iodine you need to follow some rules for disease prevention:

  • Salt should be stored in a tightly sealed container, so it did not fall to the sun's rays;
  • salted food after heat treatment;
  • cooking constantly use iodized salt, no more than 5-6 grams per day;
  • in the human diet variety of seafood should be used.

Causes of colloidal goiter

Thyroid formed from follicles - viscous colloid bubbles inside. They are regarded as carrier steroids. Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, dietIf the size and number of follicles increases, there is a greater probability of the colloidal goiter. The pathology occurs mainly due to iodine deficiency.

Symptoms of colloid goitre

The first symptoms at an early stage of the disease usually do not cause discomfort to the patient. When the thyroid is markedly increased, the man notices this and goes to the hospital for help.

The main symptoms of pathological manifestations:

  • at the moment of swallowing felt discomfort;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
    Goiter thyroid gland may cause pain and discomfort in swallowing.
  • squeezing sensation in the neck;
  • on thyroid level arrangement shown pershenie and cough;
  • osipaet voice;
  • felt noises in the head, vertigo occurs;
  • I feel the so-called lump in the throat;
  • in place of the formed assembly appear pain;
  • when exceeding assembly 10 mm size, it becomes possible to independently probe.

Diagnosis colloid goitre

The disease is diagnosed by ultrasonography thyroid. To accurately identify the diagnosis and differentiation of goiter from adenoma or thyroid cancer, experts appointed to carry out needle biopsy. To assess the status and functioning of the thyroid patient losing blood test for TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone).

Treatment colloid goitre

For recovery and normalization of activity of the thyroid gland and getting rid of pathology, conservative methods of treatment used in the craw of a small size.

In traditional medicine experts recommend the use of the following groups of products:

  • Synthetic hormones in a period of low thyroid function (Eutiroks).
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • In tireostatiki (Tiamazol) apply time improve the functioning of the gland.
  • In order to restore iodine deficiency used iodine preparations.
  • Medication to normalize the functioning of adjacent organs.
  • Preparations for the elimination of consequences of the disease.

Important! The attending doctor prescribes medication, and the correct dosage based on the results of patient tests.

Unconventional treatment colloid goitre

Nontraditional methods of removing colloidal goiter are also welcome.

For the manufacture of infusions, tinctures and compresses using such natural materials:

  • Walnut;
  • honey;
  • garlic;
  • lemon;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • seaweed;
  • cocklebur.

Prevention of colloid goitre

For the prevention of colloid goiter of the thyroid gland should pay attention to health, not overwork, often spend time in the fresh holiday. It is also important to apply the proper nutrition, regime compliance, exercise. The diet is sure to include fish, seafood and other foods rich in iodine, vitamins B and E.

Causes of diffuse goiter

The main factor in the development of the disease - an inherited defect in the immune system, resulting in generating protein under called autoantibodies that bind to receptors in the body and increases, stimulating the production of hormones.

Symptoms of diffuse goiter

In humans, there are signs:

  • manifestation of irritability;
  • nervousness and weakness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • quickens the heartbeat;
  • there pain in the heart, compressing and tingling;
  • disturbed cardiovascular activity quickens the pulse, blood pressure is reduced and there is an arrhythmia;
  • skin becomes warm and moist due to the expansion vessel;
  • often trembling fingers and hands, handwriting varies;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • mood changes frequently lost focus;
  • exacerbated mental reactions manifested depression;
  • eyes widen, are characteristic of the disease gloss look visually reminiscent of surprise or afraid.

Diagnosis of diffuse goiter

Thyroid goiter in the first stage is diagnosed through assessment of the patient's body, the external condition of the skin, hair, nails, communication manners. Measured pulse and blood pressure. These allow a specialist to assume the presence of disease. When there is a suspicion of the disease, the expert is required to determine the thyroid hormones, thyroid (T3 and T4) and TSH.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Thanks to the method of US diseased organ physician is able to identify and diffuse increase echogenicity.

Scintigraphy process helps to clarify the function and activity of tissue, its shape, size, whether the nodes are present.

Treatment of diffuse goiter

Methods of treatment is prescribed depending on the level of prostate and increase its functionality. If the body size of the first degree, the doctor prescribes medication intermittent course with potassium iodide.

It is also recommended to use in their diet foods with iodine in the composition.

When detecting hypofunction, use synthetic analogues of steroid hormones with preparations Levothyroxine sodium.

Unconventional treatment of diffuse goiter

components are often used for the manufacture of folk medicine:

  • chokeberry;
  • hawthorn;
  • White bloodroot;
  • willow;
  • walnuts.

On the basis of these ingredients are prepared teas and tinctures. Treatment may last for 3-4 months prior to reduction sites. Before using the funds necessarily have to consult your doctor.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Equally effective is a spitting on the front of the neck cotton fabric which had previously been necessary to impregnate the warm solution based iodized salt. Therapy course is held at least 55 days. The first 7 days involve procedures every day, the next week decreased by 1 day.

Prevention of diffuse goiter

To avoid the disease is to adhere to prevention:

  • in the daily diet contain iodised salt;
  • continuously monitor the state of health;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • quenching the body;
  • thyroid maintained in a satisfactory condition, if one adheres to proper nutrition with the addition of seafood and greens in the diet;
  • it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complex courses on doctor's orders;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • with special physical exercises to strengthen the neck muscles;
  • eliminate fatigue and stress;
  • area with high radiation should be avoided.

Reasons toxic goiter

Thyroid goiter toxic type, according to scientists manifested due to a genetic predisposition to the disease. human immune system reacts more particularly during fetal development. But not always develop the disease due to inherited traits.

There are factors that affect the body and contributes to the development of the disease:

  • transfer of human infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • permanent psycho-emotional swings and smoking;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • brain disease.

Symptoms of toxic goiter

Toxic goiter has a number of symptoms:

  • in the neck area is visually noticeable increase appears;
  • bulging eyes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • man poorly tolerated elevated temperatures;
  • destroyed and nail plate;
  • increased sweating;
  • general weakness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • often shaking fingers and hands;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • lacrimation.

In severe disease develops fatty liver disease leading to cirrhosis.

Diagnosis of toxic goiter

In the first stage of diagnosis the doctor examines the patient visually confirmed hyperthyroidism due to the blood levels of TSH and free T3 and T4 hormones.

Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet

Be sure to research conducted instrumental technique - ultrasound thyroid, reliably determining the increase in body volume, a change in blood flow, structure, echogenicity, presence of knots.

Treatment for toxic goiter

Doctors distinguish 3 main approaches to the treatment of goiter:

  1. Drug technique performed tireostatikami drugs. The process contributes to the destruction of excess thyroid hormones.
  2. Holding therapy with radioactive iodine or by surgery contributes to the total destruction of the thyroid gland, which is being phased out production of its hormones. In this case, it is impossible to avoid hypothyroidism. Over the life of the patient should take drugs with hormone levels in the composition.
  3. Held computer reflexology. The method helps to restore function and normalize the hormones that the thyroid gland produces.

Unconventional treatment of toxic goiter

Unconventional treatment of toxic goiter involves the use of the collection of herbs, which included the root of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peppermint.

For the manufacture of medicines 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn and 1 tbsp. l. other ingredients to be mixed. Applies the proportion of boiling water and collecting herbs 1: 1. Composition recommended insist 25-30 minutes. Take the infusion should be 2 times a day eating about 30 days. The course may be repeated after an interval of 10 days.

Prevention toxic goiter

In order to prevent toxic goiter necessary:

  • monitor the health of the immune system;
  • tempering the body;
  • use vitamins and minerals;
  • diet;
  • to include in the daily diet of seafood, iodized salt and herbs;
    Thyroid goiter. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, medications, diet
  • using exercise to strengthen the muscles in the neck;
  • per day for at least 2 liters of drinking water.

When the removal operation is shown goiter

If the use of drug treatment does not produce results over the long term, it is necessary to act radically.

Indications for surgery:

  • disease has developed to the third stage;
  • availability of individual intolerance;
  • the disease reached severe;
  • holding medication for six months does not give results;
  • It appears new relapse;
  • there is atrial fibrillation.

If the crop has reached such a stage that it is necessary surgery, you need to know that in the process surgery removed practically all thyroid, held so-called procedure thyroidectomy.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of thyroid goiter

Thyroid nodular goiter - symptoms and treatment:

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