Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Gout: symptoms and treatment for men, women, what kind of disease, photos. How to treat at home: diet, medication, folk remedies, pills

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One disease that affects the joints, is gout. If you learn how to treat the disease at home, it is possible to cope with bouts of pain and to control recurrence.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is gout, causes of
  • 2 Symptoms and signs of the disease
    • 2.1 Severe pain
    • 2.2 joint swelling
    • 2.3 Gouty nodes (tophi)
    • 2.4 Fever
    • 2.5 Damaged joint becomes red
    • 2.6 Reduced mobility of the affected joint
  • 3 possible complications
    • 3.1 Complications of the joints
    • 3.2 Kidney problems
    • 3.3 Abnormalities in other organ systems
  • 4 Diet for gout
  • 5 Sample menu for gout
  • 6 fasting days
  • 7 First aid for acute attack
  • 8 How to relieve the pain
  • 9 Folk remedies
  • 10 Gymnastics
  • 11 How to do massage for gout
    • 11.1 upper limbs
    • 11.2 lower extremities
  • 12 drug therapy
    • 12.1 painkillers
    • 12.2 uricosuric drugs
    • 12.3 hormonal agents
    • 12.4 ointments
  • 13 Uriinoterapiya gout
  • 14 Videos about gout

What is gout, causes of

Gout - a systemic pathology (different hyperuricaemia) which leads to metabolic disorders. Thus the amount of uric acid in the blood increases. salt accumulation leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the joints, or arthritis that brings the pain.

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Gout affects the joints of the hands and feet, shoulders and spine.

In the development of the disease or the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the blood may be damaged kidneys. Such a pathological condition resulting in renal failure.

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies

Can stimulate the occurrence of gout:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • alcoholism;
  • excess weight;
  • increased consumption of purines or nitrogen products;
  • enhanced breakdown of cells in autoimmune patients;
  • constant stress;
  • genetic predisposition.

Gout is a chronic disease. Progression of the disease leads to patient disability.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Usually, gout develops in 4 stages or steps. Asymptomatic (preillness).

In this case, there is an increase urea levels in the blood, which leads to:

  • weakness;
  • delay stool;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • overweight.

As a rule, pre-disease symptoms do not pay attention. The disease is detected by chance during a routine inspection. Periodic or intermediate stage. Deposits occur mochekisloy acid salts in the joints and the kidneys. At this stage the disease begins to manifest itself by pain (attacks) with intervals of remission.

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies

The disease progresses due to the following reasons:

  • physical injury;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • immune disorders;
  • purinosoderzhaschey large consumption of food;
  • large doses of alcohol.

The outbreak of the disease usually takes no more than the duration of 7 days, after which the pain subsides. No inconvenience even when the load on the damaged joint disease. Kidney stones are usually not formed.

Persistent or chronic. This stage of the disease is manifested form seals or subcutaneous tissue tophi - solid cones reaching with the progression of enormous size and seriously affecting the joints. At this stage of development of pathology form kidney stones, leading to kidney stones.

By the manifestations of the disease at this stage include:

  • severe pain;
  • joint swelling;
  • gouty nodes;
  • fever;
  • the damaged joint is red;
  • reduced mobility of the affected joint.

There is a basic rule that distinguishes gout from other joint diseases - the defeat of the joints are not symmetrical.

Severe pain

Pain tangible gout. The attack usually starts at night and spreads throughout the body. Increase the intensity of pain can be triggered by the usual turn of a trunk in the bed.

Pain in this pathology caused by friction of crystals of uric acid. When this process occurs joint damage that leads to strong painful sensations. At the same time relieve the pain during the attack is almost impossible.

joint swelling

Over time, the disease leads to the accumulation of degradation products in the joint. There is swelling and inflammation.

Gouty nodes (tophi)

Gouty tophi or nodes - a seal subcutaneous tissue. They are formed due to the accumulation of uric acid salts.

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies

Localized, usually in the area:

  • fingers and toes;
  • knee joints;
  • elbow;
  • ankles;
  • ears;
  • eyebrows.

The duration of the formation of nodules is at least 5-7 years.


This process is caused by inflammation in the affected joint. Body temperature rises as a separate joint (hot to the touch), or in a whole organism.

Damaged joint becomes red

Along with the increase of the pain becomes red and the damaged joint. This period is characteristic manifestation of the disease exacerbation or attack. At the time of the redness expands blood vessels and capillaries, which indicates the presence of inflammation.

Reduced mobility of the affected joint

The reason that is constrained or limited mobility in the joints - a sharp pain. This occurs in the attack period. When remission process, restriction of mobility in the joint can pass or stored. It all depends on how far the process of tissue damage.

possible complications

Complications of gout include:

  • complications of the joints;
  • kidney problems;
  • disorders in other organ systems.

All the problems arising from gout, usually appear on the background of long-term course of the disease.

Complications of the joints

The main manifestation of complications in the joints is arthritis.

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies

The salts of uric acid, forming crystals accumulate in a joint, which leads to destruction of both the joint and periarticular tissues.

Kidney problems

If complications from the kidney occurs gouty nephropathy.

It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Unbearable pain in the back. Pain caused by the disease process formed in rocks.
  • Blood in the urine. Urinalysis reveals the presence of blood. Provoking factor is the movement of the stones.
  • kidney degeneration. Quite often, tophi are formed in the kidney tissues. In this case, there is a replacement of normal kidney tissue or connective scarring. This leads to kidney failure.

Abnormalities in other organ systems

Gout - a systemic disease and can affect different systems and organs in the body.

Often there are other pathologies:

  • coronary artery disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bone degeneration;
  • metabolic disease.

Diet for gout

Gout (home treatment based on dietary) required to limit entry into the body of products containing high amounts of protein or purines. During metabolic purines and become converted uric acid excess which leads to the formation and deposition of crystals in the body.

Scientists have shown that the impact of plant and animal purines in the body is different. Vegetable products that contain a large amount of these substances - not intimidating because deliver organic acids which basified body and outputting excess uric acid.

The level of purine compounds in the daily diet of healthy human adult is approximately 50-100 g, but all depends on the weight. Those who suffer from gout, this figure should be reduced. When attacking or in very severe cases of the disease accompanied by renal disease, a dose of purines was reduced to about 10-15

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
Gout: signs are different, as well as treatment. When the disease need to follow a special diet, which will improve the condition.

Gout (Home treatment involves the observance of feeding behavior rules) must restrain diet:

  1. Supply system. Since the disease is chronic, diet must become a way of life. Day diet is divided into three main reception and two snacks. Portions should be small - it reduces the likelihood of painful attacks.
  2. Water consumption. Water is present in all products. But in the case of gout, should drink at least 2 liters per day separately. Water will flush out uric acid from the body, not allowing it to stagnate in the kidneys.
  3. Alcoholic beverages. Any alcohol retains fluid in the body. Consequence - delayed uric acid, which provokes pain attack.
  4. Salt. Even a healthy person need to limit yourself to the consumption of salt. A gout patients it is necessary to reduce consumption to a minimum, so as salt gives the kidneys.
  5. simple carbohydrates - refined sugar. They disrupt the metabolic processes in the body retain fluid, leading to an increase in body weight, which negatively affects the course of the disease.
  6. Protein food. Minimize the use of animal proteins, particularly their derivatives, replacing vegetable proteins.

Permitted and prohibited products:

Fatty meats and fish vegetable soups
smoked food Bread wheat and rye
canned food Meat - low-fat varieties
Sausages Dairy products
offal eggs
caffeinated drinks cereals
Tabasco Seafood
Cheese (Savory grade) Salads
Raspberry, cranberry, lingonberry Olive oil, not refined,
Sorrel, rhubarb Alkaline mineral water
Products made from white flour Citrus fruit fresh juices
Cocoa and chocolate Milk and fruit jelly
Dried fruits Fruit (not prohibited)
Alcoholic beverages (any) Herbal tea
Fats - mutton, pork Rather weak black and green tea
Sauces and ketchups
Refined oil

Sample menu for gout

Days of the week breakfast snack dinner snack dinner
Monday Vegetable salad with olive oil, eggs from one egg, green tea with toast Fruit jelly - one glass Vegetable soup with addition of cereals, potato steam cutlet Baked apples Cottage cheese casserole, tea with mint
Tuesday Oatmeal with fruit, a glass of kefir Banana Vegetables baked in foil with the addition of a piece of lean meat, weak tea A glass of rose hips Rice porridge with apples, herbal tea
Wednesday Cheese steam cheesecakes with fruit, green tea White marshmallows, weak tea Buckwheat porridge with a piece of chicken breast, beet puree A glass of milk jelly 1 boiled egg, salad vegetables with addition of low-fat sour cream, green tea

fasting days

Gout (home treatment involves fasting days) implies a decline in food intake, so as not to harm the body. Due unloading days body freed from toxic substances (toxins), removes excess uric acid from the rest of digestion of various foods.

Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies

In the fasting days are needed to minimize the physical and emotional stress (a stress to the body) and drink as much clean water.

Fasting days:

  1. Potato fasting day. It is necessary to bake in oven 1.5 kg of potato (with peel). Ready potatoes should be divided into 5 portions and eat during the day. This product displays the excess fluid from the body, and with it, and uric acid.
  2. Apple fasting day. It is necessary to bake in the oven for 2 kg of raw sweet apples and divide them into 5-6 meals. That there was no desire to eat in between meals drink a lot of clean water.
  3. Fermented milk discharge day. The easiest and most effective way. 1.5 liters of yogurt should drink in 5 receptions throughout the day.

A well-chosen fasting days with diet food can help control the disease and minimize the appearance and the further development of gout.

First aid for acute attack

Gout (home treatment may be complicated) is sometimes manifested strong painful attacks. Prevent an attack is possible only when the first symptoms of gouty attacks.

There are a number of measures that can alleviate the patient's condition:

  • complete rest. The affected joint should be in a relaxed state;
  • cold compress on the painful place;
    Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  • use at least 2.5 L of pure water, which will help bring uric acid and urates.

How to relieve the pain

Gout home treatment is based on the relief of the painful syndrome, for a more rapid effect is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs in high doses. Subsequently, after the relief of arthritic attack symptoms, reduce the dose of medication.

To achieve the effect of rapid pain relief, these drugs are suitable for most:

  • Nimid;
  • ibuprofen;Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  • Trigan-d;
  • indomethacin;
  • Phenylbutazone.

All of these medications taken as intramuscularly, orally and in the form of ointments. It will quickly stop the pain, but will not cure the disease.

Folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies for gout at home is popular - it compresses, teas, tinctures, baths.


  1. Packs of apple cider vinegar. We need to take a piece of soft cloth, moisten it with 6% apple cider vinegar and apply to the sore spot. Since it compresses, it is covered with plastic wrap and wrap something warm, then left in this state until the morning. This procedure must be performed within 10 days.
  2. Alcohol-compress. Take 96% rubbing alcohol and mixed with water 1: 1. This solution soaking a piece of cotton wool applied to the affected joint. Top covered with a plastic bag and wrap a warm scarf, leave for 40 minutes. if you hold a compress for longer - will be burned. To apply this method of treatment can be every other day, alternating with other procedures.
  3. Reception Bath with a decoction of nettles. 500 g of dry nettle is poured boiling water (in any amount of water), one hour filtered, broth added to the bath, and then take it. The procedure should last about 30 minutes.
  4. Bath with sea salt. 200 g of salt required to dissolve in the bath for cooked procedure. Duration - until the water has cooled down to room temperature.
    Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  5. Tincture of oxalis horse. Take roots (dry) oxalis horse and carefully their fray. 1 tablespoon water glass powder is filled. Ingredients put in a dark place and insist 20-25 days. The mixture was shaken periodically. Then filter the liquid and takes up to 10-15 drops food for 30 days. Tool restores metabolism.
  6. Infusions of blueberries or currants. A few spoonfuls of berries to pour 250 ml of boiling water and infuse for as long as the water has cooled down completely. Take infusion to 2 tablespoons before each meal (5-6 times a day).


Studies have confirmed that gymnastics and physiotherapy, have a positive effect on the treatment of gout. The main problem of this method - to reduce pain and inflammation eliminated. speed of movement during exercises should be small. Mahi and deviations produced without any muscular effort.

There are two methods of classes - it is in the pool and the gym.

Exercises in the pool:

  • reduce muscle tension;
  • improve metabolism;
  • unload the spine;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • reduces pain syndrome;
  • if slowly, effortlessly, allow movements to achieve relaxation and muscle elasticity.


  • You need to sit on a chair, leaning back in his chair with his back. On the floor lay a rolling pin or a hard ball. It is necessary to roll the rolling pin or the ball firmly in the whole surface of the foot.
    Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  • Position - lying on his back. One leg bent at the knee and stands on the floor. The second leg is lifted up and straight. The pelvis from the floor, torn. With one hand, take the thumb lifted up his feet, and his other hand rest on the knee of the same leg. Slowly, slowly, pull straight leg to the chest. Discomfort and pain should not be.
  • Squatting, hold the back of a chair, make rolls from heel to toes.

How to do massage for gout

Not last place in the treatment of gout takes massages, localization depends on the affected joints. When gout hand massage cervical region and upper limbs. If it's legs, then massaged the back and lower limbs. Each massage lasts about 40 minutes. The course of treatment - 10-12 procedures, 10-12 days is necessary to pass a refresher course.

Whichever part of the body not exposed to massage, begin it must always be with the strokes, only then perform the grinding and kneading. Massage movements should not take the pain, or you may aggravate the disease.

upper limbs

Massage starts with the toes and gradually rising up to the neck. Thus, working on each hand separately. In this exciting area in front of the chest and upper back.

lower extremities

Massage starts from the upper back downward to the back, and then from the lower extremities of fingers upward. Study ends with a light stroking that relaxes the muscles and nerve endings.

You must know that in the period of gouty attacks, when pronounced inflammation, massage can not be done.

drug therapy

Gout - a systemic disease, which manifests itself relapses, so it requires a complex treatment.

There are several types of drugs for the treatment of pathologies:

  • pain relievers;
  • uricosuric drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • ointment.


Analgesics are used to treat gout during acute for the relief of pain attack:

  1. Diclofenac injections. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The composition includes phenylacetic acid diethylamine. It is used in rheumatology. Removes strong pain and swelling. The means used 1-2 times per day (in severe cases up to three times a day), no more than 7 days.
    Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  2. Movalis. NSAIDs - a group of oxicams. In one ampoule contains 15.0 mg of the basic substance - meloxicam. This drug is administered in a dose of 15 mg 1 time per day for 3 days. It can be used every other day, alternating with other painkillers.

uricosuric drugs

Allopurinol. Drugs used for gout and suppresses the production of uric acid. The main active ingredient - alloturinol. As a result of receiving this drug in the blood urate level decreases and deposits in the joints and the kidneys.

Means produced in the form of tablets. It is used from 100-300 mg per day. The first dose of 100mg is applied overnight (to minimize side effects).

hormonal agents

To date, glucocorticoids are the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, but with very severe side effects. Drugs in this group administered with gout short courses. Their purpose - it is a last resort when other drugs do not help.

Medrol or Solo-Medrol. Base material - methylprednisolone. Pelleted and ampoule with varying drug dosage. It is used in the relief of severe pain and inflammatory process gouty attacks as a short-term means. Regimen appoint a doctor.


For analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs also apply ointment or local funds. Comfrey (larkspur). The ointment, which is used for muscle and joint pain. Indications - the pain of gout, rheumatic pains. Dosing: 2-3 times a day, to clean skin, apply a thick layer and rubbed lightly. Duration of treatment - 1 month per year. You can divide the month.

Uriinoterapiya gout

Urine relates to a non-standard method of treatment of gout. Adherents of urine therapy claim that the urine (urine) is very rich in micro and macro elements needed by the human body.

There are three types of application of urine in gout:

  • Urine is collected in a container for a day. From the collected amounts of 100 ml in the evening cast and sips a drink.
  • Compress of urine - the most common method of using urine therapy. Cloth impregnated with a warm liquid and tie for the night to the affected joint.
    Gout: what is it, symptoms and treatment at home. Diet pills, folk remedies
  • Bath of urine. In bowl pour in advance collected and boiled urine and float in it upper or lower limbs.

The probability of acute gouty attacks will be minimized if properly chosen treatment regimen at home. In order to prevent progression of the disease, it is essential to use medical techniques in a complex and not ignore the advice of a doctor.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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