Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, ointments, folk remedies, to what doctor to address

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Epicondylitis begins with degenerative processes that affect the skeletal muscles. They provoke inflammation in the soft tissues. Epicondylitis of the elbow is determined by characteristic symptoms and treatment prescribed by the physician trauma, orthopedic or a rheumatologist. Lack of medical care leads to serious complications and consequences.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 2 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 3 Causes of epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 4 Symptoms of epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 5 Diagnosis epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 6 Prevention of epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Methods of treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow joint
    • 8.1 drug therapy
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 complications
  • 10 Video of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

What is epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Pathological processes applied to the soft tissue, they affect the exterior or interior of the joint at the elbow. Pathological changes also affect the tendons. Epicondylitis is often a consequence of frequent and large muscle load.

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Rheumatologist diagnosed lateral epicondylitis, when inflammation develops in the outer part of the elbow joint. The risk category are people aged 40-60 years. There medial epicondylitis, when pathological processes develop on the outside of the joint at the elbow.

Effect of the disease on the body

Inflammation of the epicondyle and the joint occurs after prolonged exercise. Therefore, the right-handed sore right hand, left-handed - left. Epicondylitis of the elbow joint is the result of permanent injury to the tendons, even weak, but long and repetitive loads. Formed with epicondyle tendon friction surface.Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor

This happens Microfracture tendinous tissue (rupture of its individual fibers). At the site of gaps formed scars. The periosteum epicondyle and adjacent tissues appear pathological changes that trigger the inflammatory response.

Sometimes epicondylitis is the result of direct trauma. People with congenital weak ligamentous apparatus are prone to such diseases with a severe course.

Causes of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

There are certain triggers that contribute to pathological processes:

  1. Frequent injuries and damage to the elbow joint.
  2. Persistent severe stress, which frequently encounter athletes and people performing repetitive hand movements.
  3. Developmental disorder of connective tissue, which is part of bones and ligaments. This hereditary factor contributing to the development of the disease.
  4. Professional activity when the one group of muscles involved.
  5. Diseases (arthritis, osteoporosis).
  6. Hypothermia.
  7. Hormonal changes.
  8. Weak muscular frame.
  9. Autoimmune processes.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint (Symptoms and Treatment rheumatologist determined after a full medical Survey), in some situations occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine.

The risk category includes people of 30 years, preferably male. This includes figures of agricultural areas and the service sector, builders, athletes, doctors, musicians.Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor

On the outer (lateral), epicondylitis increasingly face painters, movers, plasterers, rowers and tennis players. Sewers, programmers suffer the inner (medial) epicondylitis. It is crucial to begin treatment under the strict control of traumatology, orthopedics and rheumatology, to prevent serious complications and consequences.

Symptoms of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Accurate diagnosis rheumatologist sets after a medical examination. Epicondylitis signs suggest the development of inflammatory and degenerative process.

Common manifestations of the disease are:

  • strong, sudden pain (pain at the site epicondyle - places where bone of the elbow from the inner and outer side);
  • weakened muscles because the pathological processes are progressing;
  • voltage and increase physical activity pain;
  • the outer part of the elbow swells.

About medial epicondylitis indicates inflammation that develops in the inner part of the elbow joint. His movement is limited, there is pain, which intensified during the movements of the wrist and forearm.Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor

Lateral epicondylitis peculiar inflammation on the outside of the joint. Accompanying signs is not only the weakness in the muscles, but also a strong pain. It is amplified during the brush movement, handshake or transfer of various items (kitchenware, books, things).

Sharpened epicondylitis is characterized by sharply strained muscles, remaining in that position for a long period. Subacute stage of the disease occurs with moderate pain sensations, disappearing completely at rest of the upper limb. Periodic remission alternating with relapses, point to chronic disease.

Diagnosis epicondylitis of the elbow joint

With this disease the appearance of the upper limb is not changed. Sometimes swelling may appear small. Changing color at the site of injury, but in most cases, after injection with corticosteroids.

help define the clinical signs of the disease the doctor, but to confirm the preliminary the diagnosis of the patient prescribe additional tests:

  1. Radiography. Pictures taken in several projections, show inflammatory and degenerative processes that affected the bones, ligaments, tendons, joints.Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor
  2. Ultrasonography (US). The results allow to identify the pathological processes in the joint and the vastness.
  3. Computed tomography (CT). procedure results make it possible to carefully examine the medical condition of small structures.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most informative diagnostic method that shows the state of the soft tissues of tendons, bursa, joint, ligament apparatus.

Modern diagnostic methods help the doctor to get the maximum amount of information about the development of epicondylitis, to assign a patient an effective treatment.

Prevention of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Warn the disease is easier than to deal with it and its consequences. Prevention of epicondylitis is carried out in two stages. Primary - a warning of disease. Second - is the prevention of complications.

General useful advice of doctors:

  1. During sports activities it is important to stick to the correct exercise technique also correctly select the equipment.
  2. Protect the elbow of the high load by avoiding similar movements.
  3. During sports preheat joints and tendons. It is recommended to use locking devices and creams. So it is possible to protect the elbow from damage.
  4. Chronic infectious disease treated promptly important because pathological processes reduce the immune system of the human body. Epicondylitis is characterized by degenerative changes, which in this period have a negative impact on the cartilage and tendons, destroying them.
  5. If professional employment requires repetitive movements, then take frequent breaks while working to relax the muscles.
  6. Perform daily self-massage of hands or go to a professional technician.
  7. Correctly distribute the power load, so as not to strain your muscles strong.

Timely treat any inflammation in the body and regularly take vitamin complexes, also for prevention. When working at a computer Doctors recommend choosing a neutral position for the hands, use special accessories (gel pillow under the brush).

To which the doctor ask

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint (symptoms and treatment will help determine the rheumatologist, orthopedic traumatologist or) sometimes occurs after the normal daily load. A specialist is recommended to contact if disturbing pain and difficult to perform simple movements (hard to raise a glass on the table).Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor

Unpleasant sensations are amplified at night and disturb more than a week. It is important to timely address to the profile expert, to undergo a full medical examination to establish a diagnosis and choose the most effective therapy.

Methods of treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

The fight against degenerative and inflammatory process is carried out under the strict supervision of traumatologist orthopaedist. Hand capture special bandage for 2-3 weeks, it should be in complete rest. Prescribed drugs, physical therapy for early soft tissue regeneration.

You can use the recipes of traditional healers and healers to relieve pain, improve circulation in the area of ​​the joint. Therapy is discussed with the doctor, because you can provoke complications and side effects. If traditional methods are powerless against epicondylitis of the elbow joint, the patient is prescribed surgery.

drug therapy

For minor pain sensation, patients are advised to give up physical activity and stress on the affected arm. Pronounced manifestations of the disease require complete immobilization of the elbow and the wrist.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctor
NSAIDs do not cure epicondylitis of the elbow, and a cropped symptoms

Medicines with epicondylitis of the elbow joint to the patient chooses a doctor, they are appointed to control symptoms and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative process.

Act drug Name Composition and description The dosage regimen
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). "Diclofenac" "Ibuprofen", "Nimesulide". It blocks the production of substances that provoke the inflammation, swelling, pain. 2-3 p. per day for 14 days.
Painkillers. "Analgin", "Ketanov". Reduced inflammation and pain. 10 mg to 4 p. per day for 5 days.
Muscle relaxants. "Sirdalud" Active component - tizanidine hydrochloride. Relieves spasms of the muscles. 2-4 mg at bedtime 14 days.
Vitamins and minerals. "Milgamma B", "Calcemin". B vitamins help to strengthen bone tissue. 5 injections of 2 mg, repeated after 2 days. "Calcemin" for 6 months on 1 tab. 2 r. per day before meals.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctorBlockade of corticosteroid drugs ( "Dispropan" "Kenalog") is carried out with a strong pain syndrome. In some situations, they are used in conjunction with local anesthetics ( "Lidocaine," "Novocaine").

Injections are made at the beginning of treatment and after 7-10 days, if the pain persist. 2 shots on the course can not be done, because the active ingredients can provoke atrophy and aseptic necrosis of the epicondyle. With long-term preservation of a strong pain to the patient the doctor prescribes surgery to remove the diseased portion of the tendon.

Traditional methods

Non-traditional recipes medicine men and healers used after consultation with a rheumatologist. Folk remedies are applied in a complex with traditional methods of treatment.

Title Recipe The course and the effectiveness of
Alcoholate with sorrel. The roots of plants are crushed, washed and mixed with vodka. A bottle will need 1/3 sorrel. Insist resulting mass of 7 to 10 days, after which is used as a compress. Is applied to the joint before going to bed for 10 days. The drug reduces symptoms of epicondylitis.
Laurel oil. Sunflower oil (1 tbsp.) Was mixed with crushed bay leaf (4-5 pcs.). Insist 7 days. The course of treatment lasts for 10 days. Compresses restore blood circulation and relieve pain.
Green tea. Tea brewed and it freezes in the package, which is then placed under the elbow. therapy is carried out not more than 4 days. Green tea helps in acute epicondylitis.
Blue clay. Clay is mixed and hot water in identical proportions to obtain a homogeneous mass. Cooled down, but the hot cure spread on a piece of gauze. Wrapped the affected area and wrap up woolen garments. Compress hold until cool. Warming up doing 3 p. 2 wraps. The course of treatment continues seven days. Clay relieves pain and reduces inflammation.
garlic juice. The product was pulverized (4 heads). Olive oil is added (2 tablespoons). Sore joints pre-lubricated with fat cream. Apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes, and wrapped with the food wrap. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Decreases inflammation and pain.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctorEpicondylitis of the elbow joint (symptoms and treatment should be discussed with traumatology, orthopedics and rheumatology to prevent complications or consequences) eliminate non-traditional means. But this additional therapies, which can not affect the underlying cause of pathological processes.

Other methods

Various means are used to fight epicondylitis of the elbow joint. It is important to consider the degree of structural changes that have affected the tendons and muscles, their duration and movement disorders of the upper extremity.

The main goal of therapy - to eliminate pain in epicondylitis, restore blood circulation, eliminate inflammation and prevent atrophic changes.

Title Procedure Features of treatment
  • Cryotherapy. Applicable cold air.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs ( "Hydrocortisone", "Novocaine"). The active ingredients penetrate deeply and evenly to the affected tissue.
  • Infrared radiation is a laser.
  • Diadynamic. It uses an electrical current of different polarities.
  • Pulsed magnetic therapy. Treatment is carried out low frequency magnetic pulses.
  • Applications with paraffin and ozocerite.
Physiotherapy improves the circulation process, the cellular material exchange in the field of inflammatory and degenerative changes. Tissue regeneration is accelerated. The course of treatment lasts between 7 to 10 days.
Surgery. Surgical treatment is indicated in the absence of positive dynamics after conventional therapy medicines (6-12 months). During medical procedures the surgeon separates the muscle from the bone. Removes the affected tissue. Then returns to the place of muscles. The operation is carried out in two ways - traditionally (carried cut to 6 cm) or arthroscopically (through punctures 1 cm). After surgery on the patient's hand is applied brace (fixing bandage) to reduce muscle tension. Wear it for 1-2 weeks, field 2 months is allowed to perform special restorative exercises.
Massage treatments. Slow and gentle massage the affected area to enhance the metabolism. Prevent muscle atrophy, allowed warming and analgesic ointments, gels.

Suffice it to 2-3 courses for 8-10 sessions.

Physiotherapy. Statistical exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the hand. Flexion and rotational movement to train and improve the elasticity of ligaments. Physical education has a positive effect on the joints, restoring its function. Also improves the blood circulation in the affected area. Physiotherapy stimulates synovial moisture. Regular classes eliminate muscle imbalances, prevent damage in the future.

Exercises performed slowly, holding the hand in a certain position. Each session is repeated at 10 p. for 15-20 seconds.

"Vitaphone" vibroacoustic therapy. The device creates a healing microvibration. Sound waves of a certain frequency will be sent to the affected area to activate the lymph flow and improve circulation. It decreases pain and improves the patient's quality of life. Contra-indications: oncology, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, fever or worsening infection.
Shock wave therapy (SWT). Treatment is carried out by means of acoustic waves (frequency of 1 to 15 Hz) which extend through the soft tissue, but are active at their boundary. This place tendons and epicondyle bone connections, where there is an inflammatory-degenerative process. Restored the affected tissue, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the muscles, the connective tissue. Also strengthens the structure of ligaments, growth of new blood vessels, fibrotic softened dystrophic formation. Given the extent and severity of the disease, the patient will need 4 to 6 treatments with intervals of 5, 7 and 10 days.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, to what doctorIn patients with acute stage elbow epicondylitis recommended visiting high intensity magnetic therapy. Enough from 5 to 8 sessions per course. During this period also helps diadynamic (6 to 7 sessions) and the infrared radiation using the laser (10 to 15 treatments).


Epicondylitis of the elbow joint (symptoms and treatment, which selects a rheumatologist after a full medical examination) can result in serious the consequences if you do not take timely measures:

  1. Pathological processes have a negative impact on the joint state. Bursitis develops when the inflamed joint capsule inner layer. The disease is difficult to treat, the main method - a surgical intervention.
  2. Atrophied muscles of the forearm. There are characteristic symptoms with intense pain. Velta symptom: The patient holds the arms outstretched, parallel to the chin. In flexion and extension of the upper extremities, the patient's hand is behind by a healthy rate. Symptom Thomson: arms stretched forward, palms down. When bending in the hand fist, the patient will return to its original position. Atrophying process will progress, people will not be able to take a variety of items by hand (pencil, a spoon).

Evolving epicondylitis of the elbow joint development causes scarring, inflammation of the adjacent tissues and spasms robust. If a sore elbow, and appeared uncomfortable after the usual movements (shaking hands, lifting his hands, bending) advised to refer to traumatology, orthopedics to undergo a full medical examination and treatment.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint is not a threat to human health, but restricts the movement of the hand, and the quality of life. Rheumatologist recommends to go to the hospital when the first symptoms, to prevent complications and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Epicondylitis of the elbow:

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