Cardiovascular Diseases

Varicose veins: symptoms, home treatment of folk remedies, laser, reviews

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Varices - legs disease, which not only spoils the aesthetic look of a man, but also can cause a number of serious complications. The main causes, symptoms and ways to treat varicose veins in the legs described in detail below.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Medical certificate - varicose veins
  • 2 The causes of the disease
  • 3 disease symptoms
  • 4 Stage of development of varicose veins
  • 5 possible complications
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 diagnostic measures
  • 8 therapies
  • 9 Outdoor treatment creams, ointments and gels
  • 10 drug therapy
  • 11 laser treatment
  • 12 sclerotherapy
  • 13 Hydrotherapy
  • 14 The use of stockings and tights from varicose veins
  • 15 surgical therapy
  • 16 Physiotherapy
  • 17 Folk remedies
  • 18 Using apple cider vinegar
  • 19 Using lotions and poultices of clay
  • 20 The use of tincture of acacia flowers
  • 21 The use of soda
  • 22 The use of tincture of ginseng
  • 23 The use of nettle
  • 24 Using a potato
  • 25 Using sea salt
  • 26 Using Kalanchoe
  • 27 Honey therapy
  • 28 Using Ayurveda (Indian medicine)
  • 29 Changing eating
  • 30 Physiotherapy
  • 31 Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy
  • insta story viewer
  • 32 Prevention of varicose veins
  • 33 Reviews of doctors
  • 34 Videos about varicose veins

Medical certificate - varicose veins

Varicose veins - a chronic disease of the peripheral veins of the lower limbs with a progressive course. It characterized by abnormal veins, which manifests itself in violation of reverse blood flow in them because of the weakness of valves and vessel walls.

As a result, there is stagnation of venous blood and an increase in pressure in the veins, the walls of which eventually lose their elasticity and begin to stretch and deform.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

According to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, varicose veins has the code 183.

The causes of the disease

The etiology of varicose veins has been insufficiently studied.

Doctors believe the disease polyetiological, but identified a number of theories:

  1. The mechanical theory. Excessive load on the lower limbs: when standing work (surgeons, doctors, dentists, teachers, hairdressers), athletes, pregnant.
  2. Neuroendocrine theory. Because shear hormone (pregnancy, menopause, sexual maturation) decreases the tonus of vascular walls.
  3. genetic predisposition. Congenital functional underdevelopment of valves in the veins.

Risk factors for varicose veins:

  • female;
  • heredity;
  • excess weight;Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • the load on the legs;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

disease symptoms

Manifestations of the disease are:

  1. The appearance of vascular network in the form of stars on the skin - telangiectasia.
  2. changes in the skin: dryness, pigmentation. In the later stages - dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  3. The characteristic bulging through the skin izvivistyh veins in the lower extremities.
  4. The emergence of pain and discomfort in the legs, especially after exercise. Pain can have a different character (throbbing, burning, aching), time of occurrence (pain when walking, at the end of the day, at night).
  5. The development of edema and leg cramps. First, there is swelling in the area of ​​the foot, then extends to the lower leg.

Stage of development of varicose veins

The disease develops gradually and slowly. It may take a few years, when the first of its symptoms.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

  1. Stage 0. It is characterized by non-specific symptoms, such as severity and discomfort in the legs, which can be symptoms and other diseases (osteochondrosis, flat). At this stage the disease is difficult to diagnose and because of the absence of the main feature - the deformation and the performance of varicose veins on the legs.
  2. step 1. By the above-mentioned complaints are attached to the skin changes - spider veins.
  3. Step 2. Characterized by swollen and enlarged tortuous veins, nodules.
  4. step 3. The occurrence of edema, especially pronounced at the end of the day.
  5. Step 4. Manifested by irreversible changes in vascular and trophic lesions of the legs due to impaired blood circulation and tissue malnutrition. Characterized by a strong skin pigmentation (dark brown).
  6. Step 5. Trophic ulcer healed.
  7. Step 6. Unhealed trophic ulcer.

possible complications

The disease does not bear danger to life, but it is dangerous complications as a result of delayed or improper treatment:

  • acute superficial vein thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the vessel walls, blood clots from blood clots that utrudnyayut blood circulation in the tissue;
  • pulmonary embolism (PE) - pulmonary artery lumen occlusion by a thrombus, which is pulled away from the vessel wall, often fatal;
  • flebotromboz;Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • trophic ulcer - occurs when advanced forms of varicose veins due to poor blood supply of tissues;
  • bleeding sites.

When to see a doctor

Varicose veins are diagnosed and treated by a doctor-phlebologist (cardiovascular surgery).

In order not to miss the beginning of the disease, it is necessary at the first sign to see a specialist:

  • the appearance of spider veins on the legs;
  • discomfort in the legs, pain;
  • swelling and fatigue;
  • night cramps;
  • markedly dilated veins.

Varicose veins in the legs, treatment of which was timely and effective, at least appearance face complications.

diagnostic measures

To date, the main method of diagnosis - ultrasound.

When the diagnosis of varicose veins is carried out such activities:

  • Doppler ultrasound. A method that combines the use of ultrasound and Doppler diagnosis and to evaluate the nature of the movement of blood through the vessels, the presence of reverse casting of blood clots, the condition of blood vessels in the slice, the work venous valves (presence flotation) patency of the peripheral and deep veins. There are several types: color Doppler, duplex and triplex Doppler.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • Duplex scanning (sonography) - type Doppler ultrasound, wherein the method is used 2: B-mode and color Doppler. To determine the presence of blood clots, their size, the nature of the location, the possibility of separation. The method is not invasive, can accurately establish the diagnosis and determine further treatment strategy.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • Flebomanometriya - a method of determining the blood pressure on the vein walls.
  • Flebostsintigrafiya - administering the radiopharmaceutical into a vein and observing with a special tool. The method is used in comorbidity veins and lymphatic system.
  • Phlebography - X-ray method, which involves the introduction of radiopaque substance intravenously. On the radiograph the doctor will assess the condition of the veins. Suitable for the diagnosis of varicose veins deep veins when Doppler ultrasound utrudnena.

The last two methods are invasive, have a number of contraindications (allergy to contrast dye) and is rarely used today for diagnostic purposes.


Varicose veins in the legs, which treatment is carried out by two basic methods in the complex (conservative and surgical), has a favorable prognosis.

Conservative methods:

  • medication;
  • the use of traditional medicine;
  • physiotherapy;
  • compression therapy involves the use of special clothes;
  • sclerotherapy.

Surgical methods:

  • Varadi operation - to delete the affected veins (phlebectomy);Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • laser coagulation of veins.

Outdoor treatment creams, ointments and gels

External application of creams, ointments and gels (Troxevasin, Detraleks, Rutin, Venoruton) protrudes aids in the early stages of the disease. Drugs help reduce swelling, pain, to increase venous tone walls.

drug therapy

Drug therapy is the use of drugs venotonicheskih (flebotonikov) Troxevasin, Venoruton 300 Detraleks, flebodia 600 Venarus, Aescusan, Angistaks.

Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
Troksevazin recommended for use in the initial stages of varicose veins in the legs

These drugs will facilitate some signs 1, 2, 3 step (heavy legs, edema, convulsions), but does not cure the disease. Drug therapy is effective in complex treatment.

laser treatment

Treatment Lazarus (laser coagulation or ablation) - minimally invasive method that is used when expressed forms of the disease. Use lasers with different wavelengths. The laser light guide is introduced into the vein lumen and its wall glues. In the future, this will resolve Vienna.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

The procedure takes place under the control of ultrasound, leaves after a strong bruises. The advantages of laser treatment: no recovery period, painless and safe procedureMinimum postoperative complications, scarring and pigmentation.


Sclerotherapy - an introduction to the diseased vein special preparation (sclerosant) that it sticks together inside and it eventually disappears. There are several variations of this technique: the echo-sclerotherapy, mikroskleroterapiya.

The procedure lasts 20 minutes, sclerotherapy treatments requires from 3 to 5. This method of treatment is widely used in many countries around the world and provides a long lasting result, and in the early stages - a lifetime. However, in advanced and severe forms of sclerotherapy does not give an absolute guarantee.


Treatment of hydrotherapy (water therapy) in the form of various types of baths (herbs, salt) and showers (circular, massage, contrast) may reduce the vascular lumen, help relieve fatigue and swelling feet.

The use of stockings and tights from varicose veins

The use of compression (tightening) underwear helps in the early stages of varicose veins by removing stagnation of blood in peripheral veins and redistributing it from the blood vessels in healthy.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

The use of such knitted underwear may preventively and during rehabilitation.

surgical therapy

Surgical removal of the affected veins - phlebectomy - radical and complex, but the most effective method (almost 100% cure).Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

However phlebectomy has some contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, and pregnancy. After the operation for a month you need to wear a compression garment for slimming or apply an elastic bandage on his leg.


Treatment varices physiotherapeutic methods effective for preventing the early stages of the disease, as well as complex therapy. Widely used: laser therapy, darsonvalization magnetically laser therapy, pneumocompression, UHF, and balneo- gryazetarapiyu.

Physiotherapy helps reinforce vessel walls, valves improves work limfootok microcirculation and in the limbs. The visible result is achieved with regular exchange treatment in combination with other therapies.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies Treatment of varicose veins in the legs has a wide popularity among patients. However, it should be borne in mind that all the methods of alternative medicine are ineffective in severe forms of the disease.

Folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins:

  • Herbal tinctures: kalanchoe, nettle, horse chestnut, ginseng root, nutmeg;
  • lotions and compresses clay, honey;
  • bath of soda, sea salt;
  • ointments (Wisniewski);Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  • girudoterapija (treatment of medical leeches).

Using apple cider vinegar

The use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of varicose veins is recommended by many experts. Desirable means to cook for themselves, rather than buying in the store. To prepare the vinegar must grind sweet apples, then pour them into 3 cm above the warm water.

Leave a means to infuse for 2 weeks, occasionally stirring with a wooden spoon. Strain and add a few tablespoons in a glass of water for rubbing. Vinegar can be rubbed into the skin of patients with leg compresses, wraps, baths. Means to strengthen venous walls and improves blood circulation in them, reduces swelling.

Using lotions and poultices of clay

Blue clay is in the form of lotions and compresses is often used as a preventive measure and in the early manifestations of varicose veins. Diluted with warm water Apply a thick layer of powder on your feet, wrap with cling film and wrap a warm scarf.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

Hold appliqué 40 minutes. Or apply for 30 minutes on the affected area with gauze smeared with clay with crushed garlic. Such therapy with regular use (rate 2-3 weeks) effectively relieves discomfort in the legs, swelling and fatigue.

The use of tincture of acacia flowers

For the treatment of varicose veins using tincture of flowers acacia. To prepare raw material need to fill in 3-liter jar and pour 1/3 0.5 liters vodka and medical alcohol, close the lid. Infuse the mixture in a dark place for two weeks. Finished tincture lubricate the aching legs 5-7 times a day. Tincture will help alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins.

The use of soda

Relieve symptoms of varicose veins (but not cure the disease) will use soda baths and compresses. For foot baths must dissolve 200 g baking soda in 5 liters of warm water.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo

Keep your feet in the bath for 20 minutes. To prepare a compress, soak a little soda water to a thick pulp and apply it on the sore shin, put a cabbage leaf and wrap with cling film. Compress hold no more than half an hour.

The use of tincture of ginseng

Ginseng root is a natural tonic for strengthening the veins. The finished tincture can be purchased in a pharmacy or independently cook zalivshi 0.5 liters vodka 150 g of crushed dried ginseng. Liquid insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Tincture taken orally on an empty stomach 1-2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

The use of nettle

The healing properties of nettles have long been known. The plant improves circulation, prevents blood stasis, strengthens blood vessels.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo To prepare the decoction of nettles, you need chopped fresh or dried leaves fill a liter of boiling water. Insisted a couple of hours and strain. During the month, drink the broth by a third cup 3 times a day.

Using a potato

Efficient use of potatoes with varicose veins in the form of compresses, lotions. To compress freshly grated tuber mixed with a spoonful of honey and apply on the sore areas on top of the film and fix bandage. Hold compress 5 hours and rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Compress helps to relieve swelling, pain, vascular mesh on the legs.

Using sea salt

Baths with sea salt help to improve blood circulation, prevent the development of dermatitis, eczema, ulcers. After a course of therapy reduces pain, swelling, number of veins.

To prepare the bath, sea salt to be dissolved in warm water (up to 400 C) per tablespoon per gallon of water. Lower leg in water for 15 minutes. It is desirable to repeat the procedure every day for 10 days.

Using Kalanchoe

Varicose veins are treated using a tincture of Kalanchoe. Means to strengthen the walls of veins on the legs, resolves venous components, prevents the development of blood clots.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo For tinctures need 2 tablespoons chopped dried leaves pour a glass of vodka and insist 10 days in a warm place. Tincture rubbed into the skin at bedtime for 3 months.

Honey therapy

It helps stop disease progression at the early stages of use of honey in various forms (oral, lotions, compresses) and bee products (propolis, beeswax). These funds are widely prescribed in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photoHoney is also beneficial effect on the affected veins as an overlay on the night of honey compresses. Means use caution, as honey is an allergen.

Using Ayurveda (Indian medicine)

Indian medicine - Ayurveda - for the treatment of varicose veins offers a special diet and proper lifestyle (Exercise, Ayurvedic massage), special ayurvedic preparations (payleks oil sahacharadi).

Recipe Ayurvedic remedies: Mix half a tablespoon of aloe juice with a pinch of seeds of cardamom and ginger powder. The resulting mixture was drink within two months. After a two-week break to continue to drink to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Ayurveda in the treatment early in the disease prognosis.

Changing eating

To reduce the symptoms of the disease need to follow certain dietary habits:

  1. use low-fat boiled or stewed meats, fish, fruits and berries;
  2. wholemeal bread is desirable;Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  3. reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, smoked, salt, animal fats, mayonnaise, alcohol, coffee;
  4. drink 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day;
  5. dinner no later than 7 pm.


Daily application of special exercises can help to normalize the blood circulation, reduce the congestion of venous blood:

  1. Exercise "bicycle" is lying on his back, raised his legs bent and stretched to the end of simulating cycling.Varicose veins: what it is, symptoms and treatment, photo
  2. The rise on your toes. Perform when the heel or toes apart apart.

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins in the legs, treatment during pregnancy in the early stages:

  • to do special exercises for the legs;
  • Waist wearing stockings;
  • use of an external action (creams, gels, ointments), which are not contraindicated for pregnant women.

In severe forms of the disease are shown minimally invasive methods of treatment.

Prevention of varicose veins

To prevent the development of varicose veins should observe the following measures, in particular those who are at risk:

  • to keep normal weight;
  • Avoid prolonged standing;
  • longer walk on foot, do exercises for the legs;
  • to restrict the wearing of high-heeled shoes;
  • limit the use of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • engage in some kind of sports (swimming, cycling, aerobics);
  • water treatment (contrast shower, a relaxing foot bath);
  • wearing compression hosiery;
  • adhere to proper nutrition.

Reviews of doctors

According to doctors, Phlebology:

  • the problem of varicose veins, which is more common in women, a long time can not express themselves;
  • when the first symptoms (fatigue and heaviness in the legs, vascular grid, edema) must necessarily go to the doctor for diagnosis;
  • most informative and accurate method is ultrasound duplex scanning of the lower limbs;
  • once and for all get rid of varicose veins, recommended radical surgical treatment methods, including well-proven endovenous laser obliteration, its advantages: shorter recovery period, minimally invasive, effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

Varicose veins - treatment and diagnosis - important components of a speedy recovery. To date, there are a number of medicines and means of alternative medicine that promise to get rid of varicose veins.

These treatments only temporarily relieve symptoms and will not cure the disease. Conservative methods can be used in the rehabilitation period after surgery or for prevention in people at risk.

If varicose veins are not ignored, and the time to begin treatment, then there is a high percentage of favorable prognosis. In the initial stages is a conservative therapy: drug preparations, creams, compression hosiery, physiotherapy, recipes of traditional medicine. When expressed forms - laser ablation, removal of varicose veins.

Videos about varicose veins

How to cure varicose veins:

5 ways against varicose veins in the legs:

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