Respiratory System

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use of the composition, from which tablets for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Indications for use, how to make, price, analogs, reviews

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Gomeovoks pharmacological agent is a homeopathic medications, used for the treatment of pathological conditions of the larynx. Instructions for use of the drug, which is in each package, describes a complete list of indications for use.

The content of the article:

  • 1 production form
  • 2 Chemical composition
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics
  • 4 pharmachologic effect
  • 5 testimony
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Instructions for use
  • 8 during pregnancy
  • 9 lactation
  • 10 The dosage for children
  • 11 Side effects
  • 12 Overdose
  • 13 special instructions
  • 14 Interactions with other medications
  • 15 analogs
  • 16 Storage conditions
  • 17 The price of the drug in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 18 Reviews of the effectiveness of
  • 19 Videos about Gomevokse

production form

The medicament is realized in the form of tablets of round shape, having white soluble shell. The drug has no odor. One cardboard pack medicament comprises a dosage of 60 tablets in blister packs.

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs

One blister contains 20 dosage pills.

Chemical composition

The therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved through the diverse composition of plant origin.

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Medication contains:

  • Burnt sea sponge;
  • dichromate potassium;
  • Poplar kandikansky;
  • Bryonia dioica;
  • soluble mercury at Gannemanu;
  • belladonna common;
  • iron phosphate;
  • napiform wrestler;
  • Ariza three leaf;
  • calendula;
    Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
  • calcium sulfide doped with oyster shells by Hahnemann.

Besides the active substances contained in Medicine auxiliary components, such as fruit sugar, lactose, starch, and magnesium stearate.

Shell pharmacological medication includes:

  • gum arabic;
  • gelatin particles;
  • fruit sugar;
  • talc;
  • white bees wax particles;
  • palm wax particles.

Weight of one pellet - 300 mg. can be found in more detail in the instructions for use with components that are part of Gomeovoks pharmacological agent.

Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics

Because Medications has a complex, multi-component composition and its pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetic parameters are not fully known and could not be identified.

pharmachologic effect

The substances included in the homeopathic medicine, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action. Upon receiving the medicament decreases the severity of the inflammatory response and thinning occurs that accumulates in the upper airways of sputum.

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs

The active ingredients penetrate into the cells directly by reaction with the larynx. If swallowed the drug, the components of its composition penetrate into the bloodstream from the small intestine. Due to the extensive composition, the rate of absorption, digestion and excretion of components has not been studied thoroughly.


Experts recommend the use of a pharmacological agent in the case of:

  • loss of voice;
  • hoarseness;
  • Fatigue of the vocal cords;
  • inflammation in the larynx of different origin.

Gomeovoks, instructions for use that should be explored before applying the drug, approved for treatment of adults and children.


Implement the use of pharmacologic agents is prohibited when:

  • hypersensitivity to substances forming part of Medicine;
  • lactase deficiency;
    Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
  • the body's inability to digest lactose;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Experts do not recommend giving medications to children under 1 year old and persons with diabetes of any group. During pregnancy and breastfeeding need to be extra careful when using drug because its components are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the bloodstream of the fetus and breast milk.

Instructions for use

Gomeovoks should be consumed orally. The medicament to be placed in the oral cavity and dissolve until complete dissolution of the tablets at the first sign of disease.

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs

To carry out reception pharmacological agent should be in between the consumption of food. One-time therapeutic dose during the acute course of the disease - 2 tablets. Frequency of use - once every 60 minutes. The maximum permissible dose - 24 tablets a day. Upon the occurrence of appreciable improvements necessary to reduce the dosage of 2 tablets to 5 times a day.

During colds, the medicament can be used as preventive therapy in an amount of 10 tablets per day, in 2 pieces 5 times per day.

during pregnancy

During pregnancy is not recommended to use a homeopathic remedy, because there is no accurate data on how it affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Uncontrolled intake of medication can lead to premature birth and death of a child.


During the period of breastfeeding experts recommend to abandon the use of the drug, since it is absorbed into the breast milk. Appointment Gomeovoksa carried out only if the potential risk to the newborn is lower than the benefit to the mother.

The dosage for children

Pediatric dosage is different from an adult, the difference lies only in the use of the method. Children under 6 years of medication to be dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water.

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
Gomeovoks. Instructions for use for children says that they need to dissolve the tablet in boiled water.

Important! The use of the drug before the age of 12 months is prohibited because there is no accurate data on how potentially hazardous substances, belladonna and mercury affect the body baby.

Side effects

Gomeovoks, instructions for use which indicates rare adverse reactions during therapy, may trigger the development of allergy.

Individual intolerance can manifest itself in the form of:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • redness of the skin;
  • burning sensation in the mouth.
Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs

At occurrence of adverse reactions should consult a specialist for symptomatic therapy.


To date, studies have not shown negative manifestations in the excessive use of the drug. References to medical facilities, with cases of overdose Gomeovoksom also were recorded.

special instructions

Before applying the medication should be familiar with the following information:

  1. The dosage and frequency of administration of the pharmaceutical preparation does not depend on the person's age.
  2. One tablet contains 179 mg of sucrose or 0.03 units of bread. This should be considered in the appointment of Medicine for people with high blood sugar.
  3. To get the full effect of the treatment, you should stick to your diet and give up smoking, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, not to aggravate the inflammatory response in the larynx.
  4. Pharmacological agent has no effect on the psychological reactions and authorized for use in the performance of potentially hazardous activities such as driving a car.
  5. The implementation of the drug through the pharmacy network. Medication available without a prescription.
    Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
  6. If within 3 days after initiation of therapy there is no noticeable improvement, it is necessary to see a specialist for a different treatment strategies.

The medicament contains a component Hepar sulfur (lime sulfuric liver) that can have a negative impact on the organism in the presence of an inflammation of the inner ear, however its application is only necessary to carry on the recommendation with otitis specialist.

Interactions with other medications

Gomeovoks, instructions for use which provides a good interaction with other medication drugs can be used concurrently with the external primary therapy diseases.

Precise data on the effect of the homeopathic remedy components on other medications not, since studies have not been conducted. For exact information you need to consult with a specialist.


Gomeovoks is unique in terms of the formulation, identical means, the content of medicinal ingredients, no.

Replace homeopathic medicine in the treatment of inflammation of the larynx can be the following medicines:

  1. Bryony. The pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment of laryngitis, implemented in the form of an ointment. It is indicated for use in adults. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy.
  2. Lobelia. Homeopathic agent directed to therapy of inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Licensed for use from 6 years. It realized in the form of granules for oral use.Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
  3. Vilprafen. The pharmaceutical preparation, which is realized in the form of granules for slurry dilution. It is directed to treatment of laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Approved for use in children.
  4. IOM doctor. Plant-based medicament is recommended for use in laryngitis and loss of voice. It realized in the form of lozenges for resorption. Licensed for use from 6 years.
  5. Miramistin. The pharmaceutical preparation, which is realized in the form of spray, with antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. Approved for use for the treatment of laryngitis at any age.
  6. Oflotsid. The antibacterial agent used for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the larynx. The use is allowed only after 18 years.
  7. Sanorin. Most medicine in the form of a spray. Laryngitis directed to therapy of various etiologies. Is indicated for use as part of a combination therapy of inflammatory diseases of the larynx.
  8. Septolete Neo. Implementation of the preparation is carried out in the form of tablets for sucking, lemon, apple or cherry. Inflammation of the larynx, presented the drug, can be treated with 4 years. Use during pregnancy is allowed.
  9. Terrace. Antiseptic medicament aimed at the treatment of inflammation of the mouth and throat. The drug is sold in the form of a lozenge with a variety of flavors, suitable for use with children 6 years old, pregnant and lactating women.
  10. Septogal. Combined pharmacological agent used for the therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Medication approved for use for children from 6 years of age, breastfeeding and pregnant women.
  11. Lizobakt. Local antiseptic Medicine, sold in pill form. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat in adults and children.
  12. Biseptol. Anti-inflammatory agent, aimed at the treatment of various origins laryngitis in children and adults. Realized in the form of tablets.
  13. Tantum Verde. Medications sold in the form of a metered spray topical application. Suitable for treatment of laryngitis at any age.
  14. Tariferid. Implementation of pharmacologic agents is carried out in the form of lozenges. The medicament has antibacterial action and is suitable for the treatment of infectious laryngitis.Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs
  15. Theraflu LAR. The medicament is realized in the form of lozenges for resorption. Approved for use for the treatment of laryngitis to 6 years. Banned for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  16. Faringosept. Antiseptic preparation, implemented in the form of tablets. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity and larynx adults.

Medications are presented contraindications, before replacing Gomeovoks on one of them, you need to discuss this with a specialist.

Storage conditions

Storage pharmacologic agents should be carried out of the reach of UV rays, moisture and children. Optimal storage temperature - 15-25 degrees. Shelf life - 5 years from the production date printed on the package.

The price of the drug in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The price of the pharmaceutical preparation depends on the region and the method of purchase. Buy medication online can be both a pharmacy and the pharmacy in the urban network.

The name of the village Name of Pharmacy The cost of medication
Moscow elixir Farm 415 rubles.
St. Petersburg Neofarm 374 rubles.
Regions Pharmacy low price 276 rubles.

Medicine value can vary from 240 to 420 rubles.

Reviews of the effectiveness of

Experts say that Gomeovoks is an effective tool for the treatment of sore throat and loss of voice. But most of the people taking the medication in question, reported that the agent does not have the claimed effect.

Gomeovoks. Instructions for use, composition, reading for children, pregnancy, breastfeeding. analogs

Gomeovoks is unique and able to fight off inflammation of the larynx of any etiology, but before using it is necessary to read the instructions for use and consult a physician.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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