Diseases Of The Digestive System

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms, how the procedure contraindications. Reviews, Price

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Colon hydrotherapy in medicine - it is the direction that includes cleansing of the body via the digestive tract dialysis. The basis of this method of treatment lies irrigation technique thick card bowel large volume of water (20 to 30 liters). +

It is shown in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the formation of constipation, as well as the intoxication of the body stool.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The history of occurrence of colon hydrotherapy
  • 2 The positive effect of colon hydrotherapy
  • 3 disadvantages hydrotherapy
  • 4 Preparation for colon hydrotherapy
  • 5 Carrying hydrotherapy
  • 6 Sensation during hydrotherapy
  • 7 Contraindications hydrotherapy
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Where to undergo the procedure
  • 10 Videos about hydrotherapy

The history of occurrence of colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy - a technique of cleaning the large intestine, which completely removes all toxins from the digestive tract. Such a technique of healing the body was known to inhabitants of the world 2000 years ago. In modern medicine hydrocolonotherapy began to actively use in the mid 80s.

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Initially, the method was used to clean the gastrointestinal tract astronauts, who are trained in the NASA space program. The task was to free the intestines astronauts from feces before enormous overloads in conditions of zero gravity.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
Colon hydrotherapy

Later hydro became practiced in US medical institutions and countries of Western Europe, as a way to treat, allowing to eliminate signs of intoxication, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and to conduct a comprehensive improvement body.

In Eastern Europe, this technique is less popular, but still practiced in the hospital wards, specializing in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and pathologies in proctology. Some beauty salons offer the service gidrokolonoskopii as a means to rejuvenate the skin, get rid of dermatological diseases.

The positive effect of colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy - it is a trend in medicine, proper conduct which allows you to get rid of a huge number of diseases. In addition, a large part of the disease is not related to the digestive system. Scientific evidence shows that the intestinal dialysis can successfully contend with the following illnesses and shown before the number of diagnostic procedures.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
Type of disease Positive effect
bot In the process of filling the intestine more fluid with further breeding, are washed out of parasitic life forms. This uses not an ordinary running water, and medicinal solutions which poison act on the helminth. Colon hydrotherapy in conjunction with medication can achieve complete evacuation of intestinal worms.
Obesity Overweight almost always combined with the presence in the intestine of fecal stones and rotting food debris, which previously had not been properly assimilated by the body. Shoe gastrointestinal via gidrokolonoterapii provides recovery of digestive function and normalization of metabolic processes. If a person, in addition to this also leads an active lifestyle, playing sports, watching over the quality of your diet, it provides a quick weight loss of 20 kg or more.
bulimia It is a complex disease of the nervous system, which is accompanied by systemic dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. hydrotherapy method allows you to reboot the digestive tract, gut wash and run it into the work again. It is very important that patients undergoing treatment, receive qualified psychological assistance, eat properly and do not limit yourself to eating.
Cervical erosion It is believed that the development of gynecological diseases are closely related to the state of health of the abdominal cavity. If the large intestine is filled with feces, there is always a process of decay occurs, the pathogens together with the blood flow can penetrate into this part of the female reproductive system. As a result of developing bacterial inflammation and erosion of the mucosa, and then the deeper tissues.
constipation People who over a long period of time, have difficulty with defecation, stool accumulation occurs in the large intestine. Over time, this causes the occurrence of colitis, nausea, intoxication. Irrigation of the digestive tract by colon hydrotherapy wash away the feces, restoring the natural intestinal peristalsis.
Chronic fatigue syndrome After washing the colon with special medical solutions, most patients experience a lightness, a surge of vitality and physical strength. With proper nutrition and correct way of life therapeutic effect lasts for 2-3 years.
hemorrhoidal disease In 90% of cases, the disease is a complication of existing disease (e.g., constipation). Colon hydrotherapy provided relaxation of muscle fibers responsible for the reduction of the anal sphincter. Defecation is carried out without undue physical exertion on the pelvic floor.
Allergy It is thought that an allergic reaction occurs only once in the human body accumulates excess amount of potential irritants. With gidrokolonoterapii manages to wash the body of allergens and to normalize the operation of its security systems.
Flatulence Bloating and flatulence - a consequence of malfunctioning of the digestive tract. Dialysis promotes bowel its purification and stabilization of the peristalsis.
Intoxication In this case, after washing effect occurs GI removing chemical or biological substances, and microorganisms, the presence of which renders toxic effect on the body.
irrigoscopy Diagnostic studies bowel procedure, prior to which the prerequisite is its thorough cleaning.
planning for pregnancy Before conceiving a child all the internal organs of the woman should be evaluated and put in order. The digestive system is no exception.
Reducing the protective function of the immune system Removal of the digestive tract of toxins, fecal, parasitic life forms, increases vitality and resistance of the organism in relation to the pathogens.
chronic prostatitis During water flow into the colon through the anus is provided by hydro tissue prostate, improves blood circulation of the body, reduces swelling and local inflammation process. About 60% of men noted enhancement of sexual desire.
Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne Skin is a mirror reflection of the state of health of the gastrointestinal tract. After its purification normalizes carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, vitamins and minerals that are present in food, are better absorbed and nourish the epithelial tissue.

Colon hydrotherapy - it is a trend in medicine that a doctor's discretion may be used in the treatment of other diseases of internal organs. It all depends on the type of disease and its causes.

disadvantages hydrotherapy

Like any other medical procedure, hydro has a number of drawbacks, the presence of which stops some patients and doctors from using it.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
disadvantages hydrotherapy

They consist in the following aspects:

  • during prolonged washing bowel using large volumes of liquid are washed out of the body of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients;
  • there is a risk of developing dysbiosis, as with the pathogenic microflora is performed loss of bacteria that promote digestion;
  • the regular use of hydrotherapy may develop gastrointestinal addiction to cleansing enema;
  • if the procedure is carried out is not a professional, it is not ruled out trauma rectal mucosa, as well as the large intestine.

Before the appointment of the use of this method of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract organs doctor It evaluates the pros and cons of the procedure, as well as the need of the patient in a specific procedure recovery.

Preparation for colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy - it is the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, which required thorough preparation. It starts up to 3 days prior to the scheduled procedure.

From the diet completely removed the following types of products:

  • all kinds of meat and protein products produced on the basis thereof;
  • oceanic, marine and freshwater fish, regardless of its method of preparation;
  • animal fats;
  • fresh vegetables, fruit and herbs (these products contain an increased concentration of cellulose stimulate Activity intestinal motility and increase the volume of stool that is not desirable during gidrokolonoskopii);
  • bread baked with the addition of wheat bran;
  • barley and barley porridge;
  • peas, beans, lentils, soy beans;
  • alcoholic and soft drinks.
    Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
    Preparation for colon hydrotherapy

Throughout the 3 days of patient preparation diet should consist of dishes prepared on the basis of the following types of products:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • kefir, milk, sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat;
  • boiled beets;
  • natural juice with no added sugar;
  • not strong green tea.

48 hours before the procedure is recommended to start reception of activated carbon (2 table. 3 times a day). 4 hours prior to treatment is strictly forbidden to consume any food that has passed gidrokolonoskopiya as comfortable as possible. Subject to these rules of preparation for the procedure, the risk of complications is minimal.

Carrying hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy - it is a trend in medicine that provides recovery of the intestine, but on the condition that no violation of procedure for its implementation.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
Carrying hydrotherapy

Medical procedure is as follows:

  1. Upon completion of the training period, the patient moves from the House to the manipulation room.
  2. Falls on the right side, legs half bent at the knees, and his right arm under his head.
  3. The pelvic floor muscles, the abdominal cavity, sphincter must be completely relaxed.
  4. Medical practice is responsible for performing the procedure, the patient's anus lubricates special ointment to provide a slip effect.
  5. The cavity rectum administered tube through which the supply and removal of liquid.
  6. Included is an apparatus that provides dialysis gut, filling it with a solution consisting of glucose, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, to avoid distortions in the water-salt balance and leaching of large amounts of nutrient organism substances.
  7. Medical equipment responsible for the dialysis of the gastrointestinal tract creates inside the large intestine pressure in microbars 100, which eliminates the possibility of internal fractures and organ injury.
  8. After filling bowel sufficient volume of liquid is automatically put into reverse mode and back of anal displays all stool, mucus and parasites which have been washed in the process of gidrokolonoskopii.
  9. Upon completion of therapy a medical worker takes out accurately and smoothly feed tube from the patient's anal orifice solution.
  10. Held hygiene procedures for purification circumference anus residues from lubricating the mixture, and the liquid droplets released.
  11. The patient leaves the self-manipulation room, or, if feels badly weakened, dizzy, it is transported to the ward on a trolley.
  12. In the next 4 chasa patient shows complete rest and recreation, and at the expiration of the specified time, allowed to eat chicken broth with bread. Loading the bodies of the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated.

The total duration of the treatment is 30 to 50 minutes. During this period the patient's intestine poured 25-30 liters previously prepared solution. Provides complete gastrointestinal lavage.

Upon completion of the large intestine colon hydrotherapy it is completely empty and free of organic objects. Total may take from 1 to 5 sessions. In one day only 1 procedure be carried out by. The number of bowel irrigation repetitions determined by a physician gastroenterologist or proctologist individually.

Sensation during hydrotherapy

Patients undergoing the procedure hydrotherapy begins testing specific sensation since the introduction of the solution feed tube into the cavity of the anus. After the health worker includes fluid flow, there is a feeling that the intestines are inside the abdomen increases rapidly in size and turns into a large bowl.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
Sensation during hydrotherapy

May cause a slight feeling of discomfort and spasm caused by static pressure on adjacent organs of the abdominal cavity. To remove the unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, you need to straighten your back, try to relax as much as possible, to breathe and stomach, and chest. The occurrence of acute or dull pain is not the norm with colon hydrotherapy.

The appearance of this kind of feelings should alert the patient. In such a situation, you should immediately inform your doctor who performs flushing the gastrointestinal tract. If the intestines are large fecal stones, that feeling of seals in the area of ​​the sphincter may occur in the process of washing and exit the rectum. As the completion of the procedure will leave unpleasant sensations.

Contraindications hydrotherapy

Conducting hydrotherapy is a useful procedure, but patients who have the following conditions, this method of intestinal lavage is absolutely contraindicated in:

  • cardiovascular disease associated with hypertension or hypotension;
  • the periodic occurrence of bleeding from the rectum, the nature of the origin of which has not been established;
  • there is a suspicion that there was a perforation of the intestine;
  • acute form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • all types of anemia;
  • inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias other species;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • operation, transferred to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which were performed 6 months. ago and earlier;
  • the patient complains of severe pain or aching in the abdomen, which was not diagnosed etiology;
  • pyelonephritis calculouse type;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of which can disrupt the natural flow of the solution, to provoke pressure imbalance inside the intestine;
  • patient body recorded by temperature increase within 37 degrees Celsius or higher;
  • previous myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • BPH, located on the 3-4 stage of development;
  • adhesions in abdominal or pelvic;
  • extraneous growths in the rectal cavity;
  • ovarian cyst.
    Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
    Previous myocardial infarction - a contraindication for the procedure

Colon hydrotherapy is not carried out for women who are pregnant, as well as during menstruation.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure for children whose age is below 16 years of age and older people. Upon reaching 70 years of age or older intestinal dialysis is not recommended so as not to provoke complications. Given the large number of medical conditions, before starting hydrotherapy patient must undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Side effects

Despite the careful observance of rules of preparation for colon hydrotherapy, nutrition, professional health worker, one can not exclude the factor of development of side effects.

Colon hydrotherapy. What is it the benefits and harms how the contraindications. Price
Side effects

They appear as follows:

  • Bowel perforation when due to high pressure or rapid aqueous stream is formed in its walls a hole (in which case the patient is immediately delivered to the Department of Surgery, where the damage is eliminated operative method);
  • dysbacteriosis caused by leaching from the digestive tract microflora useful providing more thorough digestion, assimilation and then eating the food;
  • bowel disorder, manifested in diarrhea or constipation;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, aching pain or discomfort;
  • a strong sense of hunger that occurs after 1-3 hours after completion of therapy;
  • reduction of hemoglobin caused by loss of large amounts of vitamins, minerals and useful substances in the intestine;
  • decreased intestinal motility activity;
  • irritation of the skin surface and in the circumference of the anus;
  • decline of physical strength, weight, dizziness, nausea.

The side effects of colon hydrotherapy are extremely rare. Most often, their occurrence is insignificant, or else altogether absent. If they were, you should immediately notify your doctor, so that if necessary, the doctor stopped the treatment using this technique.

Where to undergo the procedure

Such medical services are provided by private clinics specializing in the treatment of diseases associated with proctology and gastroenterology. Here, the cost of treatment will cost 2000-2500 rubles on average. for 1 session. The required number of procedures determined by the physician.

It is not recommended to carry out intestinal dialysis in beauty salons, which guarantee cleansing of dermatological diseases with the help of colon hydrotherapy. In most cases, the procedure is performed by people who do not have sufficient qualifications and experience. Thus the cost of the treatment is the same as in the case of visiting a private clinic.

Undergo colon hydrotherapy procedure is best under steady state separation hospitals have experienced physician, offers modern medical equipment and logistical base. It is this kind of treatment, which requires a qualified and responsible approach. Sami manipulation are free.

Required to pay only consumable as a wash solution. Its average price is 450-600 rubles. This method of treatment is hydrotherapy should be carried out by professionals, doctors, who have sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge. This is the main condition for the attainment of the positive effects from the use of intestinal dialysis.

If all the rules for the preparation and conduct of the procedure was carried out without violations, the patient receives high-quality cleansing Blood, gets rid of chronic diseases of the digestive system which bothered him for a long period time. The therapeutic effect of the treatment is maintained for 2-3 years or more.

Videos about hydrotherapy

Benefits and harms of hydrotherapy:

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