Diseases Of The Digestive System

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment, the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

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Duodenal Ulcer - a disease that contributes to the local destruction of the mucous membrane with the subsequent formation of the scar. Lack of timely treatment can lead to internal bleeding. Therefore it is necessary to know the symptoms of the disease, in time to see a doctor.

The content of the article:

  • 1 duodenum function
  • 2 Risk factors and causes of duodenal ulcer
  • 3 classification of diseases
  • 4 The first signs of pathology
  • 5 The symptoms of ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer
  • 6 Possible complications of duodenal ulcer
  • 7 What is a perforated duodenal ulcer. Signs and symptoms
  • 8 diagnosis of ulcers
  • 9 Methods of treatment of ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer
    • 9.1 medication
    • 9.2 Traditional methods. Recipes effective means
    • 9.3 Diet during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease
    • 9.4 Sample menu for a week at a ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer
    • 9.5 Physiotherapy
    • 9.6 LFK
  • 10 The need for surgery. Indications to Step
  • 11 Preparation for surgery
  • 12 Stages of intervention
  • 13 Rehabilitation after surgery
  • 14 Video of duodenal ulcer, its symptoms and treatments
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duodenum function

The duodenum is the initial part of the small intestine, which has 3 main objectives. A detailed understanding of them can be accessed using the table.

function name Description
secretory Development of intestinal juices, consisting of specific hormones and enzymes that contribute to digestion.
motor It occurs at the moment of reducing muscle layer, provoking a mixture of juices involved in digestion with chyme. At this stage it carried massive absorption of nutrients.
evacuation Moving the contents in the following sections of the intestine. This function is performed via a muscular coat.

Risk factors and causes of duodenal ulcer

The following circumstances of the appearance of pathology should be highlighted:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • bacteria, called Helicobacter pylori. According to statistics, home to 70% of the population. The causative agent of the disease at first settles in the stomach and can remain there for life. Multiplying, it destroys the mucosal layer until the expressions of. Opened Heliktobakter pylori Dr. Berry Marshall and Robin Warren.
Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs
The article describes how the symptoms and treatment of duodenal ulcer.

It is worth noting that the main cause of disease lies not only in the presence of the bacteria, but also to ensure favorable conditions for its functioning. After all, the disease occurs in consequence of certain causal relationships that are supported by this bacterium, and eating disorders.

For example, if a man with H. pylori infection, for whatever reasons, eats regularly and consume junk food, then it eventually diagnosed peptic ulcer disease. But while his wife, who adhere to proper nutrition, can simply play the role of a man who knew this bacterium infects.

Provoke disease in combination microbe life activity can:

  • bad habits, including food;
  • nervous stress;
  • a certain portion of medicines and healthcare products;
  • improper and irregular meals.

This bacterium is often conducive to impulse the development of enhanced and excessive juice. If a person does not take time to eat, there is a self-digestion of the mucosa. When under such a situation in the future implementation of the regular and proper eating regime occurs, the abnormality does not develop. There are erosion, which self-heal.

classification of diseases

There are a variety systematization of duodenal ulcer. Classification varies depending on, on what grounds is considered a disease.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

For example, if you are interested in professional localization of disease, the ulcer can be found in the following locations:

  • duodenum;
  • stomach;
  • simultaneously in the two above-mentioned bodies.

Doctors also distinguished phase of the disease:

  • Aggravation. During this period, symptoms clearly. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract with impaired do their job. Patients are more likely to experience this stage in spring and autumn.
  • Remission. No symptoms of disease. Possible positive clinical picture with no signs of illness.

According to the classification Mazurina have peptic ulcer disease can be complicated and uncomplicated. The last of these does not cause fears of doctors. Duodenal ulcer, symptoms and treatment which should be checked by a doctor, has differences in the clinical picture of the lesion.

Allocate the following steps:

  • First. Characterized by a fresh wound.
  • Second. At this stage, the ulcer is still clearly visible. Thus begins the healing of the epithelium on the level.
  • Third. Depth is not wound. Formed scar.
  • Fourth. At this stage, the scar should be formed, which was called "cobbled". healing phase is over, remission begins.

The first signs of pathology

At the very first stage of the disease, patients reported the presence of uncomfortable sensations at the site of the stomach location.

Recognize these early signs, you can use the following features of the pain itself, it is usually:

  • night;
  • hungry;
  • immediately after a meal.
Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

The intensity of these sensations may be different. In this case, the pain may respond in the back or in the heart.

The symptoms of ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer

The main specific features of this disease are:

  • Acid regurgitation or heartburn. These symptoms occur against the background of a general increase in acidity. This raises the gastric contents from entering the esophagus and mouth in the patient may experience discomfort.
  • Nausea, which may progress to vomiting. These symptoms usually do not bear any malignancy. They allow the patient to lead a normal life except in rare cases of complicated peptic ulcer disease when vomiting is indomitable character.
  • Pain in the upper epigastrium.

Possible complications of duodenal ulcer

Experts distinguish the following complications:

  • Perforation. According to statistics, seen in 8% of patients with duodenal ulcer. This phase is dangerous peritonitis, which is rapidly developing. In the event of perforation of the person feels pain in the abdomen, which can cause a shock. In this case, the peritoneum is tense.
  • Penetration. Characterized by the proliferation of most ulcers on other organs. As in the first case, the surgeon needs urgent assistance.
  • Pyloric stenosis. It has a variety of forms, ranging from a lack of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract to the need for surgical intervention. Patients in this case complain of loss of working capacity and vomiting.
  • Perivistserit. Characterized by the occurrence of adhesions that form between the duodenum and other organs. The patient in this case may complain of severe pain and fever.

What is a perforated duodenal ulcer. Signs and symptoms

Perforated ulcer called a violation of the integrity of the intestine, which is characterized by hitting the gastrointestinal contents into the free peritoneal cavity. Symptomatology is that when digested food reaches the cavity of the duodenum, the patient immediately develops a rare pain syndrome.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

The literature data sensation kinzhaloobraznaya described as pain in the abdomen.

Some patients who have this pathology develops with prolonged ulcer disease, may in its history the disease in the past there were some periods when they are worried about unexpressed pain upper abdominal wall. Most often it is exacerbated in the spring and autumn periods, that just describes for peptic ulcer.

Duodenal ulcer, symptoms and treatments which are described in this article, is the background for the emergence of perforation. At the same time, increasingly appeared acute stage pathology. Furthermore, there is the description where the disease occurs amid central nervous system damage or extensive burns human skin.

Pathology is characterized for the following periods:

  1. Period pain shockWhich last for up to 6 hours after the onset of disease. It begins with a pronounced kinzhaloobraznoy pain in the upper abdomen, gradually spread over the whole abdomen. At this stage the patient has shortness of breath, tachycardia, there is tension of the abdominal wall and can ascend temperature. The last symptom is on the one hand makes it difficult to study the patient, but on the other hand pushes the doctor to the correct diagnosis. Such symptoms are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are not specific. But they may be caused by irritation of certain nerve endings.
  2. "Imaginary prosperity" period. When the intestinal contents into the free cavity, it immediately begins to be absorbed by the peritoneum. Accordingly, it causes general intoxication. Pain syndrome in this period can be reduced. On the one hand due to the burn of the peritoneum, and on the other - this situation is caused by inflammation, which develops on the surface of the abdomen. Together with a decrease in subjective symptoms, when the patient receives clear improvement, it vital indicators deteriorate, increases heart rate and breathing, may decrease blood pressure. The temperature during "imaginary well-being" is always raised.
  3. Period terminal peritonitis. It comes after 6-12 hours after the start of the previous stage. Note that the terms may vary. This is due to the reactivity of each individual organism. In the third period, vital resources are no longer cope with intoxication. After several hours, in some cases, even days, important indicators of life fade away, and in the absence of the treatment period ends with the death of a person.

diagnosis of ulcers

duodenal ulcer diagnosed by standard fibrogastroscopy. During her patient through the mouth, esophagus, stomach and duodenum is inserted a flexible endoscope, which is viewed through the mucosa of these organs. In the presence of certain symptoms shell section is taken for histological examination.

After this study, a specialist can prescribe the necessary treatment. Another important method of diagnosis is a test for the presence heliktobakternoy infection. It can be of different types. These include breath test in which the patient is asked to breathe into a special device through the tube. In this method diagnosis reveals an enzyme which produces a bacterium.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

Among the popular test is a blood test. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is also performed, but more often is in addition to view the wall and eliminate the cancer. The patient may carry out a contrast X-ray examination of the duodenum. This diagnostic method is aimed at identifying complications of peptic ulcer disease.

Methods of treatment of ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer

The methods of treatment are divided into conservative and operative. In the first case assigned antibiotic.


Patients with this disease suggest taking 3 groups of antibacterial medicines, the use of which is supplemented preparations of proton pump inhibitors, gastric lowering acidity. The course of treatment of patients ranged from one to two weeks.

Thereafter, the patient holds the control fibrogastroscopy, and repeat the test for identifying bacteria. If the treatment is ineffective, the course continues, but with the use of other classes of antibiotics. Surgical intervention is carried out in case of complications.

Traditional methods. Recipes effective means

Use these methods to be in conjunction with medication. Indeed, in this case, all the recipes are not aimed at getting rid of the disease, and relief of symptoms.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

Among the effective methods include:

  • The use of hot water fasting. Enough to drink a glass every day. Every month you need to make a break. The course of treatment lasts six months.
  • Drink Daily dissolved in water with the clay. Duration of therapeutic drink continues for two months. After the first 30 days it is necessary to rest the body for 2 weeks.
  • Regular use of honey. This product has enveloping and other useful properties. However, its dosage should not exceed 100 g per day.

Diet during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease

Duodenal ulcer, symptoms and treatment which should be specified by a specialist, suggests the appointment of the first table on Pevzner. It eliminates any products that provoke acidity. All meals should be the optimal temperature.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

Moreover, this rule applies not only hot, but also cold food. The recipes are based on the use of steam, cooking and, in some cases, baking. The presence of spices in the dishes is reduced to a minimum, including salt.

Sample menu for a week at a ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer

breakfast snack dinner snack dinner
  • boiled soft-boiled egg;
  • buckwheat;
  • sweet tea
baked apple
  • mashed potatoes with meatballs cooked with steam;
  • compote
crackers with sweet tea
  • boiled chicken breast with roasted eggplant;
  • milk
  • porridge (milk);
  • compote
milk and crackers
  • Boiled beef with boiled buckwheat;
  • sweet tea
cottage cheese
  • baked fish;
  • sweet tea
  • sweet semolina;
  • compote
milk and cookies
  • hake, steamed vegetables;
  • sweet tea
  • poached egg;
  • vegetable salad;
  • milk
  • milk soup with buckwheat;
  • sweet tea
compote with biscuit
  • Boiled beef with pea puree;
  • milk
baked apple
  • baked fish with mashed potatoes;
  • sweet tea
  • porridge (milk);
  • compote
milk and crackers
  • baked fish with vegetables;
  • sweet tea
cottage cheese
  • baked chicken with potatoes;
  • milk
  • 2 poached eggs;
  • milk and cookies
baked apple
  • pea puree with boiled chicken;
  • compote
  • roast beef;
  • vegetable salad;
  • milk
  • semolina (sweet);
  • compote
milk and crackers
  • fish, steamed and mashed potatoes;
  • sweet tea
compote with biscuit
  • buckwheat porridge with chicken and vegetables;
  • milk


Duodenal ulcer, symptoms and treatment which has long been studied, is an indication for visiting special wellness resorts.

Among the common procedures used in these facilities:

  • Admission mud baths. Often this method is replaced by using special applications that contain a therapeutic composition.
  • Inductothermy. By special drugs. Often increases the level of anxiety in patients.
  • The use of ultrasound. This method, many experts doubt. It is comfortable for the patient. During the procedure, it is recommended to change the body position.


Using this method of treatment is aimed not only at the physical improvement, but also the removal of mental and emotional overload. An important part of physical education is a daily charge after a night's sleep. It should be light and brief.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

In the daytime, it is recommended to use a variety of exercises related to the coordination and breathing. All training should bring only positive emotions. Therefore, in the resort often hold outdoor games, during which patients can not only improve their health, but also to get positive emotions.

The need for surgery. Indications to Step

The main indication for surgery is the presence of ulcer complications. These include stenosis or perforation. Both diseases are a threat not only to health but also for the patient's life, why are executed urgently. The planned intervention can be carried out in the case where the conservative therapy did not lead to the necessary results.

Preparation for surgery

Preparation for the surgery involves the diagnosis. It uses plain radiography of the abdominal organs. When the perforation together with the contents out the gas which is inside the digestive tract. According to the law of gravity, it rises in the upper abdomen, and presses the diaphragm to the lungs.

If at this point to make the patient X-rays, it is possible to detect the presence of free gas under the dome, which is an absolute signs of perforation of a hollow organ. If after observation radiography questions remain regarding the diagnosis, and the presence of free air is not detected, then such patients fibrogastroendoskopiya performed.

During this study, you can see the cause of the pain. However, if at the time of the diagnostic event is not possible to ascertain ulcer perforation, the stomach and duodenum is injected a certain amount of air and repeated radiography.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

If the gas is seen, it does not indicate a diagnosis of perforated ulcer, but is an absolute indication for surgery in time which can be carried out differential diagnosis of perforated ulcer or traumatic hollow authorities.

List of laboratory methods of research carried out to the patient only in order to prepare him for surgery. They do not carry any specific values. Preparation for surgery in conjunction with diagnostic and laboratory tests is generally amounts to several hours.

Stages of intervention

Surgical treatment may be performed by laparoscopic means, which is not common and open classical method. During any of these procedures, the audit of the abdominal cavity, for example, detecting perforation holes.

Furthermore, readjustment is carried abdominal cavity, during which the contents removed, the abdomen is washed with an antiseptic solution and obsushivayut.

Duodenal ulcer. Symptoms and treatment of the causes. Folk remedies, diet, drugs

The cause of the pathology to be removed. Tactics depends on the problem itself. Perforation of acute duodenal ulcer simply sutured. This is due to the fact that it has a fresh edge. If you are diagnosed with chronic ulcer perforation, its edges are excised and sutured after opening.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Postoperative treatment depends on the patient's age, severity of the condition and volume of interference. On average, from 7 days to 12 patients are in a hospital. Duodenal ulcer disease is dangerous, because if left untreated can lead to death of the patient. Therefore, detection of symptoms which indicate the presence of disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Author: Catherine Gunkin

Video of duodenal ulcer, its symptoms and treatments

The symptoms of peptic ulcer disease:

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease:

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